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      Arts Education and PedagogyCreative PedagogyArt and Design Pedagogy
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This article is about changes in fine art pedagogy that took place at two North American institutions: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design from 1967 and California Institute of the Arts from 1970. At these, a radical, new paradigm of... more
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      Arts Educationthe History and Theory of Liberal Arts Education
Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process by which individuals reflect upon and plan their own learning. The introduction of PDP and similar approaches with names such as Records of Achievement and Profiling have been major policy... more
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ABSTRACT This article reports historical research which sought to understand the pre- sent-day post-secondary art curriculum through analysing its history in terms of changes in conceptions of art. It found that there have been six... more
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      Arts EducationArt and Design EducationArts Education and PedagogyEducation of Fine Arts