Videos by Maël Dif-Pradalier
Papers by Maël Dif-Pradalier
RESET, 2024
La dématérialisation administrative a rendu les dispositifs numériques incontournables dans de no... more La dématérialisation administrative a rendu les dispositifs numériques incontournables dans de nombreux domaines, parmi lesquels celui de l’insertion socio-professionnelle, complexifiant les démarches des demandeurs d’emploi les moins équipés et les moins autonomes en matière d’usage des outils numériques. Cet article contribue à l’analyse de la transformation numérique de l’action publique et de ses effets, en décrivant les tensions générées par l’impératif de l’autonomisation des bénéficiaires du chômage pour les professionnels chargés de leur accompagnement vers l’emploi, en étudiant le cas de la Suisse. Sur la base d’une recherche exploratoire combinant un questionnaire en ligne (n=514) et deux entretiens collectifs (focus groups) avec des professionnels de l’insertion (n=14), menée en 2022, nous analysons la dialectique entre l’injonction à l’autonomie des demandeurs d’emploi et le contrôle exercé par le biais de dispositifs numériques, du point de vue des professionnels étudiés. Nous montrons notamment que l’augmentation des demandes d’aide, adressées à ces professionnels par les bénéficiaires les moins autonomes, les soumet à une épreuve de professionnalité renouvelée, caractérisée par une tension entre « faire avec » et « faire à la place » des personnes accompagnées, qui les conduit à interroger les limites du mandat institutionnel qui leur est confié.
Administrative dematerialization has made digital devices unavoidable in many fields, including that of socio-professional integration, complicating the procedures for jobseekers least equipped and least autonomous in the use of digital tools. This article contributes to the analysis of the digital transformation of public action and its effects, by describing the tensions generated by the imperative of empowering unemployment beneficiaries for the professionals mandated to accompany them towards employment, in the case of Switzerland. Drawing on exploratory research combining an online questionnaire (n=514) and two focus groups with integration professionals (n=14), conducted in 2022, we analyze the dialectic between the injunction to jobseekers' autonomy and the control exercised through digital devices, from the point of view of the professionals studied. We demonstrate in particular that the increase in requests for assistance addressed to these professionals by the least autonomous beneficiaries subjects them to a renewed test of professionalism, characterized by a tension between “doing with” and “doing for” the people supported, which leads them to question the limits of the institutional mandate entrusted to them.
Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2024
Capitalism in the Platform Age. Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces, 2024
This chapter explores skills in the context of platform work, with a view to redefining the conce... more This chapter explores skills in the context of platform work, with a view to redefining the concept in a way that can benefit workers. In addition to transforming the nature of work through the introduction of new technologies, the platform economy has also changed how skills are understood, how they are acquired, and how they align with job requirements. An updated definition of skills therefore needs to encompass those tasks typically performed by platform workers while allowing for an analysis of the (algorithmic) matching channels and processes used by digital platforms (CEDEFOP, 2020, 2021).
By seeking to better understand and support the skill development process, this chapter aims to facilitate social and political engagement by platform workers. Regarding the political significance of skills in the context of the
platform economy, we emphasize the importance of co-construction as an approach to regulating emerging forms of work and encouraging the exercise of digital citizenship in urban contexts. The chapter’s first section provides an overview of how the concept of skills has evolved. Drawing on the results of activities conducted in the context of the PLUS project, the second section shows how the potential for effective political mobilization in the contemporary context depends on a new definition of skills, one that considers both the concept’s political dimension and the evolving relationship between workers and a platform-driven labour market. Finally, the third section explores the relationship between platform economy skills and digital citizenship while identifying key points that need to be addressed in terms of developing the skills of platform workers.
The social and economic impacts of the emerging platform economy are most obvious in urban settin... more The social and economic impacts of the emerging platform economy are most obvious in urban settings, where platforms are giving rise to unfamiliar dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, cooperation and division, as well as social and political integration and fragmentation. Platform urbanisation has created a new and unprecedented kind of politics. It has given rise to new political spaces and new subjectivities, resulting in a permanent reorganisation of ‘historical’ assemblages of territory, authority and rights. Drawing on the results of the European-based PLUS Project (Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development), this themed collection offers a fresh perspective on the platform economy by analysing it in terms of the relationship between urban contexts and the ongoing platformisation process, with an emphasis on how this relationship is reshaping (platform) labour and reconfiguring (or even reinvigorating) social action. Along the way, the articles in this issue consider whether platforms are useful for the development of urban environments and labour markets, or whether urban environments and labour markets are useful for the development of platforms. Likewise, they seek to identify the conditions under which relevant actors can mobilise and build alliances to ensure that such forms of development can be made to benefit not only workers but also (urban) citizens and the (urban) environment in general.
ZESO, 2023
Für viele Jugendliche in schwierigen Lebenssituationen ist eine sozialpädagogische, motivieren-de... more Für viele Jugendliche in schwierigen Lebenssituationen ist eine sozialpädagogische, motivieren-de und professionelle Unterstützung oft entscheidend, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu erhalten. Dies ist das Ziel der Massnahme zur sozioprofessionellen Eingliederung «Vers une insertion pro-fessionnelle» (VIP), die im Januar 2020 vom Schweizerischen Arbeiterhilfswerk (SAH) Freiburg eingeführt wurde und eine Kombination aus beruflichen Workshops, sozialpädagogischen Aktivi-täten, Musik und persönlicher Entwicklung bietet.
ZESO, 2023
Accéder à une formation professionnelle améliore les chances d’insertion socio-professionnelle. P... more Accéder à une formation professionnelle améliore les chances d’insertion socio-professionnelle. Pour de nombreux jeunes en difficulté (JAD), que leur parcours antérieur a rendu plus vulnérables, un soutien socio-éducatif, motivationnel et professionnel s’avère souvent décisif pour décrocher une place d’apprentissage. Tel est l’objectif de la mesure d’insertion socio-professionnelle « Vers une insertion professionnelle » (VIP), lancé en janvier 2020 par l’Œuvre suisse d’entraide ouvrière (OSEO) de Fribourg, et qui propose une combinaison d’ateliers professionnels, d’activités socio-éducatives, musicales et de développement personnel.
C'est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, 2023
La place croissante du numérique dans le travail social et son appropriation par les professionne... more La place croissante du numérique dans le travail social et son appropriation par les professionnels de ce secteur d’activité sont l’objet de débats depuis une dizaine d’années. En France, le Haut Conseil du travail social (HCTS) a créé dès 2017 un groupe de travail intitulé « Numérique et travail social » afin de réfléchir aux opportunités et risques des usages numériques pour les personnes accompagnées et les professionnels, et de formuler des recommandations à l’adresse des acteurs du secteur et des pouvoirs publics.
En Suisse, pays voisin où la dématérialisation administrative a connu une accélération comparable à celle de la France, les effets de la transformation numérique dans le travail social sont encore peu étudiés.
Pour contribuer à combler ce manque de connaissances, une étude exploratoire a récemment documenté les potentialités et limites de la numérisation, du point de vue des professionnels du domaine de l’insertion socioprofessionnelle, et abouti à la formulation de recommandations. Ces dernières font écho à celles du HCTS tout en les complétant utilement.
Depuis une dizaine d’années, des logiciels évaluent l’attribution de certaines aides sociales ou ... more Depuis une dizaine d’années, des logiciels évaluent l’attribution de certaines aides sociales ou traquent les fraudes. Entre biais et risques d’erreurs, leur implémentation se révèle plus compliquée que prévu.
Entretien avec Aurélie Toninato pour la revue Hémisphères.
Instrument Research and Innovation Action (RIA) Topic TRANSFORMATIONS-01-2018 Call Identifier H20... more Instrument Research and Innovation Action (RIA) Topic TRANSFORMATIONS-01-2018 Call Identifier H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018 Work Package N. | Title WP4-Co-construction of training programs for the various actors involved in platform economy Work Package Leader SUPSI Deliverable N. | Title D4.3. Report on new skills for platform economy and about the emerging scenarios fostered by the training program Executive summary This report is one of the final deliverables of the PLUS project's WP4 "Co-construction of training programs for the various actors involved in platform economy". This WP, in sum, consists in: a) setting-up a training materials, namely a MOOC, addressed to workers, professionals, trade unionists, administration representatives and labour market experts/professionals, focused on platform economy, skills development and ways of ensuring continuity of social rights in an urban setting beyond fragmented professional trajectories; b) implementation of seven city training workshops to reflect upon platform work and skills in an urban setting, addressed to workers, representatives, coordinators in the seven case study cities, including a selection of stakeholders and potentially interested actors; c) establishing a community of practice supporting the definition of some MOOC modules with the participation of ETUI. This report is therefore a compendium of the activities accomplished during the WP lifetime concerning the elaboration and reflection upon the meaning of skills in a context of platform economy, including conceptual, training, certification, and implementation facets. The achievements set out hereafter lean on both specific WP4 activities and other project WPs results, in particular: D2.3 "Final Report on impact of technologies on workers and the labour process in the platform economy"; D.5.1 "Chart on Digital Workers' Rights"; the SOPO labs carried out in WP5; D6.2 "Report on Welfare in Platform Economies". This report delves in the relation between platforms and the skills that are necessary to work in this environment. Digital platforms are, in effect, profoundly altering many aspects of urban life, since manifold effects on labour are accelerated in cities, as commerce, delivery, hosting, and services take place increasingly more often through, and are enabled by, platforms. Platforms are thus instilling unprecedented fronts of inclusion and exclusion, participation and division, social and political aggregation, and disaggregation. In this report, therefore, we seek to briefly conduct an analysis of the concept of "skills" based on the PLUS project work process and results on the one hand, and, on the other hand, by considering the concept of skills from a broader perspective, as a social and political assemblage. Correspondingly, the report highlights as such reconfiguration requires actors, actions and proposals aiming at co-construncting and recognizing the skills of platform workers, on a path addressed to building their substantive citizenship and allowing the platform economy to be a fair labour environment. Discussions on skills usually tend to focus on their technical/professional dimensions, learning outcomes, descriptions and the knowledge associated with the techniques of the work process, developed via training and experience. However, evaluating, identifying, developing and recognizing skills in an uncharted scenario of platform economy should not be seen primarily as an objective process, but very much as the result of political and social co-construction involving all actors of the platform environement.
Infographie - Rapport "recherche insertion numérique HETS-FR", 2022
Infografica - Rapport "recherche insertion numérique HETS-FR", 2022
Infografiken - Rapport "recherche insertion numérique HETS-FR", 2022
Formation Emploi , 2022
Introduction au dossier "Le tiers employeur, figure émergente de la relation formation-emploi"
Videos by Maël Dif-Pradalier
The whole MOOC is available here:
The whole MOOC is available here:
Papers by Maël Dif-Pradalier
Administrative dematerialization has made digital devices unavoidable in many fields, including that of socio-professional integration, complicating the procedures for jobseekers least equipped and least autonomous in the use of digital tools. This article contributes to the analysis of the digital transformation of public action and its effects, by describing the tensions generated by the imperative of empowering unemployment beneficiaries for the professionals mandated to accompany them towards employment, in the case of Switzerland. Drawing on exploratory research combining an online questionnaire (n=514) and two focus groups with integration professionals (n=14), conducted in 2022, we analyze the dialectic between the injunction to jobseekers' autonomy and the control exercised through digital devices, from the point of view of the professionals studied. We demonstrate in particular that the increase in requests for assistance addressed to these professionals by the least autonomous beneficiaries subjects them to a renewed test of professionalism, characterized by a tension between “doing with” and “doing for” the people supported, which leads them to question the limits of the institutional mandate entrusted to them.
By seeking to better understand and support the skill development process, this chapter aims to facilitate social and political engagement by platform workers. Regarding the political significance of skills in the context of the
platform economy, we emphasize the importance of co-construction as an approach to regulating emerging forms of work and encouraging the exercise of digital citizenship in urban contexts. The chapter’s first section provides an overview of how the concept of skills has evolved. Drawing on the results of activities conducted in the context of the PLUS project, the second section shows how the potential for effective political mobilization in the contemporary context depends on a new definition of skills, one that considers both the concept’s political dimension and the evolving relationship between workers and a platform-driven labour market. Finally, the third section explores the relationship between platform economy skills and digital citizenship while identifying key points that need to be addressed in terms of developing the skills of platform workers.
En Suisse, pays voisin où la dématérialisation administrative a connu une accélération comparable à celle de la France, les effets de la transformation numérique dans le travail social sont encore peu étudiés.
Pour contribuer à combler ce manque de connaissances, une étude exploratoire a récemment documenté les potentialités et limites de la numérisation, du point de vue des professionnels du domaine de l’insertion socioprofessionnelle, et abouti à la formulation de recommandations. Ces dernières font écho à celles du HCTS tout en les complétant utilement.
Entretien avec Aurélie Toninato pour la revue Hémisphères.
The whole MOOC is available here:
The whole MOOC is available here:
Administrative dematerialization has made digital devices unavoidable in many fields, including that of socio-professional integration, complicating the procedures for jobseekers least equipped and least autonomous in the use of digital tools. This article contributes to the analysis of the digital transformation of public action and its effects, by describing the tensions generated by the imperative of empowering unemployment beneficiaries for the professionals mandated to accompany them towards employment, in the case of Switzerland. Drawing on exploratory research combining an online questionnaire (n=514) and two focus groups with integration professionals (n=14), conducted in 2022, we analyze the dialectic between the injunction to jobseekers' autonomy and the control exercised through digital devices, from the point of view of the professionals studied. We demonstrate in particular that the increase in requests for assistance addressed to these professionals by the least autonomous beneficiaries subjects them to a renewed test of professionalism, characterized by a tension between “doing with” and “doing for” the people supported, which leads them to question the limits of the institutional mandate entrusted to them.
By seeking to better understand and support the skill development process, this chapter aims to facilitate social and political engagement by platform workers. Regarding the political significance of skills in the context of the
platform economy, we emphasize the importance of co-construction as an approach to regulating emerging forms of work and encouraging the exercise of digital citizenship in urban contexts. The chapter’s first section provides an overview of how the concept of skills has evolved. Drawing on the results of activities conducted in the context of the PLUS project, the second section shows how the potential for effective political mobilization in the contemporary context depends on a new definition of skills, one that considers both the concept’s political dimension and the evolving relationship between workers and a platform-driven labour market. Finally, the third section explores the relationship between platform economy skills and digital citizenship while identifying key points that need to be addressed in terms of developing the skills of platform workers.
En Suisse, pays voisin où la dématérialisation administrative a connu une accélération comparable à celle de la France, les effets de la transformation numérique dans le travail social sont encore peu étudiés.
Pour contribuer à combler ce manque de connaissances, une étude exploratoire a récemment documenté les potentialités et limites de la numérisation, du point de vue des professionnels du domaine de l’insertion socioprofessionnelle, et abouti à la formulation de recommandations. Ces dernières font écho à celles du HCTS tout en les complétant utilement.
Entretien avec Aurélie Toninato pour la revue Hémisphères.
La présente étude, financée par l’Office fédéral des assurances sociales, a été réalisée en 2016-2017 et mobilise des données quantitatives (données internes OAI, enquête CATI) mais aussi qualitatives (documentation interne et réalisation d’une vingtaine d’entretiens avec les différentes catégories d’acteurs impliqués). Elle analyse le concept, la mise en œuvre, les effets et les conditions de transférabilité de ces formations.