emre ozyurt
Emre graduated at the end of summer 2008 from Celal Bayar University in Turkey with a degree of Bachelor in Civil engineering, as the best second student. During his bachelor degree, he worked in a consultancy firm making structural projects within Turkey and overseas from June in 2007 to October in 2008. Most projects he dealt with were about steel structures. It was a great opportunity to work with professionals.Following this, he was rewarded a full scholarship from Turkish Government, for further studies. After graduating from the University of Sheffield in UK with a degree of Master of Science in steel structures, he applied for postgraduate research study (PhD) and was successful in gaining a place in the well-established Structures and Fire Expert Group of the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester in UK.In November 2011, Emre started his four year PhD research on “Behaviuor of Welded Tubular Structures in Fire” under the supervision of Professor Y. C. Wang. Throughout the course, Emre not only showed his great interest in tubular structures under fire conditions at university level, but he also showed his interest externally. He has carried out some new and original work which led to publications including journal papers and conference papers.In addition, he attended a number of conferences and meetings in both the structure and fire engineering field organised by the Structural Engineers. Emre presented his work to both strucutral engineers and researchers in the UK, Spain, Check Republic and Brazil.Emre is currently working as a lecturer at the Gumushane University in Turkey.
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