Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Institute for Asian and African Studies
The following translated essay by Tsubouchi Shōyō 坪内逍遥 (1859–1935) gives an example of one of the earliest public discussions about the theatrical form calledbuyō舞踊 (dance) based on Western scientific approaches in Japan. Within the... more
This article is rather of antiquarian value, giving an insight on how the internet was perceived at the beginning of the millenium ;-)...
This article is rather of antiquarian value, giving an insight on how the internet was perceived at the beginning of the millenium ;-)...
Ever since the Internet became a widespread medium of mass communication in the 1990s, its influence on democratic development has been a central issue. New and relatively unrestricted ways to access and disseminate information were and... more
Malaysia is an often cited example of a semi-authoritarian regime in which the Internet is seen as an important tool to counter a government-controlled media hegemony. The election results in 2008 in particular have been accredited with... more
"This book is the first monograph to provide an in-depth and multifaceted study of the processes of ethnicization and identity construction in Malaysia, from the colonial period until the present. In his analysis, the author takes... more
Can race and ethnicity be sound and valid analytical categories in the first place, especially in a contemporary academic context? Are they sufficiently coherent that they can be applied in every possible context, or do they rather only... more
In the context of group (identity) formation processes, the linkages or references to an ‘original’ idea , a ‘pure’ origin etc. are a key factor to create an ideological framework that the group’s members can relate and subscribe to.... more
Vorliegender Artikel ist der zweite Teil zum Thema "Internet-Ressourcen in Malaysia". Teil eins erschien in ASIEN ([April 2000] 75, S. 100-103) und hat sich ausführlich mit dem politischen System Malaysias sowie mit Quellen zur... more
Using photo sessions in combination with three in-depth interviews at a Japanese party called Ankokai in Berlin, we explore how the method of photography along with the participant's choice of personal objects in the photographs... more
Contemporary Social Sciences show a strong interest in studying power and domination in postcolonial societies. Elite research has become crucial to understand the changes in the political and economic dimensions of power structures in... more