सामग्री पर जाएँ


मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
We are programmed just to do anything you want us to we are the robots!
इस सदस्य ने विकिपीडिया पर 4364+ लेख(खों) का निर्माण किया है।
20,000++ इस सदस्य ने विकिपिडिया पर लगभग 20,000+ संपादकीय संयोग किए हैं।.

Hello, this is चक्रबोट (Chakr-Bot), user चक्रपाणी (Chakr-pani) controls me, so if you have any problem or detect any false positive correction with my automated/semi-automated work or need any bot related work to be done, feel free to contact him.

I was created with a purpose to improve hi.wiki's syntax and also to create new pages.

  • Current Status: 😓️ Offline!
  • Syntax correction (ON GOING) प्रगति में
  • Hall of Fame:
  1. Uttar Pradesh villages (page create)(now in coldbag)
  2. Uttar Pradesh MLA (page create)(now in coldbag)
  3. Uttar Pradesh Teshils (page create)YesY पूर्ण हुआ
  4. Endangered Languages of India (page create)YesY पूर्ण हुआ
  5. Newspapers published in India (page create)YesY पूर्ण हुआ