Talks by Benjamin Z Kedar
summary The discovery of a photo taken from a Zeppelin airship in 1931 has made it possible to pi... more summary The discovery of a photo taken from a Zeppelin airship in 1931 has made it possible to pinpoint the location of the Mosque of Shaykh 'Id, identified with the Madrasa Af∂aliyya established by Saladin's son al-Af∂al in the 1190s. The building was destroyed by Israeli authorities in 1967. A juxtaposition of this photo with the report on recent excavations west of the Western Wall leaves no doubt that they inadvertently unearthed the main components of the Madrasa, segments of the godroon arch above its entrance, and some other fragments. The Zeppelin photo, combined with the data recorded during the excavation, has enabled the building's plan to be determined. sommaire La découverte d'une photographie prise depuis un dirigeable en 1931 a rendu possible la localisation précise de la mosquée de Shaykh 'Id, identifiée avec la madrasa Af∂aliyya, fondée par le fils de Saladin, al-Af∂al, dans les années 1190. Le bâtiment a été détruit par les autorités israéliennes en 1967. La comparaison entre cette photographie et le rapport des fouilles archéologiques récentes à l'ouest du Mur des Lamentations ne laisse aucun doute qu'elles ont mises au jour par inadvertance les parties principales de la madrasa, de même qu'une partie de l'arc à godrons qui surmontait l'entrée – et d'autres fragments architecturaux. La photographie du dirigeable, avec les éléments des fouilles, ont permis de dresser le plan du bâtiment.
The establishment and evolution of Jerusalem's holy places, the traditions of pilgrimage to them,... more The establishment and evolution of Jerusalem's holy places, the traditions of pilgrimage to them, the sensations and passions they evoke in believers,
A mezzogiorno dell'11 dicembre 1917, due giorni dopo la resa di Gerusalemme, il Generale Sir Edmu... more A mezzogiorno dell'11 dicembre 1917, due giorni dopo la resa di Gerusalemme, il Generale Sir Edmund Allenby entrò ufficialmente nella città attraversando la Porta di Giaffa. «Le guardie rappresentative delle truppe in Palestina erano accostate alla Porta», questo è quanto riporta la storia ufficiale britannica sulla prima guerra mondiale in Egitto e in Palestina. «Fuori dalla Porta si trovavano 50 unità di guardie britanniche di ogni rango… a destra della Porta, e un gruppo di guardie australiane e neozelandesi a sinistra; dentro 20 unità di guardie francesi di ogni rango sulla destra della Porta, e lo stesso numero di guardie italiane a sinistra. Tutte le unità vennero schierate, sia all'interno che all'esterno della porta, gli uni di fronte gli altri». 1 Allenby, che notoriamente attraversò la Porta a piedi, fu affiancato sia a destra che a sinistra dai comandanti dei contingenti francese e italiano, il Colonnello de Piépape e il Tenente Colonnello D'Agostino del Corpo dei Bersaglieri. Allenby salì le scale della Cittadella e lesse in lingua inglese le proclamazioni attentamente elaborate e decise dal governo Britannico che gli furono telegrafate; le stesse furono poi lette in francese, arabo, ebraico, greco, russo e italiano. Quale fu la natura di questo contingente italiano, comandato dal Tenente Colonnello D'Agostino e considerato dal Brief Record britannico sulla conquista della Palestina come il Distaccamento Italiano in Palestina? Come ha avuto origine e a che cosa è servito?
CV and list of publications
Papers by Benjamin Z Kedar
Cambridge University Press eBooks, 2015
1. Introduction Benjamin Z. Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Part I. Global Developments: 2. Huma... more 1. Introduction Benjamin Z. Kedar and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks Part I. Global Developments: 2. Humans and the environment: tension and co-evolution Joachim Radkau 3. Women, family, gender, and sexuality Susan Stuard 4. Society: hierarchy and solidarity Susan Reynolds 5. Educational institutions Linda Walton 6. Warfare Clifford Rogers Part II. Eurasian Commonalities: 7. Courtly cultures: Western Europe, Byzantium, the Islamic world, India, China, and Japan Patrick Geary, Daud Ali, Paul S. Atkins, Michael Cooperson, Rita Costa Gomes, Paul Dutton, Gert Melville, Claudia Rapp, Karl-Heinz Spiess, Stephen West and Pauline Yu 8. The age of trans-regional reorientations: cultural crystallization and transformation in the tenth to thirteenth centuries Bjorn Wittrock Part III. Growing Interactions: 9. Trade and commerce across Afro-Eurasia Richard Smith 10. European and Mediterranean trade networks Michel Balard 11. Trading partners across the Indian Ocean: the making of maritime communities Himanshu Ray 12. Technology and innovation within expanding webs of exchange Dagmar Schaefer and Marcus Popplow 13. The transmission of science and philosophy Charles Burnett 14. Pastoral nomadic migrations and conquests Anatoly Khazanov Part IV. Expanding Religious Systems: 15. The centrality of Islamic civilization Michael Cook 16. Christendom's regional systems Miri Rubin 17. The spread of Buddhism Tansen Sen Part V. State Formations: 18. State formation and empire building Johann Arnason 19. State formation in China from the Sui through the Song dynasties Richard von Glahn 20. The Mongol empire and inter-civilizational exchange Michal Biran 21. Byzantium Jean-Claude Cheynet 22. Early polities of the Western Sudan David Conrad 23. Mesoamerican state formation in the postclassic period Michael E. Smith 24. State and religion in the Inca empire Sabine MacCormack 25. 'Proto-globalization' and 'proto-glocalizations' in the middle millennium Diego Olstein.
The American Historical Review, Dec 1, 2001
Talks by Benjamin Z Kedar
Papers by Benjamin Z Kedar