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      Student Achievement MotivationMotivationNegative Self Thoughts
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      Positive PsychologyParticipatory Action ResearchPhenomenologyConsciousness
Objective: Because physical exercise improves psychological functioning, it may be beneficial to college students with maltreatment histories. Thus, we tested the hypotheses that cumulative maltreatment would negatively affect... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyMedicinePsychological Intervention
Doctoral programs in professional psychology have been impacted by changes in APA accreditation criteria, a shortage of predoctoral internships, and the emergence of detailed core competencies that students are expected to achieve during... more
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Neuropsychological deficits in the areas of learning, memory, attention, and abstraction abilities have been associated with cocaine dependence, especially during the period of early abstinence. Although cocaine users tend to be multidrug... more
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      PsychologyAdolescentMedicineAlcohol Drinking
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      PsychologyAggressive Behavior