Papers by Luisa Straulino
CR. Conservación y Restauración, 2020
Resumen El artículo aborda de manera sencilla el deterioro registrado por diversos medios, tanto ... more Resumen El artículo aborda de manera sencilla el deterioro registrado por diversos medios, tanto macroscópicos como microscópicos del relieve del edificio E2 de Dzibanché. Las observaciones macroscópicas y el registro detallado de los efectos de deterioro se contrastan con información micromorfológica obtenida tanto con láminas petrográficas como MEB-EDS. Después de contrastar la información se proponen los mecanismos de deterioro que han afectado al relieve. En general el friso tiene problemas de escamación y pérdida de capa pictórica, así como presencia de eflorescencias y subeflorescencias. También hay aportes de humedad y crecimiento de biofilms en la superficie. De manera microscópica se observa que en las secciones donde hay pérdida de volumen existe disolución del material intergranular o matriz por lo que los agregados no tienen cementación provocando pulverulencia, también se observa la transformación de la calcita en lublinita. Las sales fueron identificadas como sulfatos cuya fuente es el cemento de las restauraciones arquitectónicas. La pulverulencia extrema de la superficie se debe tanto a la formación de sulfatos como a la disolución selectiva de carbonatos en la superficie. La pérdida de capa pictórica se debe a que hay subefloescencias que cristalizaron entre el límite del repellado y el enlucido o capa pictórica que son menos porosos. Las secciones bien conservadas cerca de las fisuras se deben a neoformaciones de cristales de carbonatos de calcio esparíticos. La transformación de la calcita en lublinita se debe a procesos biológicos causados por microorganismos como cianobacterias.
Intervención Revista Internacional de Conservación Restauración y Museología, 2010
Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha relaciona... more Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha relacionado con actividades de sacrificio y autosacrificio en diversas culturas prehispánicas de lo que hoy es México. Su finalidad fue encontrar restos orgánicos humanos que los relacionaran con las funciones ya señaladas. Para ello, se inició con la obtención de muestras de cuatro elementos elaborados con obsidiana, de una punta de maguey y de dos punzones tallados en hueso, las cuales se sometieron a análisis por microscopia electrónica de barrido (meb). Un equipo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la restauración y la medicina interpretó los resultados, quienes concluyeron la identificación de diversos restos orgánicos diagnósticos, tales como células sanguíneas y restos tisulares humanos.
Intervención Revista Internacional de Conservación Restauración y Museología, 2010
As part of the
Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha relaciona... more Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha relacionado con actividades de sacrificio y autosacrificio en diversas culturas prehispánicas de lo que hoy es México. Su finalidad fue encontrar restos orgánicos humanos que los relacionaran con las funciones ya señaladas. Para ello, se inició con la obtención de muestras de cuatro elementos elaborados con obsidiana, de una punta de maguey y de dos punzones tallados en hueso, las cuales se sometieron a análisis por microscopia electrónica de barrido (meb). Un equipo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la restauración y la medicina interpretó los resultados, quienes concluyeron la identificación de diversos restos orgánicos diagnósticos, tales como células sanguíneas y restos tisulares humanos.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Abstract The Gomphotheriidae family belongs to the Proboscidea order. Gomphotheres were elephant-... more Abstract The Gomphotheriidae family belongs to the Proboscidea order. Gomphotheres were elephant-like mammals whose representatives inhabited North America from the Middle Miocene to the late Pleistocene. In this work, a gomphothere remains from Santiago Tepeticpac (Tlaxcala, Mexico) are described. The comparative study with other Proboscidea, mainly from different localities of Mexico and South America, mostly Argentina and Brazil, allowed to identify them as Cuvieronius genus. The microwear signature together with carbon and oxygen stable isotopes showed that this animal was a mixer feeder and inhabited open zones with patches of wooded flora. These analyses also indicated the presence of high abrasiveness components and C4 plants (grasslands) and medium to low wearing elements as well as C3 vegetation (forest) in the site. The strontium isotopic signature implies that this gomphothere lived in the Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley. The paleoenvironmental inferences would show regional conditions.
1. A new look at Maya Art and Architecture (Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and Gaspar Munoz Cosme) 2. Gra... more 1. A new look at Maya Art and Architecture (Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and Gaspar Munoz Cosme) 2. Grafitos Mayas, una base de datos internacional (Gaspar Munoz Cosme y Cristina Vidal Lorenzo) 3. Ancient Maya Graffiti at Kakab, Yucatan, Mexico (Karl Herbert Mayer) 4. El arte privado de una casa maya. Los grafitos de Tz'ibatnah, Peten, Guatemala (Milan Kovac) 5. Maya graffiti in a wider cultural and geographic context (Jaroslaw Zralka) 6. Las nuevas tecnologias de recreacion virtual como herramientas de investigacion y diffusion cultural (Andrea Peiro Vitoria y Nuria Matarredona Desantes) 7. "Monstruos familiares" en la arquitectura maya de Yucatan (Miguel Rivera Dorado) 8. Metodos avanzados para el analisis y documentacion de la arqueologia y arquitectura maya: los "mascarones" de Chilonche y La Blanca (Cristina Vidal Lorenzo y Gaspar Munoz Cosme) 9. Aplicacion de tecnicas fotogrametricas en el estudio de la arquitectura maya (Manuel May Castillo y Beatriz Martin Dominguez) 10. Cuando los muros hablan: observaciones y desafios en Rio Bec (Luisa Straulino Mainou, Dominique Michelet, Julie Patrois, Nicolas Latsanopoulos, Yareli Jaidar y Emyly Gonzalez Gomez) 11. Iconografia y secuencia estilistica de las cresterias en la micro-region de Rio Bec (Julie Patrois y Philippe Nondedeo) 12. Vida, muerte y renacimiento de un mascaron. Interpretacion, conservacion y revitalizacion de las decoraciones monumentales del Grupo H Norte de Uaxactun, Peten, Guatemala (Milan Kovac, Alice Desprat y Edy Barrios) 13. The role of New Technology in the study of Maya mural painting: over a century of progress (Maria Luisa Vazquez de Agredos Pascual, Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and Gaspar Munoz Cosme) 14. Maya Blue ("Maya Green" and "Maya Yellow"): New Insights into the Maya Blue Technology (Antonio Domenech Carbo, M* Teresa Domenech Carbo, Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and M* Luisa Vazquez de Agredos Pascual)
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana
Radiocarbon dating and scanning electron microscopy analyses were used to determine the age and c... more Radiocarbon dating and scanning electron microscopy analyses were used to determine the age and conservation state of a palm mat made with hard fibers and a cotton shroud found in a funerary bundle of Zimapán Hidalgo, México. The fibers were also treated with an innovative treatment of chitosan and polypropylene glycol. The treatment was analyzed with a scanning electron microscopy and radiocarbon dating was applied to the treated fibers. The radiocarbon dating showed dates of 1022 a 1206 cal d.C therefore the textiles are prehispanic, and the treated fibers showed an early date (72-418 cal d.C.). This difference could be explained from the reservoir effect in the marine organisms because the chitosan is obtained from the chitin of crustacean's exoskeletons. The analysis also showed that the treatment for the fibers was effective because the fibers gained consolidation, flexibilization and also microorganisms were killed and removed.
Geosciences, 2016
Researchers have related the manufacturing technique of plasters and stucco in the Maya area with... more Researchers have related the manufacturing technique of plasters and stucco in the Maya area with their period of production but not with their architectural function. In this paper, we establish a relationship between those three features (manufacturing technique, age, and architectural function) in the plasters of the Maya site of Dzibanché in southern Quintana Roo. Dzibanché has abundant remains of stuccos and plasters found mainly in three buildings (Plaza Pom, Pequeña Acrópolis, and Structure 2). We used thin sections, SEM and XRD, and archaeomagnetic dating processes. The pictorial layer of Structure 2 was the earliest (AD 274-316 and the stuccoes and plasters of the other two buildings were dated to the Middle Classic (AD 422-531), but we obtained different archaeomagnetic dates for the red pigment layers found in the buildings of the Pequeña Acrópolis and thus we were able to determine their chronological order of construction. The raw materials and proportions were carefully chosen to fulfil the mechanical necessities of the architectonic function: different proportions were found in plasters of floors, in the external walls, and inside the buildings; differences between earlier and later plasters were also detected.
Intervención Revista Internacional de Conservación Restauración y Museología, May 1, 2010
está integrada por secuencias de caliza microcristalina, de textura mudstone, estratificada, con ... more está integrada por secuencias de caliza microcristalina, de textura mudstone, estratificada, con cambios de facies hacia limos y lutitas, así como depósitos de anhidrita y yeso con horizontes arcillosos escasos e intercalaciones de caliza hacia la parte superior de la unidad. La formación Icaiché está integrada por una secuencia de caliza estratificada y ocasionalmente masiva, de textura mudstone con raros fragmentos de sílice coloidal, y algunos cambios de facies hacia limos y arcillas; presenta también halita en su composición (Castro 2002; Conagua 2007). 2 Sascab (traducido del maya yucateco como "tierra blanca") es un agregado mineral común-Inah, eds; maestro Gerardo Villa, Subdirección de Laboratorios y apoyo académico del Inah.
espanolSe presenta el resultado de los analisis realizados en las calizas pertenecientes a una co... more espanolSe presenta el resultado de los analisis realizados en las calizas pertenecientes a una cornisa decorativa del edificio 5N2 del grupo A de la zona arqueologica de Rio Bec, con la finalidad de determinar las causas, mecanismos y efectos de deterioro que provoca el intemperismo en ellas. Estos procesos no han sido bien estudiados ni determinados para la zona del sureste de Campeche, region a la que pertenece la zona arqueologica de Rio Bec. El conocimiento de estos mecanismos es necesario para la posterior conservacion de los monumentos prehispanicos de la region. Las rocas de la cornisa presentaban estados de conservacion disimiles por lo que se tomaron muestras de cada uno de los tipos de estado de disgregacion identificados en campo. Estas muestras fueron analizadas por medio de laminas delgadas, microscopia electronica de barrido y difraccion de rayos X. Los resultados mostraron varios rasgos de intemperismo debidos principalmente a la accion de procesos quimicos; entre los...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2021
The Gomphotheriidae family belongs to the Proboscidea order. Gomphotheres were elephant-like mamm... more The Gomphotheriidae family belongs to the Proboscidea order. Gomphotheres were elephant-like mammals whose representatives inhabited North America from the Middle Miocene to the late Pleistocene. In this work, a gomphothere remains from Santiago Tepeticpac (Tlaxcala, Mexico) are described. The comparative study with other Proboscidea, mainly from different localities of Mexico and South America, mostly Argentina and Brazil, allowed to identify them as Cuvieronius genus. The microwear signature together with carbon and oxygen stable isotopes showed that this animal was a mixer feeder and inhabited open zones with patches of wooded flora. These analyses also indicated the presence of high abrasiveness components and C 4 plants (grasslands) and medium to low wearing elements as well as C 3 vegetation (forest) in the site. The strontium isotopic signature implies that this gomphothere lived in the Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley. The paleoenvironmental inferences would show regional conditions.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas
An almost complete cranium of a gomphoterium found in Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala, was analyzed with X-r... more An almost complete cranium of a gomphoterium found in Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala, was analyzed with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Petrography and Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to stablish the transformations of the bone during its burial. The analyses assessed that the bone mineral (bioapatite) had suffered modifications in mineral composition, “crystallinity index”, cell parameters and CO2 content. However, the paleohistological structure of the bone was not significantly affected, although evidence of microbial attack was found in the bone surfaces. The filling minerals of bone macro and micro porosity were also analyzed; its main filling minerals are calcite (micrite and sparite), clays, and minerals of volcanic origin.
Quaternary International, 2013
boletìn de la sociedad geològica mexicana, 2019
Radiocarbon dating and scanning electron microscopy analyses were used to determine the age and c... more Radiocarbon dating and scanning electron microscopy analyses were used to determine the age and conservation state of a palm mat made with hard fibers and a cotton shroud found in a funerary bundle of Zimapán Hidalgo, México. The fibers were also treated with an innovative treatment of chitosan and polypropylene glycol. The treatment was analyzed with a scanning electron mi-croscopy and radiocarbon dating was applied to the treated fibers. The radio-carbon dating showed dates of 1022 a 1206 cal d.C therefore the textiles are prehispanic, and the treated fibers showed an early date (72-418 cal d.C.). This difference could be explained from the reservoir effect in the marine organisms because the chitosan is obtained from the chitin of crustacean's exoskeletons. The analysis also showed that the treatment for the fibers was effective because the fibers gained consolidation, flexibilization and also microorganisms were killed and removed.
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, 2019
An almost complete cranium of a gomphoterium found in Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala, was analyzed with X-r... more An almost complete cranium of a gomphoterium found in Tepeticpac, Tlaxcala, was analyzed with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Petrography and Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to stablish the transformations of the bone during its burial. The analyses assessed that the bone mineral (bioapatite) had suffered modifications in mineral composition, “crystallinity index”, cell parameters and CO2 content. However, the paleohistological structure of the bone was not significantly affected, although evidence of microbial attack was found in the bone surfaces. The filling minerals of bone macro and micro porosity were also analyzed; its main filling minerals are calcite (micrite and sparite), clays, and minerals of volcanic origin.
Resumen Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha r... more Resumen Esta investigación se enfocó a siete instrumentos rituales, cuya tipología formal se ha relacionado con actividades de sacrificio y autosacrificio en diversas culturas prehispánicas de lo que hoy es Mé-xico. Su finalidad fue encontrar restos orgánicos humanos que los relacionaran con las funciones ya señaladas. Para ello, se inició con la obtención de muestras de cuatro elementos elaborados con obsidiana, de una punta de maguey y de dos punzones tallados en hueso, las cuales se sometieron a análisis por microscopia electrónica de barrido (meb). Un equipo interdisciplinario de profesiona-les de la restauración y la medicina interpretó los resultados, quienes concluyeron la identificación de diversos restos orgánicos diagnósticos, tales como células sanguíneas y restos tisulares humanos. Palabras clave instrumentos prehispánicos; sacrificio; autosacrificio; restos orgánicos; microscopia electrónica de barrido (meb); México Abstract This research focuses on seven ritual instruments, whose formal typology has been liked with sacrifice and self-sacrifice in different pre-Hispanic cultures of today Mexico. Its purpose was to find investigación / research Intervención (ISSN-2448-5934), enero-junio 2017, año 8, núm. 15:22-32.
Researchers have related the manufacturing technique of plasters and stucco in the Maya area with... more Researchers have related the manufacturing technique of plasters and stucco in the Maya area with their period of production but not with their architectural function. In this paper, we establish a relationship between those three features (manufacturing technique, age, and architectural function) in the plasters of the Maya site of Dzibanché in southern Quintana Roo. Dzibanché has abundant remains of stuccos and plasters found mainly in three buildings (Plaza Pom, Pequeña Acrópolis, and Structure 2). We used thin sections, SEM and XRD, and archaeomagnetic dating processes. The pictorial layer of Structure 2 was the earliest (AD 274-316 and the stuccoes and plasters of the other two buildings were dated to the Middle Classic (AD 422-531), but we obtained different archaeomagnetic dates for the red pigment layers found in the buildings of the Pequeña Acrópolis and thus we were able to determine their chronological order of construction. The raw materials and proportions were carefully chosen to fulfil the mechanical necessities of the architectonic function: different proportions were found in plasters of floors, in the external walls, and inside the buildings; differences between earlier and later plasters were also detected.
Papers by Luisa Straulino