Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Turning Two

In just a few days this sweet child of mine will be Two. My baby. My last baby. Now a little girl. A little girl with a very big personality. As affectionate as she is stubborn. As giggly as she is grumpy. As delightful as she is frustrating. As sugary as she is spicy.

Zoe Grace (5 Weeks Old)

On Tuesday we will celebrate simply with Milk and Cookies. Fittingly, two of Zoe's favourite things. Her preferred choice of dinner - if it were a menu option!

Our closest family, a few friends and our kind neighbours will be dropping in for some home-baked goodies and a warming hot chocolate.

Everything about this celebration is kind of impromptu (if you hadn't noticed the trend, that's a little how life rolls around here). As such, a phone call to our guests probably would have sufficed, but if I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now. I love, love, love Snail Mail. Packing it, sending it, receiving it, opening it. A thrill that can never be replaced by technology. So, inspired by chocolate chips and a warm and fuzzy colour palette, I made these in an hour on the couch and popped them in the post.

Then I ordered this from a sweet and clever friend. And the rest of the plan? Mmmm, still in the making.

So with visions of Whoopie Pies, Cookies'n'cream pops, and delicious chocolate chip cookies dancing in my head, I better get me to my kitchen. Enjoy your weekend xo

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Un-Party Invitations

Six little envelopes are off to school today. Mia wrote and decorated each of the labels herself. Inside are our favourite invitations from KatyJane Designs. They are for the party-she's-having-when-she's-not-supposed-to-be-having-a-party. Shhh! Don't tell her Daddy.

Six little people is such a nice number - last year it was four times that plus their parents. Which is precisely the reason we are not supposed to be having a party! So, finally, we are doing the one-friend-for-each year-rule. We are keeping it sweet and simple. And if we wipe the frosting from our noses quick enough, we may just sneak this little un-party by Daddy.

But probably her happiness will give it away.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Truly. Madly. Deeply.

It's official. We are in love. The Macarons and I. Well, possibly it's a little unrequited crush, all I know is my heart beats a little faster when we are in the same room together and I simply can't get enough. That's not to say our first date last week went entirely without awkward moments and moodiness, but all I hoped for was enough `good' ones to be able to line them up in perfect little rows of coloured goodness and this is what I got . . . .

Happy. Contented. Dreaming of the next time we shall meet.

P.S. Sorry I kept you hanging for a week. Long story short is that my camera disappeared just before the Parisian party last Saturday. I suspected foul play may have been involved. Camera was found several days later in the side pocket of rolling luggage hidden in back of sister's wardrobe. Should have been the first place I looked, right? 18 month old suspect since apprehended and cuddled incessantly! Pics are courtesy of friend's i-phone . . . pink poodles coming up next.