This post is to inform you all that I have shifted my homepage to "Information is Everything - by Bhavesh Chhatbar". I like pictures, so here is a screenshot…

This blog is dedicated to my beloved geographical location — Pune. This place has all the beauty to give — vivid variety of flowers, birds, butterflies. There are mountains, waterfalls, rivers, trees, greenery, biodiversity. Although, I like this beautiful side of the location more than the still-developing "city", the city in itself has much happening inside. So this blog will cover natural as well as city aspects of the "location" :) I am sure you will enjoy.
According to humans, a respectable human being is a person who has achieved a good financial and social status. He/she believes in relationship (may be for business, may be personal), which tightens and adds power to the society in fighting the inconveniences caused by nature. He/she does this even if this creates inconveniences between and within humans. He/she knows how to attract and use people, how to be in fame.
According to nature, a respectable human being is a person who as far as possible doesn't use the resources unless required for food/shelter. He/she is a person who respects himself/herself, the nature and all the living & non-living things, even a dead rock.
The reason why GOD has sent us down on earth is to protect and flourish life on earth and other planets. That's our duty. Not utilizing every available thing even if it's required or not.
I am guilty of looting mother Earth.