Az utóbbi években nagyszámú szakirodalom foglalkozik a tanári identitással és meggyőződésekkel, a... more Az utóbbi években nagyszámú szakirodalom foglalkozik a tanári identitással és meggyőződésekkel, amelyek kulcsfontosságúak az osztálytermi folyamatok megértésében. Miközben egyre több tanulmány foglalkozik a gyakorló tanárok identitásával és meggyőződéseivel, a tanárképzős hallgatók meglátásaival, tanári identitásuk alakulásával kevés kutatás foglalkozik, és még ritkábbak a különböző tanulási környezetek összehasonlítására irányuló vizsgálatok. Kutatásunk célja egy longitudinális vizsgálat, mely során az egyetemi tanárképzésben részt vevő hallgatók tanulási, tanárrá válási folyamatát követjük nyomon. Jelen tanulmány ennek a vizsgálatnak az első lépését mutatja be. Egyrészt arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy a különböző szociokulturális kontextusok milyen módon befolyásolják a tanárjelöltek szakmai identitásukról és a jövőbeli ideális tanórákról alkotott elképzeléseit, másfelől pedig, hogy milyen elképzelésekkel, meggyőződésekkel érkeznek a hallgatók a tanárképzési programba. Résztvevőink ...
In recent years, there has been a growing body of literature focusing on teacher identity and tea... more In recent years, there has been a growing body of literature focusing on teacher identity and teacher beliefs, which are key aspects in understanding classroom processes. While there is an increasing number of studies regarding the identity and beliefs of practising teachers, studies on trainees are rare, and studies aiming to compare and contrast different learning environments are even less frequent. The aim of the present study is to investigate the ways in which different socio-cultural contexts influence student teachers’ vision of their future professional identity and that of their future ideal lessons. Our participants are English-language teacher trainees from Szeged (Hungary) and Miercurea Ciuc (Romania). At the time of the data collection, they had not yet started their methodology courses or their teaching practice. As the first step of a longitudinal study, they were asked to create a visual image of their ideal future lesson by drawing or making a collage. Also, they w...
Understanding prospective teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about the effective foreign language ... more Understanding prospective teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about the effective foreign language teacher is central to successful teacher training programs. The views teacher trainees bring with them may directly influence the expectations they have of their future profession and their commitment to methodology classes. In a questionnaire three different English teacher trainee groups at a Hungarian university rated their views on the personality traits, professional qualities and classroom management skills of an effective language teacher. Some general support for the importance of most of the listed teacher characteristics was found, with some variation across and within the participant groups and trait types. It is argued that similar questionnaires and data can be effectively used in class discussions or as parts of training sessions on (future) teachers’ self-awareness and critical thinking towards their chosen profession. Introduction Foreign language teacher training in Hung...
This paper reports on the reflections of a group of fourth year EFL teacher trainees on the chang... more This paper reports on the reflections of a group of fourth year EFL teacher trainees on the changes they and their peers have experienced concerning their views on what constitutes an effective language teacher. The data collection from semi-structured interviews supports previous findings according to which teachers’ beliefs are continuously formed throughout their years of teacher training. Results suggest a mixture of influencing factors, including earlier school experiences, content delivered in methodology classes, their own student experiences at the university, their school visits and classroom observations and their early teaching experiences. These first-hand experiences shape both their student selves and emerging teacher selves. Trainees seem to be critical towards the negative models they see, but they also start viewing the positive examples as possible models to follow.
The central aim of my research is to investigate the third language learning processes of L1 Hung... more The central aim of my research is to investigate the third language learning processes of L1 Hungarian high-school learners learning L2 English and L3 German. More specifically, I aim at revealing to what extent Hungarian learners rely on their knowledge of their L1 and L2 as well as on the learning strategies they have developed while learning their L2.
Az utóbbi években nagyszámú szakirodalom foglalkozik a tanári identitással és meggyőződésekkel, a... more Az utóbbi években nagyszámú szakirodalom foglalkozik a tanári identitással és meggyőződésekkel, amelyek kulcsfontosságúak az osztálytermi folyamatok megértésében. Miközben egyre több tanulmány foglalkozik a gyakorló tanárok identitásával és meggyőződéseivel, a tanárképzős hallgatók meglátásaival, tanári identitásuk alakulásával kevés kutatás foglalkozik, és még ritkábbak a különböző tanulási környezetek összehasonlítására irányuló vizsgálatok. Kutatásunk célja egy longitudinális vizsgálat, mely során az egyetemi tanárképzésben részt vevő hallgatók tanulási, tanárrá válási folyamatát követjük nyomon. Jelen tanulmány ennek a vizsgálatnak az első lépését mutatja be. Egyrészt arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy a különböző szociokulturális kontextusok milyen módon befolyásolják a tanárjelöltek szakmai identitásukról és a jövőbeli ideális tanórákról alkotott elképzeléseit, másfelől pedig, hogy milyen elképzelésekkel, meggyőződésekkel érkeznek a hallgatók a tanárképzési programba. Résztvevőink ...
In recent years, there has been a growing body of literature focusing on teacher identity and tea... more In recent years, there has been a growing body of literature focusing on teacher identity and teacher beliefs, which are key aspects in understanding classroom processes. While there is an increasing number of studies regarding the identity and beliefs of practising teachers, studies on trainees are rare, and studies aiming to compare and contrast different learning environments are even less frequent. The aim of the present study is to investigate the ways in which different socio-cultural contexts influence student teachers’ vision of their future professional identity and that of their future ideal lessons. Our participants are English-language teacher trainees from Szeged (Hungary) and Miercurea Ciuc (Romania). At the time of the data collection, they had not yet started their methodology courses or their teaching practice. As the first step of a longitudinal study, they were asked to create a visual image of their ideal future lesson by drawing or making a collage. Also, they w...
Understanding prospective teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about the effective foreign language ... more Understanding prospective teachers’ beliefs and perceptions about the effective foreign language teacher is central to successful teacher training programs. The views teacher trainees bring with them may directly influence the expectations they have of their future profession and their commitment to methodology classes. In a questionnaire three different English teacher trainee groups at a Hungarian university rated their views on the personality traits, professional qualities and classroom management skills of an effective language teacher. Some general support for the importance of most of the listed teacher characteristics was found, with some variation across and within the participant groups and trait types. It is argued that similar questionnaires and data can be effectively used in class discussions or as parts of training sessions on (future) teachers’ self-awareness and critical thinking towards their chosen profession. Introduction Foreign language teacher training in Hung...
This paper reports on the reflections of a group of fourth year EFL teacher trainees on the chang... more This paper reports on the reflections of a group of fourth year EFL teacher trainees on the changes they and their peers have experienced concerning their views on what constitutes an effective language teacher. The data collection from semi-structured interviews supports previous findings according to which teachers’ beliefs are continuously formed throughout their years of teacher training. Results suggest a mixture of influencing factors, including earlier school experiences, content delivered in methodology classes, their own student experiences at the university, their school visits and classroom observations and their early teaching experiences. These first-hand experiences shape both their student selves and emerging teacher selves. Trainees seem to be critical towards the negative models they see, but they also start viewing the positive examples as possible models to follow.
The central aim of my research is to investigate the third language learning processes of L1 Hung... more The central aim of my research is to investigate the third language learning processes of L1 Hungarian high-school learners learning L2 English and L3 German. More specifically, I aim at revealing to what extent Hungarian learners rely on their knowledge of their L1 and L2 as well as on the learning strategies they have developed while learning their L2.
Papers by Ágnes T. Balla