Lourdes Martín
Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH), Área de Laboratorios, Jefa del Laboratorio de Química
Jefa del Laboratorio de Química del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico. Doctora en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Sevilla, desarrolla desde 1991 su actividad investigadora y técnica, en el IAPH, en el área de caracterización de los materiales del patrimonio histórico.
Papers by Lourdes Martín
deterioratioonf the white marbleu sed in the
Alhambra of Granada, and its consequences.
Variationsi n mineralogicaclo mpositionm, icroscopic
topology,h ardness,c ompressivset rength,
propagationo f ultrasonicw aves,a bsorptiona nd
diffusionof watera nd propertierse latedt o the
pore structurew ere studied. The relationships
betweent hesef actorst,h ev isibled eterioratioann d
possiblem echanismasr e discussedA. preliminary
evaluationo f some protectivter eatmenwtsa s carriedo
ut. The resultsc an also be appliedt o white
Macael marbleu sed in otherm onumentisn an
environmenwti thw idef luctuationins temperature
and relativhe umidity
Books by Lourdes Martín
deterioratioonf the white marbleu sed in the
Alhambra of Granada, and its consequences.
Variationsi n mineralogicaclo mpositionm, icroscopic
topology,h ardness,c ompressivset rength,
propagationo f ultrasonicw aves,a bsorptiona nd
diffusionof watera nd propertierse latedt o the
pore structurew ere studied. The relationships
betweent hesef actorst,h ev isibled eterioratioann d
possiblem echanismasr e discussedA. preliminary
evaluationo f some protectivter eatmenwtsa s carriedo
ut. The resultsc an also be appliedt o white
Macael marbleu sed in otherm onumentisn an
environmenwti thw idef luctuationins temperature
and relativhe umidity