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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingFace RecognitionOpenCv or Computer Vision
The incorporation of elements from the student’s first culture into the teaching- learning process was supported by the French pedagogue Georges Snyders (1988) in his book "La joie à l’ecole". This research contributed to this interface,... more
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      Science CommunicationScience EducationRock Music
La présence de la science et de la technologie comme thème culturel et artistique a été discutée dans quelques travaux dans le domaine de l'enseignement des sciences et de la technologie (ZANETIC, 2006; FRAKNOI, 2007). L'utilisation du... more
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      Science CommunicationScience EducationRock Music
Partindo do reconhecimento de que o termo "democracia" pode prestaras a todo tipo de propaganda ideológica, há muita dificuldade em esclarecer a noção derivada de ensino democrático. Para contornar esse obstáculo, o A. distingue entre a... more
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Ecologia, urbanização, movimento
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