Papers by Tetiana Riazantseva
Слово і Час, 2023
The paper discusses the productivity of the new creative approaches to the establishedtypes of poetry.
Building on the theoretical definitions, taxonomies, and observations formulated in
the works of James Smith, Frank Warnke, Michael Nott, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Susan Sontag, Viktoria Khoniu, et al., the research argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) offer new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry. The term “metaphysical poetry” defines an independent trend of literature focused on “the realities of peculiar kind” ( James Smith) such as Time, Death, Religion, and Love.
The material for analysis is taken from the international multimedia project “The
Sea Is Here: Absence as Presence” (2020) edited by Natalia Kutsepova (USA) and Nina
Kharchenko (Germany). Two photopoetic pieces from this art book, “Miracles” by Shaun Evans and “Bond” by Kati Dahlmann, explore the themes of Religion and Death, which are central to metaphysical poetry.
The detailed analysis of “Miracles” and “Bond” outlines the types of artistic collaboration in both projects and focuses on their structural, stylistic, and semantic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the ways of interaction between photographs and texts. It is noted that the principle of photopoetic imagery is close to the principle of metaphysical conceit (to harmonize the incompatible).
The author concludes that the creative strategy of photopoetry can be instrumental in interpreting the key metaphysical topics. It proves the vitality of some traditional
concepts (memory as a tool to transform the transient/mortal into the stable/immortal) and introduces important innovations (the detached position of a human being in their communication with God).
Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, theme, interpretation.
Слово і Час, 2024
Th e paper considers new creative approaches to th... more MEMORY AND TIME
Th e paper considers new creative approaches to the established types of poetry. Building on the theoretical defi nitions, taxonomies and observations formulated in the works
of Aleida Assmann, Roland Barthes, Nina Chamata, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Michael Nott, Irina Rajewski, James Smith, Susan Sontag, et al., the research
argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its
primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) off er new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry.
Th e material for analysis is taken from a black and white photo-text book “Some
Dreams or Kyiv Th at No Longer Exists” (2007) by a Geneva-based Ukrainian poet and
artist Oles Ilchenko. Th e detailed analysis of it seeks to clarify the structural, stylistic,
and semantic characteristics of Ilchenko’s photopoetry. Th e special attention is paid to the
mechanics of cyclization, forms of intermedial interactions, and types of artistic collaboration in this project. It is also noted that the interpretative co-operation with the audience
here depends on the readers/viewers’ personal memories and emotions evoked by these
photographs and poems.
Focusing on the motifs of memory, nostalgia, and transience of life, Ilchenko’s photopoetic cycle explores the metaphysical theme of Death and Time in its connection with
the urban space of Kyiv. Th is project demonstrates that the long form photopoetry provides the 21st century author with some effi cient creative instruments to interpret the realities “of peculiar kind” ( James Smith), such as time and memory. Th e contrasting combination of verbal and visual elements in this book creates an eff ect of double visualization,
which accentuates the dynamics and dramatic tension between the poems and the images.
Th e cyclic composition of texts paired with the fragmented and modifi ed photographs
transforms the real urban space into a powerful metaphor of memory and personal loss. Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, cycle, theme, interpretation.
Bulgarski Ezik i Literatura – Bulgarian Language and Literature, 2023
The artistic collaboration of Boris Christov and Milko Bozkov has resulted in a verbal-visual pro... more The artistic collaboration of Boris Christov and Milko Bozkov has resulted in a verbal-visual project “The Salon of Nature” which exists in two formats: the book and the exhibition. In its book version B. Christov’s poems are combined with M. Bozkov’s paintings and drawings reproduced along with the texts.
This study considers “The Salon of Nature” in the intermedial perspective and uses the close reading approach to outline the formal, constructive, functional and content features of the text-image interactions in the published version of the project. The article also demonstrates its main intertexts which could be grouped as mythological, neo-mythological and religious (Christian). As a result “The Salon of Nature” could be defined as an example of emblematic poetry in its modern version. It is a cyclically arranged intermedial work of art based on the iterative, hierarchic media-combination where the visual part performs the explanatory though not merely illustrative function.
Інтермедіальні виміри літераутри фентезі
Збірка містить матеріали другого семінару ЦДФЛ. Доповіді відображають палітру зацікавлень українс... more Збірка містить матеріали другого семінару ЦДФЛ. Доповіді відображають палітру зацікавлень українських дослідників літератури метажанру фентезі в аспекті інтермедіальності та накреслюють актуальні напрями подальших досліджень у цій сфері.
The paper analyzes the transformation of the themes, poetics and stylistics of metaphysical poetr... more The paper analyzes the transformation of the themes, poetics and stylistics of metaphysical poetry in the works of H. Treece, J. F. Hendry, N. Moore, T. Scott et al. associated with the Apocalyptic Movement in British literature. The material for the analysis is taken from their second anthology, “The White Horseman”, published in 1941. The poetry of the New Apocalypse is considered in comparison with the works of British and continental metaphysical poets of the 17th, 19th and 20th centuries (R. Crashaw, F. de Quevedo, G. M. Hopkins, et al). The main focus is on the theme of religion. The paper explains the new configuration of traditional key themes (Religion, Death and Time, Love) in the works of the 20th century poets, and shows new details in their interpretation of the relations between God and man. The research concentrates on the development of certain motifs such as ‘the death of God’ (a motif known since Victorian times), and demonstrates several new accents brought to tra...
Слово і Час
The article analyses the peculiarities of cyclization in Oleksa Stefanovych’s (1899—1970) poetry.... more The article analyses the peculiarities of cyclization in Oleksa Stefanovych’s (1899—1970) poetry. Based on the theoretical definitions of a lyrical cycle (cycle of poems, sequence of poems) formulated in the works of Rolf Fieguth, Mikhail Darvin, Larisa Liapina, Ronald Vroon, Leonid Yanitskii, et al., the research outlines the main compositional, stylistic, thematic, and functional traits of Stefanovych’s lyrical cycles and demonstrates the evolution of certain key images in them. The material for analysis is taken from the collection of Stefanovych’s poetry published posthumously in Toronto (“Zibrani Tvory” / “Collected Works”, 1975). The special attention is paid to his apocalyptic cycle “Kintsesvitnie” (“The World’s End”) that demonstrates the whole complex of architectonic and stylistic features inherent to a cycle of poems, particularly the presence of the ‘cyclic subject’ defined by R. Fieguth as “the subject of all creative, especially compositional, acts which are the basis ...
Слово і Час 1 (710), 2020
This article focuses on the military topics and poetics in the patriotic and religious poetry of ... more This article focuses on the military topics and poetics in the patriotic and religious poetry of Oleksa Stefanovych (1899—1970), one of the most interesting Ukrainian diaspora writers. The question of his personal war experience remains open, but the topic of war and the struggle for independence is an important element of his poetry. The material for analysis is taken from his Apocalyptic cycle “The World’s End” (“Kinetssvitnie”) inspired by the events of the WWII, from his patriotic poems dedicated to the heroes of Kruty and Oleh Olzhych, and from the fragments of his unfinished poetic works on the tragic events of Bazar (“Do Bazaru”) and Brody (“Do Brodiv”). Based on Aleida Assman’s descriptions concerning the peculiarities of memory representations in literature, the author demonstrates the main points of Stefanovych’s creative strategy. It is focused on the sacralization and mythologization of real places, figures, and events connected with the struggle for Ukrainian statehood in the early 20th century and the participation of Ukrainians in the events of the WWII. Stefanovych sacralizes space and time by putting the real tragedies of Ukrainian history into the Apocalyptic context and interweaving the motifs of martyrdom and heroism. In his poetic universe the sites of historical events become the places of worship, memory or trauma tightly connected with the paradoxical experience of military defeat that turned to be the moral victory. The typical stylistic traits of Stefanovych’s poetry are defined as the balance between the high symbolism and accuracy of naturalistic details, the extreme level of dramatic tension and exact moral accents.
Keywords: Oleksa Stefanovych, military topics, memory, sacralization.
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Топос тварини як антропологічне дзеркало. Збірник наук. праць. — Вип.8. , 2011
The article analyses the evolution of bird images in European metaphysical poetry from the 17th t... more The article analyses the evolution of bird images in European metaphysical poetry from the 17th to the 20th century. The author concentrates on the peculiarities of the symbolism and functions of these images, stressing the balance of static and dynamic elements in them.
Key words: metaphysical poetry, poetics, birds, symbolism, statics, dynamics.
Людина і Світ., 1998
ОПУБЛІКОВАНО: Рязанцева Т. Муза в келії // Людина і Світ.-1998.-№ 2.-С. 53-55. Текст має незначні... more ОПУБЛІКОВАНО: Рязанцева Т. Муза в келії // Людина і Світ.-1998.-№ 2.-С. 53-55. Текст має незначні відмінності, розширену бібліографію.
Педро Кальдерон. "Стійкий принц", "Дама-примара": п"єси ; пер. з іспан. С. Борщевського; передмова, примітки Т.М. Рязанцевої. - Харків: Фоліо. 2013. - С. 3-18., 2013
Передмова до українських перекладів "Стійкого принца" і "Дами-примари". El prefacio a las tradu... more Передмова до українських перекладів "Стійкого принца" і "Дами-примари". El prefacio a las traducciones ucranianas de La Dama duende y El Príncipe constante. El artículo contiene los datos biográficos de Calderón y la breve característica de su obra junto con la historia de las traducciones ucranianas de sus dramas más famosos.
Studia Ingardeniana. T. 1. Interpretacja tekstu literackiego., 2009
The article briefly oulines the ways and methods Dumas used to transform a real historical person... more The article briefly oulines the ways and methods Dumas used to transform a real historical person A. de la Roche d'Anglerais into a character of his novels "La Dame de Monsoreau" and "Les Quarante Cinque" (Chicot).
Key words: Dumas-pere, Chicot, jester, carnival character.
Література на полі медій. Збірник наукових праць відділу теорії літератури та компаративістики Інституту літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України / Ред. Гундорова Т.І., Сиваченко Г.М. , 2018
Tetiana Riazantseva. Anamorphose and Ekphrasis in Metaphysical Poetry of the 17th-20 th Centuries... more Tetiana Riazantseva. Anamorphose and Ekphrasis in Metaphysical Poetry of the 17th-20 th Centuries. The article discusses the functions of anamorphose and ekphrasis in metaphysical poetry. The material for analysis is taken from Spanish, English, Ukrainian and Russian poetry of the 17 th-20 th centuries.
Słowiańskie śwaiaty wyobraźni. — Kraków: Scriptum, 2018. — P. 199-208., 2018
Abstract: Aleksandr Sharov (born Sher Nurenberg 1909—1984), a Soviet Russian language writer, aut... more Abstract: Aleksandr Sharov (born Sher Nurenberg 1909—1984), a Soviet Russian language writer, author of popular science and SF books and fantasy prose for children. His fantasy stories, which are focused on the formation of the individual, combine lyricism with the intense expectation of miracles and are full of perilous trials through which the heroes must pass (The Dandelion Boy and the Three Keys, 1969; Peaman and Simpleton, 1973; The Red-haired Girl with a Green Bow, 1977). An important feature of these tales is Sharov’s deep respect for children and ability to address his young readers sincerely and seriously, without condescending or mentoring. The negative characters of these tales (the main object of this paper) are derived from folklore, but their interpretation reflects the typical realities of life under totalitarian regimes: egotism and longing for unlimited power, treason, cowardice, physical and mental pressure, suppression of freedom of thought and creativity.
Key words: fantasy, Aleksandr Sharov, images of Evil, totalitarianism, literature for children.
IN T... more РЕНЕСАНСНІ СТУДІЇ.-ЗАПОРІЖЖЯ, 2018.-ВИП. 29-30.-С. 22-30. SUMMARY:
Tetiana Riazantseva
Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies was founded at the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature in Kyiv, Ukraine in June 2015. The main aim of the Centre is to provide the scholars writing on Ukrainian and foreign fantasy literature with opportunities for professional communication in the fields of literature, linguistics, art, culture, translation, etc. In 2015-2017 the Centre organised several workshops to discuss theoretical and practical issues of importance to scholars of fantasy (i. e. terminology of fantasy literature studies, genesis of fantasy, intermedial perspective in fantasy studies, poetry in fantasy, national versions of fantasy literature). This article is based on the paper presented during the 4th workshop (April 2017) dedicated to the role of poetry in fantasy. The Lais of Marie de France (12th c.) is considered here as one of the first Western European poetic narratives demonstrating the tendencies that later evolved into the “high fantasy” tradition. The article demonstrates the peculiarities of selection and interpretation of the plots and characters in four lais with explicit fantastic elements (Giguemar, Lanval, Bisclavret, Yonec).
Key words: Marie de France, lais, fantasy, fairy.
Виправлена і доповнена версія статті, опублікованої у:
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Вип. 2.:... more Виправлена і доповнена версія статті, опублікованої у:
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Вип. 2.: Дитина і світ:
проблеми культурного діалогу. Збірник наукових праць. Гол. ред.
В. І. Фесенко. — Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2005. — С. 111-116.
The article provides a comparative analysis of Tamara Gabbe's play "The City of Craftsmen or The Tale of Two Hunchbacks" (1943) and its cinema version (1965).
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Феномен дому в літературознавчій перспективі. - Зб. наукових пра... more Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Феномен дому в літературознавчій перспективі. - Зб. наукових праць. Вип. 13. - Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2016. - С. 489-499. This article analyses the peculiarities of the descriptive techniques in J. R. R. Tolkien’s early prose. Particular attention is paid to the functions and interaction of hypotyposis and ekphrasis. Having analysed the descriptions of landscapes and dwellings in the second and third chapters of “The Book of Lost Tales I” the author comes to the conclusion that the system of descriptions in these texts possesses the main traits of fractal structures: self-identity, hierarchy and dynamism.
Людина і світ. - 2000. - №1 (472), січень-лютий. - С. 44-48.
Вісник Львівського університету. Серія іноземні мови. 2016. - Вип. 24. Ч. 2. - С. 64-69.
The art... more Вісник Львівського університету. Серія іноземні мови. 2016. - Вип. 24. Ч. 2. - С. 64-69.
The article analyses the peculiarities of intertextual relationship between the postmodern British fantasy prose and the metaphysical poetry of the 17th century.
Papers by Tetiana Riazantseva
The paper discusses the productivity of the new creative approaches to the establishedtypes of poetry.
Building on the theoretical definitions, taxonomies, and observations formulated in
the works of James Smith, Frank Warnke, Michael Nott, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Susan Sontag, Viktoria Khoniu, et al., the research argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) offer new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry. The term “metaphysical poetry” defines an independent trend of literature focused on “the realities of peculiar kind” ( James Smith) such as Time, Death, Religion, and Love.
The material for analysis is taken from the international multimedia project “The
Sea Is Here: Absence as Presence” (2020) edited by Natalia Kutsepova (USA) and Nina
Kharchenko (Germany). Two photopoetic pieces from this art book, “Miracles” by Shaun Evans and “Bond” by Kati Dahlmann, explore the themes of Religion and Death, which are central to metaphysical poetry.
The detailed analysis of “Miracles” and “Bond” outlines the types of artistic collaboration in both projects and focuses on their structural, stylistic, and semantic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the ways of interaction between photographs and texts. It is noted that the principle of photopoetic imagery is close to the principle of metaphysical conceit (to harmonize the incompatible).
The author concludes that the creative strategy of photopoetry can be instrumental in interpreting the key metaphysical topics. It proves the vitality of some traditional
concepts (memory as a tool to transform the transient/mortal into the stable/immortal) and introduces important innovations (the detached position of a human being in their communication with God).
Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, theme, interpretation.
Th e paper considers new creative approaches to the established types of poetry. Building on the theoretical defi nitions, taxonomies and observations formulated in the works
of Aleida Assmann, Roland Barthes, Nina Chamata, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Michael Nott, Irina Rajewski, James Smith, Susan Sontag, et al., the research
argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its
primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) off er new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry.
Th e material for analysis is taken from a black and white photo-text book “Some
Dreams or Kyiv Th at No Longer Exists” (2007) by a Geneva-based Ukrainian poet and
artist Oles Ilchenko. Th e detailed analysis of it seeks to clarify the structural, stylistic,
and semantic characteristics of Ilchenko’s photopoetry. Th e special attention is paid to the
mechanics of cyclization, forms of intermedial interactions, and types of artistic collaboration in this project. It is also noted that the interpretative co-operation with the audience
here depends on the readers/viewers’ personal memories and emotions evoked by these
photographs and poems.
Focusing on the motifs of memory, nostalgia, and transience of life, Ilchenko’s photopoetic cycle explores the metaphysical theme of Death and Time in its connection with
the urban space of Kyiv. Th is project demonstrates that the long form photopoetry provides the 21st century author with some effi cient creative instruments to interpret the realities “of peculiar kind” ( James Smith), such as time and memory. Th e contrasting combination of verbal and visual elements in this book creates an eff ect of double visualization,
which accentuates the dynamics and dramatic tension between the poems and the images.
Th e cyclic composition of texts paired with the fragmented and modifi ed photographs
transforms the real urban space into a powerful metaphor of memory and personal loss. Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, cycle, theme, interpretation.
This study considers “The Salon of Nature” in the intermedial perspective and uses the close reading approach to outline the formal, constructive, functional and content features of the text-image interactions in the published version of the project. The article also demonstrates its main intertexts which could be grouped as mythological, neo-mythological and religious (Christian). As a result “The Salon of Nature” could be defined as an example of emblematic poetry in its modern version. It is a cyclically arranged intermedial work of art based on the iterative, hierarchic media-combination where the visual part performs the explanatory though not merely illustrative function.
Keywords: Oleksa Stefanovych, military topics, memory, sacralization.
Key words: metaphysical poetry, poetics, birds, symbolism, statics, dynamics.
Key words: Dumas-pere, Chicot, jester, carnival character.
Key words: fantasy, Aleksandr Sharov, images of Evil, totalitarianism, literature for children.
Tetiana Riazantseva
Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies was founded at the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature in Kyiv, Ukraine in June 2015. The main aim of the Centre is to provide the scholars writing on Ukrainian and foreign fantasy literature with opportunities for professional communication in the fields of literature, linguistics, art, culture, translation, etc. In 2015-2017 the Centre organised several workshops to discuss theoretical and practical issues of importance to scholars of fantasy (i. e. terminology of fantasy literature studies, genesis of fantasy, intermedial perspective in fantasy studies, poetry in fantasy, national versions of fantasy literature). This article is based on the paper presented during the 4th workshop (April 2017) dedicated to the role of poetry in fantasy. The Lais of Marie de France (12th c.) is considered here as one of the first Western European poetic narratives demonstrating the tendencies that later evolved into the “high fantasy” tradition. The article demonstrates the peculiarities of selection and interpretation of the plots and characters in four lais with explicit fantastic elements (Giguemar, Lanval, Bisclavret, Yonec).
Key words: Marie de France, lais, fantasy, fairy.
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Вип. 2.: Дитина і світ:
проблеми культурного діалогу. Збірник наукових праць. Гол. ред.
В. І. Фесенко. — Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2005. — С. 111-116.
The article provides a comparative analysis of Tamara Gabbe's play "The City of Craftsmen or The Tale of Two Hunchbacks" (1943) and its cinema version (1965).
The article analyses the peculiarities of intertextual relationship between the postmodern British fantasy prose and the metaphysical poetry of the 17th century.
The paper discusses the productivity of the new creative approaches to the establishedtypes of poetry.
Building on the theoretical definitions, taxonomies, and observations formulated in
the works of James Smith, Frank Warnke, Michael Nott, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Susan Sontag, Viktoria Khoniu, et al., the research argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) offer new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry. The term “metaphysical poetry” defines an independent trend of literature focused on “the realities of peculiar kind” ( James Smith) such as Time, Death, Religion, and Love.
The material for analysis is taken from the international multimedia project “The
Sea Is Here: Absence as Presence” (2020) edited by Natalia Kutsepova (USA) and Nina
Kharchenko (Germany). Two photopoetic pieces from this art book, “Miracles” by Shaun Evans and “Bond” by Kati Dahlmann, explore the themes of Religion and Death, which are central to metaphysical poetry.
The detailed analysis of “Miracles” and “Bond” outlines the types of artistic collaboration in both projects and focuses on their structural, stylistic, and semantic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the ways of interaction between photographs and texts. It is noted that the principle of photopoetic imagery is close to the principle of metaphysical conceit (to harmonize the incompatible).
The author concludes that the creative strategy of photopoetry can be instrumental in interpreting the key metaphysical topics. It proves the vitality of some traditional
concepts (memory as a tool to transform the transient/mortal into the stable/immortal) and introduces important innovations (the detached position of a human being in their communication with God).
Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, theme, interpretation.
Th e paper considers new creative approaches to the established types of poetry. Building on the theoretical defi nitions, taxonomies and observations formulated in the works
of Aleida Assmann, Roland Barthes, Nina Chamata, Robert Crawford and Norman
McBeath, Michael Nott, Irina Rajewski, James Smith, Susan Sontag, et al., the research
argues that the artistic practices of photopoetry (“a form of photo-text that takes, for its
primary components, poetry and photography”, Michael Nott) off er new ways to interpret certain topics of metaphysical poetry.
Th e material for analysis is taken from a black and white photo-text book “Some
Dreams or Kyiv Th at No Longer Exists” (2007) by a Geneva-based Ukrainian poet and
artist Oles Ilchenko. Th e detailed analysis of it seeks to clarify the structural, stylistic,
and semantic characteristics of Ilchenko’s photopoetry. Th e special attention is paid to the
mechanics of cyclization, forms of intermedial interactions, and types of artistic collaboration in this project. It is also noted that the interpretative co-operation with the audience
here depends on the readers/viewers’ personal memories and emotions evoked by these
photographs and poems.
Focusing on the motifs of memory, nostalgia, and transience of life, Ilchenko’s photopoetic cycle explores the metaphysical theme of Death and Time in its connection with
the urban space of Kyiv. Th is project demonstrates that the long form photopoetry provides the 21st century author with some effi cient creative instruments to interpret the realities “of peculiar kind” ( James Smith), such as time and memory. Th e contrasting combination of verbal and visual elements in this book creates an eff ect of double visualization,
which accentuates the dynamics and dramatic tension between the poems and the images.
Th e cyclic composition of texts paired with the fragmented and modifi ed photographs
transforms the real urban space into a powerful metaphor of memory and personal loss. Keywords: metaphysical poetry, photopoetry, intermediality, cycle, theme, interpretation.
This study considers “The Salon of Nature” in the intermedial perspective and uses the close reading approach to outline the formal, constructive, functional and content features of the text-image interactions in the published version of the project. The article also demonstrates its main intertexts which could be grouped as mythological, neo-mythological and religious (Christian). As a result “The Salon of Nature” could be defined as an example of emblematic poetry in its modern version. It is a cyclically arranged intermedial work of art based on the iterative, hierarchic media-combination where the visual part performs the explanatory though not merely illustrative function.
Keywords: Oleksa Stefanovych, military topics, memory, sacralization.
Key words: metaphysical poetry, poetics, birds, symbolism, statics, dynamics.
Key words: Dumas-pere, Chicot, jester, carnival character.
Key words: fantasy, Aleksandr Sharov, images of Evil, totalitarianism, literature for children.
Tetiana Riazantseva
Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies was founded at the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature in Kyiv, Ukraine in June 2015. The main aim of the Centre is to provide the scholars writing on Ukrainian and foreign fantasy literature with opportunities for professional communication in the fields of literature, linguistics, art, culture, translation, etc. In 2015-2017 the Centre organised several workshops to discuss theoretical and practical issues of importance to scholars of fantasy (i. e. terminology of fantasy literature studies, genesis of fantasy, intermedial perspective in fantasy studies, poetry in fantasy, national versions of fantasy literature). This article is based on the paper presented during the 4th workshop (April 2017) dedicated to the role of poetry in fantasy. The Lais of Marie de France (12th c.) is considered here as one of the first Western European poetic narratives demonstrating the tendencies that later evolved into the “high fantasy” tradition. The article demonstrates the peculiarities of selection and interpretation of the plots and characters in four lais with explicit fantastic elements (Giguemar, Lanval, Bisclavret, Yonec).
Key words: Marie de France, lais, fantasy, fairy.
Сучасні літературознавчі студії. Вип. 2.: Дитина і світ:
проблеми культурного діалогу. Збірник наукових праць. Гол. ред.
В. І. Фесенко. — Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2005. — С. 111-116.
The article provides a comparative analysis of Tamara Gabbe's play "The City of Craftsmen or The Tale of Two Hunchbacks" (1943) and its cinema version (1965).
The article analyses the peculiarities of intertextual relationship between the postmodern British fantasy prose and the metaphysical poetry of the 17th century.
Колективна монографія містить матеріали теоретичних досліджень поетики фентезі, апорбовані на міжнародних конференціях ЦДЛФ 2022 і 2023 рр. Теоретичні розвідки охоплюють проблеми інтерпретації категорій магічного, сакрального, чудесного, утопії й антиутопії та сприяють оновленню методологічних підходів і термінологічного інструментарію у вітчизняних студіях літератури фентезі. Для літературознавців, студентів-філологів, викладачів історії літератури і компаративістики, для всіх, хто цікавиться проблемами літератури фентезі.
We are happy to inform that the electronic monograph Magic In Fantasy Literature. Definitions, Manifestations, Functions, based on two international conferences of the Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies has been published at the Shevchenko Institute of Literature (National Academy of Science of Ukraine) web-site.
The informational page is here
Abstracts (in English)
Riazantseva T. M., Kanchura Y. O., Tykhomyrova O. V. (Eds.) (2021) Challenges of Ukrainian Translation and Theoretical Aspects of Fantasy Literature Studies.
Materials of Academic Seminars of the Centre for
Fantasy Literature Studies at Shevchenko Institute of Literature, National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (November 26, 2019, January 8, 2021).
Tykhomyrova O. V.
The British Code in Fantasy Fiction as a Translation Challenge
The paper addresses strategies of foreignization / domestication as applied in the
translation of fantasy fiction. The presence of Britishness in a fantasy world is
analyzed with regard to its domesticating or defamiliarizing effect, both of which
problematize the choice of translation strategies. The issue is traced in the British
fantasy novel “Good Omens” by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman and its Ukrainian
translation of 2018.
Key words: Britishness, defamiliarization, domestication, fantasy, foreignization,
Melnyk D. М.
The functioning of the onyms in the fantasy literature
and their translation
The paper focuses on the types and functioning of onyms in fantasy literature, as well
as on the peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian. Two modern German novels
written by K. Funke and W. Moers are taken as a basis. Onyms are assumed as one of
the important instruments of constructing a fictional world, because they create a
reference allusion and make the reader believe in the "reality" of the fantasy world.
The paper deals basically with translation of characters’ names.
Keywords: fantasy literature, translation, onym, fictional world, referential illusion,
Cornelia Funke, Walter Moеrs.
Legeza S. V.
A translator between “betrayal” and “victory”: the reader cultural
competencies and reconfigurations of popular culture
The article deals with the extra-literary factors affecting the translator’s work. Some
of these factors result from the fandom (the active part of the pop culture consumers),
social network discussions and the transformation of an active reader’s role from an
object to the subject of the interaction with the text. The named factors and their
impact on the translator’s work are specific for Ukraine. One of the most challenging
issues are the need of re-translation and the dominance of Russian-language books at
the Ukrainian market, as well as the necessity of changes in the publishing policy.
Key words: fantasy, fandom, readers’ audience
Nazarenko M. Y.
“Whether you know all that is to be known concerning small mirrors?”
What and how to comment in fantasy translation
The paper focuses on the issue of commenting on fantasy literary works based on
modern publishing practice in Ukraine and abroad. It discusses the main types of
comments, the choice of what should be commented with regard to the target
audience, etc. The specifics of various subgenres of fantasy in this aspect are
Key words: commentary, intertext, intention of the text, ideal author and ideal reader
Stuzhuk O. V.
An Editor: between a Reader and a Translator.
The author shares some reflections based on her experience in editing of the
speculative fiction texts.
Key words: editor, translator, reader, writng.
Stasiuk B. V.
Revision of Ursula K. Le Guin’s Works. Problem of the Final Version Reception
The paper dwells on the research which covers the issue of the literary translation
consecutive revisions reception by the Ukrainian readers. The subject of the research
is the highly appreciated fantasy novel The Tombs of Atuan by an outstanding
American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. The paper highlights both positive and negative
trends in revision process, discusses possible reasons of their appearance and their
regulative effect upon the recipient.
Keywords: fantasy, translation, revision, reception.
Paglieri L.
Tolkien in Italy
In Italy Tolkien became a sort of “political case” in the Seventies. He was much
loved by right-wing intellectuals and readers and often criticized by left -wing public
opinion. Nowadays a new translation (published in 2019-2020) arouses again a great
In Italy Tolkien became a sort of “political case” in the Seventies. He was much
loved by right-wing intellectuals and readers and often criticized by left -wing public
opinion. Nowadays a new translation (published in 2019-2020) arouses again a great
deal of controversy. deal of controversy.
Keywords: J. R. R. Tolkien in Italy, politic, translation
Tykhomyrova O. V.
The Sacred in the Metagenre of Fantasy
The paper dwells on the notion of the sacred, outlining its theoretical scope within
literary studies and focusing on its manifestation in the metagenre of fantasy. The
opposition of the sacred and the profane is viewed as an integral component of
secondary world-building. Major ways of showcasing the sacred in the fantasy world,
as well as the function of the hierophany, are elucidated with the help of instances
drawn from J. R. R. Tolkien’s alternative mythology, particularly the motif of food
Key words: fantasy, food, hierophany, profane, quest, secondary world, sacred.
Astrakhan N. I.
J. K. Rolling’s Series of Novels about Harry Potter: at the Crossroads of
Utopia and Dystopia.
The article focuses on possible vectors of the effect that the fantasy world picture has
on its recipients, its ability to express existential meanings, to solve moral and
philosophical problems of general cultural significance. Considering the polymetagenre syncretism inherent in J. К. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, the interaction
of utopian and dystopian tendencies within the functioning of universal socio-cultural
forms is regarded as one of the key features of postmodern fantasy.
Key words: fantasy fiction, metagenre, artistic picture of the world, utopia, dystopia.
Filonenko O. G.
Tomm Moore's Celtic Fantasy
The paper discusses the animated films of the Irish filmmaker, animator, illustrator
and comic artist Tomm Moore as a specimen of the Celtic fantasy genre. Celtic
fantasy heavily draws on Celtic (Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and Breton) myth and
folklore. In his Oscar-nominated animated films The Secret of Kells (2009), Song of
the Sea (2014), and Wolfwalkers (2020), Tomm Moore creates an original secondary
world which is the combination of the Irish historical or contemporary situation and
the Otherworld inhabited by fairies, sidhe, selkies and wolfwalkers. In his films, he
researches the relationship between human and non-human, the wild and the
civilized, Irish culture and foreign cultures, the country and the city, children and
adults/parents; he stresses the importance of the preservation of the old lore and
knowledge and the necessity to keep the balance between nature and civilisation.
Through his artistic synthesis, he seeks to promote a new, more harmonious Irish
Keywords: animation, Celtic fantasy, Celtic studies, Irish folklore
Kanchura Y. O.
Terms Introduced by Fantasy Writers: Usage in Academic Context
While developing the theoretical base of fantasy literature studies the scholars face
the lack of special terms related to several important aspects of fantasy literature.
Meanwhile, prominent fantasy writers, in their essays as well as in their works of
fiction, create a number of terms to describe the key laws of fantasy reality (such as
secondary belief, inner consistency of reality coined by J. R. R. Tolkien, narrative
causality, white knowledge offered by Terry Pratchett, etc.). The paper aims at
discussing the possibility to use writers’ terms in academic research and to correlate
them with academic vocabulary and to integrate them into it.
Keywords: fantasy literature studies, trope, term, secondary world
Оприлюднено на сайті Інституту літератури ім. Т.Г. Шевченка НАН України
Матеріали семінарів оприлюднено на сайті Інституту Літератури НАН України ім. Т. Г. Шевченка
Key words: fantasy, textualized world, coercive narrative, fool.
Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies
Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
invites you to take part in the conference on
(texts, visual arts, cinema, theatre, computer games, etc.)
19 – 20 JANUARY, 2023, 11:00 (GMT+2)
The Conference invites you to contemplate the variety of ways magic can be represented via words, images and sounds, from ubiquitous tropes, such as a puff of smoke or a verbal spell, to unique portrayals. Fantasy fiction offers countless verbal representations of magic, engaging senses and associations, while other media exploit the immediacy of auditory and visual impact. J. R. R. Tolkien once wrote, "In human art Fantasy is a thing best left to words, to true literature. In painting, for instance, the visible presentation of the fantastic image is technically too easy; the hand tends to outrun the mind, even to overthrow it. Silliness or morbidity are frequent results." The conference seeks to explore both the means of depicting magic across media and the resulting effects. In other words, what makes magic work?
⮚ Is magic represented as art or technology?
⮚ Is it shown as unique or mundane?
⮚ Where do intermediality and magic meet?
⮚ Is there transmedial magic?
⮚ Can magic be successfully transcoded in adaptations?
⮚ Do audiovisual portrayals of magic resonate less than verbal ones? Or more?
⮚ Can the sense of wonder be truly captured or does it lie in the eye of the beholder (reader / viewer / listener)?
Presentations may be in Ukrainian or English.
Presentations should take up to 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion.
Submission deadline is 9 January, 2023
Please submit your proposals
(please see the correct submission form link,
Centre for Fantasy Literature Studies
Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
invites you to take part in the workshop on
4 – 5 JANUARY, 2022, 11:00 (GMT+3)
Presentations may be in Ukrainian or English and touch upon:
Magic as a dialogue of human beings with the world, both inside and outside of the anthropocentric model. Portraying magic: strategies, poetics, stylistics.
Introducing magic as a defamiliarization tool in fantasy fiction.
Perceiving magic: secondary belief and suspension of disbelief.
Magic and science in fiction: historical and genre intersections / oppositions. Sources of magic imagery in fantasy fiction: the collective unconscious, mythopoeic thought, esoteric traditions, etc.
Gender aspects of portraying magic in fantasy fiction.
Cognitive, intermedial and multimodal dimensions of magic discourse.
Presentations should take up to 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion.
Submission deadline is 23 December, 2021
Submission form:
main antagonist and half-sister Morgan competing for the throne. Throughout the series,
Morgan devises plots conducive to undermining and overpowering her younger half-brother
and gaining the crown. Half of her plans are based on her scheming and cunning mind, and the
other half is fueled by the sorcery she was taught at a nunnery, which will be the main topic of
this presentation. Morgan exhibits magical powers from the first episode which gradually
become more impressive and influential. Her powers include the crafting of poisons,
divination, transfiguration into other people, and the summoning of entities. Morgan’s sorcery
is depicted as more potent and unique than that of the magician Merlin, as he knows its limits,
while Morgan refuses to be bound by any natural or supernatural powers. Ultimately, we shall
see how this TV series utilizes Sir Thomas Malory’s medieval Le Morte d’Arthur as its literary
source when concerning Morgan and her sorcery, and the elements of adaptation the creators
of the series came up with as a means of making it relevant for us, the post-modern audience.