Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Membership conditions

The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation’s Membership Program (hereinafter referred as “Membership Program”) is available to any individual over 18 years old. Minors are entitled to participate as dependent Members or Members within the context of the membership programs “Family” or “Kids” following relevant application filled in by their parents/legal guardian. Upon her/his registration, the applicant shall opt for the Membership type s/he wishes to enter and for which s/he shall meet any age or other criteria.

The Members’ benefits that are available within the context of the Membership Program, as applicable from time to time, are set forth in the website of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation at

Ι. Registration and Membership with the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation

  • A prerequisite for the registration as a Member is the submission of a filled-out application form to the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation (in hard copy or electronically via the Foundation’s website) and the payment of the amount for membership fee stipulated by the Foundation. The payment may be made either to the reception of the Museums of Athens or Andros or by a credit/debit card. The Foundation reserves the right to communicate either by telephone or in person with the applicants in order to verify their personal details and to request the demonstration of their identity card or other official identification document (e.g. passport).
  • The Members who will register between 29 June 2019 and 29 September 2019 will be provided with their membership card during the preview of the Athens Museum which will take place within September 2019. As of 1 October 2019, applicants will be provided with their membership card upon registration. In case of registration through the Foundation’s website, the membership card will be delivered from the reception of the Athens Museum on production of proof of registration.
  • The term of the Member Card is annual, unless otherwise indicated at the time of registration. For applications for Members’ registration that are received until 30.9.2019 inclusive, the term of the respective Member Cards terminates on 31.12.2020. After the term of the Member Card expires, the holder–Member who wishes to continue supporting the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation should file with the Foundation a request for renewal of participation in the Membership Program and pay the respective amount for membership fee stipulated by the Foundation.
  • The membership in the Membership Program and in general any right resulting from such membership is strictly personal and may not be assigned or transferred to any third party. The Members are strictly prohibited from lending or conceding the use of the Member Card to any third party. The Members of the Membership Program shall demonstrate the Member Card whenever requested, as well as their identity card or other official identification document, in order to be able to take advantage of the Members’ benefits which are available to them.
  • The Member Card is not a credit or debit card and may not be used for any commercial or monetary transactions.
  • Each Member Card belongs to the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation and each holder-Member shall return it on first demand. If a member loses her/his card, s/he shall communicate it in writing with the Foundation in order for the card to be annulled and replaced. The Foundation bears no liability for the use of any Card which was not reported to the Foundation as lost.
  • The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation is entitled, at any time, to amend, replace or annul any Members’ benefits, and/or to completely terminate or annul the Membership Program or any Membership types thereof following a timely notification of the Members via the website and by any other appropriate means (email, SMS, letter).
  • The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation bears no liability if, for any reason, any Members’ benefits of the Membership Program cannot be available to the Members or cannot be materialised. The Members acknowledge and accept that certain benefits (e.g. guided tours, special events etc.) may be available only to a limited number of Members. In this case, the Members who have demonstrated their interest shall participate on a “first come first served” basis depending on the capacity of each event.
  • In case the membership registration takes place via the website of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, the Member is entitled to request the cancellation of the membership within fourteen (14) days from the registration date, by sending a relevant request along with the Member Card to the postal address of the Membership Program. In this case, the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation shall refund to the former Member the amount of the fee s/he has paid. In any other case of cancellation of the membership (and therefore of the participation in the Membership Program) the amount for membership fee shall not be refunded.
  • In case the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation offers the option of purchasing a “gift membership” by virtue of which a third party can be registered as a Member, the amount of the membership fee shall be paid by the buyer of the gift membership and a gift promotion code bearing a unique identification number shall be issued by the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation. The third party who receives the gift promotion code is entitled to be registered as a Foundation Member anytime until the lapse of the defined membership period by using the unique identification number, either electronically via the website of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation , or by on site visit at the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation. Registration requires filling out of the relevant application form and acceptance of the terms and conditions for participation in the Membership Program by the third party. In case the purchase of the gift membership takes place via the website of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, the buyer is entitled to rescind within fourteen (14) days from the purchase date, by sending a relevant request to the postal address of the Foundation’s Membership Program (Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 13 Eratosthenous Street, 116 35 Athens, Greece). In this case, the Foundation shall refund to the buyer the amount of the fee s/he has paid on condition that no registration of Member has already taken place until the date the gift promotion code is cancelled.
  • The membership fee for the participation in the Membership Program is intended to contribute to the realization of the Foundation’s scopes and covers expenses pertaining to the general costs for the planning and implementation of actions especially designed for the support of the Foundation, administrative expenses for the registration of the Member, expenses for the issuance of the Member Card and general expenses for the operation of the Membership Program and the VAT. Therefore, the participation fee which has been paid in no event shall be refunded, in part or in whole, or offset or exchanged by the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation. In case of change to a different Membership type before the expiration of the term of the Member Card, the paid membership fee may not be offset with the amount of the new membership fee.

ΙΙ. Personal data processing

  • The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, having its registered offices in Andros, Cyclades, Greece and its offices in Athens, 13 Eratosthenous Street., 116 35, Athens, shall collect and process the personal data of the applicant and, in case of family subscription, of those members of her/his family who are included in the Registration Form, in order to issue the Foundation’s member card(s), to grant benefits resulting from the participation of the applicant and her/his family in the Membership Program and in general to operate said scheme in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016/EU and Foundation’s policies and regulations each time in force. Furthermore, once the application is submitted, the Foundation shall use applicant’s contact details, in order to communicate with her/him by email, SMS, telephone and post mail regarding any events and activities of the Foundation. The Member shall continue to receive such communications after the membership’s expiration unless the Member opts out from such communications.
  • The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation shall not disclose to any third party the foregoing details, with the exception of companies which provide the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation with services related to the operation of the Foundation’s Membership Program (e.g. advertising companies), which shall manage the personal data on behalf and under the instructions of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation without being entitled to use such data for their own benefit. The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation will keep the Member’s personal data for the duration of his membership, plus a reasonable period thereafter taking into account the applicable statute of limitation periods and records retention requirements under applicable law. In any case, you have the right at any time to access your personal data file kept by the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, the right to rectify your personal data, the right to withdraw your consent (without prejudicing the legitimacy of the processing based on this consent prior to its withdrawal) and provided that the conditions of the law are met, the right to restriction of the processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to the processing of your personal data, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority. In order to exercise your rights, please contact the Foundation by sending a relevant request to the foregoing address or by email at [email protected].

III. General Terms and Conditions

  • The terms of participation in the Membership Program, as applicable from time to time, constitute an integral part of the application for registration and/or renewal and shall be posted in detail in the website
  • The participation in the Foundation Membership Program entails the unreserved acceptance of the present terms and conditions. The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation reserves the right to amend any of these terms by a relevant announcement posted in its website at or/and by any appropriate means at its reasonable discretion, for any reason, or if it is imposed by a decision of an Administrative or Public Authority.
  • Any dispute that may arise in relation to the Foundation’s Membership Program and the application of the present terms and conditions shall be exclusively resolved by the Courts of Athens and pursuant to the Greek Law.
  • The present terms and conditions constitute the most recent version of the terms and conditions of the Foundation’s membership Program, are effective from 29.6.2019 and thereafter govern all participants in the Foundation’s Membership Program. The Members should visit on regular basis the website of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation at in order to be informed of any amendments, as well as of the most recent version of the foregoing terms and conditions.