University Of Applied Sciences Hoge School Utrecht
Faculteit Communicatie & Journalistiek
The sanctuaries of Samnium have often been build on hill-slopes and hill-tops. Were they build on these high ranges on purpose, and what function could this have had?
Media Ethics As a journalist in a warzone, would you withhold information from publication to secure the safety of the army, or you do speak out and tell the audience the truth and the whole story? Which one is of more importance, public... more
Hoe is de berichtgeving over Afrika opgesteld in het Nederlandse media-landschap, specifiek de grote dagbladen? Is deze te eenzijdig, of getekend?
Statues have played a major role in history as people have connected certain traits and personalities to figurines for era’s (Van Eck 2010, 3-4). In many myths, ancient and more modern, these sculptures have come to life to work, protect... more