Showing posts with label mint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mint. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2024

a delicious dinner from Masala Fusion Meats


We finally got over to the North Shore to visit Masala Fusion Meats and it was as great as I'd hoped.  We picked up 3 kinds of chicken - Tandoori, Pudina Mint and Malai.  The very lovely staff assured us that the Mint and Malai were not spicy, but the Tandoori would have a kick.  We also picked up 2 butter chicken samosas for The Mister and I for a treat.

We grilled the chicken up for Sunday Dinner with The Grandpa, along with some veggies, a mint yogurt sauce, a tomato salad and some mini naans.

It was all AMAZING, although the Mint was a bit kicky, the Malai was just flavorful, and the Tandoori was just spicy enough to make you reach for your water glass.

I thought, in my humble opinion, that the 2 sauces went extremely well with all the flavors, and the naan and anything else you wanted to serve it with.  The tomato salad - Kachumbar -  from Made in India by Meera Sodha, and the mint yogurt sauce will become staples in my kitchen.