Adjective Order

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Adjective Order

Ketika menyatakan noun phrase, seringkali kita menyebutkan modifier yang berupa
adjective. Untuk mengingat urutannya, kita bisa menggunakan “osascomp”. Ketika
mendeskripsikan suatu hal atau objek, kita biasa menggunakan noun phrase di mana terdiri
dari modifier dan noun.
Modifier yang berupa adjective dan berjumlah lebih dari satu dalam satu kalimat
mempunyai urutan tersendiri (adjective order) yaitu “osascomp”.
"Osascomp" merupakan singkatan dari :
- Opinion (pendapat),
- Size (ukuran),
- Age (usia),
- Shape (bentuk),
- Color (warna),
- Origin (asal),
- Material (bahan),
- Purpose (tujuan).

Berikut contoh kalimatnya:

1. Opinion
- Kind (baik, ramah): Tika is a kind person. / Tika adalah orang yang baik.
- Amazing (luar biasa): Amira has an amazing voice. / Amira mempunyai suara
yang luar biasa.
- Beautiful (cantik, indah): Dina bought a beautiful necklace. / Dina memberli
kalung yang indah.
- Hot (panas): Aldo is ordering hot coffee. / Aldo sedang memesan kopi panas.
- Cute (lucu): I adopted a cute cat yesterday. / Aku mengadopsi kucing yang lucu
- Contoh lain: handsome (tampan), easy (mudah), difficult (sulit), dirty (kotor),
fresh (segar), ood (bagus), bad (buruk), cheap (murah), expensive (mahal), dan

2. Size :
- Big (besar): I have a big luggage. / Aku punya koper yang besar.
- Small (kecil): My sister brought a small bag. / Adikku membawa tas yang kecil.
- Thin (tipis): She wears a thin cardigan. / Dia memakai kardigan yang tipis.
- Tall (tinggi): My brother is such a tall guy. / Kakakku adalah pria yang tinggi.
- Large (besar): He chose the large room. / Dia memilih kamar yang besar.
- Contoh lain:huge (sangat besar), short (pendek), wide (luas), tiny (sangat kecil),
thick (tebal), long (panjang), dan lain-lain.  

3. Age
- Old (tua): I put my old bike in the garage. / Aku meletakkan sepeda tuaku di
- Young (muda): The young lady gave me a candy. / Wanita muda itu memberiku
- New (baru): My father bought me a new computer. / Ayahku membelikanku
komputer baru.
- Antique (antik): My uncle collects antique tableware. / Pamanku mengoleksi
peralatan makan antik.
- Two-year-old (dua tahun): My aunt has a two-year-old son. / Bibiku mempunyai
anak berumur dua tahun.
- Contoh lain:ancient (kuno), mature (dewasa), dan lain-lain.

4. Shape : Round (bulat): She has round eyes. / Dia punya mata yang bulat.
- Oval (oval): My mother says that I have an oval face. / Ibuku berkata bahwa aku
punya wajah oval.
- Square (kotak): My father bought me a square alarm clock. / Ayahku
membelikanku jam weker kotak.
- Circular (bundar): There is a circular light in the dining room. / Ada lampu bundar
di ruang makan.
- Flat (datar): I have a flat nose. / Aku mempunyai hidung yang datar (pesek).
- Contoh lain:rectangular (persegi panjang), triangular (segitiga), sphere (bola),
boxy (kotak), dan lain-lain.

5. Color
- Red (merah): I have a red t-shirt. / Aku punya kaos merah.
- Blue (biru): We look at the blue sky. / Kita melihat langit yang biru.
- Green (hijau): My garden looks so fresh because of the green leaves. / Kebunku
terlihat segar karena daun-daun yang hijau.
- Brown (coklat): Vicky has brown eyes. / Vicky mempunyai mata coklat.
- White (putih): I found a white cat near your house. / Aku menemukan kucing
berwarna putih di dekat rumahmu.
- Contoh lain:grey (abu-abu), black (hitam), purple (ungu), orange (oranye), yellow
(kuning), dan lain-lain.
6. Origin
- American (Amerika): Teresa ordered American breakfast this morning. / Teresa
memesan sarapan ala Amerika pagi ini.
- Japanese (Jepang): My friend made Japanese curry for me. / Temanku membuat
kari Jepang untukku.
- Indonesian (Indonesia): Tom is very interested in Indonesian culture. / Tom
sangat tertarik dengan budaya Indonesia.
- Javanese (Jawa): I performed a Javanese dance in my school. / Aku membawakan
tarian Jawa di sekolah.
- Canadian (Kanada): I have a Canadian friend at school. / Aku mempunyai teman
yang berasal dari Kanada di sekolah.
- Contoh lain:French (Perancis), Dutch (Belanda), British (Inggris), Indian (India),

7. Material
- Wooden (kayu): My grandparents have many wooden chairs in their house. /
Kakek nenekku mempunyai banyak kursi kayu di rumah mereka.
- Plastic (plastik): We don’t use plastic bag anymore. / Kita tidak menggunakan tas
plastik lagi.
- Silk (sutra): My aunt bought a silk dress in this store. / Bibiku membeli gaun sutra
di toko ini.
- Silver (perak): My uncle wears a silver ring. / Pamanku memakai cincing perak.
- Bamboo (bambu): We sell some bamboo straws in our store. / Kami menjual
beberapa sedotan bambu di toko kami.
- Contoh lain:gold (emas), paper (kertas), aluminum (aluminium), metal (logam),
dan lain-lain.

8. Purpose
- Sewing (jahit): My mother uses this sewing machine every day. / Ibuku
menggunakan mesin jahit ini setiap hari.
- Shopping (belanja): We carry a lot of shopping bags. / Kami membawa banyak tas
- Swimming (renang): My sister borrowed my swimming goggles. / Adikku
meminjam kacamata renangku.
- Cooking (masak / goreng): My mother asked me to buy cooking oil. / Ibuku
memintaku untuk membeli minyak goreng.
- Coloring (mewarnai): I’ll give this coloring book to my niece. / Aku akan
memberikan buku mewarnai ini kepada keponakanku.
- Contoh lain: frying (goreng), writing (menulis), sleeping (tidur), hiking (mendaki),
dan lain-lain.

Choose the sentence below into correct answer !

1. We used to have lunch on this … every day.
a. Wooden round black table
b. Round black wooden table
c. Wooden black round table
d. Black round wooden table
2. The house is...
a. large and white
b. white and large
c. large white
d. White
3. They live in a... house.
a. large and white
b. white and large
c. large white
d. large
4. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?
a. I’d like three good reasons why you don’t like spinach
b. I’d like a good three reasons why you don’t like spinach.
c. I’d like good reasons three why you don’t like spinach.
d. I’d like reasons three why you don’t like spinach.
5. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?
a. I like that really big red old antique tractor in the museum
b. I like that really big old red antique tractor in the museum
c. I like that old, red, really big antique tractor in the museum.
d. I like that really big antique tractor in the museum.
6. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?
a. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.
b. My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade.
c. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade.
d. My brother rode a Friesian horse in the parade. 
7. My grandmother lives in the... house on the corner
a. little blue, green and white
b. little blue and green and white
c. little, blue, green, and white
d. little, blue
8. The store carries an assortment of... objects.
a. interesting new, old and antique
b. new, old, interesting and antique
c. interesting, old and new and antique
d. new and antique
9. We went for a two-week cruise on a... ocean liner.
a. incredible brand-new, huge Italian
b. incredible, huge, brand-new Italian
c. Italian incredible, brand-new, huge
d. brand-new Italian
10. I bought a pair of... boots..
a. new, nice, red rain
b. nice new red rain
c. red nice new rain
d. new and nice

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