1F Ekstraksi
1F Ekstraksi
1F Ekstraksi
Kelompok/Kelas : 1F/C
I. TUJUAN PERCOBAAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A. Pengertian Ekstraksi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
B. Faktor-Faktor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
C. Syarat-Syarat Pelarut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
D. Metode Estraksi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
E. Ekstraksi Cair-Cair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
A. Alat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
B. Bahan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
C. Gambar Alat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IV. CARA KERJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
A. Hasil Percobaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
B. Pembahasan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
VI. KESIMPULAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
DAFTAR PUSTAKA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
A. Data Percobaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B. Perhitungan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
C. Analisis Galat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
1. Menentukan komposisi larutan keluar tiap-tiap stage dalam suatu
rangkaian ekstraksi.
2. Menentukan persen recovery dari suatu rangkaian ekstraksi.
3. Menentukan overall stage efficiency dari suatu rangkaian ekstraksi
dengan metode ekstraksi crosscurrent.
B. Faktor – Faktor
Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi ekstraksi adalah suhu operasi,
kecepatan pengadukan, ukuran, bentuk dan kondisi partikel padat,
jenis, dan jumlah pelarut. Peristiwa fisik yang terjadi dalam proses
ekstraksi adalah perpindahan massa. Transfer massa ini terjadi karena
perbedaan konsentrasi dari konsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi yang lebih
rendah. Semakin besar perbedaan konsentrasi semakin cepat
perpindahan massa terjadi dan pencapaian keseimbangan (Anggista
dkk, 2019).
D. Metode Ekstraksi
Berikut ini merupakan metode – metode ekstraksi (Silva dkk,
2017) :
1. Maserasi
Seluruh bahan bubuk dibiarkan bersentuhan dengan pelarut yang
berada dalam penutup wadah untuk jangka waktu tertentu dengan
agitasi yang sering. Di akhir proses, filepelarut dikeringkan dan
miscella yang tersisa dihilangkan dari bahan tanaman melalui
menekan atau sentrifugasi. Maserasi bukanlah teknik lanjutan
karena bahan aktif tidak dapat sepenuhnya diekstraksi.
2. Perkolasi
Perkolator yang memiliki bejana sempit berbentuk kerucut
terbuka di kedua ujungnya digunakan untuk ini teknik. Bahan
tanaman dibasahi dengan pelarut dan dibiarkan ditempatkan di
ruang perkolasi. Kemudian bahan tanaman dibilas dengan pelarut
beberapa kali sampai bahan aktif diekstraksi. Pelarut dapat
digunakan sampai titik jenuhnya.
3. Ekstraksi Soxhlet
Metode ini digunakan secara luas bila senyawa yang diinginkan
memiliki kelarutan terbatas dalampelarut dan kotoran tertentu
kurang larut dalam pelarut. Kirim masukan histori disimpan beri
kontribusi. Sampel yang ditumbuk halus ditempatkan dalam
kantong berpori atau “Bidal” yang terbuat dari kertas saring atau
B. Bahan
Berikut merupakan bahan yang digunakan dalam percobaan
ekstraksi cair-cair.
Tabel 2. Bahan yang digunakan pada percobaan ektraksi cair-cair.
C. Gambar Alat
Berikut ini merupakan gambar alat yang digunakann pada percobaan
ektraksi cair-cair.
Keterangan :
1. Corong pemisah
2. Gelas beker
3. Klaim
4. Kran
5. Statif
Keterangan :
1. Buret
2. Erlenmeyer
3. Klaim
4. Kran
5. Statif
Volume titrasi
Volume rata-rata
No Larutan (mL)
1 Asam Oksalat 10 10 10
2 NaOH 9 8,9 8,95
B. Pembahasan
Ekstraksi adalah proses pemisahan komponen dari bahan padat
atau cair dengan bantuan pelarut. Pelarut yang digunakan harus
mampu mengekstraksi zat yang diinginkan tanpa melarutkan bahan
lain. Pada percobaan yang telah dilakukan pelarut atau solvent yang
digunakan adalah aquades. Pemilihan aquades sebagai solvent karena
aquades merupakan pelarut universal atau bersifat netral, sehingga
tidak mempengaruhi hasil. Selain itu kelarutan asam asetat terhadap air
lebih besar daripada kelarutan eter dengan air. Sehingga hal itu
semakin mempermudah dalam pemisahan asam asetat dari campuran.
Konsep persen recovery merupakan perbandingan antara solute
yang terekstrak dengan jumlah solute dalam umpan. Sehingga dapat
diketahui berapa persen solute yang diperleh kembali setelah ekstraksi.
Dari percobaan ekstraksi yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil persen
recovery sebesar 97,93%.
Berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan proses ekstraksi akan
membentuk dua lapisan yang terpisah oleh layer. Pada lapisan atas
terbentuk rafinat yang terdiri dari eter dan sedikit asam asetat,
sedangkan pada lapisan bagian bawah merupakan ekstrak yang terdiri
dari aquades atau solvent dan asam asetat sebagai solute. Hal yang
paling penting dalam melakukan ekstraksi adalah menentukan
besarnya overall stage efficiency. Overall stage efficiency yaitu
perbandingan dari stage teoritis dengan stage sebenarnya. Perhitungan
ini digunakan untuk mengetahui koreksi pencapaian kesetimbangan
dalam pemisahan cairan. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang diperoleh nilai
overall stage efficiencysebesar 0,9282 dan stage teoritis sebesar 4,6411
yang artinya operasi ekstraksi dapat dilakukan 5 stage untuk mencapai
titik kesetimbangannya. Jumlah stage sebenarnya adalah 5, maka tidak
ada perbedaan antara stage teoritis dengan stage sebenarnya.
Kemudian untuk data massa rafinat akhir sebesar 37,4547 gram dan
dihasilkan solute yang terekstrak sebanyak 37,0205 gram. Komposisi
asam asetat yang terekstrak pada stage 1 sebanyak 3,2997 mol/L, stage
2 sebanyak 1,9758 mol/L, stage 3 sebanyak 1,3745 mol/L, stage 4
sebanyak 0,8489 mol/L, dan stage 5 sebanyak 0,4497 mol/L.
Dari hasil analisis diperoleh data bahwa volume ekstrak yang
diperoleh pada setiap stage mengalami penurunan. Hal ini bisa terjadi
karena pada proses pengocokan kurang sempurna atau tidak konstan
sehingga transfer massa asam asetat kurang maksimal dan pada saat
pengambilan ekstrak lumayan jauh dari layer.
Kendala atau sumber-sumber kesalahan pada percobaan ini yang
mungkin menyebabkan tidak keakuratan data antara lain :
1. Pengocokan yang tidak konstan serta pengadukan yang tidak
2. Pengambilan ekstrak yang terlalu jauh dari batas layer.
3. Tumpahnya larutan saat pengocokan karena corong pemisah yang
kurang rapat.
4. Ketelitian dalam membaca volume pada saat percobaan dilakukan.
Berdasarkan percobaan ekstraksi cair-cair yang telah dilakukan
diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut :
1. Komposisi asam asetat dalam ekstrak pada setiap stage
- N A1 = 3,2997 mol/L
- N A2 = 1,9758 mol/L
- N A3 = 1,3745 mol/L
- N A4 = 0,8489 mol/L
- N A5 = 0,4497 mol/L
2. Prosen recovery diperoleh sebesar 97,9304 %.
3. Overall stage efficiency diperoleh sebesar 0,9282.
Amperawati, S., Hastuti, P., Pranoto, Y . dan Santoso, U., (2019). Efektifitas
Frekuensi Ekstraksi Serta Pengaruh Suhu Dan Cahaya Terhadap
Antosianin Dan Daya Antioksidan Ekstrak Keopak Rosella
(Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.). Jurnal aplikasi teknologi pangan, 8(1).
Anggista, G., Pangestu, I. T., Handayani, D., Yulianto, M. E., dan Kusuma, S.,
(2019). Penentuan Faktor Pengaruh Pada Ekstraksi Rimpang Jahe
Menggunakan Extractor Berpengaduk. GEMA TEKNOLOGI, 20(3).
Bhokare,P., Khadke, A., Kuchekar, G., and Kulkarni, S., (2018). Comparative
Study Of Different Extraction Technique And Phytochemicals
Screening Of Delonix Regia. Journal of pharmacognosy and
phytochemistry, 7(4), 133-138.
Biyantoro, Dwi dan A.W, Muhadi, (2010). Kaitan Pemisahan 2r.Hg Dengan
Proses Ekstraksi Cair – Cair. Pustek akselerator dan proses bahan.
Fessenden, R.J. dan J.S Fessenden, (1982). Kimia Organik jilid 2. Erlangga.
Khopkar, S.M., (1990). Konsep Dasar Kimia Analitik. U.I. Press. Jakarta.
Dosen Pembimbing
A. Data Percobaan
Berikut merupakan data percobaan dari praktikum ekstraksi cair-
cair yang telah dilakukan
Tabel 5. Data Percobaan Praktikum Ektraksi Cair-Cair
V eter 80 mL
perhitungan (M NaOH)
Data ekstraksi stage 1
Volume ekstrak stage 1 (V1) 47 mL
ditritasi(V titrat)
ekstrak 1 (N A1)
Data ekstraksi stage 2
Volume ekstrak stage 2 (V2) 43 mL
ekstrak 5 (N A5)
Volume rafinat akhir 57 mL
Massa rafinat akhir 37,4547 g
B. Perhitungan
1. Menentukan Massa Asam Oksalat 0,9 N dalam 100 mL
Diketahui : BM = 126 g/mol
Kadar = 99,5% = 0,995
Normalitas = 0,9 N
Valensi =2
Volume = 100 mL
Ditanya : Massa Asam Oksalat = . . .?
Jawab :
Massa = × ×
= × ×
= 5,6985 g
Massa = × ×
= × ×
= 14,1414 g
Mol =
= 0,0452 mol
, ×
= 0,4520 mol/L
= 1,0106 mol/L
XF =
= 0,3081
Jawab :
N A1 =
, × , /
= 3,2297 mol/L
Jawab :
Mol solute terekstrak = (V1× N A1) + (V2× N A2) +
(V3× N A3) + (V4× N A4) +
(V5× N A5)
= (0,047×3,2997)+(0,043×1,9758)+
= 0,3422 mol
Prosen Recovery =
= 0,979304
= 97,9304 %
Jawab :
= 0,6571 g/mL
XR =
= 0,0117
Ditanya : N = . . .?
Jawab :
( )
( )
( , )
= , × ,
( ,
= 4,6411
= 0,9282
C. Analisis Galat
1. Standarisasi NaOH 1,14 N dengan Asam Oksalat 0,9 N
V1 NaOH = 9 mL
V2 NaOH = 8,9 mL
V rata-rata = = 8,95
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,05
b. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
c. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,05) + (0,005)
= 0,0502
2. Stage 1
V1 NaOH = 32,6 mL
V2 NaOH = 32,7 mL
, ,
V rata-rata = = 32,65
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,05
b. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
c. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,05) + (0,005)
= 0,0502
3. Stage 2
V1 NaOH = 19,4 mL
V2 NaOH = 19,7 mL
, ,
V rata-rata = = 19,55
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,15
b. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
c. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,15) + (0,005)
= 0,1501
4. Stage 3
V1 NaOH = 13,5 mL
V2 NaOH = 13,7 mL
, ,
V rata-rata = = 13,6
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,1
b. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
c. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,1) + (0,005)
= 0,1001
5. Stage 4
V1 NaOH = 8,3 mL
V2 NaOH = 8,5 mL
, ,
V rata-rata = = 8,4
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,1
d. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
e. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,1) + (0,005)
= 0,1001
6. Stage 5
V1 NaOH = 4,6 mL
V2 NaOH = 4,3 mL
, ,
V rata-rata = = 4,45
a. Galat Acak
ΣA= [( 1 − − ) +( 2− − ) ]
= 0,15
b. Galat Sistematis
ΣS = ½ × 0,05
= 0,005
c. Galat Gabungan
ΣG = (ΣA) + (ΣS)
= (0,15) + (0,005)
= 0,1501
American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2017; 5(2): 29-32
ISSN: 2321-9114
AJEONP 2017; 5(2): 29-32 Extraction methods, qualitative and quantitative
© 2017 AkiNik Publications
Received: 22-02-2017 techniques for screening of phytochemicals from plants
Accepted: 23-03-2017
Gusthinnadura Oshadie De Silva Gusthinnadura Oshadie De Silva, Achala Theekshana Abeysundara and
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Faculty of Applied
Malamige Minoli Weroshana Aponso
Sciences, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka Abstract
Phytochemicals are secondary metabolites which have different health benefits and with respect to plants,
Achala Theekshana Abeysundara they possess color, aroma and flavor. There are different extraction methods of phytochemicals which
Department of Food Science and have been used from the past and which are novel. Those novel techniques are very efficient and they
Technology, Faculty of Applied will enable to extract large yields from small amount of plant material. Further, there are some techniques
Sciences, University of Sri which can be used for both qualitative and quantitative measurements. Gas chromatography, liquid
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and high performance thin layer
Malamige Minoli Weroshana
chromatographyare some advanced techniques which can be used for quantitative analysis of
Aponso phytochemicals. The aim of this study is to elaborate different extraction methods and different
Department of Food Science and qualitative and quantitative techniques for screening phytochemicals from plant materials.
Technology, Faculty of Applied
Sciences, University of Sri Keywords: Phytochemicals, qualitative, quantitative, analysis, chromatography
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
1. Introduction
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring substances found in plants which provides health
benefits. These are known as secondary metabolites and may often be created by modified
synthetic pathways from primary metabolite or share substrates of primary metabolite origin
. Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, phenolics, saponin, steroids, glycoside, terpenes and etc.
They protect plants from disease and contribute for plant’s color, aroma and flavor. Further,
they have a role in protection of human health when their dietary intake is significant. Dietary
phytochemicals are found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fungi, herbs
and spices [13]. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial
properties [7]. The extraction procedures are vital important in analysis of phytochemicals.
There are some traditional extraction methods and novel extraction methods. Maceration,
percolation and soxhlet extraction methods are prominently used in phytochemical screening
studies. But there are some advanced methods such as supercritical fluid extraction (SFE),
microwave assisted (MAE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and accelerated solvent
extraction [2, 12].
2. Extraction methods
2.1 Maceration
The whole powdered material is allowed to contact with the solvent which is in a stoppered
container for a particular time period with frequent agitation [13]. At the end of the process the
solvent is drained off and the remaining miscella is removed from the plant material through
pressing or centrifuging. Maceration is not an advanced technique since active ingredients
cannot be totally extracted [12].
2.2 Percolation
A percolator which has a narrow cone shaped vessel open at both ends is used for this
technique [7]. The plant material is moistened with the solvent and allowed to place in a
Correspondence: percolation chamber. Then the plant material is rinsed with the solvent for several times until
Gusthinnadura Oshadie De Silva the active ingredient is extracted. The solvent can be used until its point of saturation [12].
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Faculty of Applied 2.3 Soxhlet extraction
Sciences, University of Sri This method is widely used when the desired compound has a limited solubility in the
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
particular solvent and impurities are less soluble in the solvent.
~ 29 ~
American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
The finely ground sample is placed ina porous bag or 3. Qualitative techniques for the determination of
“thimble” which made out of filter paper or cellulose. The phytochemicals
solvent which the desired compounds are going to extracted is 3.1 Alkaloids
kept in the round bottom flask [2]. Mayer’s test
Two drops of Mayer’s reagent are added along the sides of
2.4 Supercritical fluid extraction test tube in to few amount of plant extract. The presence of
Supercritical gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, alkaloids is indicated by a white creamy precipitate [3].
ethane, ethylene, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, propane,
propylene, ammonia and sulfur hexafluoride are used to Wagner’s test
extract active ingredients. The plant material is kept in a A few drops of Wagner’s reagent are added to a few amount
vessel which filled with a gas under controlled conditions of plant extract and a reddish brown precipitate depicts the
such as temperature and pressure. The active ingredients presence of alkaloids [3].
which dissolved in the gas separate when both temperature
and pressure are lower [11]. The important factor of this Dragendroff’s test
technique is the mass transfer of the solute in the supercritical The addition of few drops of Dragendroff’s reagent into the
solvent. Generally, temperature and pressure has the biggest extract gives red precipitate if alkaloids are present in the
influence. However the effect of the pressure is more direct. sample [14].
As the pressure increases, higher densities are achieved by the
supercritical fluid. Thus the density of the medium increases Hager’s test
and the solubility of the solute will be increased. In order to A small amount of Hager’s reagent is added to the extract.
get higher yields the process has to be optimized. Using The formation of yellow precipitate indicates the presence of
response surface methodology the optimum parameters can be alkaloids [14].
found [10].
3.2 Carbohydrates
2.5 Microwave assisted extraction The 100 mg of extract is dissolved in 5 ml of distilled water
In this method microwave energy facilitate the separation of and filtered [12].
active ingredients from the plant material into the solvent.
Microwaves possess electric and magnetic fields which are Molish’s test
perpendicular to each other. The electric filed generates heat Two drops of alcoholic solution of α–naphthol are added to 2
via dipolar rotation and ionic conduction. As high as the ml of filtrate and 1 ml of concentrated sulpuric acid is added
dielectric constant of the solvent, the resulting heating is fast. slowly along the sides of test tube. A violet ring indicates the
Unlike the classical methods, microwave assisted extraction presence of carbohydrates.
heats the whole sample simultaneously. During the extraction,
heat disrupts weak hydrogen bonds due to dipole rotation of Fehling’s test
molecules and the migration of dissolved ions increases the An equal volume of Fehling solution A and B are added to
penetration of solvent in to the sample or matrix [6]. and equal volume of filtrate and it should boil in a water bath.
The formation of red precipitate indicates the presence of
2.6 Ultrasound assisted extraction sugar.
This is an advanced technique which has the capability of
extracting large amount of bioactive compounds within Barfoed’s test
shorter extraction time. The main advantage of this technique An equal volumes of filtrate and Barfoed’s reagent are mixed
is the increasing the penetration of solvent into the matrix due and heat in a water bath. A red precipitate confirms the
to disruption of cell walls produced by acoustical cavitations. presence of sugar.
And also this achieves at low temperatures and hence this is
more suitable for extraction of thermally unstable compounds Benedict’s test
. A mixture of plant extract and the Benedict reagent is heated
on water bath for 2 minutes and a characteristic colored
2.7 Accelerated solvent extraction precipitate indicates the presence of sugar.
In accelerated solvent extraction technique, solvents are used For detection of glycosides, the plant extract is hydrolyzed
at elevated temperatures and pressures to keep the solvent in with concentrated hydrochloric acid and the filtrate should be
liquid form during the extraction process. Due to elevated subjected to following tests.
temperature the capacity of the solvent to solubilize the
analytes increases and thus the diffusion rate increases. A Borntrager’s test
further, higher temperature reduces the viscosity and the A 2 ml of filtrate is mixed with 3 ml of chloroform and 10%
solvent can easily penetrate the pores of the matrix. The ammonia is added to that. A pink color solution indicates the
pressurized solvent enables more close contact with the presence of glycosides.
analytes and solvent. However, this method uses less time and
less amount of solvent for the extraction of active ingredients. Legal’s test
The advantages of this method are extractions for sample The plant extract is dissolved in pyridine and sodium
sizes 1-100g in minutes, dramatic solvent reduction and wide nitroprusside is added to that. Then the solution is made
range of applications and handling of acidic and alkaline alkaline using 10% sodium hydroxide and pink color solution
matrices [9]. proves the presence of glycoside.
~ 30 ~
American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
3.3 Saponins 3.8 Tannins
The plant extract (50 mg) is diluted with distilled water up to A few drops of 1% gelatin solution containing sodium
20 ml and this is shaken for 15 minutes in a graduated chloride is added to the plant extract. The formation of white
cylinder. The formation of 2 cm thick foam indicates the precipitate indicates the presence of tannins [14].
presence of saponins [3].
3.9 Diterpenes
3.4 Proteins and amino acids Copper acetate test
The plant extract is dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water and The plant extract is dissolved in water and 3-4 drops of copper
the filtrate is used for the following tests [12]. acetate solution. Formation of emerald green color indicates
the presence of diterpenes [14].
Millon’s test
A few drops of Millon’s reagent is added to 2 ml of filtrate. 4. Quantitative techniques
The white precipitate proves the presence of proteins. Chromatography techniques can be used for both qualitative
as well as quantitative analysis. Gas chromatography, liquid
Biuret test chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography
One drop of 2% copper sulphate solution is added to 2 ml of and high performance thin layer chromatography can be used
filtrate. Then 1 ml of 95% ethanol is added following by for quantitative analysis.
excess of potassium hydroxide pellets. Pink color in ethanolic
layer indicates the presence of proteins 4.1 Gas Chromatography (GC)
A mixture of volatile substances which are vaporizable
Ninhydrin test without decomposition can be used in this technique. Gas
Two drops of ninhydrin solution are added to 2 ml of the chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry can be used
filtrate and purple color proves the presence of amino acids. for both qualitative and quantitative measurements [12]. The
plant extract can be dissolved in methanol and filter with
Xanthoproteic test polymeric solid phase extraction column before analyzing for
The plant extract is treated with few drops of conc. Nitric different components [11].
acid. The formation of yellow color indicates the presence of
proteins [14]. 4.2 Liquid Chromatography (LC)
A low viscosity liquid is used as the mobile phase. The
3.5 Flavonoids stationary phase bed may be comprised of an immiscible
Alkaline reagent test liquid coated onto a porous support and a thin film of liquid
A small amount of the extract is treated with few drops of phase bonded to the surface of a sorbent or a sorbent of
sodium hydroxide and if the intense yellow color solution controlled pore size. There are several types of liquid
becomes colorless on addition of dilute acid proves the chromatography such as reverse phase, high performance and
presence of flavonoids [13]. size exclusion liquid chromatography [12].
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~ 32 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(4): 133-138
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(4): 133-138 Comparative study of different extraction
Received: 05-05-2018
Accepted: 10-06-2018 technique and phytochemical screening of
Pallavi Bhokare
Delonix regia
Head of Department of
Pharmacognosy, Yashoda
Technical Campus Faculty of Pallavi Bhokare, Anand Khadke, Gauri Kuchekar and Sneha Kulkarni
Pharmacy, Satara, Maharashtra
India Abstract
Extraction is separation of active portions of plant tissue using selective solvents through standard
Anand Khadke
procedure. For extraction purpose Leaves, Root and Stem were used of plant D.regia. The plant contains
Head of Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Alkaloids, Saponin, Steroid, Flavonoids etc. The technique used for extraction was ultra-sonication
Yashoda Technical Campus method and Soxhlet method using methanol as solvent. From this Soxhlet technique was given highest %
Faculty of Pharmacy, Satara, yield of extract as compared to that of Ultrasonic method. In phytochemical screening it was found that
Maharashtra, India alkaloids, terpinoids, steroid, saponins and flavonoid were found to be present in extract of Ultrasonic
method and Soxhlet method.
Gauri Kuchekar
Research scholar, B. Pharmacy, Keywords: extraction, ultra-sonication, soxhlet
Yashoda Technical Campus
Faculty of Pharmacy, Satara,
Maharashtra, India
D.regia is a tall tree reaching a height of more than 15 m and a girth of 2 m under favorable
Sneha Kulkarni conditions. The trunk is buttressed and the stem form above the buttress is generally normal in
Research scholar, B. Pharmacy, taper. The trees are almost evergreen, with broad-spreading, open, umbrella-shaped crowns. It
Yashoda Technical Campus is deciduous in localities which experience long pronounced dry seasons. The bark is grey or
Faculty of Pharmacy, Satara,
brown, smooth or slightly rough, and exfoliating. The compound leaves of D.regia are
Maharashtra, India
bipinnate and feathery, up to 60 cm long, pinnae 11-18 pairs, petiole stout. The leaflets are in
20-30 pairs on each pinna, oblong, 7.5-10 mm long, 3.4-5 mm wide. At the base of the leaf,
two stipules occur which have long, narrow comb-like teeth. The inflorescence of D.regia is a
lax terminal or axillary raceme. The flowers appear in corymbs along or at the end of branches
and are large, 10 cm across and bright red. They vary considerably in intensity of colouring,
ranging from orange-vermillion to deep scarlet. Most of the common names for D.regia are
derived from the colour of its flowers. The pods are 5 cm broad and 30-60 cm long, ending in
a beak when mature. They are green and flaccid when young and are compressed, firm and
rather thick when mature. Seeds are large, yellowish, oblong, arranged at right angles to the
length of pod and transversely mottled.
Extraction is defined as the process of removing a substance or several substances from
another substance. The process is extremely important in a wide range of technical
applications, for instance biotechnology, the pharmaceutical and food industries as well as
environmental protection. Extraction is a separating process which has the advantage of low
energy consumption.
Correspondence Maceration
Pallavi Bhokare In this process, the drug is placed with the whole of the menstrum in a closed vessel for seven
Head of Department of days. During this period shaking is done occasionally. After seven days, the liquid is strained
Pharmacognosy, Yashoda
and marc is pressed. The expressed liquid is mixed with strained liquid. It is then filtered to
Technical Campus Faculty of
Pharmacy, Satara, Maharashtra make a clear liquid. The final volume is not adjusted.
~ 133 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate
particles in a sample, for various
purposes. Ultrasonic frequencies (>20 kHz) are usually used,
leading to the process also being known as
ultrasonication ultra-sonication
Plant profile
Organoleptic evaluation of D.regia Leaves, Stem, and Root
were done to identity the nature of the plant. The parameters
such as colour, odour, taste, were measured.
Fig 1.1: Delonix regia
~ 134 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Table 2
Sr. No. Macroscopy Leaves Root Stem
1 Colour Dark Green Dark Brown Brown
2 Odour Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
3 Taste Bitter Bitter Bitter
~ 135 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Method and Material 6. The soluble active constituents of a drug remain in the
A. Selection of plant flask while the solvent is repeatedly volatilized.
The fresh leaves root and stem of the plant will be collected 7. The process of filling & emptying of the extractor is
from the Lonand city, from Satara district of Maharashtra in repeated until the drug is exhaustion.
month of September 2017.
% yield of extract by Soxhlet
B. Authentication of Plant
Plant is authenticate from Yashwantro Chavan institute of Table 3
sciences, Satara. Sr. No. Parts Colour Odour % yield
1. Leaves Dark green Characteristics 39.8 % w/w
C. Preparation of Delonix regia Plant Extracts: 2. Root Faint green Characteristics 39.4 % w/w
Plant materials were dried for 15-20 days and powdered. The 3. Stem Faint green Characteristics 20.8% w/w
air dried powder was subjected to solvent extraction with
methanol. Advantages
The main advantage of soxhlet extraction is that it is a
Exrtaction technique continuous process. Isolated desired oil when it has limited
Soxhlet Extraction solubility in a solvent and when impurity is insoluble in a
solvent. The extracting solvent always has zero concentration
of the material to be extracted when the solvent first contacts
the substrate to be extracted, so that the extraction rate is
Ultrasonic extraction
Sonication is the act of applying sound energy to agitate
particles in a sample, for various
purposes. Ultrasonic frequencies (>20 kHz) are usually used,
leading to the process also being known as
ultrasonicationor ultra-sonication.
When a compound of low solubility needs to be extracted
from a solid mixture a Soxhlet extraction can be carried out. Fig 1.8: Ultrasonication Extraction
The technique places a specialized piece of glassware
in‐between a flask and a condenser. The refluxing solvent Procedure
repeatedly washes the solid extracting the desired compound 1. Take 5 gm. of drug powder in a three beaker and add 50
into the flask. Soxhlet extraction was carried out for colorant ml of methanol.
identification. In this work dried plant parts were put into 2. Then kept this beakers in sonicator bath 15,30 and 45
thistle of soxhlet extractor and methanol was used as solvent. min.
Temperature of the instrument was maintained well under 3. After completion filter the extract in petri dish and it
boiling point of the used solvent. Several cycles of solvent allow to drying or evaporation.
were run so as to extract all the compounds from plant parts. 4. After this calculate % yield.
1. Finely ground crude drug is placed in a porous bags or
thimble made of strong filter paper which placed
chamber of soxhlet apparatus.
2. The extracting solvent methanol is heated &its vapour is
condensed in condenser.
3. The condensed extractant drips into the thimble
containing crude drug.
4. When the level of liquid in chamber rises to the top of
siphon tube, the active constituents of chamber siphon
tube into the flask, thus emptying the body of extractor.
5. This alternation of filling & emptying the body of
extractor goes on continuously. Fig 1.9: Methanolic Extract by Ultrasonication
~ 136 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Table 4
Sr no. Parts Minutes Colour Odour % yield
1 Leaves 15 minutes Faint green Characteristics 20.4 % w/w
30 minutes Green Characteristics 20.6 % w/w
45 minutes Dark green Characteristics 38.6 % w/w
2 Root 15 minutes Lightly green Characteristics 19.6 % w/w
30 minutes Faint green Characteristics 20.2 % w/w
45 minutes Faint green Characteristics 38.4 % w/w
3 Stem 15 minutes Faint green Characteristics 19.6 % w/w
30 minutes Green Characteristics 20.2 % w/w
45 minutes Green Characteristics 20.6 % w/w
Advantages: High accuracy, Rapid result
Preliminary pharmacognostic study: Phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of leaves, stem and root prepared by
Soxhlet method
Table 5
Sr. No. Tests Leaf extract in methanol Root extract in methanol Stem extract in methanol
1 Alkaloids
Dragendrof’s test + + +
Wagners test + + +
Mayers test + + +
Hagers test + + +
3 Test for saponins
Foam test + + +
4 Test for flavanoids
Alkaline reagent test + + +
4 Test for steroid
Salkowski test + + +
Phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of leaves, stem and root prepared by Ultrasonication method
Table 6
Sr. No. Tests Leaf extract in methanol Root extract in methanol Stem extract in methanol
1 Alkaloids
Dragendrof’s test + + +
Wagners test + + +
Mayers test + + +
Hagers test + + +
3 Test for saponins
Foam test + - -
4 Test for flavanoids
Alkaline reagent test + + +
4 Test for steroid
Salkowski test + + +
Percent of extract by different extraction techniques of Leaves, Root and Stem
By soxhlet extraction
Table 7
Sr. no. Parts % yield
1. Leaves 39.8 % w/w
2. Root 39.4 % w/w
3. Stem 20.8% w/w
By ultrasonication
Table 8
Sr. no. Parts Minutes % yield
1. Leaves 15 minutes 20.4 % w/w
30 minutes 20.6 % w/w
45 minutes 38.6 % w/w
2. Root 15 minutes 19.6 % w/w
~ 137 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
From the above observation of the table above table, and in ultrasonication method 45 min extract so
The soxhlet process was given the highest % of extract as highest percentage of extract.
compaired to the ultrasonication method as per shown in
By statistical analysis
By comparative extraction technique of different parts of
plant we concluded that by soxhlet extraction technique gives
maximum percentage of yield with maximum presence of
phytochemical constituents.
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Seed extract of D. regia and A. aspera against selected
bacterial strains. Internationl Journal of Pharma Medicine
and Biological Science. 2013, 2278-5221.
2. Abdul Aziz, et all. Invitro comparative study of whole
Plant and Roots Bark of D. regia. International Journal of
Pharma science. 2014; 4(5):736-741.
3. Mohamed ZM Salem, et al. Bioactivty of D. regia Bio
Resources. 2014; 9(2):2382-2395.
4. Indalkar Ankita S, Bhokare PV, Khadake AP.
Standarization and Comparative Phytochemical
Screening of Delonix Regia Different Extracts Obtained
by Different Extraction Techniques; World Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017; 6:694-
5. Dr. Khandelwal KR. Practial Pharmacognosy,
Techniques and Experments Chaptor No-25, Preliminary
Phytochemical Screening. Published by NIRALI
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6. Dhane NS, et al. Antibacterial Activity Of methanolic
Extract of Nycthsnthes Arbortristis Int. J Pharmacol.
Pharm. sci. 2016; 3(4):76-79.
~ 138 ~
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 8 (1) 2019 38
©Indonesian Food Technologists https://doi.org/10.17728/jatp.3527
Artikel Penelitian
Efektifitas Frekuensi Ekstraksi Serta Pengaruh Suhu dan Cahaya
Terhadap Antosianin dan Daya Antioksidan Ekstrak Kelopak
Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Extraction Frequency Effectiveness and Effect of Temperature and Light on Anthocyanin and Antioxidant
Capacity of Rosella Petal Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
1 2 2 2
Suharyani Amperawati , Pudji Hastuti , Yudi Pranoto , Umar Santoso *
Program Studi Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan, Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Pontianak
Departemen Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
*Korespodensi dengan penulis ([email protected])
Artikel ini dikirim pada tanggal 8 November 2018 dan dinyatakan diterima tanggal 23 Februari 2019. Artikel ini juga dipublikasi secara online
melalui https://ejournal2.undip.ac.id/index.php/jatp. Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang diperbanyak untuk tujuan komersial.
Diproduksi oleh Indonesian Food Technologists® ©2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas dan kadar antosianin ekstrak kelopak rosela dari perlakuan
ekstraksi dengan maserasi pada beberapa kali ekstraksi, serta mempelajari pengaruh suhu dan pemaparan cahaya
selama penyimpanan terhadap kadar antosianin dan daya antioksidan. Ekstraksi kelopak rosela dilakukan sebanyak
4 kali dengan metode maserasi. Pengaruh penyimpanan dengan suhu 30, 40, 50, 60 dan 70 C selama 7, 14, 21, 28,
dan 35 hari. Pemaparan cahaya dilakukan dengan 1478, 2835, dan 3940 lux dan sebagai pembanding digunakan
perlakuan tanpa pencahayaan selama 1 sampai dengan 10 hari. Parameter untuk ektraksi meliputi kadar antosianin,
warna (L*, a*, b*, ΔE), dan total padatan terlarut. Parameter penyimpanan meliputi kadar antosianin dan daya
antioksidan metode radical scavenging (DPPH). Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi ke 1, 2, 3, dan 4 kali
menunjukkan kadar antosianin masing-masing 608, 218, 64, dan 32 mg/l; nilai L* sebesar 29,07; 32,27; 36,19; dan
45,27; nilai a* sebesar 10,42; 16,33; 21,90 dan 15,63; dan b* adalah 1,36; 4,56; 8,33; dan 5,86; ΔE adalah 1,31;
7,53; 15,29; dan 18,06. Ekstraksi lebih baik dilakukan 2 kali, sedangkan ekstraksi yang ke-3 dan 4 menghasilkan
kadar antosianin yang relatif kecil. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa makin tinggi suhu dan lama
penyimpanan menyebabkan kandungan antosianin dan kapasitas antioksidan makin menurun, demikian pula makin
tinggi intensitas cahaya menyebabkan makin menurunnya kadar antosianin dan kemampuan antioksidannya.
Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan semua parameter yang diukur maka ekstraksi dapat dilakukan sampai dengan 2 kali
dan guna menjaga antosianin dan antioksidannya, maka sebaiknya disimpan dalam ruang dingin dan terhindar dari
cahaya matahari.
This study aims to determine the quality and levels of anthocyanin roselle petal extract from extraction
treatment with maceration frequency and to determine the effect of temperature and light exposure during storage
on anthocyanin levels and antioxidant activity. Roselle petal extraction was carried out 4 times with maceration
method. Storage condition were set up at 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 C for 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days. Light exposure
was conducted using 1478, 2835, and 3940 lux and as a comparison, the extract was kept without light from 1 to 10
days. The parameters for extraction were anthocyanin, color levels (L*, a*, b*, ΔE), and total soluble solids. Storage
parameters were anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity of the radical scavenging (DPPH) method. The results
of anthocyanin levels of extraction 1, 2, 3, and 4 times were 608, 218, 64, and 32 mg/L; 29.07, 32.27, 36.19, and
45.27 for L*, 10.42, 16.33, 21.90 and 15.63 for a* value, 1.36, 4.56, 8.33, and 5.86 for b* value, 1,31; 7,53; 15,29;
and 18,06 for ΔE, respectively. Twice extraction was provide much better result for total anthocyanin, while 3rd and
4th extractions produced relatively small level of anthocyanin. The results also showed that the higher temperature
and storage time, the decrease in anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity. The higher intensity of the light
caused reduction of anthocyanin content and its antioxidant activity. As conclusion, roselle extract might be
conducted for two times. The storage was also suggested at low temperatures and low exposure light to keep its
anthocyanin and antioxidant.
Figur 2. Perubahan warna ekstrak rosela berdasarkan metode Figur 4. Foto hasil ekstraksi kelopak rosela : (a) ampas
perhitungan L*a*b* dan ∆E pada empat kali ekstraksi ekstraksi pertama; (b) ekstrak setelah melalui beberapa kali
proses ekstraksi; (i) 1 kali, (ii) 2 kali, (iii) 3 kali, dan (iv) 4 kali.
Frekuensi ekstraksi kelopak rosela lebih baik
dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali dengan total kadar antosianin
sebesar 89,64%, sedangkan ekstraksi yang ketiga dan
keempat prosentasenya menjadi sangat sedikit.
Peningkatan suhu dan intensitas cahaya selama
penyimpanan dapat menurunkan kadar antosianin dan
kemampuan antioksidan ekstrak kelopak rosela. Namun
bila dibandingkan dengan pengaruh suhu selama
Figur 8. Pengaruh cahaya 1478, 2835, dan 3940 lux terhadap penyimpanan, ternyata cahaya lebih kuat pengaruhnya
kemampuan daya antioksidan ekstrak kelopak rosela pada terhadap penurunan kadar antosianin dan
penyimpanan sampai dengan 10 hari. kemampuannya dalam menetralisir radikal bebas. Untuk
menghindari kerusakan antosianin dan kemampuan
Pengaruh Cahaya terhadap Antosianin dan Daya daya antioksidan maka sebaiknya ekstrak kelopak
Antioksidan rosela disimpan pada kondisi terhindar dari paparan
Tidak seperti flavonoid lainnya, antosianin bersifat cahaya atau tertutup dengan suhu rendah.
sangat menyerap cahaya dan dapat memberikan warna
bila ditambahkan pada berbagai media (Markakis, Ucapan Terimakasih
1982). Antosianin kelopak rosela merupakan senyawa Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada
flavonoid yang dapat menghasilkan warna merah Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian
sampai keunguan. Figur 7 menunjukkan, bahwa
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Giovani Anggista , Ilyas Teguh Pangestu, Dwi Handayani, M. Endy Yulianto, Septi Kusuma
Program Studi Diploma III Teknik Kimia, Departemen Teknologi Industri Sekolah Vokasi,
Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275
Email : [email protected]
Giovani Anggista , Ilyas Teguh Pangestu, Dwi Handayani, M. Endy Yulianto, Septi Kusuma, in this
paper explain that the main part of ginger used is rhizome. Processed ginger products that can be developed are
ginger oleoresin which contains components of gingerol, shogaol, zingerone, resin and essential oils. Ginger
oleoresin content ranges from 3.2 - 9.5%, while the content of gingerol in oleoresin is between 14-25% and shogaol
between oleoresin. 2.8-7.0%. Considering the benefits of high-antioxidant ginger which functions as an anti-
inflammatory and prevents tumor growth, it is necessary to extract the ginger rhizome. The purpose of this study
was to determine the factors that most influence the extraction of gingerol from the ginger rhizome using a stirred
extractor and relatively good conditions. Experiments were carried out with various solvents, pH and temperature.
Solvents 4 liters and 8 liters, pH 4 and 6 and temperatures 60oC and 100oC. The Gingerol content is measured by
a VIS spectrophotometer. The most influential factor in extraction of ginger was determined by experimental
design 23. The analysis of the results showed that for extracting 500 grams of powdered ginger using water as a
solvent, the most influential factor was pH, in this case, at pH 6 containing 4% ginger.
Bagian 1 Proyek/penelitian/kegiatan
1.1: Deskripsi singkat tentang proyek/penelitian/kegiatan
Mencari overall stage efficiency dari suatu rangkaian ekstraksi cairan dan menentukan komposisi larutan keluar tiap-
tiap stage serta prosen recovery dari suatu operasi ekstraksi cairan
BKB3 v1 Page 1 of 4
HSL.01 Diisi sebelum menjalankan Penelitian/Experimen
BKB3 v1 Page 2 of 4
HSL.01 Diisi sebelum menjalankan Penelitian/Experimen
Jas Lab Keseluruhan Chemical suit baju sekali pakai Apron Pilih semua yang
Kaus tangan kacamata kacamata/Goggles pelindung muka Kaus sesuai
tangan Alat pelindung kepala sepatu keselamatan lainnya
Training khusus diperlukan untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan selamat (Jika ya, isi detilnya di ya
BKB3 v1 Page 3 of 4
HSL.01 Diisi sebelum menjalankan Penelitian/Experimen
Bagian 6 Persetujuan
6.1: Pengisi borang
Nama : Hasna Nadila Pralista Tanda tangan Tanggal 29 November 2020
BKB3 v1 Page 4 of 4
HSL.02 Risk
Assessment v.01
Diisi sebelum melaksanakan penelitian
Laboratorium Teknik Kimia
Program Studi Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Penilaian Resiko (Risk Assessment)
Judul Penelitian/Title of project Ekstraksi Cair-Cair
or activity
Penanggung jawab/Responsible Alimatun Nashira, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.
Person / Manager
Asal Institusi/Faculty/Prodi Teknik Kimia
Tanggal Penilaian/Date of 29 November 2020
Tempat Penelitian/Location of Laboratorium Teknik Kimia UMS Gedung H Lantai 2
Borang penilaian resiko (risk assessment form) berikut dibuat memberi penilaian
terhadap aktivitas yang berpotensi menyebabkan bahaya dan resiko terhadap
kesehatan dan keselamatan, serta untuk mengidentifikasi cara dan metode yang tepat
untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan bahaya dan resiko tersebut. Hal ini juga
bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa cara dan metode pengendalian sudah
dilaksanakan dengan baik.
Aktivitas yang berpotensi bahaya dan resiko yang signifikan
Semua Aktivitas harus dinilai sehingga aktivitas yang berbahaya dan resiko yang
disebabkan aktivitas tersebut dapat diidenfikasi.
Page 1 of 3
HSL.02 Risk
Assessment v.01
Diisi sebelum melaksanakan penelitian
Diisopropil Eter
Bahaya/ Cairan dan uap mudah terbakar Implemente Date
Hazard 1 Kantuk atau pusing d
Resiko/ Menyebabkan kebakaran, menyebabkan rasa kantuk atau pusing
Metode dan
peralatan Jauhkan dari panas atau percikan api, pindahkan korban ke tempat
kendali dengan udara segar
Bahaya/ Luka bakar kulit dan kerusakan mata Implemente Date
Hazard 1 Bahaya bagi kehidupan akuatik d
Resiko/ Bersihkan kulit atau mata yang terkontaminasi dengan air dan hindari
Risks pelepasan ke lingkungan
Metode dan
Implemente Date
Emergency Procedures d
Metode dan
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