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362 pages, Kindle Edition
First published July 7, 2015
You have ink in your blood, boy, and no help for it. Books will never be just a business to you.Few people, if any, have ever set eyes on a book in Jess Brightwell's London. And yet, no one is illiterate and writing is considered sacred across the world.
The first purpose of a librarian is to preserve and defend our books. Sometimes, that means dying for them - or making someone else die for them.The Great Library of Alexandria has spread its tendrils in every major country. It promotes literacy while keeping the population in check.
The Great Library may have once been a boon, but what is it today? What does it give us? It suppresses! It stifles!Jess and 30 other students from across the world compete for six librarian spots. Quickly, they realize that this will be no picnic.
Dear bookworms of the world,
You need this book in your life. If you don't buy, read, and love this as much as I did, well, I ain't gonna be your friend no more.
With much love, Faye.
“They've all got stories, Jess thought. I need to know them. Best of all, he could know them. He could learn anything here. It felt like limitless possibilities.”
"I suppose you want me to apologize for calling you a bastard."
"No need," Santi said. "You should hear what his friends call him."
" I have friends?" Wolfe said.
"They don't care to admit it in public."
There are three parts to learning: information, knowledge, and wisdom. A mere accumulation of information is not knowledge, and a treasure of knowledge is not in itself, wisdom.
The Library holds itself to be the keeper of both knowledge and wisdom, but it is not true. So much should never be held in the hands of so few, for it is a natural, venal habit of men to hold power. And knowledge is the purest form of power.
”The first purpose of a librarian is to preserve and defend books.”
“The books come first, Sir. Isn’t that how it should be? Books before men?”
Wolfe almost smiled. “As you see. They’re not children. They’re librarians.”
“There are three parts to learning: information, knowledge and wisdom. A mere accumulation of information is not knowledge, and a treasure of knowledge is not in itself, wisdom.”
“You have ink in your blood, boy, and no help for it. Books will never be just a business to you.”
“The first purpose of a librarian is to preserve and defend our books. Sometimes, that means dying for them – or making someone else die for them. Tota est scientia.”