Papers by Seyed Afshin Nateghi Shahrokni
Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, 2016
Species identification is always important. Records of sea urchins and sand dollars species (Ec... more Species identification is always important. Records of sea urchins and sand dollars species (Echinodermata, Echinoidea) is given from Iranian waters. Nine Species of Echinoderms were identified through the study. The species identification was made using morphological characteristics and review of checklist key. Nine species were identified here, including Echinometra mathaei, Prionocidaris baculosa, Temnopleurus toreumaticus, Echinothrix calamaris, Clypeaster humilis, Echinodiscus auritus, Diadema setosum, Diadema savignyi and Parasalenia gratiosa of which three species namely Echinothrix calamaris, Diadema savignyi and Parasalenia gratiosa were new records to Persian Gulf.
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2016
The eye-attacking behaviour of Koi fishes was recorded in a koi-goldfish polyculture system. The ... more The eye-attacking behaviour of Koi fishes was recorded in a koi-goldfish polyculture system. The attacked fishes suffered from eye ablation, abnormal swimming and suppressed feeding behaviour. There was a significant difference in mean sizes of victims and attackers but the exact motivating stimuli for the observed action was not clear. For future research, the effects of different stocking ratios on aggressive behaviour of koi should also be examined.

Cette thèse présente une approche probabiliste de la détection de changement de texture appliquée... more Cette thèse présente une approche probabiliste de la détection de changement de texture appliquée au suivi d'objets texturés. Nous avons développé un nouvel algorithme pour estimer la position d'un changement de textureà partir d'une courte séquence de pixels. Cet algorithme cumule la rapidité des méthodes basées sur le gradient et la sophistication de l'analyse Bayésienne de texturesétant donné un ensemble limité d'observations. Lorsque les observations données ne sont pas suffisantes pour une estimation Bayésienne fiable de la probabilité du changement de texture, nous proposons une technique novatrice d'apprentissage pour construire un modèle probabiliste de transition de textures. Ceci est obtenu en considérant un ensemble d'apprentissage formé de petites images composées de deux moitiés de textures différentes. Ayant suffisamment d'exemples dans la base d'apprentissage pour modeler exactement des transitions de texture d'intérêt, nous pouvons construire un prédicteur qui peutêtre employé pour le suivi de frontière d'objets. Les probabilités de transitions de texture ainsi obtenues sur plusieurs scanlines peuventêtre combinées pour obtenir des contours d'objet. Nous démontrons qu'un modèle géométrique rigide de l'objetà suivre ou des contraintes de connectivité en l'absence d'un tel modèle peuventêtre employés pour fusionner les probabilités de transition de textures de scanlines obtenues en utilisant les méthodes mentionnées cidessus. Nous proposons un Modèle de Markov Caché pour combiner les probabilités de transition de scanlines de manière robuste. En conséquence, des bords d'objet continus peuventêtre extraits en maximisant des probabilités postérieures de transitions de textures. D'autre part, des contraintes géométriques plus fortes telles que les modèles rigides de la cible sont directement imposées par optimisation stochastique robuste. En plus d'être rapide, le cadre proposé fournit une infrastructure unique pour le suivi d'objets hétérogènes qui utilise aussi bien un prédicteur basé sur des techniques d'apprentissage statistique qu'un estimateur Bayésien, combiné avec une optimisation robuste pour extraire des bords d'objet. Nous appliquons les méthodes développées au suivi, dans les conditions difficiles, d'objets rigides texturés ou non texturés ainsi que des contours déformables de corps et mouvement humain articulé monoculaire. Grâceà sa rapidité, nous avons pu utiliser notre méthode pour un outil interactif de segmentation de texture.

Indian Journal of Fisheries
Length composition data of thinspine sea catfish, Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day, 1877), landed bet... more Length composition data of thinspine sea catfish, Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day, 1877), landed between April 2009 and March 2011, off Persian Gulf along the coast of Iran, were used to estimate the population parameters and to assess the stock of the species. Based on length frequency analysis, growth parameters of von Bertalanffy equation were calculated as L∞= 58 cm; K= 0.22 yr-1; t0= -0.63 year for P. tenuispinis . The estimated total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F) and exploitation rate (E) were 1.97, 0.5, 1.47, and 0.75, respectively. Relative yield per recruitment (Y’/R) of 0.010, relative biomass per recruitment (B’/R) 0.1, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) 0.88, exploitation rate at maximum sustainable yield (Emax) 0.45, precautionary average target (Fopt) of 0.25 and its limit (Flimit) of 0.33 were estimated for the local stock of thinspine sea catfish. The results of this study indicated that the thinspine sea catfish stock is overfished and exploitation rates should be regulated.
Abstract: The two-part name of a species is commonly known as its Latin name. However, biologists... more Abstract: The two-part name of a species is commonly known as its Latin name. However, biologists and philologists prefer to use the term “scientific name” rather than “Latin name”, because the words used to create these names are not always from Latin. The aim of the ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2010

Journal of Hydrology, 2013
ABSTRACT The five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is one of the key parameters in water qual... more ABSTRACT The five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is one of the key parameters in water quality management. In this study, a novel approach, i.e., reduced-order adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ROANFIS) model was developed for rapid estimation of BOD5. In addition, an uncertainty analysis of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and ROANFIS models was carried out based on Monte-Carlo simulation. Accuracy analysis of ANFIS and ROANFIS models based on both developed discrepancy ratio and threshold statistics revealed that the selected ROANFIS model was superior. Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and root mean square error for the best fitted ROANFIS model were 0.96 and 7.12, respectively. Furthermore, uncertainty analysis of the developed models indicated that the selected ROANFIS had less uncertainty than the ANFIS model and accurately forecasted BOD5 in the Sefidrood River Basin. Besides, the uncertainty analysis also showed that bracketed predictions by 95% confidence bound and d-factor in the testing steps for the selected ROANFIS model were 94% and 0.83, respectively.

Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2013
ABSTRACT A dose-response method-based study was conducted to investigate the effects of L-lysine ... more ABSTRACT A dose-response method-based study was conducted to investigate the effects of L-lysine supplementation of L-carnitine-enriched diet on growth and biochemical composition of carcass in great sturgeon (Huso huso L.) fingerlings. To do so, the fish was assigned to five groups receiving 0, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25 or 3% L-lysine-enriched diet at 6000 mg/kg L-carnitine level. Feeding was done three times daily on a 4% body weight basis and growth indices and biochemical composition of the carcass were assayed during the 56 days experimental period. Our results indicated that the growth indices of animals fed with L-lysine-supplemented diet and those fed with the basal diet did not differed significantly (p0.05) at the end of the experiment. Also, ambiguous pattern of changes was observed in carcass composition of fish fed with L-lysine-supplemented food in comparison with basal diet. It is concluded that the excess levels of L-carnitine may induce lysine/arginine antagonism in the body and suppress growth in fish.
Marine Biodiversity Records, 2012
In Iran, the sandfish, Holothuria scabra is the most exploited sea cucumber species which is harv... more In Iran, the sandfish, Holothuria scabra is the most exploited sea cucumber species which is harvested at Qeshm Island because of the high demand from Indian and Bangladeshi traders. Some specimens of the sea cucumber were collected by snorkellers diving at depth of 5 m at Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf. An examination identified the sea cucumbers as H. scabra. Previous research has not found this species in the Persian Gulf. This report is the first to document the highly valued commercial sea cucumber in the Persian Gulf region.
Species identification is always important. Records of sea urchins and sand dollars species
(Echi... more Species identification is always important. Records of sea urchins and sand dollars species
(Echinodermata, Echinoidea) are given from Iranian waters. Nine Species of
Echinoderms were identified through the study. The species identification was made
using morphological characteristics and review of checklist key. Nine species were
identified here, including Echinometra mathaei, Prionocidaris baculosa, Temnopleurus toreumaticus,
Echinothrix calamaris, Clypeaster humilis, Echinodiscus auritus, Diadema setosum, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa of which three species namely Echinothrix calamaris, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa were new records to Persian Gulf.
The eye-attacking behaviour of Koi fishes was recorded in a koi–goldfish polyculture system. The ... more The eye-attacking behaviour of Koi fishes was recorded in a koi–goldfish polyculture system. The attacked
fishes suffered from eye ablation, abnormal swimming and suppressed feeding behaviour. There was a
significant difference in mean sizes of victims and attackers but the exact motivating stimuli for the
observed action was not clear. For future research, the effects of different stocking ratios on aggressive
behaviour of koi should also be examined.

ÊaZÌa ÃZ¼ 14 |¸m , 4 ÃZ¼ , 3 , ½Zf]Ze 90 Äv¨ , 55 Ze 63 yZ ] ¾ËËÓ ÄÀÌ»M|ÌY ¦¸fz» Ë{Z¬» cYiY Ê] ZÅ... more ÊaZÌa ÃZ¼ 14 |¸m , 4 ÃZ¼ , 3 , ½Zf]Ze 90 Äv¨ , 55 Ze 63 yZ ] ¾ËËÓ ÄÀÌ»M|ÌY ¦¸fz» Ë{Z¬» cYiY Ê] ZÅ | É ¶Ì § Är] ®ÌeZ»ÂÂeZbÅ Á ÊÁa ÊÅZ» Huso huso ÃZ ʬZ¿ ¾Ì §Y |Ì ÊÀ¯ 1 ÊÀ¼AE] {¼v» , 2 É|] ÃZf , 3 ÊÀv» {¼v» , 4 , Ê¿Y ZZa ¾Ìu 5 Y µÂ , 5 , Ã{Y ¿ÂË |¼v» 6 1 -¬Ì¬ve ¹Â¸ |uYÁ Ê»ÔY {YM ÃZ´¿Y{ ,cZ Éf¯{ ÉÂn¿Y{ ½ZË]M ÃÁ³ , ½YAEe . ½YËY . [email protected] Áa ÊÂÀ» Ã{Y{ ) 9 ( ¶Ì°e ÉYmY ½ZÌ» { Á ¾Ëe ½Y³ ¾ÌXeÁa ,½ZÌÅZ¼Ze ÊÂÀ» ÉZÅY~£ Ã|ÀÅ{ [Âv» Ã{Z» Ê» {{³ . Ä] ÉY] YÂy d³ ½ZÌÅZ» ¥» {» Y ¾ÌXeÁa ,ÄÀÌ»M ÉZÅ|ÌY ½{ÁM d{ Y« Ê» ÉZÅ|ÌY Ä] ÄmÂe Z] ¾ÌXeÁa d̨̯ Á |ÀÅ{ ¾ÌÌ e ½M ÄÀÌ»M Ê» {{³ ) 38 , 33 ( . ]ZÀ] Á ¿Y{ ¾ËY z {Z¬» cYiY Ê] Ë yZ ] ¾ËËÓ ÄÀÌ»M|ÌY ¦¸fz» | ÉZÅ 56 ÂÀÌ»M Ây { cZÔY ¾fY{ ÉÁ ÉZÅ|ÌY d{ Ä] ÊËY~£{Y» d̨̯ Ê]ZËY { ½ZÌÅZ» ZÌ¿ {» ½M É|À] µÂ» § ,¾ÌXeÁa ¦¸fz» ]ZÀ» Y Ã|»M ZÅ ÄÀËÅ ÅZ¯ ,ÊËY~£ ÃÌm{ ÉZ ÄÀÌAE] Á Y~£ ÉZÅ {Y{ É{ZË d̼ÅY ÊÅZ» { ¾ÌXeÁa ¥» ) 22 .( Y ½ZÌ» 20 |ÌY ,½ZÌÅZ» ZÌ¿ {» ÉÁ Á Ê Ì^ ÄÀÌ»M |ÌY ®Ë ¾ËËÓ ½ZÌÅZ» ½|] į dY ÉÁ ÄÀÌ»M / 1 ± 7 / 31 | Ã|ÅZ» . ÊÀ » ¥ÔfyY z {Z¬» cYiY Ê] Ë yZ ] ¾ËËÓ ÄÀÌ»M|ÌY ¦¸fz» | ÉZÅ 58 yZ { ¦¸fz» ÉZÅZ¼Ìe ½ZÌ» { ÉY{ ZÅ Á ½Á É |¿ Ã|ÅZ» µÂ ) 05 / 0 p ( ) µÁ|m 2 .( µÁ|m 1 -{ ¶¯ µÂ Á ½Á cYÌ̤e ÃÁ{ ÉZAEf¿Y Á Y|f]Y ÄË~¤e ÃÁ{ Ê ) 3 Mean±S.D)(n= ( Ìm à ZÅ yZ µÁY Éf»ÂÌ] yM Éf»ÂÌ] Z¼Ìe 1 ) |ÅZ ( ) ¾ËËÓ |«Z § ( ½Á (g) , 4 ÃZ¼ , 3 , ½Zf]Ze 90 59 Y{ ÊÀ » ¥ÔfyY ÉYY{ ´Ë{ ®Ë Z] ÄËZ¬» { |ÅZ |¿{Â] ÉZ»M ) 05 / 0 p ( ) µÁ|m 3 .( µÁ|m 3 -ÊËY~£ cÓ{Z » Y Ã|»M d|] lËZf¿ ¾Ì´¿ZÌ» ) 3 n= )( Mean±S.D ( Ìm à ZÅ ÊËY~£ Ã{Z] ¾ÌXeÁa Ã{Z] Y~£ ¥» \Ë Z¼Ìe 1 ) |ÅZ ( z {Z¬» cYiY Ê] Ë yZ ] ¾ËËÓ ÄÀÌ»M|ÌY ¦¸fz» | ÉZÅ 60 ½|] { ¾ÌXeÁa ÉZ¬]Y |{ ÊËY~£ ÃÌm Ä] ¾ËËÓ ËY §Y ½ZÌÅZ» Ê» |]ZË ) 05 / 0 p ( . { ʳ|¿Z»Z] ½YÌ» ÃÁ{ ÉZAEf¿Y { ZÅZ¼Ìe ¶¯ ¼n» 78 / 98 % Ê]ZËY | . µÁ|m 5 -d|] lËZf¿ Ã|»M ÊÅZ¼¸Ì § ÄÓ Ì·Z¿M Y ZÅ ¦¸fz» ÉZÅZ¼Ìe { ) 3 n= )( Mean±S.D ( Z¼Ìe d] % ¾ÌXeÁa % ¹Zy Ê]q % f¯Zy % Z¼Ìe 1 ) |ÅZ

Three year old Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) were reared at five densities in indoor fibe... more Three year old Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) were reared at five densities in indoor fiber-glass tanks to evaluate the effects of stocking density on growth, survival, condition, and feed efficiency. Fish (mean weight, 460±90g) were stocked into 500-L fiber-glass tanks containing 270 liters of water at rates of 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 fish per tank (3-9 kg/m 2 ). The growth trial was conducted over an 8-week period during which the fish were offered a 45%-protein commercial ration in slight excess. At the termination of the study, the mean weights as well as the lengths and weights of individual fish in each tank were recorded. Biometry takes place every 20 days. The final weights of the fish decreased insignificantly as density increased (p>0.05), with fish stocked at a density of kg/m 2 having a mean weight of 746 g and those stocked at 9kg/m 2 having a mean weight of 7.3 g. The percentage of weight gain and feed efficiency also decreased as stocking density increased. No significant differences in GR, SGR, BWI and FCR were found among treatments (p>0.05). The end result shows that Siberian sturgeons seem to be able to tolerate high stocking densities and this species could be easily reared in fiber-glass tanks at the rate of 10 kg.m -2 .

The two-part name of a species is commonly known as its Latin name. However, biologists and philo... more The two-part name of a species is commonly known as its Latin name. However, biologists and philologists prefer to use the term "scientific name" rather than "Latin name", because the words used to create these names are not always from Latin. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the degrees of similarity between a sample of scientific names and common languages by analyzing relative letter frequency as an onomastic variable. Alphabetical letter frequencies were compared among a sample of scientific names and letter frequencies obtained from nine other languages including: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Latin, and Greek. The dissimilarity between languages was then calculated using Euclidean distance for letter frequencies as a variable. Significant differences were found among different languages and scientific names for all alphabetical letter frequencies examined. Overall, Italian, Spanish and French languages shared highest similarity with scientific names. It can be speculated that scientific naming from Linneaus's first wide-scope goal evolved to the later practice of incorporating names of scientists, with the resulting broadening of the language base from Latin to modern languages.
Papers by Seyed Afshin Nateghi Shahrokni
(Echinodermata, Echinoidea) are given from Iranian waters. Nine Species of
Echinoderms were identified through the study. The species identification was made
using morphological characteristics and review of checklist key. Nine species were
identified here, including Echinometra mathaei, Prionocidaris baculosa, Temnopleurus toreumaticus,
Echinothrix calamaris, Clypeaster humilis, Echinodiscus auritus, Diadema setosum, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa of which three species namely Echinothrix calamaris, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa were new records to Persian Gulf.
fishes suffered from eye ablation, abnormal swimming and suppressed feeding behaviour. There was a
significant difference in mean sizes of victims and attackers but the exact motivating stimuli for the
observed action was not clear. For future research, the effects of different stocking ratios on aggressive
behaviour of koi should also be examined.
(Echinodermata, Echinoidea) are given from Iranian waters. Nine Species of
Echinoderms were identified through the study. The species identification was made
using morphological characteristics and review of checklist key. Nine species were
identified here, including Echinometra mathaei, Prionocidaris baculosa, Temnopleurus toreumaticus,
Echinothrix calamaris, Clypeaster humilis, Echinodiscus auritus, Diadema setosum, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa of which three species namely Echinothrix calamaris, Diadema savignyi
and Parasalenia gratiosa were new records to Persian Gulf.
fishes suffered from eye ablation, abnormal swimming and suppressed feeding behaviour. There was a
significant difference in mean sizes of victims and attackers but the exact motivating stimuli for the
observed action was not clear. For future research, the effects of different stocking ratios on aggressive
behaviour of koi should also be examined.