Books by Kirsi T Kanerva
Sirpa Aalto & Kirsi Kanerva. 2019. Johdatus saagakirjallisuuteen [Introduction to Saga Literature... more Sirpa Aalto & Kirsi Kanerva. 2019. Johdatus saagakirjallisuuteen [Introduction to Saga Literature]. Studia Historica Septentrionalia 81. Rovaniemi: Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen yhdistys/Societas historica Finlandiae Septentrionalis.
Articles: miscellaneous by Kirsi T Kanerva
Mielen rajoilla. Arjen kummat kokemukset [At the Boundaries of the Human Mind. Everyday uncanny experiences], 2017
Artikkeli “Kumma ja tunteet” [Emotions and the Uncanny], julkaistu teoksessa/published in Mielen ... more Artikkeli “Kumma ja tunteet” [Emotions and the Uncanny], julkaistu teoksessa/published in Mielen rajoilla. Arjen kummat kokemukset [At the Boundaries of the Human Mind. Everyday uncanny experiences], toim/ed. Kaarina Koski & Marja-Liisa Honkasalo. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura/Finnish Literature Society, 87–123.
WiderScreen, 2020
In this essay, I will discuss some of the opportunities offered by Todd Phillips's Joker (2019) t... more In this essay, I will discuss some of the opportunities offered by Todd Phillips's Joker (2019) to engage in an "interpretative play," to use the term of Noël Carroll, with this particular work of art, and consider some of the emotional responses that the movie elicits. The perspective in this free-associative essay is subjective, and the aesthetic and non-aesthetic responses to the film elaborated here concentrate on the following selected themes: emotions and sexuality as part of the Joker's origin story and the Joker's role as an archetypal trickster in the Jungian sense.
To access the essay, please go to (published January 23, 2020)
Articles: 19th-century history by Kirsi T Kanerva

Historiska och litteraturhistoriska studier 95, 2020
Wilhelm Forsman (1781-1865) kom från en lärd prästsläkt och var född och uppvuxen i byn Östermark... more Wilhelm Forsman (1781-1865) kom från en lärd prästsläkt och var född och uppvuxen i byn Östermark i Södra Österbotten, där han också tillbringade största delen av sitt liv. I Wilhelms far, kyrkoherden i Östermark Johan Forsmans (d. 1810) släkt var det många som på 1800-talet blev betydande rättslärda och aktörer på det vetenskapliga och politiska området. Även Wilhelm följde släktens traditioner och studerade först vid Vasa trivialskola (1794-1801) och skrevs sedan in vid Akademien i Åbo år 1802. Till skillnad från sin far och många andra män i släkten blev han inte präst trots att han var student. År 1807 rekryterades han till Vasa regemente och deltog därefter i 1808-1809 års krig som sergeant. Efter att han hade återvänt från kriget verkade han från och med slutet av 1818 som kyrkväktare i sin framlidne fars hemförsamling Östermark. Senare nämns han i skrifteböckerna också som torpare under prästgården. Även i valet av maka skilde sig Wilhelm från många av de andra männen i släkten, vars hustrur kom från betydande svenskspråkiga släkter. Wilhelm, som ända till krigsslutet hade tjänstgjort vid Vasa regemente, återvände hösten 1809 till hembygden från andra sidan Bottniska viken och ingick ganska snart äktenskap med den lokala torpardottern Clara Johansdotter.2 Wilhelms egna barn slog inte längre in på den lärda banan: de blev drängar och pigor.
I denna artikel granskar jag förhållandet till svenskan i den i huvudsak finskspråkiga kyrksocknen Östermark under 1800-talets första hälft. Jag närmar mig ämnet via en fallstudie: i centrum står Wilhelm Forsman, vars liv man kan se som en fruktbar anomali, det vill säga ett ovanligt, överraskande och otypiskt objekt för historisk forskning. Ynglingen från den lärda svenskspråkiga släkten slog in på den lärda banan, men följde till slut inte den väg som i regel var utstakad för dem som tillhörde hans stånd. I och med honom övergick i stället den östermarkska grenen av den Forsmanska släkten från herrskapsklassen till allmogeklassen och förfinskades också inom kort. Wilhelms liv kan därmed ses som ett slags mellanskede, där förhållandet till svenskan i Wilhelms släkt ändrades. Genom att studera Wilhelms fall är det möjligt att, förutom att få en djupare förståelse av detta enskilda fall, också få en ökad förståelse av ståndspersoners språkförhållanden i ett landsbygdssamhälle under en tidsperiod som på samhällelig nivå präglades av olika ideologiska förändringar i förhållande till språken.
I början av tidsperioden efter 1808–1809 års krig var den svenskspråkiga samhällseliten i romantikens anda influerad av tankar om en nation med ett språk (finska). I slutskedet, från och med 1850-talet, började man inom eliten också intressera sig för den svenskspråkiga allmogen, vars historia tidigare inte hade väckt intresse bland svenskspråkiga ståndspersoner.
Articles: Saga studies by Kirsi T Kanerva

Journal of Medieval History, 2022
This article examines encounters with the dead in medieval Icelandic contemporary sagas (samtiðar... more This article examines encounters with the dead in medieval Icelandic contemporary sagas (samtiðarsögur) and the changes in cultural conceptions of the power of the dead to return as reflected in these sources. Whereas the better known family sagas (Íslendingasögur) that were based on centuries-old oral stories portrayed the undead as tangible restless corpses, in contemporary sagas that described more recent historical events the dead appeared in dreams. A short tale called Kumlbúa þáttr provides a case study, to which the examples of the dead appearing in dreams in other sources are contrasted. It is argued that the dead in dreams still acted as moral judges like the tangible restless corpses in the family sagas, but the focus of their attention often shifted from collective to individual responsibility for moral transgressions, thus reflecting the gradual individualisation and interiorisation of medieval Icelandic religious experience.
To cite this article: Kirsi Kanerva (2022) The dead in dreams: medieval Icelandic conceptions of the unquiet dead, Journal of Medieval History, 48:2, 218-234, DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2022.2049514

Folklore and Old Norse Mythology, 2021
In the thirteenth-century Vǫlsunga saga, Brynhildr commits suicide after Sigurðr’s death: she sta... more In the thirteenth-century Vǫlsunga saga, Brynhildr commits suicide after Sigurðr’s death: she stabs herself with a sword and is burned on his funeral pyre. Brynhildr’s suicide appears to be a northern innovation since in the southern version of the legend Brynhildr’s fate is left suspended (Kuhn 1971; Anderson 1980: 35). The episode can nevertheless be seen as a parallel of Nanna’s death in Snorra Edda: at Baldr’s funeral Nanna dies of grief and is burned together with Baldr on his funeral pyre. Brynhildr has also been paralleled with the Laxdoela saga heroine Guðrún Ósvífsdóttir (e.g. Einar Ól. Sveinsson 1934b: xlvi; Andersson 1980: 241, 243; Heinrichs 1986: 110), who is responsible for the death of her beloved, Kjartan, but unlike Brynhildr, she does not commit suicide and lives until old age. In this chapter, I will consider medieval Icelandic conceptions of, attitudes towards, and norms concerning suicide by employing three levels of comparison. I first deal with Nanna’s death in mythic time. Second, I discuss Brynhildr’s suicide in mytho-heroic time, which was situated in the ancient and heroic past where mythic figures such as Óðinn could still occasionally cross the boundary between the world of the humans and the world of the gods. Third, I examine Guðrún Ósvífsdóttir’s life in historical time. The aim of the comparison is to examine whether genre matters; whether the different genres examined here reflect uniform values or not, and, if not, in what ways do the norms, attitudes and conceptions reflected in the sources differ from each other? Are these genres commensurable in general when examining conceptions of, attitudes towards, and norms concerning suicide in the thirteenth-century context where, according to scholarly consensus, the main sources of this study were written? (What) can we benefit from the examination ofdifferent genres when studying suicide in medieval Iceland?
Published in Folklore and Old Norse Mythology, ed. Frog and Joonas Ahola. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 323. The Kalevala Society: Helsinki, 549–587.

Suomen Kirkkohistoriallisen Seuran Vuosikirja , 2019
This article deals with repentance as emotion in medieval Icelandic culture circa 1200–1400. It s... more This article deals with repentance as emotion in medieval Icelandic culture circa 1200–1400. It studies representations of repentance in medieval saga literature, concentrating on repentance as practice (as defined by Monique Scheer), including attitudes towards and meanings given to repentance in religious and secular contexts.
Iceland was Christianized in 999/1000, but conversion did not result in radically drastic changes of mentality or worldview. Confrontation of two worldviews, Christian and indigenous, occurred when Christian ideas of penitence were adopted. In Christian thought, repentance as emotion was associated with certain norms and emotional practice. Sometimes these “foreign” norms and expectations in terms of strong displays could collide with vernacular theories of emotion: some emotions considered good and appropriate in Christian thought might be viewed from the native perspective as bad, unwanted, or detrimental to health.
The sources used in this study consist of vernacular sagas written in Iceland circa 1200–1400. I will concentrate on two cases, one in Dámusta saga and one in Laxdæla saga. I will examine the representation of repentance in the two sources intertextually in connection with other medieval Icelandic sagas in order to show how Dámusti’s and Guðrún’s repentance as emotional practice would have been viewed in light of vernacular conceptions of emotions. I will suggest that while there existed a model for repentance that emphasized the bodily nature of the experience and drastic emotional expression, this was not the only model. Another type, which represented the practice of repentance as a ritualistic performance, avoided excessive emotions and bodily displays of remorse. The first model was problematic because it ran counter to the indigenous conceptions of what emotions are and how they operate, and thereby contested the local norms of emotional expression.

Viator, 2018
Kanerva, Kirsi. 2018. Female Suicide in Thirteenth-Century Iceland: The Case of Brynhildr inVölsu... more Kanerva, Kirsi. 2018. Female Suicide in Thirteenth-Century Iceland: The Case of Brynhildr inVölsunga saga. Viator 49 (3), 129-154.
The article examines thirteenth-century Icelandic conceptions of female suicide and ideas about their causes and motives by conducting a case study of a saga figure called Brynhildr, who commits suicide. The story of Brynhildr is told in several medieval Icelandic sources: in the mytho-heroic legendary saga (fornaldarsaga) Völsunga saga, Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. The story of Brynhildr in these sources offers fruitful material for the study of the history of suicide, since the northern version in question differs from the southern version of the Brynhildr legend that was known especially in medieval Germany, in which Brynhildr does not kill herself. In this study, the causes and background factors of Brynhildr’s suicide and her motives for her deed, which are described and mentioned in the sources, represent possibilities for female behavior that were part of the mental toolbox of medieval Icelanders. It is argued that the Icelandic audience believed some women committed suicide to protect or restore their honor, or to take revenge, and that such an act required determination, capability to make rational choices, and sense of responsibility. The act could also be seen as a manifestation of power and authority: the woman decided herself when her life would end. However, Brynhildr’s death represents only one possible type of female suicide, and not all were expected to be the same. Committing such a preconceived self-killing as Brynhildr’s required an especially strong will. Most women, who were usually maintained by men, were thought not to possess such might and strength.
(Please contact the author if you wish to receive a copy of the article.)
Dying Prepared in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe, 2018
Kanerva, Kirsi. 2018. ”Restless Dead or Peaceful Cadavers? Preparations for Death and Afterlife i... more Kanerva, Kirsi. 2018. ”Restless Dead or Peaceful Cadavers? Preparations for Death and Afterlife in Medieval Iceland,” in Dying Prepared in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe, ed. Anu Lahtinen and Mia Korpiola. Leiden: Brill 2018, 18–43

The article examines cultural conceptions of the possible afterlives of suicides in medieval (ca.... more The article examines cultural conceptions of the possible afterlives of suicides in medieval (ca. 1200–1400) Iceland: whether those who committed suicide were expected to return as restless dead. It is suggested that suicide corpses were not regarded as inherently dangerous in medieval Iceland. According to the law, those who committed suicide would not be buried in the churchyard, but repentance before the actual moment of death could still make burial in the cemetery possible. The second chance allotted to self-killers raises the question of whether the burial method implied danger and contagion, or merely social exclusion. It is argued that suicide per se was not expected to make the corpse restless. People who were considered weak and powerless in life would not return after death, since posthumous restlessness required that the person had a strong will and motivation to come back. Consequently, in the case of suicides, possible posthumous restlessness depended on the person's character in life. People with strong will and special magical skills were anticipated to return, whereas other suicides remained passive and peaceful.

Death in Medieval Europe: Death Scripted and Death Choreographed, 2017
In this chapter the posthumously restless dead, or ‘ghosts’ of Old Icelandic saga literature will... more In this chapter the posthumously restless dead, or ‘ghosts’ of Old Icelandic saga literature will be discussed. The ghosts in sagas were not ethereal phantoms dressed in white, but dead people appearing to the living in their physical, recognizable and undecayed bodies. These corporeal, physical revenants seem to have both malevolent and benevolent functions in sagas: they may give assistance and advice to people, but may also cause the living trouble and fear, as well as madness, disease, or death.
In the light of earlier studies (e.g. Byock 1982, 133; Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 161; Nedkvitne 2004, 38–43; Martin 2005, 75–80) the dead generally became restless of their own free and often malevolent will. Thus, activity after death was usually not a punishment for the deceased, but an expression of their wish to continue to participate in the society of the living. Behind this was presumably a belief in some kind of life power and vitality remained in the human body after death – “a pagan relic” (Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 167) that may have survived in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Iceland (see also Caciola 1996; and on similar ideas in Finnic folklore Koski 2011, 94–97).
This idea fits well with the ghosts of the so-called Sagas of Icelanders, Íslendingasögur, which were written mainly in the thirteenth century, that is, over 200 years after Icelanders had adopted Christianity, but not with all ghosts in the saga literature. In other, more mythical saga genres such as Eddic poetry, often thought to derive from the heathen period (ca. 900) but available only in later manuscripts (ca. 1270), and the somewhat later fornaldarsögur (also called Legendary sagas, written ca. 1270–1400), the dead can be awakened against their will by various mythical beings such as heathen gods and goddesses, or witches using their skills to serve their own interests. Moreover, in some later fourteenth-century Íslendingasögur it is implied that restless corpses were made active by ‘unclean spirits’, possibly because the spirits invaded the dead bodies, thus suggesting a link with the phenomenon of demonic possession known in medieval Christianity.
The contrast between the activeness and agency of the deceased in the earlier Íslendingasögur and the more subordinate role of the dead in the mythical sources and later Íslendingasögur will be the main theme of this chapter. I will consider the possibility that medieval Icelandic beliefs changed so that the dead became “less active” from the late thirteenth century onwards – that the dead were originally considered active agents that had a will and power of their own but, as foreign (Christian) ideas became more internalized and intertwined with indigenous ones, another mode of thought began to displace the old one. The restless dead were increasingly interpreted as objects that had no power of their own, but were awakened by use of magic or made active by unclean spirits that invaded their lifeless bodies.
Porous Bodies, Porous Minds. Emotions and the Supernatural in the Íslendingasögur (ca. 1200–1400)., 2015
NB. This is a published work, ISBN 978-951-29-5996-9 (PRINT); ISBN 978-951-29-5997-6 (PDF).
In ... more NB. This is a published work, ISBN 978-951-29-5996-9 (PRINT); ISBN 978-951-29-5997-6 (PDF).
In this study I have explored the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions - what emotions were thought to be, from what they originated and how they operated - and additionally, whether medieval Icelanders had alternative emotion discourses in literature, in addition to the usual manner of representation (poetry, dialogue, description of somatic changes).
How to cite: Kanerva, Kirsi. 2015. Porous Bodies, Porous Minds. Emotions and the Supernatural in the Íslendingasögur (ca. 1200–1400). TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS. Sarja - ser. B osa - tom. 398 Humaniora. Turku: University of Turku 2015.
(together with Marko Lamberg) in Hyvä elämä keskiajalla, ed. Marko Lamberg & Kirsi Kanerva. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki 2014, 241–256.
(together with Marko Lamberg) in Hyvä elämä keskiajalla, ed. Marko Lamberg & Kirsi Kanerva. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki 2014, 7–34.
in Hyvä elämä keskiajalla, ed. Marko Lamberg & Kirsi Kanerva. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura: Helsinki 2014, 209-240.
Ote muinaisislanninkielisestä Brennu-Njáls sagasta. Alkuperäislähde: Den Arnamagnaeanske Samling,... more Ote muinaisislanninkielisestä Brennu-Njáls sagasta. Alkuperäislähde: Den Arnamagnaeanske Samling, Kööpenhamina, AM 468, 4to 81r (Reykjabók). Julkaistu teoksessa Einar Ól. Sveinsson (toim.) (1954): Brennu-Njáls saga. Íslenzk Fornrit 12. Reykjavík: Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 402.

Mental (Dis)Order in Later Medieval Europe, ed. by Sari Katajala-Peltomaa & Susanna Niiranen. Leiden: Brill 2014, 219-242.
In this article I concentrate on the effects that ghosts have on the living people in sagas. I us... more In this article I concentrate on the effects that ghosts have on the living people in sagas. I use examples in such Íslendingasögur as Flóamanna saga, Eyrbyggja saga, Eiríks saga rauða and Laxdæla saga. I have concentrated on two aspects of the influence of the dead on the living in these sagas, fear and physical illness, and discuss medieval Icelandic conceptions of mental disorder by examining the meanings given to fear and illness intertextually. Consequently, the article also contributes to the study of the medieval Icelandic conceptions of mind and emotion, and emphasises the problems inherent in using modern concepts in historical studies. I also give special emphasis to two diverse discourses extant in medieval Iceland: indigenous folk conceptions and foreign medical theories. I show that these views sometimes overlapped but were sometimes in conflict, which makes the definition of a single concept of ‘mental disorder’ held by medieval Icelanders difficult. In this article, I argue that for medieval Icelanders ‘mental’ was something rather physical, and, although the symptoms caused by the restless dead—fear, insanity, illness and death—would be categorized by us as mental or physical, in the sagas these were all considered bodily in nature. Moreover, I also suggest that medieval Icelanders did not make a clear distinction between emotions and physical illnesses, since emotions could be part of the illness or even its actual cause. I argue that both emotions and (physical) illness encompassed state of disequilibrium and were dependent of external agents and forces that had the power to influence the bodily balance and trigger the onset of ‘mental disorder’. Consequently, ‘mental disorder’ could be manifested also in physical illness.

In the article I discuss how eye pain in Íslendingasögur was an external punishment for social mi... more In the article I discuss how eye pain in Íslendingasögur was an external punishment for social misdemeanor, often caused by an agent skilled in magic. I have considered this argument in the medieval western Scandinavian context, where the view of the human mind and body in relation to the social and physical environment was quite different from our modern view. Consequently, I argue that the boundaries of the body (e.g. skin etc.) were not considered ‘closed’, but ‘open’, so that the individual was exposed and sensitive to external influences originating from the social and physical environment. These agents could appear as forces, for instance in the shape of a wind, penetrate the human body and thus cause a condition that could be labelled an illness. Moreover, the consequences of eye pain, such as the bursting out of the eyes, for which the verb springa is used, suggest that eye pain also had emotional connotations such as guilt, as springa is often employed to depict conditions associated with physical over-exertion or excessive emotions. As a result, the article also proposes new outlines for the medieval Icelandic conceptions of emotions, or the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotion.

Authorities in the Middle Ages. Influence, Legitimacy and Power in Medieval Society
The article concentrates on two scenes of actual or anticipated posthumous restlessness in Egils ... more The article concentrates on two scenes of actual or anticipated posthumous restlessness in Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar and Eyrbyggja saga. Both are countered with special and similar rituals, but have different consequences, as the corpse in Egils saga remains peaceful but some restlessness occurs in Eyrbyggja saga. The episodes are examined from the perspective of power and authority. The article includes a discussion of the way in which some of the deceased who were expected to have “strong minds” were ascribed authority over the living in sagas. In this role the ghosts could interfere in the lives of the living, and occasionally adopt a moral function in that they could rectify injustices, although they were sometimes malevolent in nature. Nevertheless, some individuals could contest their post-mortem power and use various means, such as rituals, to control it or modify it according to their own needs. It is suggested that such a capability was possessed by a certain kind of character, one whose mind was strong enough to bridle the powers of death, but which could in turn be counteracted by magic.

After a little while people became aware that Glámr did not lay quiet. This caused the folk great... more After a little while people became aware that Glámr did not lay quiet. This caused the folk great trouble so that many lost consciousness when seeing him, and some lost their wits. Right after Christmas men thought they saw him there at the farm. People became incredibly frightened; many then ran away. Next Glámr started to ride on the roofs of houses at night so that they nearly caved in; he then walked almost night and day. People hardly dared to go up into the dale though they had many errands. People in the district thought this caused them great harm. 1 Litlu síðar urðu menn varir við þat, at Glámr lá eigi kyrr. Varð mönnum at því mikit mein, svá at margir fellu í óvit, ef sá hann, en sumir heldu eigi vitinu. Þegar eftir jólin þóttusk menn sjá hann heima þar á baenum. Urðu menn ákafliga hraeddir; stukku þá margir menn í brott. Því naest tók Glámr at ríða húsum á naetr, svá at lá við brotum; gekk hann þá náliga naetr ok daga. Varla þorðu menn at fara upp í dalinn, þó at aetti nóg ørendi. Þótti mönnum þar í heraðinu mikit mein at þessu (Grettis saga:113).
Books by Kirsi T Kanerva
Articles: miscellaneous by Kirsi T Kanerva
To access the essay, please go to (published January 23, 2020)
Articles: 19th-century history by Kirsi T Kanerva
I denna artikel granskar jag förhållandet till svenskan i den i huvudsak finskspråkiga kyrksocknen Östermark under 1800-talets första hälft. Jag närmar mig ämnet via en fallstudie: i centrum står Wilhelm Forsman, vars liv man kan se som en fruktbar anomali, det vill säga ett ovanligt, överraskande och otypiskt objekt för historisk forskning. Ynglingen från den lärda svenskspråkiga släkten slog in på den lärda banan, men följde till slut inte den väg som i regel var utstakad för dem som tillhörde hans stånd. I och med honom övergick i stället den östermarkska grenen av den Forsmanska släkten från herrskapsklassen till allmogeklassen och förfinskades också inom kort. Wilhelms liv kan därmed ses som ett slags mellanskede, där förhållandet till svenskan i Wilhelms släkt ändrades. Genom att studera Wilhelms fall är det möjligt att, förutom att få en djupare förståelse av detta enskilda fall, också få en ökad förståelse av ståndspersoners språkförhållanden i ett landsbygdssamhälle under en tidsperiod som på samhällelig nivå präglades av olika ideologiska förändringar i förhållande till språken.
I början av tidsperioden efter 1808–1809 års krig var den svenskspråkiga samhällseliten i romantikens anda influerad av tankar om en nation med ett språk (finska). I slutskedet, från och med 1850-talet, började man inom eliten också intressera sig för den svenskspråkiga allmogen, vars historia tidigare inte hade väckt intresse bland svenskspråkiga ståndspersoner.
Articles: Saga studies by Kirsi T Kanerva
To cite this article: Kirsi Kanerva (2022) The dead in dreams: medieval Icelandic conceptions of the unquiet dead, Journal of Medieval History, 48:2, 218-234, DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2022.2049514
Published in Folklore and Old Norse Mythology, ed. Frog and Joonas Ahola. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 323. The Kalevala Society: Helsinki, 549–587.
Iceland was Christianized in 999/1000, but conversion did not result in radically drastic changes of mentality or worldview. Confrontation of two worldviews, Christian and indigenous, occurred when Christian ideas of penitence were adopted. In Christian thought, repentance as emotion was associated with certain norms and emotional practice. Sometimes these “foreign” norms and expectations in terms of strong displays could collide with vernacular theories of emotion: some emotions considered good and appropriate in Christian thought might be viewed from the native perspective as bad, unwanted, or detrimental to health.
The sources used in this study consist of vernacular sagas written in Iceland circa 1200–1400. I will concentrate on two cases, one in Dámusta saga and one in Laxdæla saga. I will examine the representation of repentance in the two sources intertextually in connection with other medieval Icelandic sagas in order to show how Dámusti’s and Guðrún’s repentance as emotional practice would have been viewed in light of vernacular conceptions of emotions. I will suggest that while there existed a model for repentance that emphasized the bodily nature of the experience and drastic emotional expression, this was not the only model. Another type, which represented the practice of repentance as a ritualistic performance, avoided excessive emotions and bodily displays of remorse. The first model was problematic because it ran counter to the indigenous conceptions of what emotions are and how they operate, and thereby contested the local norms of emotional expression.
The article examines thirteenth-century Icelandic conceptions of female suicide and ideas about their causes and motives by conducting a case study of a saga figure called Brynhildr, who commits suicide. The story of Brynhildr is told in several medieval Icelandic sources: in the mytho-heroic legendary saga (fornaldarsaga) Völsunga saga, Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. The story of Brynhildr in these sources offers fruitful material for the study of the history of suicide, since the northern version in question differs from the southern version of the Brynhildr legend that was known especially in medieval Germany, in which Brynhildr does not kill herself. In this study, the causes and background factors of Brynhildr’s suicide and her motives for her deed, which are described and mentioned in the sources, represent possibilities for female behavior that were part of the mental toolbox of medieval Icelanders. It is argued that the Icelandic audience believed some women committed suicide to protect or restore their honor, or to take revenge, and that such an act required determination, capability to make rational choices, and sense of responsibility. The act could also be seen as a manifestation of power and authority: the woman decided herself when her life would end. However, Brynhildr’s death represents only one possible type of female suicide, and not all were expected to be the same. Committing such a preconceived self-killing as Brynhildr’s required an especially strong will. Most women, who were usually maintained by men, were thought not to possess such might and strength.
(Please contact the author if you wish to receive a copy of the article.)
In the light of earlier studies (e.g. Byock 1982, 133; Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 161; Nedkvitne 2004, 38–43; Martin 2005, 75–80) the dead generally became restless of their own free and often malevolent will. Thus, activity after death was usually not a punishment for the deceased, but an expression of their wish to continue to participate in the society of the living. Behind this was presumably a belief in some kind of life power and vitality remained in the human body after death – “a pagan relic” (Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 167) that may have survived in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Iceland (see also Caciola 1996; and on similar ideas in Finnic folklore Koski 2011, 94–97).
This idea fits well with the ghosts of the so-called Sagas of Icelanders, Íslendingasögur, which were written mainly in the thirteenth century, that is, over 200 years after Icelanders had adopted Christianity, but not with all ghosts in the saga literature. In other, more mythical saga genres such as Eddic poetry, often thought to derive from the heathen period (ca. 900) but available only in later manuscripts (ca. 1270), and the somewhat later fornaldarsögur (also called Legendary sagas, written ca. 1270–1400), the dead can be awakened against their will by various mythical beings such as heathen gods and goddesses, or witches using their skills to serve their own interests. Moreover, in some later fourteenth-century Íslendingasögur it is implied that restless corpses were made active by ‘unclean spirits’, possibly because the spirits invaded the dead bodies, thus suggesting a link with the phenomenon of demonic possession known in medieval Christianity.
The contrast between the activeness and agency of the deceased in the earlier Íslendingasögur and the more subordinate role of the dead in the mythical sources and later Íslendingasögur will be the main theme of this chapter. I will consider the possibility that medieval Icelandic beliefs changed so that the dead became “less active” from the late thirteenth century onwards – that the dead were originally considered active agents that had a will and power of their own but, as foreign (Christian) ideas became more internalized and intertwined with indigenous ones, another mode of thought began to displace the old one. The restless dead were increasingly interpreted as objects that had no power of their own, but were awakened by use of magic or made active by unclean spirits that invaded their lifeless bodies.
In this study I have explored the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions - what emotions were thought to be, from what they originated and how they operated - and additionally, whether medieval Icelanders had alternative emotion discourses in literature, in addition to the usual manner of representation (poetry, dialogue, description of somatic changes).
How to cite: Kanerva, Kirsi. 2015. Porous Bodies, Porous Minds. Emotions and the Supernatural in the Íslendingasögur (ca. 1200–1400). TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS. Sarja - ser. B osa - tom. 398 Humaniora. Turku: University of Turku 2015.
To access the essay, please go to (published January 23, 2020)
I denna artikel granskar jag förhållandet till svenskan i den i huvudsak finskspråkiga kyrksocknen Östermark under 1800-talets första hälft. Jag närmar mig ämnet via en fallstudie: i centrum står Wilhelm Forsman, vars liv man kan se som en fruktbar anomali, det vill säga ett ovanligt, överraskande och otypiskt objekt för historisk forskning. Ynglingen från den lärda svenskspråkiga släkten slog in på den lärda banan, men följde till slut inte den väg som i regel var utstakad för dem som tillhörde hans stånd. I och med honom övergick i stället den östermarkska grenen av den Forsmanska släkten från herrskapsklassen till allmogeklassen och förfinskades också inom kort. Wilhelms liv kan därmed ses som ett slags mellanskede, där förhållandet till svenskan i Wilhelms släkt ändrades. Genom att studera Wilhelms fall är det möjligt att, förutom att få en djupare förståelse av detta enskilda fall, också få en ökad förståelse av ståndspersoners språkförhållanden i ett landsbygdssamhälle under en tidsperiod som på samhällelig nivå präglades av olika ideologiska förändringar i förhållande till språken.
I början av tidsperioden efter 1808–1809 års krig var den svenskspråkiga samhällseliten i romantikens anda influerad av tankar om en nation med ett språk (finska). I slutskedet, från och med 1850-talet, började man inom eliten också intressera sig för den svenskspråkiga allmogen, vars historia tidigare inte hade väckt intresse bland svenskspråkiga ståndspersoner.
To cite this article: Kirsi Kanerva (2022) The dead in dreams: medieval Icelandic conceptions of the unquiet dead, Journal of Medieval History, 48:2, 218-234, DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2022.2049514
Published in Folklore and Old Norse Mythology, ed. Frog and Joonas Ahola. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 323. The Kalevala Society: Helsinki, 549–587.
Iceland was Christianized in 999/1000, but conversion did not result in radically drastic changes of mentality or worldview. Confrontation of two worldviews, Christian and indigenous, occurred when Christian ideas of penitence were adopted. In Christian thought, repentance as emotion was associated with certain norms and emotional practice. Sometimes these “foreign” norms and expectations in terms of strong displays could collide with vernacular theories of emotion: some emotions considered good and appropriate in Christian thought might be viewed from the native perspective as bad, unwanted, or detrimental to health.
The sources used in this study consist of vernacular sagas written in Iceland circa 1200–1400. I will concentrate on two cases, one in Dámusta saga and one in Laxdæla saga. I will examine the representation of repentance in the two sources intertextually in connection with other medieval Icelandic sagas in order to show how Dámusti’s and Guðrún’s repentance as emotional practice would have been viewed in light of vernacular conceptions of emotions. I will suggest that while there existed a model for repentance that emphasized the bodily nature of the experience and drastic emotional expression, this was not the only model. Another type, which represented the practice of repentance as a ritualistic performance, avoided excessive emotions and bodily displays of remorse. The first model was problematic because it ran counter to the indigenous conceptions of what emotions are and how they operate, and thereby contested the local norms of emotional expression.
The article examines thirteenth-century Icelandic conceptions of female suicide and ideas about their causes and motives by conducting a case study of a saga figure called Brynhildr, who commits suicide. The story of Brynhildr is told in several medieval Icelandic sources: in the mytho-heroic legendary saga (fornaldarsaga) Völsunga saga, Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. The story of Brynhildr in these sources offers fruitful material for the study of the history of suicide, since the northern version in question differs from the southern version of the Brynhildr legend that was known especially in medieval Germany, in which Brynhildr does not kill herself. In this study, the causes and background factors of Brynhildr’s suicide and her motives for her deed, which are described and mentioned in the sources, represent possibilities for female behavior that were part of the mental toolbox of medieval Icelanders. It is argued that the Icelandic audience believed some women committed suicide to protect or restore their honor, or to take revenge, and that such an act required determination, capability to make rational choices, and sense of responsibility. The act could also be seen as a manifestation of power and authority: the woman decided herself when her life would end. However, Brynhildr’s death represents only one possible type of female suicide, and not all were expected to be the same. Committing such a preconceived self-killing as Brynhildr’s required an especially strong will. Most women, who were usually maintained by men, were thought not to possess such might and strength.
(Please contact the author if you wish to receive a copy of the article.)
In the light of earlier studies (e.g. Byock 1982, 133; Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 161; Nedkvitne 2004, 38–43; Martin 2005, 75–80) the dead generally became restless of their own free and often malevolent will. Thus, activity after death was usually not a punishment for the deceased, but an expression of their wish to continue to participate in the society of the living. Behind this was presumably a belief in some kind of life power and vitality remained in the human body after death – “a pagan relic” (Vésteinn Ólason 2003, 167) that may have survived in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Iceland (see also Caciola 1996; and on similar ideas in Finnic folklore Koski 2011, 94–97).
This idea fits well with the ghosts of the so-called Sagas of Icelanders, Íslendingasögur, which were written mainly in the thirteenth century, that is, over 200 years after Icelanders had adopted Christianity, but not with all ghosts in the saga literature. In other, more mythical saga genres such as Eddic poetry, often thought to derive from the heathen period (ca. 900) but available only in later manuscripts (ca. 1270), and the somewhat later fornaldarsögur (also called Legendary sagas, written ca. 1270–1400), the dead can be awakened against their will by various mythical beings such as heathen gods and goddesses, or witches using their skills to serve their own interests. Moreover, in some later fourteenth-century Íslendingasögur it is implied that restless corpses were made active by ‘unclean spirits’, possibly because the spirits invaded the dead bodies, thus suggesting a link with the phenomenon of demonic possession known in medieval Christianity.
The contrast between the activeness and agency of the deceased in the earlier Íslendingasögur and the more subordinate role of the dead in the mythical sources and later Íslendingasögur will be the main theme of this chapter. I will consider the possibility that medieval Icelandic beliefs changed so that the dead became “less active” from the late thirteenth century onwards – that the dead were originally considered active agents that had a will and power of their own but, as foreign (Christian) ideas became more internalized and intertwined with indigenous ones, another mode of thought began to displace the old one. The restless dead were increasingly interpreted as objects that had no power of their own, but were awakened by use of magic or made active by unclean spirits that invaded their lifeless bodies.
In this study I have explored the medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions - what emotions were thought to be, from what they originated and how they operated - and additionally, whether medieval Icelanders had alternative emotion discourses in literature, in addition to the usual manner of representation (poetry, dialogue, description of somatic changes).
How to cite: Kanerva, Kirsi. 2015. Porous Bodies, Porous Minds. Emotions and the Supernatural in the Íslendingasögur (ca. 1200–1400). TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS. Sarja - ser. B osa - tom. 398 Humaniora. Turku: University of Turku 2015.
”Kyyneleeni kyllin vuotaa, lievityst’ ei itku tuota.”
Kuolema on erottamaton osa elämää. Läheisen siirtyminen elävistä kuolleisiin on aina ollut mullistus, joka on täytynyt käsitellä tavalla tai toisella. Erilaisilla riiteillä, ruumiin pesemisellä ja pukemisella, surulauluilla ja kuolinilmoitukseen vuodatetuilla kaipauksen sanoilla on saateltu vainaja matkaan. Nykyään lohtua läheisen menetykseen saatetaan etsiä sosiaalisesta mediasta ja sen muistosivuista.
Suomalaisen kuoleman historia taittaa matkan rautakautisista kalmistoista ja keskiajan katolisista hautajaisrituaaleista maallistuneeseen nykyhetkeen, jossa kuolema on siirtynyt kodeista sairaaloihin ja elämää suuremmasta tapahtumasta lääkärin toteamaksi asiantilaksi. Millaisia ovat olleet kuolemaan liittyvät uskomukset, ja miten suhde kuolemaan on muuttunut vuosisatojen kuluessa?
Teoksessa tarkastellaan kiehtovia yksityiskohtia kuten kuoleman enteitä, hautausurakoitsijoiden mainoksia, suruasuja ja mestattujen vereen sisältyvää elinvoimaa. Se esittelee ikiaikaisia perinteitä, joilla kuoleman mysteeriä lähestyttiin tai torjuttiin, sekä historiamme kipukohtia, kuten nälkävuosia ja sotaa, jolloin kuolema saattoi tuntua tavanomaista epäoikeudenmukaisemmalta.
and Arts Studies (Cultural history) on 31st January 2015.
Supervisors: Professor Hannu Salmi (University of Turku), Professor Marjo Kaartinen (University of Turku) and
Adjunct Professor (Docent) Anu Lahtinen (University of Turku).
Opponent: Adjunct Professor (Docent) Frog (University of Helsinki).
This study concentrates on the conceptions and representation of emotions in medieval 13 th-and 14 th-century Iceland. The main sources employed in the study consist of Íslendingasögur that are analyzed intertextually. The study contributes to earlier research done on saga emotions where the emphasis has been on their somatic representation, and particular focus has been placed on individual emotions such as love, sorrow, anger, empathy and shame. In this study, however, two new perspectives are undertaken. Firstly, the emphasis is on possible alternative emotion discourses that may have existed in literature in addition to the usual manner of representation in dialogue, poetry or in somatic changes. Secondly, the study explores the preliminary outlines for a medieval Icelandic folk theory of emotions: what emotions were thought to be, what they originated from, and how they operated. Consequently, the emphasis is also on the cultural thinking models of emotion that existed in the Christianized but peripheral medieval Icelandic culture, in whose context the emotions were both experienced and represented. The thesis consists of five articles and a 181-page introduction that discusses and synthesizes the results.
I suggested that the consequences brought about by the restless dead, emotions and illnesses, were both mental and physical in nature. Though labeled as an emotion or disease, the two conditions indicated a state of bodily disequilibrium that (like a disease) could spread either by air or touch."