Monday, August 25, 2008

Pattern Review - New Look 6813 Top

Pattern Description: Raglan top with sleeve and neckline variations. Pleated, full skirt in two lengths. I made View A, the scoop neck top

Sizing: 6 to 16. I made a 12.

Did it look like the photo or drawing when you got through? Yes, though I haven't entirely finished it. I still need to do the topstitching, which I will when I get my Coverstitch Machine all set up.

How were the instructions? I didn't use them, but I will comment on one part of them further down. This is a very straightforward pattern and it is well drafted and goes together rather easily, as long as you are paying attention. Why do I say that? Because, dear reader, if you aren't paying attention, it's really, really easy to sew both sleeve backs together and not notice it until after you have set them in to the arm. You know how I know? I wasn't paying attention. Doh! I spent last evening while the jerk pork was cooking picking out black stitches from black fabric. My eyes are still aching!

Fabric Used: A fabulously soft Fireworks in the Night Sky jersey from Gorgeous Fabrics. This is soooo comfortable. It almost feels like wearing your favorite flannel jammies. One thing to be mindful of is the placement of the white dot pattern on the print. You don't want a "bulls eye effect", if you get my drift.

Construction Notes: I mentioned above that I didn't use the instructions. I did, however, note that they call for you to attach one neckband to the neckline of the top. Then they have you turn up the lower seam allowance of the neckband facing, sew the bands together at the top, then hand stitch the facing in place at the neckline seam. I'm going to rant for a moment. Can you say Becky Home-ecky? It's so obvious that the pattern companies (and I am not singling out New Look - all the Big 4 companies do it this way and it drives me crazy!) are merely cutting and pasting instructions from the Pleistocene era. Technology and times have changed, so let's move it up to the 20th Century, shall we? Grrr... snort!

Okay, rant over. Here's how to do it to get a much cleaner finish. Sew or serge your neckband and facing together at the top edge. If you are using a sewing machine, trim your seam allowances to 1/4 inches. Turn right side out and press. Baste the lower edges of your neckbands together. Serge or sew the lower edge of your neckband to the neckline of your top. You'll get a result that looks like this, and takes far less time than the "standard" way.

Likes/Dislikes: Aside from the neckband application, there was nothing I didn't like about this top. One minor nit is that the neckline is quite wide on the scoopneck version I made. I made it once before in the V-neck, and I think I like that neckline better. It's more bra-friendly. I wish this pattern had a long-sleeved version of the top, but that's also a minor point.

Would you do it again? Would you recommend it? I would and I do. I think this is a great little top pattern that will work well for many fabrics. I could see making a whole lot of basic wardrobe pieces from it.

Conclusion: A real winner! Here's a picture of the finished top:


Gigi said...

Stunning! I love the fabric.

Meg said...

Oooh, cute! Ditto what Gigi said: love the fabric.

Anonymous said...

Why o why do they DO this to the newbie sewist? Your instructions for the neckband makes so much sense. Thank you.


Erica Bunker said...

What an adorable top! The fabric is beautiful!

(rachel) said...

What a perfect pattern to showcase that amazing fabric. Love it!!!

Nancy K said...

I love this top and in fact I just bought a rtw top with the same lines. Love the neckline. About your rant, I have the same rant every time I see the instructions for knit tops too. Hand sew the neckband down? These are supposed to be easy and fast. Duh! Where do they get these instructions!? Most of the time I don't even think that they are knit specific.

Summerset said...

Nice - the print is perfect for this top! Perfect for the transitional weather.

Anonymous said...

Love the fabric! Better get my order in soon.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing this fabric made up (and love the top of course.) I just got my first order from your shop and I love it!

Would you consider draping fabric that is for sale on the dress form for show on the Gorgeous Things web site? It would be a great help in visualizing the scale of the print. I saw this fabric the other day and pictured the white and grey starbursts to be much bigger than they actually are. I want to order this next!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great pattern, tops and skirts! I've been looking for a cute (easy) knit top pattern, looks like this is it!

Dana said...

Great top! I'm going to try that pattern again. I did the sleeveless version and one of the issues I had was the one you mentioned. It's not the same for sleeveless, but there's got to be a better way to put that neckband together!

Anonymous said...

Did you need to do a FBA?

Pam Erny said...

Love it Ann....fabulous!


Pam Erny said...

Love it Ann....fabulous!


Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

It's a cute top but the fabric is what really makes it sing!

Anonymous said...

I love the top. I agree with your rant about the method for attaching the band. I just posted an update on Pattern Review to a review of a New Look pattern that has a goofy method of attaching the neck band. It wasn't the same as this one. However, if you follow their instructions, it causes the band to flop out in front. Unfortunately, I followed their instructions the third time I made the top just to see how it worked. That method definitely added a somewhat "happy hands at home" look to the top. And I made it from some fantastic fabric from Gorgeous Fabrics that I just love. Grrr! They must have the same person writing the instructions for all patterns with neckline bands.

Karla said...

OMG - you could wear that top anywhere and be perfectly dressed. I love it.

Cennetta said...

Yep. Indeed it's a winner. Love the fabric. Hmmm. Do I have paypal money? lol

Linda L said...

Great looking top. Thanks for the tip on the neckline, that makes a lot of sense.

Marji said...

"Pleistocene era" crack me up. You are def the mother of boys. But a very true observation. Other than the directions though, it looks like a great pattern. I'm getting to be pretty impressed with the draft of some of the New Look.
Love the fabric too - great looking top.