International Journal of Academic Value Studies (JAVS) Internationally Indexed Journal
Journal of Academic Values Studies (JAVS) is an international journal based on social sciences. Within this concept, it publishes original scientific articles, books, symposium, panel and scientific study outputs. Furthermore, symposium reports can be published, if not published anywhere.
You may find the details about the journal by clicking on web adress.
Disciplines : Business Administration , Economy, Econometrics, Finance, Labour Economics, Political Science & Public Administration, International Relations.
Frequency of Publication January, April, July, October
Language: English & Turkish
Review Process: Double Blinded
Plagiarism Tolerance: Zero Level
Evaluation Period :21 days
(Journal of Academic Values Studies (JAVS) dergisi, ulaslarası ve hakemli e-dergi olarak yayınlanan sosyal bilimler dergisidir. Journal of Academic Values Studies (JAVS) dergisi, ulaslarası ve hakemli e-dergi olarak, Yılda 4 kez yayınlananmaktadır. Bu çerçevede özgün bilimsel makaleler, kitap, sempozyum, panel ve bilimsel etkinlik tanıtma çalışmaları yayınlar. Ayrıca, sunulduğu yer, toplantı ve tarihin kaydedilmesi ile başka bir yerde yayınlanmamış olması şartıyla sempozyum bildirileri de yayınlanabilir.
Dergimize ilişkin detaylı bilgileri web sayfamızdan inceleyebilirsiniz.
Alan:İşletme, İktisat, Ekonometri, Maliye, Çalışma Ekonomisi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi, Uluslararası İlişkiler
Yayın Sıklığı: Ocak, Nisan, Temmuz, Ekim
Yazım Dili:İngilizce & Türkçe
Değerlenedirme Süreci:Çift Kör Hakemlik
İntihal Toleransı:Sıfır Tolerans
Değerlendirme Süresi:21 Gün
Address: / [email protected]
You may find the details about the journal by clicking on web adress.
Disciplines : Business Administration , Economy, Econometrics, Finance, Labour Economics, Political Science & Public Administration, International Relations.
Frequency of Publication January, April, July, October
Language: English & Turkish
Review Process: Double Blinded
Plagiarism Tolerance: Zero Level
Evaluation Period :21 days
(Journal of Academic Values Studies (JAVS) dergisi, ulaslarası ve hakemli e-dergi olarak yayınlanan sosyal bilimler dergisidir. Journal of Academic Values Studies (JAVS) dergisi, ulaslarası ve hakemli e-dergi olarak, Yılda 4 kez yayınlananmaktadır. Bu çerçevede özgün bilimsel makaleler, kitap, sempozyum, panel ve bilimsel etkinlik tanıtma çalışmaları yayınlar. Ayrıca, sunulduğu yer, toplantı ve tarihin kaydedilmesi ile başka bir yerde yayınlanmamış olması şartıyla sempozyum bildirileri de yayınlanabilir.
Dergimize ilişkin detaylı bilgileri web sayfamızdan inceleyebilirsiniz.
Alan:İşletme, İktisat, Ekonometri, Maliye, Çalışma Ekonomisi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi, Uluslararası İlişkiler
Yayın Sıklığı: Ocak, Nisan, Temmuz, Ekim
Yazım Dili:İngilizce & Türkçe
Değerlenedirme Süreci:Çift Kör Hakemlik
İntihal Toleransı:Sıfır Tolerans
Değerlendirme Süresi:21 Gün
Address: / [email protected]
Papers by International Journal of Academic Value Studies (JAVS) Internationally Indexed Journal
In the globalizing world economy, business processes are becoming more and more complex day by day (Wu & Wang, 2006: 882). In order to prevent such complexity, firms make technology adoption (Burca, Fynes & Marshall, 2005: 427). Furthermore, in order to obtain the benefits of these adoptions, it is crucial to perform some critical success factors both in structural and organizational contexts. Starting from here, this project aims to determine the factors affecting innovation adoption by using the perceptions of end-users of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in Turkish textile sector context. With this respect, the first phase of the project covers a detailed literature review. The second phase of the project deals with application of a derived survey to a randomly defined sample. The third and the last phase of the project includes analysis of the data acquired by using proper analysis methodology. It is estimated that the results of the project will provide beneficial information for both academics and practitioners.
Begin to lean starts with lean thinking. Lean think is analyzing effectiveness and efficiency of the processess removed from waste, reduce costs, and offer excellent valuefor the customer. Lean thinking has focused to eliminate all waste in the manufacturing system. Lean production system provides compatible communication among employees, suppliers and management for high quality, low cost, and customer satisfaction. The study has been conducted primarily to principle of lean thinking.After explained lean thinking principles, it is negotiated with directors of corporation for practice part of study at an ice cream manufacturing enterprise. Current production process was analyzed. Then it is determined as problems excessive at stocks and over surplus at the period of conversion mold. It is practiced the value stream mapping technic which is one of lean production technics for eliminate these problems. After practiced this technic, excessive at stocks and the period of conversion mold was minimized. Thus, it has been economized from costs and time. With study new the period of conversion mold has been shown at future state of value stream mapping.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tüketicilerin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’da (md.54) yer alan, fiyat etiketi uygulamasının Zonguldak ve Bartın illerinde, işletmeler tarafından uygulanıp uygulanmadığını tespit edilmeye yöneliktir.
Uygulama, 2014 yılında her iki şehirde, iki ana cadde üzerindeki perakende satış yapan işyeri üzerinde, katılımsız gözlem yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın evrenini her iki şehirde de belirlenen ana cadde güzergâhındaki tüm perakende satış yapan işyerleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu tanıma uyan işletme sayısı Bartın ilinde 180, Zonguldak ilinde ise 209 adettir. Toplam gözleme dâhil edilen işletme sayısı 389 adettir. Yapılan katılımsız gözlem çalışması sonucunda işletmelerin büyük bir kısmının satışa sundukları ürünler üzerine fiyat etiketi koymadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Bartın ilindeki işletmelerin (%29,7) Zonguldak ilindeki işletmelere (%7,2) oranla daha fazla etiket uygulamasına riayet ettikleri görülmüştür.
The work on the protection of consumers in our country it is possible to lead to much earlier date. But concrete work in the area has been shaped by history and the 4077 Law on Consumer Protection 23.2.1995. After this date, significant changes have been made over the years in the 4077 law. Finally, date 11.28.2013 and numbered 6502 was adopted a new law on consumer rights.
Along with the fierce competition enviroment, achieving the productivity and efficiency which is very important in todayys business world depends on employees identification with the workplace. Recently, however, psychological harassment in the workplace that is closely related to all segments of the business world and called as mobbing is encountered as posing danger and threating organizational climate in terms of both individual and institutional dimensions. Mobbing is an intimidation policy emerging among equals or superior-subordinate relationship, focusing on a spesific person conciously and unetically, and causing usualy to burnout and leave job. The intimadion policy undermines the confidence of individual againist the organization by damaging the relationship between the individual and organization and leads to alienation by isolating itself from all activities. In this study, mobbing and organizational alienation concepts which everyone could face at any stage of business life have been handled as two different variables and it has been aimed to be investigated of the relationship between these variables in banking sector.)n the research conducted on employees
Turkish National Police, which is one of the largest and most comprehensive public institutions of Turkey, is carrying out a number of studies for the purpose of a more effective use of human resources. the basis of these studies are to increase motivation of staff, the quality and efficiency of the service. As with all other public servants, police officers need to reward to motivate and increase their commitment and job satisfaction. This study focuses on the reward system applied to the Turkish National Police and is described this system by explaining the relevant legislation. Some suggestions have been made about the reward system.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the levels of service quality perceptions, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and interrelationships between these variables differ between participation banks and conventional banks. For this purpose, the data was collected through a survey. As a result of the analysis, customer satisfaction level of the participation banks are higher but there is no differences in customer loyalty with conventional banks. There is a high positive correlation between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
According to our findings, the service quality perception’s has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and this effect is same in both type of banks and the conventional banks customers’ both satisfaction and loyalty level primarily affecting by the factor of tangibility. This situation differs in participation banks. While the primary factor affecting the satisfaction level of participation banks customer is reliability, for the customer loyalty is empathy. Another important finding is that there is no significant effect of the participation banks customers’ have another accounts except for participation banks on customer loyalty levels.
1. Büyüme korsanlığı, tıpkı internet gibi sınırsız içeriğe sahiptir. İlgili konuların tasnif edilmesine ve düzenli bilgiye ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Konu hakkında bilimsel kaynak azdır. Kavram bilimsel literature kazandırılmalıdır. 2. Etik dışı eylemleri önleyici mekanizmalar barındırmayabilir veya etik dışılığı özendirebilir. Siber güvenlik konusunda uzmanlaşmış ve bilgi ekonomisi hukukunu eksiksiz olarak işleten ülkeler bünyesinde yasal uygulama bulmalıdır. 3. Büyüme korsanlığı konusunda yapılan çalışmalar, sadece pazarlama ve mühendislik bakış açısıyla kalmamalı ve multidisipliner bir anlayış kazanmalıdır.
The concepts like digital marketing, inbound marketing, online marketing that point out marketing activities via knowledge technologies are stated with “Growth Hacking”. Growth hacking is a concept that used for growing online enterprises fast via digital marketing and software tools. This growing can be thousands or million times. There is no limit. Many enterprises like Twitter, Airbnb, Zynga, Zillow grew millions times with small amount of capital. There are a few scientific studies about topic. Purpose of the article is to explain the concept of growth hacking, compile topic and introduce growth hacking to literature. This concept bids SME’s placing in the greats. Therefore, the study has a metaphor of Turkish Independence War. In this article, there are no knowledge or engineering science. Due to lack of scientific source about topic, internet sources are used. Study is conducted as a literature review. Three basic findings are found in this article.
1. Like internet, growth hacking have limitless sources. But, no scientific resource found in literature review. Growth hacking could be unethical in countries that have weak laws and capabilities of cyber security. Multinational rules/law should be promulgated and conducted. 3. Conducting studies about growth hacking in engineering or business/marketing field is not enough. There should be more multidisciplinary studies.
This study has two purposes: The first one is to analyze the effects of job satisfaction and affective commitment on individual job performance and the second is to analyze the effects of job satisfaction and affective commitment on intention to leave. The data, collected from 107 health care workers in various hospitals of Sakarya province, were used to analyze the relations between the variables. After the verificative factor analysis, the data were analyzed by correlation analysis and regression models. The correlation analysis showed that while job satisfaction and affective commitment are related with individual job performance, a relation with intention to leave could not be found. The multiple regression analysis also showed that job satisfaction and affective commitment have meaningful effects on individual job performance but any meaningful finding could not be found related with intention to leave.
Abstract This study has been carried out in order to determine if there is any difference between the mean levels of satisfaction of patients, who were hospitalized and treated in a public and a private hospital in Ankara city, satisfaction from nursery services. In this study, a total of 400 patients, who accepted to answer the questionnaire face-to-face, were involved. The distribution of patients was determined as 200 patients from each of hospitals. The survey study was conducted between 15 th and 31 st of March 2015. In measuring the satisfaction, the Nursery Service Satisfaction Scalee NSSS developed by Thomas et al. was utilized.)n analysis of the data, the test of significance of difference between 2 mean values (independent t-test) was used. Moreover, in order to determine the definitive characteristics of participants, the definitive statistics such as frequency, standard deviation and mean values were utilized.
The use of internet becomes common and it becomes to existence in the area of public service too. In this period new concepts like e-state, e-citizien, e-turkey, e-municipality come to light.
Bilgi teknolojilerinin 1970’lerin ortasından itibaren kullanılmaya başlanması ve 1980’li yılların başında mikro bilgisayarın ve kişisel bilgisayarların yaygın bir kullanım alanı bulması ile birlikte bilgisayarlar hayatın bir parçası olmaya başladı. Bilgisayar destekli eğitim, bilgisayar destekli üretim, bilgisayarlı dizgi, bilgisayarlı tasarım, sağlık kuruluşlarındaki bilgisayarla çalışan aletler gibi hayatımızda kullandığımız hemen hemen her şeyde bilgisayar kavramına sıkça rastlanmaktadır.
İnternet kullanımının tüm dünyada yaygınlaşmasıyla, kamu hizmetleri de artık hızla internete taşınmaya başlamıştır. Bu süreçte e-devlet, bimer, e-vatandaş, e-Türkiye, e-belediye gibi yeni kavramlar ortaya çıkmıştır.
Devlet dışında örgütlenen, gönüllülüğü esas alan, kâr amacı gütmeyen ve bürokrasiden uzak sivil organizasyonlara sivil toplum kuruluşu denmektedir. Özellikle kâr amacının olmaması ve bürokrasiden uzak bir yapıda olması, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının daha özerk ve rahat çalışmalar yapabilmesine imkân tanımaktadır.
Bölgesel kalkınmada sadece merkezi hükümetin çalışmaları yeterli olmamakta, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının çalışmalarına ve gönüllü faaliyetlerine de ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. İşte bu nedenledir ki, sivil toplum kuruluşları, bulundukları bölgenin ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan kalkınması için önemli çalışmalar organize edebilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde bazı bölgesel kalkınma projeleri ve bölgesel kalkınmada sivil toplum kuruluşlarının önemi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.
In some parts of the country, economic, social and cultural aspects according to other parts of the more advanced due to the fact that the rate of this least developed between regions on implemented policies in order to eliminate regional development policies. States, in order to propagate to all of the country's development, particularly in the economic field, have developed a set of development policies. Particularly after World War II, the influence of regional development of importance to industrialization and close to all of the territory of the country in order to eliminate the inequalities in regional development wanted to implement their policies. Indeed, in our country also prepared development plans after the 1950s and the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) and a set of regional development projects such as Çukurova project.
Volunteering organisations, other than the State-based, not-for-profit and non-governmental civil organizations away from bureaucracy. Especially not the purpose of profit and the fact away from the bureaucracy, non-governmental organizations provide more autonomous and casual work opportunities.
The work carried out by the Central Government on regional development is not only sufficient, non-governmental organizations and volunteer activities, there is a need to. For this reason, non-governmental organizations, their economic, social and cultural aspects of the region for the development of important studies can be organised at the hotel.
In this study, in our country, some regional development projects and regional development and the importance of non-governmental organisations tried to be examined.
Dünyada ve ülkemizde görülen hızlı nüfus artışı karşısında, insanların gereksinimlerini karşılamak ve bu arada da refah seviyelerini yükseltmek amacıyla sürekli olarak üretimi artırıcı çalışmalar yapılması gerekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, üretimi arttırmak amacıyla yapılan yatırımların maliyetinin yüksek olması ve doğal kaynakların kıtlığı nedeniyle de, var olan üretim tesislerinin işleyişinde verimliliği artırıcı çalışmalar gündeme gelmektedir. Günümüzde kıt olan kaynakları daha etkin ve verimli kullanmak, sürdürülebilir kalkınma ile halkın refah seviyesinin yükseltilmesinin anahtarı durumundadır. Verimliliği ulusal düzeyde artırabilmek için, işletmeler düzeyinde verimlilik artışını sürekli kılmak gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada da Giresun İli Eynesil İlçesi’nde faaliyet gösteren AKFA Çay Fabrikası’nda yapılan alan araştırması ile verimlilik kavramı ve işletmelerde verimliliğin önemi araştırılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada amaçlanan, ulus kavramının unsurlarını, süreçlerini ve oluşturulma modellerini açığa çıkarmayı bu yolla milliyetçiliğin doğasını, dünyanın giderek daha fazla birleştiği ve etnik gruplarla uluslar arasında engellerin azaldığı ulus-devletle ilgili küreselleşme çağındaki gelişmeleri analiz ederek küreselleşme şartlarında da önemini koruyacağı anlaşılan milliyetçi ideolojinin ve ulus-devletin temel prensiplerini ortaya koyabilmektir.
İl, belediye ve köy halkının mahalli müşterek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere kurulan kamu tüzel kişilerine yerel yönetim denilmektedir. Avrupa Konseyi tarafından 15 Ekim 1985 tarihinde imzaya açılan ve 1988 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren Avrupa Konseyi Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı, Konsey üyesi 47 ülkeden Türkiye’de dâhil olmak üzere 42 ülkenin imzaladığı önemli bir hukuki metindir. 31 ülke metnin maddelerinin bazılarına çekince koymuştur. Türkiye’de bu ülkelerden bir tanesidir. 1985 yılında üye ülkelerin imzasına açılan Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı 11 Eylül 1988 tarihinde yürürlüğe girerken, ülkemiz 21 Kasım 1988 tarihinde Bakanlar Kurulu kararıyla “Şartnameyi” imzalamıştır. Bu çalışmamızda birinci bölümde kavramsal çerçeveye yer verilerek; yerel yönetim, yerel özerklik ve Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı açıklanacak, ikinci bölümde ise Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartnamesinin İçeriğine bakılacak, Üçüncü bölümde ise Türkiye’nin Şartnameye bakışı ve çekince koyduğu maddeler üzerinde durulacaktır. Çalışma, genel bir değerlendirme ile tamamlanacaktır.
Bu çalışmada yerli ve yabancı literatür taranarak bulut teknolojisinin KOBİ’lere sağladığı avantaj ve dezavantajlar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler sistematik bir şekilde düzenlenmiş ve konuya ilgi duyanların istifadesine sunulmuştur.
Yapılan çalışma sonucunda bulut bilişimin, günümüz rekabetçi ortamında KOBİ’lere düşük maliyet, kolay yönetim ve verimlilik sağladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. KOBİ’ler, sunucu satın almak, kurmak ve bakımıyla uğraşmak zorunda kalmadan, hizmeti sadece kullandıkları kadar ödeyerek, bilişim hizmetinden yararlanabilmektedir. Bulut bilişim, kullanıma göre ücretlendirilmesinin yanı sıra, kurumlara bilgi teknolojileri yatırımlarında esneklik, çok kullanıcılı ortamlarda da paylaşım imkânı kazandırmaktadır. Bulut bilişim sayesinde her büyüklükteki kurum, düşük maliyetli felaket kurtarma ve iş sürekliliği çözümlerine sahip olabilmektedir.
In the process of transition to information society, industrial society in the emerging giant organisations opposed to the domination of one of the major change, small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is on the rise. Developed in Western societies, the restructuring of the industry, SMEs play an important role. Innovative technologies, SMEs competitive advantage by achieving significant increase their productivity and profitability. Sustainability of institutions that take advantage of information technology to provide and it is not possible to pass in front of its competitors.
In this study, domestic and foreign literature by scanning the advantage and disadvantages SMEs cloud technology are tried to be determined. The resulting information is arranged in a systematic manner and who are interested in taking advantage of the issue.
As a result of the work done in today's competitive environment, cloud computing provides to SMEs low cost, easy manageability and efficiency has been reached to the conclusion. SMEs, the server set up and maintenance of the purchase, without having to deal with, just pay as they use the service, it can benefit from the service. Cloud computing, in addition to charging for institutions to make information technology investments in flexibility, the chance to share in multiuser environments. Corporations of all sizes, thanks to cloud computing, low-cost disaster recovery and business continuity solutions.
As one of the most important problematic area, environment and environmental issues that effect on our country in the short and long term period are substantial agenda subject. Either centralized government or local extensions of government and local administrations have to encounter serial difficulties waiting for its remedy. Particularly 1982 Constitution, right to the environment and any other legal arrangements draw a border line about approaches to environment issues for decision makers of the public administration. Over through these legal regulations, multiple-agency governance possibilities provide opportunity with local extensions of government and particularly local administration when they take decision on environmental issues. Local Environmental Councils has a good chance for Province Administrations both in terms of its structure and functioning. On this study, legal status of Local Environmental Councils, its structures and functioning’s are mentioned, consequently beside making critique on decisions of these councils. The application area of this study based on analysis and its local effects, of Hatay Province Environmental Council decisions taking in between the years of 2010-2016. Restructuring and tackling these councils play a major role for all concerned subjects in process of decision making about solving not only environmental issues, but also enhancing local environmental policies. In terms of formation of local environmental policies and offering solution to issues locally, Local Environmental Councils are gradually risen together with its place and importance.
Yeni yasal düzenlemelerle yerel yönetimlere sosyal politika alanında yerelde, geniş bir hareket alanı tanındığı görülmektedir. Buradaki temel soru, yerel yönetimlere, özellikle belediyelere, büyükşehir belediyelerine tanınan yeni görev ve sorumlulukların, sosyal belediyecilik sınırları içinde, ne derece etkili olup olamayacağıdır. Sosyal politikanın da piyasalaşması, önümüzdeki en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Çalışma Türkiye’de yerel yönetimlerin sosyal politika alanında öne çıkan görev ve sorumlulukları çözümlemektedir.
For our country, Local Governments as a subsidiary of central administration make a production of services supplying local community with common needs. Local Governments are the most closest agent of public administration, which perform the duties of social policies and social services. With the help of these fields of activity, Local Governments come to the frontline in the application of social policies at local level, as like as norms and approaches of social municipality.
The new legislative regulations give a chance to Local Governments to swing social policies. The main question about that is to determine whether the new duties and responsibilies granted to the local governments, especially municipalities and metropolitan municipalities could be effective or not in the borderlines of social municipality understanding. Another principal problem rising against us, is social policies being a matter of market economy. This study analyses prominent duties and responsibilities of local governments about social policies.
In the globalizing world economy, business processes are becoming more and more complex day by day (Wu & Wang, 2006: 882). In order to prevent such complexity, firms make technology adoption (Burca, Fynes & Marshall, 2005: 427). Furthermore, in order to obtain the benefits of these adoptions, it is crucial to perform some critical success factors both in structural and organizational contexts. Starting from here, this project aims to determine the factors affecting innovation adoption by using the perceptions of end-users of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in Turkish textile sector context. With this respect, the first phase of the project covers a detailed literature review. The second phase of the project deals with application of a derived survey to a randomly defined sample. The third and the last phase of the project includes analysis of the data acquired by using proper analysis methodology. It is estimated that the results of the project will provide beneficial information for both academics and practitioners.
Begin to lean starts with lean thinking. Lean think is analyzing effectiveness and efficiency of the processess removed from waste, reduce costs, and offer excellent valuefor the customer. Lean thinking has focused to eliminate all waste in the manufacturing system. Lean production system provides compatible communication among employees, suppliers and management for high quality, low cost, and customer satisfaction. The study has been conducted primarily to principle of lean thinking.After explained lean thinking principles, it is negotiated with directors of corporation for practice part of study at an ice cream manufacturing enterprise. Current production process was analyzed. Then it is determined as problems excessive at stocks and over surplus at the period of conversion mold. It is practiced the value stream mapping technic which is one of lean production technics for eliminate these problems. After practiced this technic, excessive at stocks and the period of conversion mold was minimized. Thus, it has been economized from costs and time. With study new the period of conversion mold has been shown at future state of value stream mapping.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tüketicilerin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’da (md.54) yer alan, fiyat etiketi uygulamasının Zonguldak ve Bartın illerinde, işletmeler tarafından uygulanıp uygulanmadığını tespit edilmeye yöneliktir.
Uygulama, 2014 yılında her iki şehirde, iki ana cadde üzerindeki perakende satış yapan işyeri üzerinde, katılımsız gözlem yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın evrenini her iki şehirde de belirlenen ana cadde güzergâhındaki tüm perakende satış yapan işyerleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu tanıma uyan işletme sayısı Bartın ilinde 180, Zonguldak ilinde ise 209 adettir. Toplam gözleme dâhil edilen işletme sayısı 389 adettir. Yapılan katılımsız gözlem çalışması sonucunda işletmelerin büyük bir kısmının satışa sundukları ürünler üzerine fiyat etiketi koymadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Bartın ilindeki işletmelerin (%29,7) Zonguldak ilindeki işletmelere (%7,2) oranla daha fazla etiket uygulamasına riayet ettikleri görülmüştür.
The work on the protection of consumers in our country it is possible to lead to much earlier date. But concrete work in the area has been shaped by history and the 4077 Law on Consumer Protection 23.2.1995. After this date, significant changes have been made over the years in the 4077 law. Finally, date 11.28.2013 and numbered 6502 was adopted a new law on consumer rights.
Along with the fierce competition enviroment, achieving the productivity and efficiency which is very important in todayys business world depends on employees identification with the workplace. Recently, however, psychological harassment in the workplace that is closely related to all segments of the business world and called as mobbing is encountered as posing danger and threating organizational climate in terms of both individual and institutional dimensions. Mobbing is an intimidation policy emerging among equals or superior-subordinate relationship, focusing on a spesific person conciously and unetically, and causing usualy to burnout and leave job. The intimadion policy undermines the confidence of individual againist the organization by damaging the relationship between the individual and organization and leads to alienation by isolating itself from all activities. In this study, mobbing and organizational alienation concepts which everyone could face at any stage of business life have been handled as two different variables and it has been aimed to be investigated of the relationship between these variables in banking sector.)n the research conducted on employees
Turkish National Police, which is one of the largest and most comprehensive public institutions of Turkey, is carrying out a number of studies for the purpose of a more effective use of human resources. the basis of these studies are to increase motivation of staff, the quality and efficiency of the service. As with all other public servants, police officers need to reward to motivate and increase their commitment and job satisfaction. This study focuses on the reward system applied to the Turkish National Police and is described this system by explaining the relevant legislation. Some suggestions have been made about the reward system.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the levels of service quality perceptions, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and interrelationships between these variables differ between participation banks and conventional banks. For this purpose, the data was collected through a survey. As a result of the analysis, customer satisfaction level of the participation banks are higher but there is no differences in customer loyalty with conventional banks. There is a high positive correlation between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
According to our findings, the service quality perception’s has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and this effect is same in both type of banks and the conventional banks customers’ both satisfaction and loyalty level primarily affecting by the factor of tangibility. This situation differs in participation banks. While the primary factor affecting the satisfaction level of participation banks customer is reliability, for the customer loyalty is empathy. Another important finding is that there is no significant effect of the participation banks customers’ have another accounts except for participation banks on customer loyalty levels.
1. Büyüme korsanlığı, tıpkı internet gibi sınırsız içeriğe sahiptir. İlgili konuların tasnif edilmesine ve düzenli bilgiye ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Konu hakkında bilimsel kaynak azdır. Kavram bilimsel literature kazandırılmalıdır. 2. Etik dışı eylemleri önleyici mekanizmalar barındırmayabilir veya etik dışılığı özendirebilir. Siber güvenlik konusunda uzmanlaşmış ve bilgi ekonomisi hukukunu eksiksiz olarak işleten ülkeler bünyesinde yasal uygulama bulmalıdır. 3. Büyüme korsanlığı konusunda yapılan çalışmalar, sadece pazarlama ve mühendislik bakış açısıyla kalmamalı ve multidisipliner bir anlayış kazanmalıdır.
The concepts like digital marketing, inbound marketing, online marketing that point out marketing activities via knowledge technologies are stated with “Growth Hacking”. Growth hacking is a concept that used for growing online enterprises fast via digital marketing and software tools. This growing can be thousands or million times. There is no limit. Many enterprises like Twitter, Airbnb, Zynga, Zillow grew millions times with small amount of capital. There are a few scientific studies about topic. Purpose of the article is to explain the concept of growth hacking, compile topic and introduce growth hacking to literature. This concept bids SME’s placing in the greats. Therefore, the study has a metaphor of Turkish Independence War. In this article, there are no knowledge or engineering science. Due to lack of scientific source about topic, internet sources are used. Study is conducted as a literature review. Three basic findings are found in this article.
1. Like internet, growth hacking have limitless sources. But, no scientific resource found in literature review. Growth hacking could be unethical in countries that have weak laws and capabilities of cyber security. Multinational rules/law should be promulgated and conducted. 3. Conducting studies about growth hacking in engineering or business/marketing field is not enough. There should be more multidisciplinary studies.
This study has two purposes: The first one is to analyze the effects of job satisfaction and affective commitment on individual job performance and the second is to analyze the effects of job satisfaction and affective commitment on intention to leave. The data, collected from 107 health care workers in various hospitals of Sakarya province, were used to analyze the relations between the variables. After the verificative factor analysis, the data were analyzed by correlation analysis and regression models. The correlation analysis showed that while job satisfaction and affective commitment are related with individual job performance, a relation with intention to leave could not be found. The multiple regression analysis also showed that job satisfaction and affective commitment have meaningful effects on individual job performance but any meaningful finding could not be found related with intention to leave.
Abstract This study has been carried out in order to determine if there is any difference between the mean levels of satisfaction of patients, who were hospitalized and treated in a public and a private hospital in Ankara city, satisfaction from nursery services. In this study, a total of 400 patients, who accepted to answer the questionnaire face-to-face, were involved. The distribution of patients was determined as 200 patients from each of hospitals. The survey study was conducted between 15 th and 31 st of March 2015. In measuring the satisfaction, the Nursery Service Satisfaction Scalee NSSS developed by Thomas et al. was utilized.)n analysis of the data, the test of significance of difference between 2 mean values (independent t-test) was used. Moreover, in order to determine the definitive characteristics of participants, the definitive statistics such as frequency, standard deviation and mean values were utilized.
The use of internet becomes common and it becomes to existence in the area of public service too. In this period new concepts like e-state, e-citizien, e-turkey, e-municipality come to light.
Bilgi teknolojilerinin 1970’lerin ortasından itibaren kullanılmaya başlanması ve 1980’li yılların başında mikro bilgisayarın ve kişisel bilgisayarların yaygın bir kullanım alanı bulması ile birlikte bilgisayarlar hayatın bir parçası olmaya başladı. Bilgisayar destekli eğitim, bilgisayar destekli üretim, bilgisayarlı dizgi, bilgisayarlı tasarım, sağlık kuruluşlarındaki bilgisayarla çalışan aletler gibi hayatımızda kullandığımız hemen hemen her şeyde bilgisayar kavramına sıkça rastlanmaktadır.
İnternet kullanımının tüm dünyada yaygınlaşmasıyla, kamu hizmetleri de artık hızla internete taşınmaya başlamıştır. Bu süreçte e-devlet, bimer, e-vatandaş, e-Türkiye, e-belediye gibi yeni kavramlar ortaya çıkmıştır.
Devlet dışında örgütlenen, gönüllülüğü esas alan, kâr amacı gütmeyen ve bürokrasiden uzak sivil organizasyonlara sivil toplum kuruluşu denmektedir. Özellikle kâr amacının olmaması ve bürokrasiden uzak bir yapıda olması, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının daha özerk ve rahat çalışmalar yapabilmesine imkân tanımaktadır.
Bölgesel kalkınmada sadece merkezi hükümetin çalışmaları yeterli olmamakta, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının çalışmalarına ve gönüllü faaliyetlerine de ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. İşte bu nedenledir ki, sivil toplum kuruluşları, bulundukları bölgenin ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan kalkınması için önemli çalışmalar organize edebilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde bazı bölgesel kalkınma projeleri ve bölgesel kalkınmada sivil toplum kuruluşlarının önemi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.
In some parts of the country, economic, social and cultural aspects according to other parts of the more advanced due to the fact that the rate of this least developed between regions on implemented policies in order to eliminate regional development policies. States, in order to propagate to all of the country's development, particularly in the economic field, have developed a set of development policies. Particularly after World War II, the influence of regional development of importance to industrialization and close to all of the territory of the country in order to eliminate the inequalities in regional development wanted to implement their policies. Indeed, in our country also prepared development plans after the 1950s and the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) and a set of regional development projects such as Çukurova project.
Volunteering organisations, other than the State-based, not-for-profit and non-governmental civil organizations away from bureaucracy. Especially not the purpose of profit and the fact away from the bureaucracy, non-governmental organizations provide more autonomous and casual work opportunities.
The work carried out by the Central Government on regional development is not only sufficient, non-governmental organizations and volunteer activities, there is a need to. For this reason, non-governmental organizations, their economic, social and cultural aspects of the region for the development of important studies can be organised at the hotel.
In this study, in our country, some regional development projects and regional development and the importance of non-governmental organisations tried to be examined.
Dünyada ve ülkemizde görülen hızlı nüfus artışı karşısında, insanların gereksinimlerini karşılamak ve bu arada da refah seviyelerini yükseltmek amacıyla sürekli olarak üretimi artırıcı çalışmalar yapılması gerekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, üretimi arttırmak amacıyla yapılan yatırımların maliyetinin yüksek olması ve doğal kaynakların kıtlığı nedeniyle de, var olan üretim tesislerinin işleyişinde verimliliği artırıcı çalışmalar gündeme gelmektedir. Günümüzde kıt olan kaynakları daha etkin ve verimli kullanmak, sürdürülebilir kalkınma ile halkın refah seviyesinin yükseltilmesinin anahtarı durumundadır. Verimliliği ulusal düzeyde artırabilmek için, işletmeler düzeyinde verimlilik artışını sürekli kılmak gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada da Giresun İli Eynesil İlçesi’nde faaliyet gösteren AKFA Çay Fabrikası’nda yapılan alan araştırması ile verimlilik kavramı ve işletmelerde verimliliğin önemi araştırılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada amaçlanan, ulus kavramının unsurlarını, süreçlerini ve oluşturulma modellerini açığa çıkarmayı bu yolla milliyetçiliğin doğasını, dünyanın giderek daha fazla birleştiği ve etnik gruplarla uluslar arasında engellerin azaldığı ulus-devletle ilgili küreselleşme çağındaki gelişmeleri analiz ederek küreselleşme şartlarında da önemini koruyacağı anlaşılan milliyetçi ideolojinin ve ulus-devletin temel prensiplerini ortaya koyabilmektir.
İl, belediye ve köy halkının mahalli müşterek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere kurulan kamu tüzel kişilerine yerel yönetim denilmektedir. Avrupa Konseyi tarafından 15 Ekim 1985 tarihinde imzaya açılan ve 1988 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren Avrupa Konseyi Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı, Konsey üyesi 47 ülkeden Türkiye’de dâhil olmak üzere 42 ülkenin imzaladığı önemli bir hukuki metindir. 31 ülke metnin maddelerinin bazılarına çekince koymuştur. Türkiye’de bu ülkelerden bir tanesidir. 1985 yılında üye ülkelerin imzasına açılan Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı 11 Eylül 1988 tarihinde yürürlüğe girerken, ülkemiz 21 Kasım 1988 tarihinde Bakanlar Kurulu kararıyla “Şartnameyi” imzalamıştır. Bu çalışmamızda birinci bölümde kavramsal çerçeveye yer verilerek; yerel yönetim, yerel özerklik ve Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı açıklanacak, ikinci bölümde ise Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartnamesinin İçeriğine bakılacak, Üçüncü bölümde ise Türkiye’nin Şartnameye bakışı ve çekince koyduğu maddeler üzerinde durulacaktır. Çalışma, genel bir değerlendirme ile tamamlanacaktır.
Bu çalışmada yerli ve yabancı literatür taranarak bulut teknolojisinin KOBİ’lere sağladığı avantaj ve dezavantajlar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler sistematik bir şekilde düzenlenmiş ve konuya ilgi duyanların istifadesine sunulmuştur.
Yapılan çalışma sonucunda bulut bilişimin, günümüz rekabetçi ortamında KOBİ’lere düşük maliyet, kolay yönetim ve verimlilik sağladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. KOBİ’ler, sunucu satın almak, kurmak ve bakımıyla uğraşmak zorunda kalmadan, hizmeti sadece kullandıkları kadar ödeyerek, bilişim hizmetinden yararlanabilmektedir. Bulut bilişim, kullanıma göre ücretlendirilmesinin yanı sıra, kurumlara bilgi teknolojileri yatırımlarında esneklik, çok kullanıcılı ortamlarda da paylaşım imkânı kazandırmaktadır. Bulut bilişim sayesinde her büyüklükteki kurum, düşük maliyetli felaket kurtarma ve iş sürekliliği çözümlerine sahip olabilmektedir.
In the process of transition to information society, industrial society in the emerging giant organisations opposed to the domination of one of the major change, small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is on the rise. Developed in Western societies, the restructuring of the industry, SMEs play an important role. Innovative technologies, SMEs competitive advantage by achieving significant increase their productivity and profitability. Sustainability of institutions that take advantage of information technology to provide and it is not possible to pass in front of its competitors.
In this study, domestic and foreign literature by scanning the advantage and disadvantages SMEs cloud technology are tried to be determined. The resulting information is arranged in a systematic manner and who are interested in taking advantage of the issue.
As a result of the work done in today's competitive environment, cloud computing provides to SMEs low cost, easy manageability and efficiency has been reached to the conclusion. SMEs, the server set up and maintenance of the purchase, without having to deal with, just pay as they use the service, it can benefit from the service. Cloud computing, in addition to charging for institutions to make information technology investments in flexibility, the chance to share in multiuser environments. Corporations of all sizes, thanks to cloud computing, low-cost disaster recovery and business continuity solutions.
As one of the most important problematic area, environment and environmental issues that effect on our country in the short and long term period are substantial agenda subject. Either centralized government or local extensions of government and local administrations have to encounter serial difficulties waiting for its remedy. Particularly 1982 Constitution, right to the environment and any other legal arrangements draw a border line about approaches to environment issues for decision makers of the public administration. Over through these legal regulations, multiple-agency governance possibilities provide opportunity with local extensions of government and particularly local administration when they take decision on environmental issues. Local Environmental Councils has a good chance for Province Administrations both in terms of its structure and functioning. On this study, legal status of Local Environmental Councils, its structures and functioning’s are mentioned, consequently beside making critique on decisions of these councils. The application area of this study based on analysis and its local effects, of Hatay Province Environmental Council decisions taking in between the years of 2010-2016. Restructuring and tackling these councils play a major role for all concerned subjects in process of decision making about solving not only environmental issues, but also enhancing local environmental policies. In terms of formation of local environmental policies and offering solution to issues locally, Local Environmental Councils are gradually risen together with its place and importance.
Yeni yasal düzenlemelerle yerel yönetimlere sosyal politika alanında yerelde, geniş bir hareket alanı tanındığı görülmektedir. Buradaki temel soru, yerel yönetimlere, özellikle belediyelere, büyükşehir belediyelerine tanınan yeni görev ve sorumlulukların, sosyal belediyecilik sınırları içinde, ne derece etkili olup olamayacağıdır. Sosyal politikanın da piyasalaşması, önümüzdeki en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Çalışma Türkiye’de yerel yönetimlerin sosyal politika alanında öne çıkan görev ve sorumlulukları çözümlemektedir.
For our country, Local Governments as a subsidiary of central administration make a production of services supplying local community with common needs. Local Governments are the most closest agent of public administration, which perform the duties of social policies and social services. With the help of these fields of activity, Local Governments come to the frontline in the application of social policies at local level, as like as norms and approaches of social municipality.
The new legislative regulations give a chance to Local Governments to swing social policies. The main question about that is to determine whether the new duties and responsibilies granted to the local governments, especially municipalities and metropolitan municipalities could be effective or not in the borderlines of social municipality understanding. Another principal problem rising against us, is social policies being a matter of market economy. This study analyses prominent duties and responsibilities of local governments about social policies.