Papers by C. Thomasberger
The paper invites to overcome the common interpretation of Polanyi’s work that focuses on the dic... more The paper invites to overcome the common interpretation of Polanyi’s work that focuses on the dichotomy of market opening/social closure or market expansion/protection. The crucial point is that Polanyi does not aim at strengthening social protection by re-nationalization of economic decision-making, but at overcoming the double movement itself. The new reading of Polanyi's work addresses a deeper and more profound problem, the conflict between capitalism and democracy. In Polanyi’s vision the fictitious commodities and the institutions that have been created in order to link labor, money and land to the mechanism of supply and demand play a decisive role as entry points of social/political power into the economic sphere. It is within the realm of these institutions that the struggle for the politicization/de-politicization of economic policy takes place. The paper focuses on Polanyi's understanding of the specific role of the fictitious commodity money and the influence that the struggle for democracy has had (and continues to have) on the legal regulations that govern and frame the political space of central banks.
Journal of Income Distribution®, 1992
Why did the topic of income distribution loose its attraction for the economic profession? The ar... more Why did the topic of income distribution loose its attraction for the economic profession? The article analyzes the structure of the Ricardian theory and of the post-Keynesian approach and discusses the question why after Pasinetti’s contribution distribution theory lost its economic significance and interpretative value. An alternative and less deterministic approach to functional distribution is proposed, taking into consideration the importance of money and expectations, the relation between the principle of effective demand and aggregate income and the difference between the behavior of the single entrepreneur and the macroeconomic system.
Some concerns have been advanced that the Italian economy would cause harm to the EMU. In this pa... more Some concerns have been advanced that the Italian economy would cause harm to the EMU. In this paper we will analyze the extent of divergence between the main Euro-zone countries and highlight the dynamics which produce such strains. In particular we will question the effec- tive functioning of price and wage flexibility adjustments, which are presupposed in the present EMU
Bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of elements (complexes of sensations) make up bod... more Bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of elements (complexes of sensations) make up bodies. If, to the physicist, bodies appear the real, abiding existences, whilst the "elements " are regarded merely as their evanescent, transitory appearance, the physicist forgets, in the assumption of such a view, that all bodies are but thought-symbols for complexes of elements (complexes of sensations)".
Global Perspectives, 2020
The paper invites to overcome the common interpretation of Polanyi’s work that focuses on the dic... more The paper invites to overcome the common interpretation of Polanyi’s work that focuses on the dichotomy of market opening/social closure or market expansion/protection. The crucial point is that Polanyi does not aim at strengthening social protection by re-nationalization of economic decision-making, but at overcoming the double movement itself. The new reading of Polanyi's work addresses a deeper and more profound problem, the conflict between capitalism and democracy. In Polanyi’s vision the fictitious commodities and the institutions that have been created in order to link labor, money and land to the mechanism of supply and demand play a decisive role as entry points of social/political power into the economic sphere. It is within the realm of these institutions that the struggle for the politicization/de-politicization of economic policy takes place. The paper focuses on Polanyi's understanding of the specific role of the fictitious commodity money and the influence that the struggle for democracy has had (and continues to have) on the legal regulations that govern and frame the political space of central banks.
Papers by C. Thomasberger