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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
Resumen la utilidad de las tic dependerá del propósito que se desee cubrir, de las metas, las intenciones y los objetivos que se tengan en mente. Si bien las tic poseen amplias posibilidades, están sujetas a problemáticas particulares. la... more
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This paper deals with the master-slave synchronization scheme for partially known nonlinear fractional order systems, where the unknown dynamics is considered as the master system and we propose the slave system structure which estimates... more
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      Applied MathematicsSynchronizationChaotic SystemNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
For discrete-time systems, using substitutions of the variable z by M 1 functions, we give results on preservation of stability, stabilization, positive real (PR), strictly positive real (SPR), bounded real (BR), and strictly bounded real... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringElectrical And Electronic Engineering
This work considers the stabilization problem for unstable linear input-delay systems. The main idea of the paper is to use a finite-dimensional approximation for the delay operator, which is based on non-overlapping partitions of the... more
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      EngineeringPredictionIndustrialTime Delay
The so-called (first-order) linear driving force (LDF) model for gas adsorption kinetics is frequently and successfully used for analysis and design of adsorptive processes because it is simple, analytical, and physically consistent. Yet,... more
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      EngineeringCHEMICAL SCIENCESIndustrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering
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      EngineeringSystems ScienceMathematical SciencesTransfer Function
For a class of single-output processes with at least two control inputs, this note proposes a simple control design and study its stability. To this end, the process is factorized into a stable and non-minimum-phase factor and a possible... more
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess ControlProcessControl Design
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
In this article we present a methodology under which stability and synchronization of a dynamical master/slave system configuration are preserved under modification through matrix multiplication. The objective is to show that under a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsChaotic SystemJacobian Matrix
Given an excess demand function of an economy, say ZðpÞ, a stable price adjustment mechanism (SPAM) guarantees convergence of solution path pðt; p 0 Þ to an equilibrium p eq solution of ZðpÞ ¼ 0. Besides, all equilibrium points of ZðpÞ... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsFeedback Control
In this work, an adaptive strategy for chaos synchronization is developed. The proposed scheme allows the synchronization of high-order chaotic systems. Only one tuning parameter is required to perform the chaos synchronization. The... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer SimulationChaos ControlOscillations
This paper concerns the characterization of positive real (PR) matrices generated by substitutions (of the Laplace variable s) in scalar rational transfer functions by matrix PR functions. Our main results are restricted to both strongly... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsTransfer FunctionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The DNA fragment assembly is an important phase required to obtain complete genomes. Optimization using nature inspired algorithms has been proposed by several authors. We present another nature inspired algorithm based on Particle Swarm... more
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      GenomicsDifferential EvolutionGreedy AlgorithmsParticle Swarm Optimization
In this work an observer structure for a certain class of nonlinear fractional order systems is proposed. For solving this task we introduce a Fractional Algebraic Observability (FAO) property which is used as a main tool in the design of... more
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    • Differential equation
This note gives results about the preservation of some dissipative properties of systems under a change of variables. In the textbooks it is not mentioned explicitly the relationship between the equations associated with the dynamics of a... more
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In this paper, a high-order generalization of the diffusion Cattaneo's equation is considered. A class of admissible linear relaxation dynamics is characterized by computing the impedance of a simple diffusion process. Some examples are... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsAcoustic Diffusion Equation Model
Some stability e ects of technical trading on ÿnancial/commodity markets are analyzed in this paper. Technical trading is characterized by using past price information within a time-delay horizon to forecast future price dynamics. By... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsStabilityTechnical Analysis
In this work, an adaptive strategy for chaos synchronization is developed. The proposed scheme allows the synchronization of high-order chaotic systems. Only one tuning parameter is required to perform the chaos synchronization. The... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer SimulationChaos ControlOscillations
DNA fragment assembly represents an important challenge to the development of efficient and practical algorithms due to the large number of elements to be assembled. In this study, we present some graph theoretical linear time algorithms... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMathematical Sciences