New Year's Day Walk (-1 F)
Heidi likes to chase jackrabbits and deer
No words needed
Indoor creativity
Out with the old and in with the new. The old year goes and the new comes in. That is how I explained what the new year is to 6 year old Toodles when she asked last night at our new year's eve supper gathering. To that simple explanation came her perfect word picture. "Gram, it's like my wiggly tooth. The old tooth will fall out and the new tooth will grow right in behind it." Yes! And here's a funny thing -- her wiggly tooth fell out last night! Good bye old tooth!
The old year went out -- super chill! It was -25 degrees F from about 7 pm till midnight. We stayed up so we know! This morning when we awoke at 7 a.m. it was still -25 degrees. So the New Year is Super Chill too! Today we hit a high of 0*. Woot! It sounds like warmer days are ahead of us, which we will be very grateful for. It's been sub-zero all this past week, at least at night.
I can't help but continue my walks, no matter how chill. I bundle up. I'm in wool, as you know. I try to go out when it's the warmest time of day and I've been tending the chicken chores between 1:30 and 2:00 because the eggs will freeze in the coop if left there very long during this kind of cold. I'm taking warm water out to them too. There's a heat lamp over the water bucket and that's the only heat they have besides some straw bedding on the dirt floor. They are still laying like champs -- usually between 20-24 eggs daily. Not bad, ay?
Heidi loves taking these short jaunts with me. She chases jackrabbits and deer while I trudge. I keep within watching distance of my family members, walking near the trees so as to keep out of the wind. Better to be safe and close to home than frozen stiff somewhere far off. We've got about 5-6" of snow on the ground and in some places there's a foot where the snow catches in tall grass. I haven't taken out my snowshoes yet. Another snow and I will.
All the livestock is hungry. Each morning they are well fed for the day. The guys take into account the extra energy the cattle and sheep are using during this cold snap. Water is a major factor now too. Tanks must be checked and flowing. Every day there are water tanks to be chopped and thawed out. It's just something we know we are going to have to do. It comes with the territory so to speak!
Indoors the temperatures are fine. I still have to wear my wool socks and slippers. Floors just seem cold in winter, and if I can keep my feet warm, I feel warm all over. Is it that way for you too? I'm playing with my watercolors again and I plan to start up some more embroidery. I wonder if playing with bright colors -- threads or paint -- keeps spirits bright during cold, dark days? It seems to be helpful to me.
My heart's desire for 2018 is the same as my blog friend, Lisa,
My only really important resolution will be to know Jesus better and to spend more time looking at Him and His word. I want to be His hands and feet in this world.
Thank you, friends, for coming by here and saying hello and leaving your encouraging words. I think you're wonderful! I wish you a JOY-full 2018.