Papers by Jackson Pantoja-Lima
Papers do NAEA
Na Amazônia, a captura de quelônios pelos indígenas é muito anterior à conquista européia. O estu... more Na Amazônia, a captura de quelônios pelos indígenas é muito anterior à conquista européia. O estudo do saber popular que é usado na produção em pequena escala pode contribuir para, compreender como os recursos naturais no caso, os quelônios são explorados. O presente estudo foi realizado em três comunidades (São Sebastião, Fazenda e Beabá) da Reserva Biológica do Abufari (RBA), localizada no município de Tapauá, Amazonas, Brasil. Esta reserva pertence a categoria de unidade de conservação de proteção integral que tem como finalidade a proteção de populações de quelônios podocnemidideos. Foram avaliados com base no conhecimento tradicional ecológico o tamanho da área de vida de cada uma das comunidades, produzidos mapas de distribuição de área de pesca, caça, exploração de recursos florestais madeireiros e não-madeireiros e áreas de ocorrências e padrões de movimentação de quelônios na várzea do rio Purus. Os mapeamentos e a história oral mostraram que a maioria das 16 grandes áreas ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Freshwater turtles are a valuable food resource for riverine human communities and have been hist... more Freshwater turtles are a valuable food resource for riverine human communities and have been historically overharvested throughout all major tropical large river basins, with consequent gradual population decreases. Even species considered to be abundant are declining, and in many cases were brought to a condition of near extinction. The collection of adult females during breeding season on nesting beaches is considered a major factor in population decline and subsequent loss of food sources for humans. There is growing consensus that adult females constitute the category which turtle populations can least afford to lose. In the Negro River Basin, the podocnemidid big-headed Amazon River turtle,Peltocephalus dumerilianus, is heavily exploited for consumption and poached for illegal trade among riverine communities and cities. Between 1997 and 2002 and in 2019, we measured live turtles and carapaces of big-headed turtles in the city of Barcelos and its surroundings, and among the riv...
Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2022
The present study objectified to evaluate the trophic relationships and the possible aggressive m... more The present study objectified to evaluate the trophic relationships and the possible aggressive mimicry involving Carnegiella strigata, Carnegiella marthae and Gnathocharax steindachneri, in lowland forest streams. Samplings occurred in November 2002, March and August 2003 in Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve (ASDR). The total of 943 fish was caught, being 79.43% of C. marthae, 3.18% of C. strigata and 17.39% of G. steindachneri. Stomach contents, degree of stomach repletion, relative volume and frequency of occurrence of food items were evaluated. Thirteen food items were identified, and the presence of terrestrial and aquatic insects indicates the high dependence of these species and the flooded forest. Low feeding overlap was observed between Carnegiella strigata and C. marthae compared to Gnathocharax steindachneri. However, the overlap between the two Carnegiella species was relatively high, which could explain the low frequency of syntopic occurrence among these species, s...
ContextWaterfalls and rapids of Amazon basin have been suggested as causing the speciation and ge... more ContextWaterfalls and rapids of Amazon basin have been suggested as causing the speciation and genetic structure of many freshwater species, including turtles. The species behavior affects the way waterfalls and rapids limit gene flow. The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis), a widely distributed and endangered Amazonian turtle, does not show the habit to migrate long distances for breeding or eating, but has a complex geographic pattern of genetic variation.ObjectivesHere, we investigate isolation by distance and by resistance of P. unifilis. We analyzed if the species ecological niche and waterfalls explain the genetic distance in Brazilian Amazonia.MethodsWe evaluated the P. unifilis spatial distribution of genetic variability and diversity using the control region of mitochondrial DNA. We tested the hypotheses of isolation either by distance and resistance through an integrative approach using genetic, geographic, and ecological data. We created a resistance matrix...
A 52-day experiment was conducted to determine the crude protein (CP) requirements of juvenile ma... more A 52-day experiment was conducted to determine the crude protein (CP) requirements of juvenile matrinxã Brycon amazonicus, and to evaluate their resulting growth performance, hematological parameters and enzymatic activities. Sixty fish (29.03g ± 1.16g) were distributed in 12 tanks (310 L) with a completely randomized design, and maintained at four dietary crude protein levels (270, 320, 350, 390 for 52 days. The results revealed that the fish fed diet 390 CP had the best final weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and lipid retention rate. The same could be stated for hematocrit, number of circulating erythrocytes, triglycerides and total proteins of the hematological profile (p<0.05). In the whole body composition, dry matter content was lower in the fish fed 390 CP, while lipid content was higher in the fish fed 350-390 CP (p<0.05). No differences were observed in CP and ash (p>0.05), or in...
PET-BIOLOGIA IFAM: 10 anos integrando atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão
Veterinary Research Communications
This study aimed to determine the dietary lysine requirements of juvenile Colossoma macropomum ta... more This study aimed to determine the dietary lysine requirements of juvenile Colossoma macropomum tambaqui based growth performance, hepatic and intestinal morphohistology and hematology. Tambaqui were fed with levels of 6.60, 9.72, 12.84, 15.96, 19.08, and 22.20 g/kg of total lysine and those who received 15.96 g/kg dietary lysine showed higher final weight (p= 0.001) and optimized feed conversion ratio (p= 0.001). Morphohistological modifications (presence of fat droplets) were present in livers of fish fed with low levels of lysine. In the morphohistology of the intestine, the diets influenced the density of the intestinal, cell layers, height and perimeters of the villi and acid mucin secretion by the goblet cells. In the proximal intestine, mucosa layer density was greater at the level of 15.96 g/kg (p= 0.001). In the middle intestine, height (p= 0.001) and perimeter (p= 0.001) of the villi were greater at low levels of lysine (respectively, 9.72 and 12.84 g/kg dietary lysine). No differences were found for the hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes, MCV, MCH, MCHC, thrombocytes and leukocytes differentiated of fish fed with experimental diets (p>0.05). The biochemical responses were affected by the diet, both in plasma concentration (protein and cholesterol; p<0.05), and in muscle (ash and moisture; p<0.05). In conclusion, the dietary requirement for lysine for tambaqui juveniles was estimated to be 15.4 - 15.6 g/kg of diet (5.7% -5.8% dietary protein).
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 2016
Abstract In contrast to the other Podocnemis species, Podocnemis erythrocephala (Pleurodira: Podo... more Abstract In contrast to the other Podocnemis species, Podocnemis erythrocephala (Pleurodira: Podocnemididae) is restricted to blackwater and clearwater rivers and lakes, including the Negro River basin, and several other tributaries of the eastern Amazon River basin. In order to test the effects of geographic barriers on genetic connectivity of P. erythrocephala, 10 localities sampled throughout the Brazilian Amazon basin were studied. Two hundred and forty-six specimens were sequenced for the mitochondrial control region. Analysis of molecular variance confirmed the existence of population subdivision (ΦST = 0.28, p < 0.001). In pairwise comparisons, the values of the fixation index ΦST were significant in almost all comparisons involving the São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Negro River), Jaú National Park (Jaú River), and Barreirinha (Andirá River), indicating that these populations are genetically differentiated. Genetic differentiation is most likely explained by the presence of rapids and waterfalls separating the São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Negro River) and Jaú National Park (Jaú River) populations from the remaining populations. Populations from Barreirinha (Andirá River) were also genetically differentiated, providing support for the hypothesis that the Amazon River is a geographic barrier for this species. Although distributed over a large geographic area, the remaining 7 localities were not differentiated from one another (p > 0.005), suggesting that these localities are part of a panmictic population distributed throughout the central Amazon basin. We recommend that the 4 structured populations be treated as separate management units.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2014
O presente trabalho teve como desafio trazernos uma síntese e ao mesmo tempo procurar abranger um... more O presente trabalho teve como desafio trazernos uma síntese e ao mesmo tempo procurar abranger uma ampla e importante gama de assuntos voltados ao desenvolvimento da aquicultura na região Amazônica, assim o mesmo nos apresenta, mais uma vez, o quanto esse assunto é importante como atividade ao desenvolvimento da produção animal na região Amazônica, na qual a diversidade de espécies e possibilidades de manejos, já é um grande desafio por si só. Sendo esse desafio em termos de oportunidades pelo lado da natureza investigatória daqueles que se dedicam a pesquisa, daqueles que buscam mais oportunidades de educação e entendimento do mundo que os cerca, como também oportunidades de fazer mais e melhor pelo desenvolvimento e bem estar dos seus pares através da produção de mais alimentos e melhor oportunidades nutricionais que podem ser oferecidas através desse conhecimento. Conhecimento esse essencial e tão desejado nesses tempos em que a busca por uma produção de alimentos é crítica e necessária para ser avaliada e trazer tecnologias novas e mais eficientes que possibilitem, não só o aumento dessa produção, mais também um aumento de sua sustentabilidade ambiental, social e econômica. Sendo esse o papel fundamental de qualquer sociedade e por consequencia da sua estrutura de estado e organização social, que deve prover o correto direcionamento e meios financeiros necessários para atingir esses objetivos. Por conseguinte nessa publicação observamos mais um degrau em direção a um objetivo maior, não só na divulgação do conhecimento acumulado até o momento, mas também possui em seu significado por ser mais uma etapa cumprida daqueles que se dedicam a produzir ciência e conhecimento, em uma região na qual, ainda busca mostrar o quanto ainda é necessário a continuidade de investimento em recursos humanos e financeiros ao seu pleno desenvolvimento. Essa obra assim possui uma abrangência de tópicos e atualidades do manejo em aquicultura, não só para algumas das mais importantes espécies de peixes amazônicos, mas como também de toda uma gama de outros animais aquáticos com potencial de criação, seja voltada ao abate ou fins ornamentais. Portanto assim é com imenso prazer que apresento essa nova publicação em formato de E-book com o tema de Aquicultura na Amazônia: Estudos Técnico-científicos e Difusão de Tecnologias.
Aquicultura na Amazônia: Estudos Técnico-científicos e Difusão de Tecnologias
Acta Biológica Colombiana
The determination of hematological values is used to obtain knowledge about the health conditions... more The determination of hematological values is used to obtain knowledge about the health conditions of animal species. The big-headed Amazon River turtles, (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)are considered one of the least known testudine species concerning their biology and health status. Herein, we determined the hematological and plasma biochemical parameters of 17 (eight males and nine females) adult P. dumerilianusto provide reference interval values for clinically healthy individuals. We collected the blood samples by puncturing the femoral vein using long heparinized hypodermic syringes. Sexual dimorphism for individuals was determined by external observation of the shape of the plastron. The average values obtained for the ten hematological and biochemical parameters analyzed were red blood cell count = 0.32 million µL-1; hematocrit = 20.6 %; hemoglobin = 8.5 g dL-1; mean corpuscular volume = 681.6 fL; mean corpuscular hemoglobin = 267.8 pg; mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration ...
This study aimed to determine the dietary lysine requirements of juvenile Colossoma macropomum ta... more This study aimed to determine the dietary lysine requirements of juvenile Colossoma macropomum tambaqui based on growth performance. We also evaluated gut and hepatic histomorphometry as well as blood metabolites in accordance with the increased levels of dietary lysine. The juveniles (33.88 ± 2.47 g) were fed until apparent satiation with diets containing 6.60, 9.72, 12.84, 15.96, 19.08 and 22.20 g/kg of lysine. Fish were randomly distributed in groups of 10 fish per tank and assays were performed in triplicate, during 90 days. Tambaqui fed with 15.96 g/kg dietary lysine showed higher final weight (p = 0.001) and optimized feed conversion ratio (p = 0.001). Morphohistological modifications were present in livers of fish fed with low levels of lysine. In the proximal intestine, mucosa layer density was greater at the level of 15.96 g/kg (p = 0.001). In the middle intestine, height (p = 0.001) and perimeter (p = 0.001) of the villi were greater at low levels of lysine (respectively, ...
O objetivo desse trabalho e descrever os relatos da disciplina Biologia da Conservacao no espaco ... more O objetivo desse trabalho e descrever os relatos da disciplina Biologia da Conservacao no espaco nao formal RDS Mamiraua e Amana no ensino de Pos-Graduacao em Diversidade Biologica da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Atividades praticas de quantificacao de palmeiras, mungubas, embaubas e macrofitas foram realizadas para caracterizacao do ambiente. O entendimento sobre alguns conceitos basicos da Biologia da Conservacao como censo, levantamento, densidade, abundância, riqueza, habitat, unidade amostral, recursos hidricos, manejo, preservacao, conservacao, confluencia e encontro de rios, tiveram seus entendimentos mais acessiveis e fixados com a exuberância dessas unidades ao encontrar das maos e visualizar dos olhos. O monitoramente da caca, atividades em trilhas, visitas tecnicas ao Centro de Reabilitacao de peixe boi Amazonico ( Trichechus inunguis ), escavacoes em sitios arqueologicos, visitacao a pousada para o conhecimento do ecoturismo, atividades com macrofitas aquatic...
Veterinarski Arhiv, 2011
The aim of this paper was to characterize the morphological and cytochemical aspects of thrombocy... more The aim of this paper was to characterize the morphological and cytochemical aspects of thrombocytes and leukocytes in hatchlings of Podocnemis expansa, P. unifi lis and P. sextuberculata from the lower Purus River, Amazonas State, Brazil. Blood smears were submitted to staining by Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS), Peroxidase (PER), Toluidine Blue (TB), Sudan Black B (SBB) and Bromophenol Blue (BB). Only the lymphocytes did not present a positive-PAS reaction, while heterophils of P. unifi lis showed a weak positive reaction. Azurophils, heterophils and eosinophils had a weak positive reaction for PER, with the exception of heterophils in P. expansa which stained intensely. Positive staining with BB was observed in granules of heterophils, eosinophils and basophils of P. expansa, P. unifi lis and P. sextuberculata, but this was weak in basophils of P. sextuberculata. Sudanophilia was observed in heterophils granules and in eosinophils of P. expansa, P. unifi lis and P. sextuberculata. Met...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2021
This study aimed to evaluate the yields of by-products and residues and the morphometry of juveni... more This study aimed to evaluate the yields of by-products and residues and the morphometry of juvenile tambaqui Colossoma macropomum undernutrition with different levels of lysine. Diets were elaborated containing 6.60, 9.72, 12.84, 15.96, 19.08, and 22.20 g kg -1 of total lysine, and these were fed to fish distributed in 18 tanks (310 L each one) for 90 days. Morphometric analysis, measurements of whole fish, by-products, and residues were taken and compared to each other. All variables were validated using ANOVA, Tukey's test, and quadratic regression analysis ( P 0.05). The ratio between morphometric data for the standard and total length showed significance at levels of 9.72 and 15.96 g kg -1 ( P = 0.03). The gutted fish and fillets, the protein and lipid contents of the fillets, and the weights and lengths of the intestines did not change ( P > 0.05). Moisture was modified with lysine at levels of 22.20 g kg -1 ( P = 0.00), and minerals, between 6.60 and 22.20 g kg -1 ( P =...
Papers by Jackson Pantoja-Lima