MATERI Unit 2 Sastra Inggris Fit

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Kegiatan Pembelajaran Unit 2 (Learning Activities 2) :Modal Should in present, continuous and

perfect (You should be attending your sick mother)

A. Tujuan
1. Memahami fungsi social teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan lisan yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan /kegiatan pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini,atau waktu lampau
2. Memahami struktur teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulisan yang melibatkan
tindakan member dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan dating, saat ini, dan waktu lampau
3. Memahami unsure kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionallisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan
suatu tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau.

B. Indikator Pencapaian kompetensi :

3.2.1 Menganalisis struktur teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulisan yang melibatkan
tindakan member dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan dating, saat ini, dan waktu lampau

3.2.2 Menganalisis unsure kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksionallisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau.

3.2.3. Membuat teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi tekait keharusan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu
yang akan datang,saat ini, atau waktu lampau

4.2.1 Membuat teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi tekait keharusan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu
yang akan datang,saat ini, atau waktu lampau

4.2.2. Menyajikan hasil teks interaksi transaksional lisan atau tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
member dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan
pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau

C. Uraian Materi

Should merupakan salah satu kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris. Kata kerja ini memiliki ciri khas
yang istimewa, yaitu digunakan sebagai kata kerja bantu.
Kata kerja bantu tidak dapat digunakan pada kalimat yang lengkap, melainkan harus disertakan
bersama kata kerja yang bukan modal.

Should digunakan untuk memberi tambahan makna berupa saran, tanggung jawab, atau
prediksi. Misalnya:

1. You should not litter. [Kamu seharusnya tidak buang sampah sembarangan]
(keterangan: Kata should memberi makna tanggung jawab pada contoh di atas).
2. If she doesn't get an A for math test, you shouldn't punish her. Instead, encouraging
her to study harder would be a better idea. [Jika ia tidak mendapat nilai A untuk
ujian matematika, anda seharusnya tidak menghukumnya. Sebagai gantinya,
mendorong ia untuk lebih rajin dalam belajar akan menjadi ide yang lebih baik]
(keterangan: Kata should memberi makna saran pada contoh di atas)
3. It should be sunny tomorrow because it rains today. [Cuaca seharusnya terik besok
karena hujan turun hari ini] (keterangan: Kata should memberi makna prediksi pada
contoh di atas)

Kata kerja bantu modal should dengan simple, continuous, dan perfect tense

Functions of should + (simple )
1. function : We use should to give advice, suggestion and recommendation. It means we say
the right or correct thing to do, we use this form to state obligation for the present and the

- He should listen to his Mom. She knows very well about the school and all the teachers
- You will have your English text tomorrow. You should be studying now; you should not
be playing games like that.

Pattern :
(+) Subject + should + Verb 1
(-) Subject + should + not + Verb 1

(?) Should + Subject + Verb 1 + ...?

Contoh kalimat:

- I should probably go. [Aku mungkin seharusnya pergi]

- They should not litter here. [Mereka seharusnya tidak membuang sampah sembarangan di
- Should you have breakfast in your bedroom? [Haruskah kamu sarapan di kamar tidurmu?]
Contoh kalimat lainnya :
-. You look so pale, you should get some rest.
- The number of homeless people in this country is increasing. The government should do
more to help them
( in sentences 1 and 2 , the spekers use should + V 1 to say that it is a good things to do, or
the right things to do.
- she has been studying day and night . He should do well on the national examination
(the sentence above should + V -1 to say that He Expect something to happen)


(+) Subject + should + be + Verb-ing

(-) Subject + should + not + be + Verb-ing

(?) Should + Subject + be + Verb-ing

Contoh kalimat:

- He should be taking a bath now. (Dia seharusnya sedang mandi sekarang)

- This is a library. So, you should not be reading a book aloud here. (Ini adalah sebuah
perpustakaan. Jadi, kamu seharusnya tidak membaca dengan bersuara di sini)
- Should we be watching TV while waiting for dad to come home? (Haruskah kita menonton
TV sementara menunggu ayah pulang)?

- look! The motorcyclist isn’t wearing a helmet! Street are really dangerous. She should be
wearing it. (should + be +V-ing ) it is used to Expressing something which is not right as we

(+) Subject + should + have + Verb 3

(-) Subject + should + not + have + Verb 3

Contoh kalimat:

- She should have done her homework. [Dia seharusnya sudah mengerjakan PRnya]
- If it had been rainy yesterday afternoon, I shouldn't have gone fishing. [Kalau seandainya
kemarin sore hujan, aku seharusnya tidak pergi memancing]
( in the sentence 1, the speaker uses should + have + V-3, it means the speaker didn’t do it but
it would have been the right thing to do in the past)
Have to dan Has to memiliki arti dalam bahasa Indonesia yang sama yaitu memiliki arti
“HARUS”, Berikut ini adalah cara pemakaiannya atau pemakaiannya.

1. Have to untuk Subject


 I have to sleep (Saya harus tidur)

 I have to go (saya harus pergi)



 You have to eat (kamu harus makan)

 You have to go ( Kamu harus pergi)


 They have to sleep ( Mereka harus tidur)
 They have to go (mereka harus pergi)



 We have to eat ( Kita harus makan)

 We have to learn (Kita harus belajar)



The dogs have to play ( Anjing-anjing harus bermain)

2. Has to Untuk Subject



 She has to sing ( Dia harus bernyanyi)

 She has to reading ( dia harus membaca)



 He has to do his work ( dia harus mengerjakan pekerjaannya)

 He has to dance ( dia harus menari)



 It has to go ( Dia harus pergi)

 It has to found ( Dia harus ditemukan)



 Yona has to take a bath ( yona harus mandi)

 Rika has to wake up ( Rika harus bangun)


Contoh yang sudah di sebutkan tadi adalah contoh kalimat yang positif. Apabila ingin
merubahnya menjadi kalimat yang negatif atau menyatakan “tidak harus”, terdapat beberapa
ketentuan seperti dibawah ini:

Have to      menjadi      Do not have to

Has to        menjadi      Do not has to

kedua kata diatas do not have to do not has to memiliki arti ‘Tidak Harus’.

Seperti contoh diatas,

 Do not have to    digunakan untuk subject I/ You/They/ We

 Do not has to      digunakan untuk subject She/ He/ It

Contoh Kalimat:

1. I do not have to sleep ( Saya tidak harus tidur)

2. You do not have to go ( Kamu tidak harus pergi)
3. They do not have to eat ( Mereka tidak harus makan)
4. We do not have to stay ( Kita tidak harus tinggal)
5. The tiger do not to eat ( Harimau tidak harus makan)
6. She do not has to go ( Dia tidak harus pergi)
7. He do not has to bring money ( Dia tidak harus membawa uang)
8. It do not has to lstay ( Dia tidak harus tinggal)

Interrogative( Tanya)

Dalam kalimat tanya , kita hanya perlu meletakkan kata does/ do pada awal kalimat.

 Do I have to go ? ( apakah saya harus pergi?)
 Do you have to bring bag? ( Apakah kamu harus membawa tas?)

Kadua contoh pertanyaan diatas dapat dijawab dengan  dua pilihan, jika ‘iya maka kita dapat
menggunakan Yes, I do/ Yes, You do… Sedangkan apabila jawabannya ‘tidak’ maka kita dapat
menggunakan No, I do not/ No, You do not.

 Does She has to sing? ( apakah dia harus bernyanyi?)

 Does My mother has to sleep? ( apakan Ibuku harus tidur?)

Kadua contoh pertanyaan diatas dapat dijawab dengan  dua pilihan, jika ‘iya maka kita dapat
menggunakan Yes, she does/ Yes, he does… Sedangkan apabila jawabannya ‘tidak’ maka kita
dapat menggunakan No, she do not/ No, he do not.

D. Key word/ Kata Kunci :

Necessity to do something, advisability, obligation, should, must,have to

E. Aktifitas Pembelajaran :

Pada bagian ini siswa di ajarkan untuk memahami penggunaan kalimat keharusan.

F. Latihan Tugas

identify the expression that use modals. Discuss their meanings

Citra : I am putting on weight ..

Kania : you shouldn’t have eaten too much meat

Citra : I guess so.

Kania : and you should be taking more exercise.

Citra : what kind of exercise suits me?

Kania : perhaps you should walk for five or seven kilometers every morning or
afternoon. Or something like that.

Citra : well. I am too busy to do that in the morning and afternoon.

Kania : yes, I think so, too. Perhaps we should joint the badminton club. Then we can
both play.
Citra : yes, that’s good idea. I’ll have to pick up a couple of membership forms

G. Evaluasi :

Part A : Based on the context given , give suggestion by using should + V-1

Number 1 has been done for you as an example

2. You think it would be a good idea for all motorists should wear seat belts.

-(I think all motorist should wear seat belts).

3. You don’t think it would be a good idea for ratu and perdana to get married

- ( I think_______________________________)

3. Your friend has a bad cold. Tell him that it would be agood idea for him to stay at home
this evening.

- (I think________________________________)

4. I heard from nadia that shifa is back to bandung.( Is that true or __________________

(I/keep) sending her mail to you.)

Par t B : Observe the given situation and write the sentence with should + be + V-ing

Number 1 has been done for you as an example.

1. The speed limits is 40 kilometers per hour but perdana is driving at 80.

( He should be driving at 40 kilometers)

2. It’s very cold. Mr setiawan , who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a

( He_____________________________________)

3. The notice says that the shoes is open everyday from 8.30. it is now 9 o’clock but the shop
isn’t open.

( it ________________________________________)
4. I am expecting my friends to come over tonight, but they won’t .


5. the weather_______________________(be) nice over the weekend.

6. The train _______________________(arrive) at 7: 12, but it doesn’t.

Part C : Observe the situation given and complete the sentences with should (not) + have
+ Verb 3.
Number 1 has been done for you as an example.
1. The letter has not been sent. This morning tono didn’t sent it.
He _______________________(send) it to the post office.
-He should have sent it to the post office.
2. Rania comes late. . she overslept this morning.
She________________________(sleep) late last night.
3. Fariz failed to get scholarship abroad because He cant speak English.
He____________________(join) English course when He was in high school.
4. The scholarship submission periode is over, ery didn’t get a chance to submit the
requirement. She ___________________ (submit) it earlier.
5. Jonathan was deported for having and expired visa.
He______________________(have) his visa renewed.
6. Alliya is really nervous talking in front of public.
She _____________________(learn) to talk in front of public when she was young.

Part D : Complete these sentences with must or has/ have to. Sometimes it is possible
to use either.

1. In my opinion , if a student takes part in a brawl, the school Must give serious
2. At school, student brawl is prohibited, so all students_________________avoid it.
3. Student brawls__________________be stopped, otherwise the students will have no
good future.
4. Students________________warn one another to take part in brawls.
5. You really ______________work harder if you want to pass the national
6. When you come to bandung a gain, you__________________come and see us.
7. He can’t repair the car himself. So he __________________take it to the garage.

Part E : choose the best answer for the question below :

1. All students…….come to school at 7 a.m.
b.has to
d. Have to
e.Should not
2. I think you …….visit my parents this weekend. They say they miss you.
a. have to
b. should
c. don’t have to
d. should not
e. has to
3. students …… in classroom
a. should
b. should not
c. musn’t
d. must
e. hasn’t
4. keenan is getting merried, He…….be very happy. He smiles all day
a. must
b. has to
c. should
d. have to
e. mustn’t
5. we……..collect our project by tomorrow to get ‘ A’ in Biology.
a. must
b. should
c. mustn’t
d. shouldn’t
e. hasn’t
6. you………eat more fruits and vegetables for your diet menu.
a. must
b. should not
c. have to
d. should
e. hasn’t
7. I think it’s going to be rain this afternoon. You……..bring an umbrella
a. must
b. should
c. have to
d. has to
e. does
8. my mom says I …… more with my pet when I am bored
a. has to
b. have to
c. must
d. should
e. don’t have to
9. all female students……wear make up to school
a. don’t have to
b. doesn’t have to
c. mustn’t
d. shouldn’t

e. have

10. I ……..come early to the railway station. My train leaves at 5 A.m.

a. have to
b. should
c. has to
d. must
e. does

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