CyS núm. 25 by Raquel Aparicio Cid, Comunicación y medios en Iberoamérica, 2023
This article, based on a systematized bibliographic review of the scientific
production publishe... more This article, based on a systematized bibliographic review of the scientific
production published between 2000 and 2021, outlines a picture of environmental
communication in Mexico, to establish a possible configuration of this field. Based
on the analysis of 34 scientific articles, this paper describes the profile of the field in
the current context, according to the predominant approaches, both in the observed
professional practices, their research, their corresponding disciplines, and the
goals and characteristics of their studies. The results show that Environmental
Communication, as a discipline, has scant theoretical and methodological advances,
and it is mainly made up by contributions from researchers in communication
and natural sciences. The majority of this research is focused on the media's
managing of environmental topics and the work of other disciplines that observe
the need of including communication to address the different perspectives and
situations involved in socioenvironmental issues. There is little reflection on the
paradigms of contemporary environmentalism and the role of communication in
socioenvironmental issues that would allow for research relevant to the national
Environmental communication: conceptual approaches
for an emerging field
En este artículo se pla... more Environmental communication: conceptual approaches
for an emerging field
En este artículo se plantean algunas aproximaciones para la definición
del concepto de comunicación ambiental, como aportación al cuerpo teórico de este campo, que orienta la capacidad transformadora de la comunicación a impulsar el surgimiento de nuevos valores y actitudes sociales hacia el medio ambiente, a fin de recuperar la función de la cultura como estrategia de adaptación frente a los problemas ambientales de la época.
This article presents some approximations for the definition of the concept of environmental communication, as a complement to the theoretical framework of this field, which channels the transformation capacity of communication to the emergence of new social values and attitudes towards the environment, with the objective of reclaiming the role of culture as an adaptation strategy facing the environmental problems of this era.
Papers/artículos en revistas by Raquel Aparicio Cid
Argumentos. Estudios críticos de la sociedad, 2018
El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación etnográfica realizada en dos comunidades... more El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación etnográfica realizada en dos comunidades indígenas del estado de Oaxaca, México, en la búsqueda de inferir los significados prevalecientes en estas sociedades respecto de la naturaleza, así como la forma de construirlos y los elementos que intervienen en dicha significación. Aun con realidades ambientales y sociales específicas, estos pueblos comparten algunos elementos estructurantes (como su historia de lucha social y su origen indígena) y nuevos retos (migración, erosión de principios comunitarios) a partir del tenso encuentro con la modernidad y sus agentes de intervención social, lo cual se refleja en sus significaciones sobre la naturaleza y en su proyecto de vida colectivo. Por una parte se observan los efectos de la influencia civilizatoria predominante, y por otra, la prevalencia diversos elementos culturales propios (ancestrales) que rigen la forma de vida de estas sociedades. Tales elementos hacen posible la persistencia de ciertas dimensiones de significación sobre el mundo y la naturaleza emanadas de perspectivas ontológicas, epistemológicas y culturales de profundas raíces vivas.
Revista Interamericana de Educación de Adultos, 2017
El artículo estudia prácticas educativas comunitarias
a través de los elementos pedagógicos que l... more El artículo estudia prácticas educativas comunitarias
a través de los elementos pedagógicos que las
constituyen, de la forma en que operan y de los sentidos
que las definen, a fin de identificar la relevancia
de la dimensión ambiental en los conocimientos
locales.Se realizó una investigación cualitativa de
corte etnográfico en un municipio de la Mixteca
Alta oaxaqueña, que abordó la educación familiar
para el trabajo y la formación comunitaria.
Papers by Raquel Aparicio Cid, 2023
A partir de una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada de la producción científica publicada entre ... more A partir de una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada de la producción científica publicada entre 2000 y 2021, este artículo establece un panorama de la comunicación ambiental en México, para delinear una posible configuración de este campo. Con base en el análisis de 34 artículos, se describe el perfil del campo en el contexto actual, en función de los enfoques predominantes tanto en las prácticas profesionales observadas como en su investigación, las disciplinas de procedencia, objetivos y las características de los estudios. Los resultados muestran que la comunicación ambiental, como campo disciplinar, tiene escasos avances teóricos y metodológicos propios, y que está constituida de aportes de investigadores de la comunicación y las ciencias naturales, principalmente. Predominan las investigaciones enfocadas en el manejo mediático de los asuntos ambientales y los trabajos de otras disciplinas que observan la necesidad de incluir a la comunicación para abordar las distintas perspectivas y situaciones involucradas en las problemáticas socioambientales. Se observa una escasa reflexión sobre los paradigmas del ambientalismo contemporáneo y el rol de la comunicación en las cuestiones socioambientales, que permita una investigación pertinente al contexto nacional.
Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 2019
This paper is inscribed within the study of social educational practices in rural indigenous comm... more This paper is inscribed within the study of social educational practices in rural indigenous communities of Mesoamerica, practices through which the store of knowledge that guides relationships with the environment are recreated. Ethnographical research conducted in a Zapotec community in the state of Oaxaca, southern Mexico, shows that communitarian educational practices form an everyday cognitiveaxiological framework through which the norms of coexistence and social organisation are assimilated. The underlying purpose of these practices is to promote the historical and cultural continuity of the collective based on a reciprocal relationship with the environment, which is their home and the source of their well-being and biocultural identity. The resilience of this population lies in their use of socio-historical learning to renew their organisational structures, with the purpose of facing the challenges posed by civilisation. This paper describes aspects of these historical learnings and current social educational practices, as well as their ontological principles.
Sign Systems Studies
If the significance of nature is a crucial phenomenon in understanding the forms of relations soc... more If the significance of nature is a crucial phenomenon in understanding the forms of relations societies establish with the environment, in what way is this significance built? This paper presents the results of a case study focused on exploring how the meanings of nature and socioecological relationships relate to each other in an indigenous population. The first part of the article explains the theoretical scaffolding used to collect and analyse data, based on ecological anthropology and Ogden and Richards’ semiotic scheme. The second part describes the methodological procedures and the first findings, that is, the elements and dimensions that integrate the meanings of nature and land for the inhabitants of this population. It is also explained how those meanings are built and how they are fused to local socioecological relationships in an ontological way. The findings reveal that the inhabitants of this community configure their meanings of ‘nature’ from multiple references of bio...
This article presents the results of an exploratory and descriptive study made to know the realit... more This article presents the results of an exploratory and descriptive study made to know the reality of environmental journalism in Mexico, through specialized digital media, and of identifying the most solid initiatives in this field. It was found that, of the spectrum of digital portals that divulge environmental information, there are three who produce their own content through a professional practice with a complex and contextualized perspective, close to the cultural and ecosystemic identity of their respective regions of operations. In order to achieve a qualitative comprehension of these journalistic endeavors, interviews were made with the editors of three of them, aiming to know their views on socio-environmental issues in the country, the role of environmental journalism in the visibility of environmental topics in the social sphere, and the challenges and possibilities of consolidation of this profession. The editors of these sites are veteran journalists who seek to offer ...
CPU-e, Revista de Investigación Educativa
CyS núm. 25 by Raquel Aparicio Cid
production published between 2000 and 2021, outlines a picture of environmental
communication in Mexico, to establish a possible configuration of this field. Based
on the analysis of 34 scientific articles, this paper describes the profile of the field in
the current context, according to the predominant approaches, both in the observed
professional practices, their research, their corresponding disciplines, and the
goals and characteristics of their studies. The results show that Environmental
Communication, as a discipline, has scant theoretical and methodological advances,
and it is mainly made up by contributions from researchers in communication
and natural sciences. The majority of this research is focused on the media's
managing of environmental topics and the work of other disciplines that observe
the need of including communication to address the different perspectives and
situations involved in socioenvironmental issues. There is little reflection on the
paradigms of contemporary environmentalism and the role of communication in
socioenvironmental issues that would allow for research relevant to the national
for an emerging field
En este artículo se plantean algunas aproximaciones para la definición
del concepto de comunicación ambiental, como aportación al cuerpo teórico de este campo, que orienta la capacidad transformadora de la comunicación a impulsar el surgimiento de nuevos valores y actitudes sociales hacia el medio ambiente, a fin de recuperar la función de la cultura como estrategia de adaptación frente a los problemas ambientales de la época.
This article presents some approximations for the definition of the concept of environmental communication, as a complement to the theoretical framework of this field, which channels the transformation capacity of communication to the emergence of new social values and attitudes towards the environment, with the objective of reclaiming the role of culture as an adaptation strategy facing the environmental problems of this era.
Papers/artículos en revistas by Raquel Aparicio Cid
a través de los elementos pedagógicos que las
constituyen, de la forma en que operan y de los sentidos
que las definen, a fin de identificar la relevancia
de la dimensión ambiental en los conocimientos
locales.Se realizó una investigación cualitativa de
corte etnográfico en un municipio de la Mixteca
Alta oaxaqueña, que abordó la educación familiar
para el trabajo y la formación comunitaria.
Papers by Raquel Aparicio Cid
production published between 2000 and 2021, outlines a picture of environmental
communication in Mexico, to establish a possible configuration of this field. Based
on the analysis of 34 scientific articles, this paper describes the profile of the field in
the current context, according to the predominant approaches, both in the observed
professional practices, their research, their corresponding disciplines, and the
goals and characteristics of their studies. The results show that Environmental
Communication, as a discipline, has scant theoretical and methodological advances,
and it is mainly made up by contributions from researchers in communication
and natural sciences. The majority of this research is focused on the media's
managing of environmental topics and the work of other disciplines that observe
the need of including communication to address the different perspectives and
situations involved in socioenvironmental issues. There is little reflection on the
paradigms of contemporary environmentalism and the role of communication in
socioenvironmental issues that would allow for research relevant to the national
for an emerging field
En este artículo se plantean algunas aproximaciones para la definición
del concepto de comunicación ambiental, como aportación al cuerpo teórico de este campo, que orienta la capacidad transformadora de la comunicación a impulsar el surgimiento de nuevos valores y actitudes sociales hacia el medio ambiente, a fin de recuperar la función de la cultura como estrategia de adaptación frente a los problemas ambientales de la época.
This article presents some approximations for the definition of the concept of environmental communication, as a complement to the theoretical framework of this field, which channels the transformation capacity of communication to the emergence of new social values and attitudes towards the environment, with the objective of reclaiming the role of culture as an adaptation strategy facing the environmental problems of this era.
a través de los elementos pedagógicos que las
constituyen, de la forma en que operan y de los sentidos
que las definen, a fin de identificar la relevancia
de la dimensión ambiental en los conocimientos
locales.Se realizó una investigación cualitativa de
corte etnográfico en un municipio de la Mixteca
Alta oaxaqueña, que abordó la educación familiar
para el trabajo y la formación comunitaria.