Vol. 7, No. 2 November 2019 by Jurnal Ta'allum
The existence of formal schools under the auspices of bording school foundation has its own uniqu... more The existence of formal schools under the auspices of bording school foundation has its own uniqueness compared to other schools in general. One of the models is Boarding School of Muhammadiyah Wonosobo High School. This article aims to describe in depth the Ismuba curriculum management based on Boarding School. This research type is field research naturally. This qualitative research departs from certain cases and conditions so isn't use term population. Qualitative research uses the term social situation which consists of places, actors, activities that are integrated with each other. Data is collected by interviewing, documenting, and observing. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: (1) The management of "boarding school" Islamic education in Wonosobo Muhammadiyah High School appears in the management process starting from planning, organizing, acting, and controlling (POAC) (2) Management of Islamic boarding school education on weekly or monthly target. (3) A supporting factor in implementation of "boarding school" education management is the integration of general education and Islamic education.
The philosophy of Islamic education thought today leads to technical education methods. Not many ... more The philosophy of Islamic education thought today leads to technical education methods. Not many realize that the practice of Islamic education is confined by monolithic disciplinary arrogance. Monolithic Islamic education, which has been a solution to answer various types of conflicts, often triggers new conflicts. So far Islamic education has not found a paradigmatic grounding. This article analizes the thaughts of Nawawi's in Adabul Alim Wal Muta'alim. Ideally, Islamic education as a solution can come through relationships variety, which can be elaborated by multiliteral diversity. Nawawi in the book of Adabul Alim Wal Mutaalim has presented the concept of multiliteral Islamic education with four relations; that is, theocentric relations, linguistic relations, ethical relations, and juridical relations. At this point, the study of the Nawawi priest's thoughts through the Adabul Alim Wal Muta'allim book as a strategic step to portray the concept of multiliteral Islamic education found its paradigmatic footing.
This paper aims to describe the Islamic education system in Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, so... more This paper aims to describe the Islamic education system in Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, sociological issues, and alternative solutions. The method used is library research. Study results: Institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia: Islamic boarding schools, madrassas, Islamic higher education, and non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Sociological problems: misorientation, emphasis on intellectual, verbalistic and centralistic, exclusive, dichotomous, mechanical, methodological and pedagogical crises, depending on government education patterns and issues of relevance. The solution: needed concepts that clarify the basic ambivalence of philosophy, objectives, methods, and curriculum of Islamic education; reformulation of Islamic sciences; creating a more future-oriented education; institutional reconstruction; methodological innovation; fostering research enthusiasm; and integration of Islamic education with general education. Islamic education in Pakistan is divided into three: Quranic School; Mosque Primary School; and Madrasa. Sociological problems: poverty; regional disparity; gender discrimination; lack of work skills education; fund; lack of professional teachers; verbalistic; centralistic; exclusive; dichotomous; crisis methodology; and indoctrinative. Solution: increase cooperation with Islamic countries; integration of Islamic education and general education; Increasing teacher and cleric competency; Campaign for equal rights to education; and Increasing the cost of education. Islamic education in Saudi Arabia includes levels: Basic Education, Further Education: general, religious, and technical; College. Its sociological problems: the Sunni clash with the Shiites; teacher domination; gender disparity; and dichotomous problems. The solution: ijtihad ulama ’Islam across countries helps Saudi Arabia formulate an Islamic education system; and cooperation between Islamic countries.
Keywords: Sociological Problems, Islamic Education, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.
Reality that occurs related to the role of the environment in shaping the learner's personality i... more Reality that occurs related to the role of the environment in shaping the learner's personality is largely incompatible with the concept of humanistic education. The implications of the negative environmental role have an impact on moral degradation. Moral degradation of students includes free sex, crime, loss of respect to educators, and the loss of moral values in students. There are external and internal factors in the emergence of moral degradation students. The existence of humanistic education is as a fortress to prevent moral degradation. The focus of this study is on the concept of humanism education, the influence of humanism education on students' social interaction, the humanism education in the perspective of Al-Isra: 70, and the implementation of humanism education according to Al-Isra: 70 in the education of learners. This research is formed through library research with content analysis approach. The researcher finds that activities carried out by students in the learning process based on norm in the rules on educational institution. The activity can be formed as social interactions to develop character, abilities and talents. That are possessed by students formed on Pancasila and religious values.
Keywords: Implementation, Humanistic Education, QS. al-Isrā' verse 70.
Innovation is defined as renewal dealing with a change or an improvement. A change is shifting of... more Innovation is defined as renewal dealing with a change or an improvement. A change is shifting of position or situation that enables to lead to significant improvement. Practically curriculum is changed because of some factors, forexample science and technological development. There is a possibility that the advantages on pre-determined or pre-expected of curriculum change can be wrong. A curriculum change in a very short period in certain case is supposed as a failure, however it is also believed as an efford to achieve improvement. A curriculum renewal involves some components or some factors. A curriculum change cannot be successful without being equipped by those supported components system. A change that is partial in nature automatically wastes energy, time, fund, and also power. Moreover, a curriculum change which is focused more on a curriculum itself and it ignores other aspects; such as teacher/lecturer, student, method, media fund, etc will be potential to be fail. That is why it needs a serious consideration and plausible reasons with a total eagerness and involvement of components of educational system, so it can enhance students’ competencies.
Keywords: Innovation, curriculum, students’ competencie
Reality shows that there are problems in education sociology lecturing process. Amount of discuss... more Reality shows that there are problems in education sociology lecturing process. Amount of discussion about social interaction in sociology education is expected in Higher Education Level, namely social interaction between lecturers and students and between students and students. This study discusses about the role of lecturers in developing material to improve social interaction, developing verbal and written communication through communication media, the role of lecturers in developing sosial interaction at education sociology lecturing process. This study uses qualitative method. Data are collected by participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation techniques. Analysis techniques use data analysis in sites and cross sites. The results show that lecturers develop materials to improve student social interaction, lecturers develop verbal or written communication through discussions related to constraints students, and evaluating through paper assignments, journal making and directing students to the community.
Keywords: Role, lecturer, Social Interaction
The role of an educational institution has a big responsibility in shaping the ethics and persona... more The role of an educational institution has a big responsibility in shaping the ethics and personality of the participants. The rapid progress of the times and sophisticated technology makes the space indefinitely which eventually leads to a variety of positive and negative impacts, its positive impact is so easy to obtain information, while the downside is many information that is not able to be answered that resulted in the understanding and developing of the news lying (hoax), the Qur'an as a source of scientific excavation has offered a concept for humans, especially students education through Islamic religious educational learning materials. The conceptualization and theorization of the Qur'an in this paper uses analysis content with steps; Unitizing, Sampling, Recording, Reducing, Inferring, Analyzing and Narrating. These methodological measures will result in an anti-hoax education concept sourced from the Qur'an and combined with several theories in favor. The results build a formulation of how to build personality for honest learners and avoid the hoaxes of Islamic education institutions.
Nowadays, education is facing the fourth industrial era, also referred to industry 4.0 where tech... more Nowadays, education is facing the fourth industrial era, also referred to industry 4.0 where technology is used as one of the tools or materials in teaching. The utilization of technology can be used by lecturers at class. Lecturers should have the ability to manage information technology as a supporting lectures media. Especially in this current era, the development of science and technology are all digitalized and automated. This study was conducted to see how students perceive the utilization of information and technology in Islamic Historical Culture subject at Islamic school by using quantitative descriptive methods obtained data from population samples and then analyzed in accordance with existing statistical methods it aims to obtain data through questionnaires that distributed to 50 samples then describe the result to get opinions students at PAI Program about information development. In this study, was found that 80% of students stated that information technology in the form of google drive was very useful in lectures. The use of technology is an effort to ask students to prepare themselves to compete with others in the 4.0 industrial revolution, especially in Islamic education.
Keywords: Information Technology, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Learning SKI
This research is focused on moderat Islam content in Islamic Education Subject at Mining Engineer... more This research is focused on moderat Islam content in Islamic Education Subject at Mining Engineering Program, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The radicalism at several Indonesian college must be opposed by the moderation of Islam. Islamic Education, as a compulsory subject, has a strategic role to against radicalism at college by moderation of Islam. This research is a field research by qualitative approach. Documentation and interview are the metode of this research. The results of this research indicate that Islamic education subject in Mining Engineering Program contains moderate Islam both in its objectives and material. Moderate Islam is packaged in lecture material by means of contextualization and integration with the latest issues such as tolerance, humanity, human rights and democracy in every material. In addition, PAI lecturers implement Islamic moderation by using three methods, which are broad-minded, opened and make Islamic teachings easy to practice. In this way, the Mining Engineering program can prevent radicalism. This is proven by not including UPN Yogyakarta Veterans in the list of PTN that are exposed to radicalism.
Vol. 7, No. 1, Juni 2019 by Jurnal Ta'allum
The management paradigm of a leader is something that cannot be negotiable in supporting the achi... more The management paradigm of a leader is something that cannot be negotiable in supporting the achievement of the goals of Islamic educational institutions, especially for madrasah aliyah. Here the challenge as well as the opportunity for the leader of Islamic educational institutions to be able to realize the expectations of parents and society through a management paradigm that is able to build social piety (hablumminannas), not just individual/religious piety (hablumminallah). This study aims to determine the paradigm of leader management in the construction of social piety. This research uses qualitative research with phenomenological approach, by using descriptive analysis method. Data collection is done by using participative observation techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation. The form of data are the words, notes, reports and documents obtained from the head of the madrasah, deputy head, teachers, and students. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Checking the validity of data is done by extending the presence of researcher, continuous and careful observation, and triangulation techniques using various sources, methods and theories. Based on the analysis of research data obtained conclusion: 1). The paradigm of leader planning in the construction of social piety in MA Shofa Marwa is not in accordance with banghart and trull. 2). The paradigm of the leader's implementation in the construction of social piety in
Education and culture are two things that cannot be separated, education also determines the exis... more Education and culture are two things that cannot be separated, education also determines the existence of a culture or the development of culture along with science which eventually becomes a civilization. Islamic education is an effort to build a culture of a society so as to create a modern, advanced, and harmonious life based on Islamic values. Islam carries the Rahmatan Lil ‘Aalamiin mission (expressing love in the universe. Thus, Islamic educational institutions with cultural insight are a mandatory mission to prove that Islam is Rahmatan lil‘ Aalamiin.
Keyword: Education, culture, Rahmatan Lil ‘Aalamiin.
Smart Parenting is a pattern of education strategies for children, where parents as madrasatul ul... more Smart Parenting is a pattern of education strategies for children, where parents as madrasatul ula (the first educators) in nurturing and guiding child development. The principle of Smart Parenting what is good for parents is good for children too. It make no problem in the process of child development such as social withdrawal. Social Withdrawal will arise when children experience stress and feel depressed in their lives. This problem is rampant among children, especially among "santri". This study uses a qualitative approach as well ad phenomenological approach in pesantren Nurul Jadid located in Probolinggo Regency. Nurul Jadid's regulation which limits santri's space of movement implicates many problem and phenomena in it, so early handling of Social Withdrawal is need to prevent the other problems anda phenomena. The results of the study showes that pesantren Nurul Jadid applies five smat parenting concept as antidotes for santri who experiences social withdrawals. The five concepts consists of; Responding, Monitoring, Mentoring, Modeling and Defense. The implication is that the foster mother can easily deal with santri who experiences Social Withdrawal in Nurul Jadid Islamic boarding school. Pendahuluan Pondok pesantren merupakan institusi pendidikan keagamaan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Pesantren merupakan nenek moyang (tertua) bagi lembaga pendidikan
The aim of this study is to trace the history of Islamic education that has existed since the col... more The aim of this study is to trace the history of Islamic education that has existed since the colonial period. It is important to give an understanding for the present and future generation about the struggle of predecessors to fight for independence and to maintain unity within the framework of national life. In addition, research on national insights is expected to be a filter of the emergence of organizations, ideologies, and information causing a rift of national relations. This research was conducted in Malang, precisely in district Singosari that well known Kota Santri. The background as a center of the education of Islamic boarding school apparently does not restrict Kiai's thought to formulate an modern education model. The data is collected with interactive techniques such as interviews and non-interactive techniques namely studies of documents or related archives. The results of this research include the historical description of Misbachul Watan, the foundation of the founding ideology of the school that is deduced from the biography of the founder, and the development and sustainability of Misbachul Watan with a new name that still shows His role in caring for an nationalism in an Islamic educational institution Pendahuluan Penemuan dunia baru dan jalan menuju sumber rempah-rempah menjadi awal kolonisasi bangsa Barat di dunia timur. Kondisi ini seiring dengan meredupnya masa kejayaan kekhalifahan Islam dibeberapa
Abstrak: Abuddin Nata merupakan salah satu tokoh, cendekiawan muslim dan penulis yang aktif dalam... more Abstrak: Abuddin Nata merupakan salah satu tokoh, cendekiawan muslim dan penulis yang aktif dalam perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hal baru tentang konsep pendidikan Islam kreatif melalui kajian pendekatan psikologi. Tulisan ini diteliti dengan pendekatan kepustakaan dengan metode eksploratif. Maka, penggalian dan pencarian dimaksud diusahakan melalui pengkajian terhadap buku-buku dan tulisan karya Abuddin Nata, serta buku-buku referensi lainnya yang terkait dengan permasalahan itu. Dalam mengartikan pendidikan Islam yang berarti sebuah tindakan yang berorientasi pada membimbing, mengarahkan, dan membina peserta didik dilakukan secara sadar dan terencana dalam membina sebuah kepribadian utama yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yaitu Qur'an dan Sunnah. Kehadiran era industri 4.0 dalam ranah pendidikan Islam yang dilihat dengan paradigma positif telah menghasilkan pendidikan Islam kreatif. Oleh karenanya, pendidik dituntut mampu menciptakan lingkungan ideal dalam mengoptimalkan potensi peserta didik. Pendidikan Islam kreatif di era industri 4.0. menuntut untuk dapat mendisrupsi diri yaitu menyesuaikan diri dengan kebutuhan dan tuntunan serta berorientasi pada masa depan.
The realization of good quality ideal human resources, have skills and be able to be highly compe... more The realization of good quality ideal human resources, have skills and be able to be highly competitive, become a successful development in education. To produce qualified human resources need an optimal empowerment. The progress of science and technology caused a new paradigm in the effort to achieve the success, namely the competition. The Increasing competition demands increased professional of work quality and work efficiency, so the competitiveness is more competitive. Globalization is able to change the nature of work to make professionalization in all areas of life. One of them gives the impact on the teaching profession. There are demands from the public for teachers to more professional in their work. This paper wants to explain about the urgency of increasing human (HR) in education. From this research found: (1) empowerment of human resources in education through; (a) improving the teachers education qualifications and education staff, (b) attending the education process and training, (c) taking courses, (d) improving reading culture, and (e) being active in the mail list; (2) the role of principals in improving the quality of education through; (a) as a leader, (b) as a manager.
Abstrak: Education is a means of changing something into a better thing with a certain period of ... more Abstrak: Education is a means of changing something into a better thing with a certain period of time. Especially, education is a learning process which until now can still be found that the instructors who deliver material to students without understanding what learning approaches are being used. This is the basis of the teaching process in the classroom and refers to the goals and targets of the learning process itself. One of these approaches is behavioristic or giving stimuli to get feedback from students. This study aims to find clarity about how important the behavioristic approach is applied in classroom learning. Moreover in answering the existing formula, the researcher uses the library research method to find out how the contribution of teaching with the behavioristic approach. The result includes (1) contributions in analyzing student character; (2) media development and teaching strategies; (3) the formation of confidence in students. Kata kunci: behaviorism theory, contribution, learning Pendahuluan Pendidikan adalah proses pemberdayaan manusia yang berindikasi pada peningkatan taraf dan mutu kehidupan. Secara spesifik perkembangan pendidikan yang begitu pesat ini didasarkan pada proses pembelajaran sebagai inti dari baik tidaknya sistem pendidikan yang telah
Nationalism and muslim identity is a typical character that belongs to the nation of Indonesia, a... more Nationalism and muslim identity is a typical character that belongs to the nation of Indonesia, although both are different in substance but have in common the principle, nationalism is the consciousness of a nation that has then gave birth to feelings of love towards the motherland. While the muslim identity is practised Islamic teachings and culture of Islam which was later arrested as a muslim identity. By using the method of the study the research library produces a correlation between nationalism and muslim identity. If seen through the eyes of axiology of education Islamic glass. Delivering the country's population of nationalism being loving his homeland and therefore surely he would feel comfortable living in his country. Similarly, Muslim identity or expression of Islam practised impressed different, but in the end had the same purpose, namely to practice God's commands and away from the restriction, which will ultimately deliver mankind to happiness in world and in the hereafter. Pendahuluan Rasa cinta kepada tanah air merupakan karakter yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap setiap warga negara, dengan memiliki semangat nasionalisme maka setiap orang akan merasa memiliki negaranya dan oleh karena itu ia akan siap berkorban demi membela kepentingan negaranya. Agaknya karakter ini semakin hari semakin kabur, perlahan namun pasti,
Abstrak: This research is motivated by parents' concern for the morality of teenagers in their li... more Abstrak: This research is motivated by parents' concern for the morality of teenagers in their lives, until now teenagers in various villages show attitudes that are not in accordance with Islamic religious values and norms in society. The actions of teenagers that lead to free sex, crime, and bullying are increasingly difficult for parents to control, as is the case in the Binjai Hulu Sintang district. However, in the last three years there have been Islamic education institutions which have a significant effect on adolescent moral change in Binjai Hulu. The purpose of this study: first to explain the model of student moral reinforcement in Tahfidz Qur'an learning; secondly changes in the noble character of students in the perspective of parents and the surrounding community. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research data was collected using interviews and observations, the results showed that (1) the model of noble moral reinforcement in Tahfidz Quran learning relies on the meaning of the verse contextually, the social construction approach in the process of internalizing noble moral values, knowledge construction through the use of time and space dimensions. (2) Significant changes in student morals after participating in the Tahfidz Quran activities at MTs Ma'arif 2 Binjai Hulu are consistency in worship, courtesy in communication, and good self-control. The findings of this study have implications for the enrichment of concepts and practical skills in developing students' noble attitudes (noble morals) in the formal education environment
This study examines the elite dialectics of Nurul Islam 1 and Al-Qodiri 1 Jember Islamic Boarding... more This study examines the elite dialectics of Nurul Islam 1 and Al-Qodiri 1 Jember Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) in developing their local curriculum. This study uses qualitative method. A number of data are collected through interview, observation, and documentary techniques. In analyzing the data, researcher uses data reduction, data display, and then find a conclusion. The researcher uses triangulation method in validating the data. The result of this study shows that the dialectics conducted by elites pesantren in developing local curriculum significantly developed through complementary dialogic way without changing national curriculum as well. The alternative ways in responding supervision and accreditation from the government, they made/served two forms of curriculum, namely national curriculum or government version curriculum and local curriculum or pesantren version curriculum. The dialectic inhibition factor is a guideline that still unclear, causes miscommunication in implementing it; local curriculum evaluates independently; and a complicated division of learning schedule, between activities in pesantren, curricular activities, and extracurricular activities at madrasah.
Vol. 6, No. 1, Juni 2018 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni 2017 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2016 by Jurnal Ta'allum
A supervisor must be competent research and development to improve the quality of education in sc... more A supervisor must be competent research and development to improve the quality of education in schools or madrassa. Supervisors should also be able to assist teachers in preparing classroom action research, in addition he himself should also do research oversight. Supervisors are conducting research and development in order to fulfill their duties is a professional watchdog. The role of supervisors in implementing research and development in addition to conducting research for itself seeks a teacher in conducting action research.
Vol. 7, No. 2 November 2019 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Keywords: Sociological Problems, Islamic Education, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Implementation, Humanistic Education, QS. al-Isrā' verse 70.
Keywords: Innovation, curriculum, students’ competencie
Keywords: Role, lecturer, Social Interaction
Keywords: Information Technology, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Learning SKI
Vol. 7, No. 1, Juni 2019 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Keyword: Education, culture, Rahmatan Lil ‘Aalamiin.
Vol. 6, No. 1, Juni 2018 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni 2017 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2016 by Jurnal Ta'allum
Keywords: Sociological Problems, Islamic Education, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Implementation, Humanistic Education, QS. al-Isrā' verse 70.
Keywords: Innovation, curriculum, students’ competencie
Keywords: Role, lecturer, Social Interaction
Keywords: Information Technology, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Learning SKI
Keyword: Education, culture, Rahmatan Lil ‘Aalamiin.