This is a Wikipedia project to be written in Lakota. If you know the language, feel free to start writing articles about anything. To the left are some suggestions as to articles to be written. To create an article, click on its red-link. If you do not see a red link for the article you would like to create, enter the name of the article after "Wp/lkt/" in the box below and click the "Oyúblaye waŋží káǧa yo." button underneath it.
See also the list of vital articles, a list of core articles that every Wikipedia should have.
If you are a native speaker of Lakota we would very much appreciate your input in creating new articles or help with editing. Native speakers can use any spelling system they are used to. Second language learners are expected to use the Standard Lakota Orthography (SLO) introduced in the New Lakota Dictionary (NLD). This orthography has been chosen as the standard for the Wikipedia as it is used by the majority of schools in Lakota country. If you are a fluent speaker and do not know how to type this orthography or prefer using another spelling, feel free to write in the way you are used to. Other users of the language will gradually help with converting the texts into consistent spelling, alternatively we can keep both spellings in each article for some time.
While the New Lakota Dictionary is regularly updated, new Lakota terms (neologisms) are also collected and discussed at Kiwíčhoiye.