
Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Friday

What an exciting first full week we had here in Henson's first grade.
I'd love for you to stop by My Big Campus and see what I have set up this year for my website.
It is working out well for communication.  Just click on this link. My Big Campus
Another fabulous site I found is Remind101.  At this site you can text parents important reminders.  You cannot see their number and they cannot see yours.  Great for "wear red", pack a lunch tomorrow, field trip, spelling test know all those reminders that always come in handy for a parent.
Check it out!
So onto next week.  All About Our Families...just in time for Grandparent's Day next Monday.
Enjoy your three day weekend.  Michele

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Okay so dismissal solved not onto behavior in the classroom.
Over the weekend I brainstormed what to do this year for behavior.
Last year my theme was pirates so my behavior system was focused on "treasured behavior".
This year I am polka dots so...
Here is what I came up with.
Each child has a stop light and a colored button on their desk.
With a simple slide to yellow I can warn a student and a slide to red can mean STOP!
A child must be on green in order to get a star at the end of the day on their behavior chart.
A filled chart is a trip to the treasure chest.
So far so good.
I have the patterns for you below.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Controlling Dismissal Frenzy!

At our school of 700 students and 18 buses each day...dismissal can be pretty scary for our little kiddos.
This year our 5 first grades asked for 5th grade buddies.  We started with them coming to our classrooms to wait with the kiddos until their bus was dismissed and then they would walk them out.  YIKES..5th graders and a room full of anxious 1st graders did not mix so...I created these visuals and put them on paint stirrers.  Now two fifth graders stand at the end of the hall with the sign as a bus is called.  They take the all the first graders for that bus out.  Ahhhh!  Much better.  So I made a set for you with out bus numbers so you can add them to your files if you can use them.  Enjoy the week everyone!  Michele

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Friday "Freebie"...

I can't believe it is Friday already.  We just completed Open House and now our first day.  It was positively delightful with Chester and his friends.

Tomorrow we are going to do "The First Day Jitters".  As I started to lay my work out I realized I really wanted some kind of cute craft to go with the story.  So I came up with a modified "backpack" idea super simple and super cute.  I hope you can use it.  Actually anything could fit in the pocket of the backpack.  Kids could even draw if they are unable to write.
So here you go...Hope all is going well for all of you.  Michele

The backpack is 6X9
Fold down the top and round it.
The pacet is 6X3.  Glue on 3 edges.
The straps are just strips of paper.
Fun yet easy stuff!!

Monday, August 19, 2013


As my kiddos enter tonight they will find this waiting for them on their desk.
One is an "assignment sheet" that tells them what they should do for the evening and the second is a "handbook" for my 1st grade classroom.  It has a little of everything inside to keep parents informed and updated about curriculum, schedules, helpful hints, parties, and more.  The goodie is a little "o"FISH"ally a 1st grader.  Not original or especially creative but it is simple and most kiddos love goldfish. So...hi ho, hi ho, off to school we go.
Freebies here of the items.
Click here...


Friday, August 16, 2013

Back to School Sale on TpT! and a "freebie"!

The entire shop at TpT is having a Back to School Sale.
It is the perfect time to get those items waiting on your "wish list".
Also here is the "freebie"...
I wanted all last year to get this done and never did.
So at long last I have created a "checklist" of the CCS.
YEP ... now I can check when I teach and check when I assess.
I can also see if there is an area I need to revisit or one that I am totally ignoring.
WOW this will be a big help to me and I hope to you!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Classroom Photos

Well the room and curriculum are finally coming together.
I am so excited to meet my class next week. 
I am posting some pictures of what it looks like for the Open House.
Tomorrow I have a wonderful freebie for you that will help you track how many times you are actually teaching a common core standard.  I think it will help me keep track of areas I need to spend more time on.

The other side of the door has a little guy!
This is the list of students with number assignments for cubbies and folders.
Inside cubby.
I do my calendar here but all other calendar activities are on the Smart Board.  Good catch I see the board says May.  YIKES!

Students pictures will go on the cards above and they will earn rewards for behavior.

The Kissing Hand is our first day story and activities.

As we work on specific café skills they will be posted.  On polka dots of course!!
Poems and word wall words posted.
Each rotation or station is set up and ready to go.
Rules are visual and sent home to each parent.
Desks ready for Open House
A look out my window.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to School Crafts

I know you will love these two super simple crafts that are accompanied by activities.  Chester is free and Froggy is only $3.00.  What a perfect way to start your school year AND decorate your room and bulletin boards.  Oh, and don't forget the sale this weekend.  Michele
Click here to purchase this craft.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shop NOW for Back to School Deals!!

Sorry I have not been posting this week but my classroom has been #1 on my list.  I have it all set up and looking great but now for the "inner workings"...curriculum.  Guess it is a lot like's what's hidden within that counts!!  Happy weekend!!!  Michele

Monday, August 5, 2013

Behavior Chart

This is not the best picture in the world but it gives you an idea of how I hung my "behavior scale"!
Here are the cards for you if you want them.
Before we begin an activity or as we are working I will say "where are you on our scale?"
Students who are Super will bet a star on their behavior tag.  Each student with 10 stars at the end of the week heads to the "treasure chest" and their name goes in the box for a drawing at the end of the month. 
 Want a here!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday, Saturday

Each year I love to include poetry for posting, reading, and as an introduction to another genre.  Here is a little "freebie" for you.  I just updated and improved all of my poems for the month of September.  Hope you will enjoy these.  Michele
This is the comprehension page.  I have students read, highlight and then complete comprehension activities.
This is the poem I post in the room.  Sometime I make a poster of it as we have a poster maker in our district.
 This year I am adding bookmarks to go with each poem for reading.
 Finally I made word cards this year for each poem so the students can put the poem back together.  They will be on a table close to where the poem is posted with a pocket chart.  Fun stuff!
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday, Friday

So yesterday I spent the day working on what I use to call my "Book in a Bag".  Boring!! ...and so I came up with, after looking through several ideas, My Backpack.  Instead of just focusing on books I am going to focus on language and include a poem each week.  I have decided to use lg. baggies as the "backpack" and keep the cover page in front.  Each bag will have two books, some spelling, a poem and for those ready "fluency passages".  I am thinking that the others might have sight words.
Still have a few more "kinks" to work through but I sure have a good start.  Wanted to share with you.  Let me know your thoughts and your ideas!  Enjoy!! Michele