Gothic CircusSolomon KaneMedieval BestiaryTypes Of DragonsTarot Card DesignMedieval GothicFrancisco GoyaBaboonMythological CreaturesAround the World in Cat Cryptids, from Alaska to ZanzibarToday we take a trip through the alphabet and around the world, finding cryptid cats in lands far and wide.13
Scylla And CharybdisGreek MonstersCreature FantasyGreek And Roman MythologyGreek Mythology ArtSupernatural PowerThe OdysseySea DragonGreco RomanScyllaScylla- In some versions, Scylla was described as the daughter of Triton and Lamia. According to other version, Scylla was described as one of the monstrous children of Phorcys and Ceto. In one version, Scylla was described as a beautiful naiad who was claimed by Poseidon, but the jealous Amphitrite turned her into a monster by poisoning the water of the spring where Scylla would bathe.383
Perseus And MedusaHead Of MedusaMedusa ArtAntonio CanovaMythology TattoosMedusa TattooSoyut Sanat TablolarıMedusa HeadArte SketchbookQUEST FOR BEAUTYDetail : Perseus with the Head of Medusa. 19th.century. engraving after Antonio Canova. Italian 1757-1822. Domenico Marchetti. Italian 1790-1844. http://hadrian6.tumblr.com697
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