IAIN Antasari
Psikologi Islam
Tulisan ini bermaksud mengekplorasi suatu tradisi yang biasa dilakukan dalam masyarakat Banjar Pahuluan dalam upacara kematian, yakni bahilah. Tradisi ini tetap lestari sebagai bagian ritual yang dilakukan pada masyarakat di sana.... more
Artikel ini meneliti tiga figur ulama kharismatik masa kini yang ada di Kalimantan Selatan. Figur yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini, yaitu K. H. Muhammad Bachieth (Guru Bachieth); K. H. Asmuni (Guru Danau) dan K. H. Ahmad Zuhdiannor (Guru... more
This paper tries to explore the concept of knowledge (‘ilm) in Islam. There are two aspects that will be discussed here. Both are the view of meaning and the essence of knowledge in Islam and the sources of knowledge in Islam. The first... more
This paper tries to discuss the'main Muslim philosopher thought after Averroes, that's Mulla Sadra. As for commonly many researchers of Muslim intellectualism tradition, Sadra was not a strange people. The interesting thought from the... more
This paper studies about the history and the dynamic of knowledge developing in Islam. The glorious of Islamic civilization which were signed by the advance of knowledge developing around 7th to 13th centuries was not something hapened by... more
This paper tries to elaborate Muhammad Syahrûr thought on the idea of his limit theory and it's significant to enrich the ushul fiqh. Without any presedent before, Syahrûr submit six patterns of understanding the verses of holy Qur'an... more
This paper tries to explore the compatibility of Islam toward the idea of multiculturalism. The discussion about the relationship between Islam and multiculturalism is very important in the context of plural country such as Indonesia,... more
Ushuluddin is a fundamental root of Islamic sciences. Unfortunately, in its development, Ushuluddin as a scientific thing is considered irrelevant to answer society problems. It will be understood Ushuluddin just taught religious doctrine... more
Segala puja dan puji serta syukur terpanjatkan keharibaan ilahi Rabbi, shalawat serta salam terhatur kepada junjungan alam, Nabi Muhammad Saw., para sahabat serta semua pengikut beliau hingga yaumil qiyamah.
Al-Zarkasyi and al-Suyuthi have formulated branches of Alqur’an discourses and among them is asbab al nuzul. They were aware that ‘ulum al-Qur’an’ covered a wide range of discussion, could not be limited, and thus opened the paradigm... more
As the final part of the study of continuity and change in the study of Islamic philosophy, it can be concluded some of the following. First, related to some elements of change which have been the characteristic of Islamic philosophy... more
This article tries to explore the strategic role of Islamic philosophy in developing psychological studies. There are two ways to develop psychological studies. First, studies based on Islamic tradition, and second studies based on modern... more
This paper compared the tought of al-Asma al-Husna by H. Husin Qader and H.M. Zurkani Jahja. There are differences in the tought of the two figures in the delivery of the words of al-Asma al-Husna written in their work. H. Husin Qaderi in... more
This paper departs from the spirit to build the integrative science. Development of integrative science is an important issue for the Islamic world, not just merely as part of an effort to overcome the problem of the dichotomy of science,... more
By dr. m. zainal abidin, m.ag Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Ishaq ibn Shabbah ibn Imran ibn Muhammad ibn al-Asy'as ibn Qais Al-Kindi. Lahir di kufah sekitar tahun 185/ 801 dari keluarga kaya dan terhormat. Ayahnya, Ishaq ibn Shabbah adalah... more
Dr. M. Zainal Abidin, M. Ag. Abu Nashr Muhammad bin Muhammad Tarkhan bin Uzalag. lahir: 259 H (872 M) di Wasij, distrik Farab, Turkistan. Ayahnya keturunan Persia dan ibunya berkebangsaan Turki. wafat 339 H (950 M) di Damaskus pada... more