Appendice:Lista de organisationes del activismo pedophilic
Lista de organisationes del activismo pedophilic |
instantia de: lista de Wikimedia[*] |
lista de:organisation[*], Activismo pedophile, Pedophile advocacy groups[*] |
Le organisationes del activismo pedophile son ille associationes create circum le movimento activista pedophile con le objectivo de informar le societate super le pedophilia, promover le investigation objective super le sexualitate infantil e le debatto con le finalitate obtener le acceptation social del pedophilia e le discriminalisation del relationes sexual consentite[nota 1] inter adultos e minores.[1][2][3]
Organisationes per paises
[modificar fonte]Australia
[modificar fonte]- Australian Man/Boy Love Association (AMBLA)[4].
- Australian Paedophile Support Group (APSG). Fundate in 1980 o 1983 secundo altere fontes. Depost esser dismantellate a causa de un infiltration policial, su membros se regruppava in Boy Lovers and Zucchini Eaters (BLAZE), que era rapidemente dissolvite per le policia[5].
[modificar fonte]- Dokumentatieidients Pedofilie (DSAP)[6]. Extincte?
- Centre de Recherche et d'Information sur l'Enfance et la Sexualité (CRIES). 1982-1986. Fundate per Philippe Charpentier. Illo publicava le magazine L'Espoir[7].
- Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe. Fundate in le initio del decade de 1990[6]. Extincte?
- Stiekum[6]. Extincte.
- Studiegroep Pedofilie[6]. Extincte.
[modificar fonte]- Coalition Pédophile Quebecois[4].
[modificar fonte]- Association Pedophilic Danese (DPA). 1985-2004. Illo era un del associationes pedophile le plus importante e numerose in Europa. Depost su dissolution, un gruppo de ex-membros decideva mantener aperite le sito web del association, accessibile usque a nostre dies[6][8]. Extincte.
[modificar fonte]- Groupe de Recherche pour une Enfance Différente (GRED). 1979-1987. Illo publicava le bulletin Le Petit Gredin[6].
[modificar fonte]- Aktion Freis Leben (AFL)[4]. Extinta?
- Arbeitskreis Päderastie-Pädophilie (AKP). Active al initio del annos 1980[6].
- Deutsche Studien und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophilie (DSAP). Active inter final del annos 1970 e initio del annos 1980[4].
- Fach und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie[4]. Extincte?
- Indiannekomune. Si-nominate "communa de liberation del infantes", illo era multo active inter le fin del annos 1970 e le fin del annos 1980. Secundo alcun autores, in nostre dies poterea remaner alcun gruppos local active[6].
- Kinderfrühling. Nascite del dissolution de DSAP[9].
- Pädoguppe, Rat und Tat-Zentrum[4]. Extincte?
- Krumme 13 (K13). 1993-2003[10][11]. Depost su dissolution, su leader Dieter Gieseking decideva mantener aperite le sito web del association, K13-Online, active usque nostre dies.
[modificar fonte]- Gruppo P. Fundate in 1989 per Francesco Vallini, redactor del revista gay Babilonia. Malgrado le statuto legal del association, Vallini passava tres annos in prision accusate de association criminal[12]. Illo publicava le bulletin Corriere del pedofili[13]. Extincte.
[modificar fonte]- Enclave Kring. Fundate in le annos 1950 per le psychologo Frits Bernard[14]. Considerate le prime association del activismo pedophile, consacrate al studio scientific del pedophilia. Extincte.
- Ipce[nota 2]. Fundate in le fin del annos 1980[15]. Su sito web reuni numerose travalios academic super le pedophilia[16][17][18]. Active.
- Martijn. 1982-2012. Illo era le association pedophile le plus importante in Europa e le plus numerose del mundo depost NAMBLA. Benque su activitates sempre se manteneva intra le legalitate in vigor, in 2012 illo era illegalisate per le tribunales nederlandese, le quales adduceva que "[le] activitates e le ideas del association son contrarie al ordine public e le moral"[19]. Illo publicava le bulletin OK Magazine[20].
[modificar fonte]- Norwegian Pedophile Group (NAFP). Illo arribava a esser inscribite in le federation national de associationes homosexual. Depost esser expulsate illo deveniva clandestin[6].
Regno Unite
[modificar fonte]- Paedophile Action for Liberation (PAL). 1974-?[6]. Extincte.
- Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). 1974-1984. Illo era un del associationes pedophile le plus importante in Europa. Illo era affiliate al Consilio National pro le Libertates Civil (National Council for Civil Liberties, NCCL)[21]. Illo publicava le revistas Magpie, Understanding Paedophilia e Childhood Rights[6][22].
Statos Unite
[modificar fonte]- Childhood Sesuality Circle (CSC). Fundate in 1975 in San Diego (California) per un sequitor de Wilhelm Reich[6]. Extincte in le medio del annos 1980.
- North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). 1978-actualitate. Illo es le association del activismo pedophile le plus importante e numerose del mundo[4][23].
- Pedophile Information Society[4]. Extincte?
- Project Truth. Illo esseva un del organisationes expulsate del Association International de Gays e Lesbianas in 1994[18]. Extincte.
[modificar fonte]- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophile (SAP)[6]. Extincte.
[modificar fonte]Belgica
[modificar fonte]- Groupe d'Étude sur la Pédophilie. Gruppo de studio del association gay Infor Homosexualitaté. In 1982 illo se transformava in CRIES[24].
[modificar fonte]- AG-Pädo. Gruppo de appoio fundate in 1991 intra le association gay Arbeitsgruppe des Bundesverbandes Homosexualität (BVH). Depost le dissolution de BVH in 1997 illo deveniva parte de Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität (AHS)[25][4]. Active.
[modificar fonte]- Jon. Gruppo de appoio del Societate Nederlandese pro le Reforma Sexual fundate in 1979[4]. Active.
Organisationes false
[modificar fonte]Plure organisationes false ha essite create e presentate como organisationes pedophilic real per alarmistas del dextra e detractores del activismo pedophilic in alcun medios, con le objectivo de relationar le movimento con ideas e propositiones false. Totevia, alcun vices illos ha essite describite como "alcun del plus notabile e melior cognoscite Boy-Love/Girl-Love o pedofilic associationes e organisationes e websites de organisationes" ([26] Ecce alcunes:
- Children's Liberation Railway. Illo poterea haber essite un conception de BLAZE.
- Chocolate Star Fishermen
- Eulenspiegel Society
- Kids Liberation Front
- Kimeta Society
- Lafayette Society (existentia disputate)
- Mancunians
- Oedipus Boys
- Orchid Club
- Paedophile Liberation Army. In necun momento del historia ha habite alcun gruppo de pedophilos que ha formate un organisation militar. Le "conception" esseva suggerite per un webmaster appellat Ronald McDonald.
- PapaBears
- Queerlanders
- Rene Guyon Society (existentia disputate). Il ha un certe debatto concernente le veracitate super le numero de membros del organisation. In realitate, le René Guyon Society esseva un initiativa unipersonal (Tim O'Hara) inflate usque mythic proportiones per alarmistas de dextra.
- Streetkids Club
- The Bunnymen
- The Choirboys
- The Circle of Friends
- The Freemen (il sembla ser un referentia al serie de television Frank Herbert's Dune)
- The Love Brothers
- The Moonlighters
- The Outcasts. Le gruppo de Gayle Rubin ha nulle a facer con le pedophilia.
- The Peacock Club
- The Society of Janus
- The Tail Enders
- The Uranians
- UPIE (United Paedophile Information Exchange)
- Wizards Lair
- Wonderland Club
[modificar fonte]- ↑ Le activistas pedophile face un distinction exhaustive inter relationes consentite e abuso sexual. Illes defende unicamente illo que illes defini como relationes consentite (vide: Distinction inter abuso sexual e relationes consentite), que illes considera un derecto natural del minores e del adultos compartir e gauder libermente lor sexualitate, e condemna sin exceptiones le abuso sexual e qualcunque forma de coercition. Le declaration de principios expressate per le NAMBLA in le pagina editorial del NAMBLA Bulletin, su organo official, es categoric in iste senso:
« (interlingua) NAMBLA condemna le abuso sexual e qualcunque forma de coaction. Nos insiste que il ha un differentia inter le sexo coactive e consentite. (anglese) NAMBLA condemns sexual abuse and all forms of coercion. We insists there is a distinction between coercive and consesual sex. » - ↑ In 1998 le organisation discuteva cambiar su nomine eliminante le 'P' pro considerar que le uso del termino 'pedophile' esseva disastrose "desde un puncto de vista de relationes public e communicationes". Finalmente on arribava a un accordo que consisteva in conservar le nomine, ma como substantivo (Ipce) in vice como acronymo (IPCE), sin explicar le significato original. Fontes: O'Donnell, Ian; Milner, Claire. Child Pornography: Crime, Computers and Society, London: Routledge, 2012, ISBN 1135846359.
[modificar fonte]- ↑ Riegel, David. Understanding loved boys and boylovers. Philadelphia: SafeHaven Foundation Press, 2000.
- ↑ De Young, Mary. "The indignant page: techniques of neutralization in the publications of pedophile organizations" (in anglese). Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. IV, nro 12, 1988, pp. 583-591.
- ↑ Sandfort, Theo; Brongersma, Edward; Alex, Van Naerssen. Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives (in anglese). London/New York: Haworth Press, 1991. ISBN 9780918393784.
- ↑ 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 Fonseca, Suheyla. "Um olhar crítico sobre o ativismo pedófilo" (in portugese). Revista da Faculdade de Direito de Campos, nro 10 (junio 2007).
- ↑ Organised Criminal Paedophile Activity (in anglese). 3.9 a 3.13. Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime, Parlamento australian, 1995.
- ↑ 6,00 6,01 6,02 6,03 6,04 6,05 6,06 6,07 6,08 6,09 6,10 6,11 6,12 Santiago, Pablo. "Colectivos a favor de la pedofilia". In: Alicia en el lado oscuro (in espaniol). Madrid: Imagine, 2004, pp. 387-391. ISBN 84-95882-46-9.
- ↑ "Les réseaux pédo-criminels en Belgique avant l’affaire Dutroux" (in francese), Françoise Van De Moortel.
- ↑ Sex offenders without Borders (in anglese), Save the Children, 2009.
- ↑ Duraz, Serge. "En Allemagne" (in francese). Le Petit Gredin, GRED, nro 3 (estate 1983). (DSAP)
- ↑ « SEXUALITÄT: Unter der Gürtellinie » (in germano), Der Spiegel (2001-12-3).
- ↑ "Pädophile wollen mit Vereinsgründung noch warten" (in germano). Die Welt, 03-02-2002.
- ↑ Andriette, Bill. "Human Rights Wrongs" (in anglese). The Guide, julio 1998.
- ↑ "Il " gruppo P " reclutava i bambini" (in italiano). Corriere della Sera, 1993-07-15.
- ↑ Bernard, Frits; Brongersma, Edward; Sengers, Wijnand; Eeten, Peter; Haagsma, Ids. Sex met kinderen (in nederlandese). Le Haya: NVSH, 1972.
- ↑ Ipce's Newsletters and Meetings - Overview,
- ↑ O'Donnell, Ian; Milner, Claire. Child Pornography: Crime, Computers and Society, London: Routledge, 2012, ISBN 1135846359.
- ↑ Whitfield, Charles; Silberg, Joyanna; Fink, Paul. Misinformation concerning child sexual abuse and adult survivors, New York: Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 2001. ISBN 0789019019, p. 129, nota 10
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 Documentos sobre pornografía infantil en internet (in espaniol), Instituto Interamericano del Niño, la Niña y Adolescentes.
- ↑ Rechter verbiedt pedoclub Martijn (in nederlandese)., 2012-6-27.
- ↑ Bernard, Frits. The Dutch Paedophile Emancipation Movement (in anglese). Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, Vol. I, nro 2, (autumno 1987), pp. 35-45.
- ↑ Beckford, Martin (2009-03-09). Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law. Telegraph. Recuperate le 2012-10-28.
- ↑ O'Carroll, Tom. "The Beginnings of Radical Paedophilia in Britain". In: Paedophilia: The Radical Case (in anglese). London: Peter Owen, 1980. ISBN 0720605466.
- ↑ Jenkins, Philip. Decade of Nightmares: The End of the Sixties And the Making of Eighties America (in anglese). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 124. ISBN 0195178661.
- ↑ "Six ans d'existence". L'Espoir, CRIES, nro 21, 1986. (in francese)
- ↑ Bundschuh, Claudia: Pädosexualität (in germano). Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2001. ISBN 3-8100-2930-0
- ↑ List of hoax pedophilia organisations Newgon Wiki.
Ligamines externe
[modificar fonte]- Ipce Sito official (in germano, espaniol, francese e anglese).
- K13-Online (in germano).
- Danish Pedophile Association Sito official (in danese, francese, anglese, italiano e nederlandese).
- Organizations (in anglese). Pedosexual Resources Directory.
- List of hoax pedophilia organisations (in anglese). Newgon Wiki.