George M . Agiomirgianakis
George M. Agiomirgianakis is a Professor of Economic Theory and Policy at the Finance and Accounting Department of the Hellenic Mediterranean University since September 2020. Prior to this, he was Professor at the Hellenic Open University (HOU), Director of the Economic Analysis and Policy Lab, Academic Director of the undergraduate programmes Tourism Administration and Business Administration and of the Postgraduate Programmes: “Tourism Business Administration” (DTE), «Banking» (ΤΡΑ) και «Enterprise Risk Management» (ERM) of HOU. He has served as Dean of the School of Social Sciences of HOU (2008-2012). He has served (2006-2010) as the president of the (
He is an expert of the European Commission for projects evaluation (2018-today). Independent expert for the European Research and Innovation (2014-today). Evaluator of research sciences projects for the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (2008-2010). Expert of Evaluation Committee of Private Universities of the Republic of Cyprus (2010-2015) and expert evaluator of the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) of Greece. He was a member of the National Network of Environmental Education “Tourism and Environment” of the Ministry of Education (2006-2011).
He has more than thirty years of teaching experience in higher education, both in Greece (Hellenic Mediterranean University and Hellenic Open University) and in Britain (Hull, Solent, Brunel, City). From 1997 to 2001 he taught at the City University of London.
His research interests lie in the areas of Economic Analysis and Policy, International Economics, Human Capital and the Role of Education, Labour Economics, Tourism Planning & Policy-Making, Tourism Education, Small Medium Enterprises, Macroeconomic Policy Games, Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment. He was editor of the International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP, ) 2006-2018. He has served as guest editor for the following journals: Policy Modelling, Applied Economics, Review of International Economics, Review of Development Economics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, International Review of Economics and Finance, Ekonomia, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Economic Integration, International Journal of Economic Research, Journal of the Operational Research, International Trade Journal and the International Journal of Financial Management Services. He is also on the editorial board of EKONOMETRIA, International Journal of Financial Management Services, International Journal of Hospitality Knowledge Management και International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management.
1.) Τουριστικό Μάνατζμεντ (στα ελληνικά) Clare Inkson and Lynn Minnaert, (Επιμέλεια: Athanasios Mihiotois and George Agiomirgianakis) Μay 2020, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2090-5.
2.) Μέθοδοι Ερευνας για Φοιτητές του Τομέα του Τουρισμού Ramesh Durbarry (Επιμέλεια George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki) Μay 2020, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2107-0.
3.) Οικονομικά της Αναψυχής, του Ελεύθερου Χρόνου και του Τουρισμού, (στα ελληνικά) John Tribe, George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki, July 2019, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2053-0.
4.) Τα Οικονομικά των Τουριστικών Προορισμών, (στα ελληνικά) Robert Vanhove, George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki, May 2019, Gutenberg ISBN: 978-960-01-2020-2.
5.) International Economic Relations (in Greek) with Minas Vlassis and Henry Thompson, Rosili Publishing, Athens, Greece, May 2006.
6.) European Integration, Textbook with A. Zervoyianni & G. Argiros, Palgrave (Macmillan) Press Limited, Hampshire, UK, March 2006.
7.) Reader in European Business, A book written for the MBA Programme of the Hellenic Open University; January 2005.
8.) Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy, (Collective Volume) with Chris Tsoukis and Tapan Biswas. Kluwer Publishing January 2004.
9.) The Macroeconomics of Open Economies Under Labour Mobility, Monograph, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, UK, August 1999.
Address: George M. Agiomirgianakis
Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Estavromenos, Heraklion ΤΚ 71404
Email: [email protected]
George M. Agiomirgianakis is a Professor of Economic Theory and Policy at the Finance and Accounting Department of the Hellenic Mediterranean University since September 2020. Prior to this, he was Professor at the Hellenic Open University (HOU), Director of the Economic Analysis and Policy Lab, Academic Director of the undergraduate programmes Tourism Administration and Business Administration and of the Postgraduate Programmes: “Tourism Business Administration” (DTE), «Banking» (ΤΡΑ) και «Enterprise Risk Management» (ERM) of HOU. He has served as Dean of the School of Social Sciences of HOU (2008-2012). He has served (2006-2010) as the president of the (
He is an expert of the European Commission for projects evaluation (2018-today). Independent expert for the European Research and Innovation (2014-today). Evaluator of research sciences projects for the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (2008-2010). Expert of Evaluation Committee of Private Universities of the Republic of Cyprus (2010-2015) and expert evaluator of the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) of Greece. He was a member of the National Network of Environmental Education “Tourism and Environment” of the Ministry of Education (2006-2011).
He has more than thirty years of teaching experience in higher education, both in Greece (Hellenic Mediterranean University and Hellenic Open University) and in Britain (Hull, Solent, Brunel, City). From 1997 to 2001 he taught at the City University of London.
His research interests lie in the areas of Economic Analysis and Policy, International Economics, Human Capital and the Role of Education, Labour Economics, Tourism Planning & Policy-Making, Tourism Education, Small Medium Enterprises, Macroeconomic Policy Games, Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment. He was editor of the International Journal of Tourism Policy (IJTP, ) 2006-2018. He has served as guest editor for the following journals: Policy Modelling, Applied Economics, Review of International Economics, Review of Development Economics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, International Review of Economics and Finance, Ekonomia, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Economic Integration, International Journal of Economic Research, Journal of the Operational Research, International Trade Journal and the International Journal of Financial Management Services. He is also on the editorial board of EKONOMETRIA, International Journal of Financial Management Services, International Journal of Hospitality Knowledge Management και International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management.
1.) Τουριστικό Μάνατζμεντ (στα ελληνικά) Clare Inkson and Lynn Minnaert, (Επιμέλεια: Athanasios Mihiotois and George Agiomirgianakis) Μay 2020, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2090-5.
2.) Μέθοδοι Ερευνας για Φοιτητές του Τομέα του Τουρισμού Ramesh Durbarry (Επιμέλεια George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki) Μay 2020, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2107-0.
3.) Οικονομικά της Αναψυχής, του Ελεύθερου Χρόνου και του Τουρισμού, (στα ελληνικά) John Tribe, George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki, July 2019, Gutenberg, ISBN: 978-960-01-2053-0.
4.) Τα Οικονομικά των Τουριστικών Προορισμών, (στα ελληνικά) Robert Vanhove, George Agiomirgianakis and Aggeliki Menegaki, May 2019, Gutenberg ISBN: 978-960-01-2020-2.
5.) International Economic Relations (in Greek) with Minas Vlassis and Henry Thompson, Rosili Publishing, Athens, Greece, May 2006.
6.) European Integration, Textbook with A. Zervoyianni & G. Argiros, Palgrave (Macmillan) Press Limited, Hampshire, UK, March 2006.
7.) Reader in European Business, A book written for the MBA Programme of the Hellenic Open University; January 2005.
8.) Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy, (Collective Volume) with Chris Tsoukis and Tapan Biswas. Kluwer Publishing January 2004.
9.) The Macroeconomics of Open Economies Under Labour Mobility, Monograph, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, UK, August 1999.
Address: George M. Agiomirgianakis
Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Estavromenos, Heraklion ΤΚ 71404
Email: [email protected]
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