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Kate Daniels #4.6

Curran POV Collection

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In chronological order,

UNICORN LANE (#1 Magic Bites)
FERNANDO'S (#1 Magic Bites)
SOUP (#2 Magic Burns)
MIDNIGHT GAMES (#3 Magic Strikes)
HOT TUB (#3 Magic Strikes)
KATE'S ORIGIN (also referred to as Kate's Daddy) (Between #3 Magic Strikes & #4 Magic Bleeds)
NAKED DINNER (Between #3 Magic Strikes and #4 Magic Bleeds)
CONCLAVE (#4 Magic Bleeds)
AWAKE (End of #4 Magic Bleeds)

157 pages, ebook

First published December 23, 2013

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Gordon Andrews

14 books438 followers
One half of the team behind best-selling author Ilona Andrews .

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 485 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,477 reviews70.4k followers
February 19, 2024
It's not like I needed another reason to love Team Andrews, but they gave me one anyway. This collection of scenes from previous books, retold from Curran's POV, are FREE HERE on their website.

Did somebody say free?


Yes, free. Instead of charging an arm and a leg for tidbits like this, these guys give it away to their fans. And, pay attention authors, stuff like this is why these two have such die-hard fans to start with.
Well, that and their stories are A-Mazing!
*giant squishy hugs*


Like I said, these are all scenes from other books, but instead of Kate telling you what's happening, you get a peek inside Curran's head at the time. And I'm telling you, it's worth it!
He's just...sigh
Yes, yes. He's an ass-kicker, but when it comes to Kate, he's a whole different lion person.


The hot tub scene? Fabulous! That's how you write an 'Alpha Male' without making him rapey.
Men and lion shifters can totally respect that No means No, and still be tough guys. If anything, stepping back so quickly made him even sexier to me. And the way he couldn't become...attracted...to that other woman (can't remember her name, but she was his arm candy before Kate) because she was scared of him?
Yes! A thousand times, yes!
Because that is how truly sexy guys react towards women who are uninterested/afraid of them. DUH. An unwilling partner should turn a guy off. If for no other reason than these scenes, you should read this sucker.
Full Consent = Sexy Badass


Oh! And that fight between Mahon & Curran?!
I've been wanting to see him beat that old bear's ass for a while now!

Yes, I know this is a gif with an alligator, but it was the best I could do. Roll with it, and use your imagination, crybaby!


Anyway, this was such fun to read! I don't think it will make much sense to those of you who aren't fans of the series, but for all the Katetards out there?

January 22, 2018
This collection is available for FREE here. Because the Most Wondrous Authorlords (MWA™) are awesome like that.

The Grand IAA™ KD Buddy Rerererereread Extravaganza (GIAAKDBRE™), aka the yellow brick road to Magic Triumphs

[January 22, 2018]

Uh-oh, looks like someone is Awake :

"I took a deep breath, opened the door, and roared at my subjects as if I had every intent of ending their lives in the next several seconds. The sudden silence was deafening. Oh yes, Daddy's home and he ain't happy."

Thus begins the Most Glorious Chewing Out in the History of Most Glorious Chewing Outs (MGCOitHoMGCO™). And it's, um, you know, slightly glorious and stuff. Take that, you ungrateful bastards!

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

[January 21, 2018]

Ah, Conclave nights at Bernard's. Fun times, never a dull moment and all that. Especially when Saiman the slimy cocksucker is in attendance. With one's favourite ass-kicker as his date...One slightly pissed off kitty cat, coming right up!

[December 27, 2017]

Things NOT to do before a big panty party Naked Dinner :
● Have a Roaring Not Allowed Chat (RNAC™) with Aunt B and her Little Peacock.
● Frolick with dead bears in the woods.
● Deal with a lying piece of panther shit.
● Get slightly squished by two Super Cuddly Care Bears (SCCB™).
● Get kidnapped by Doolittle.

[December 26, 2017]

Kate's Origin , or when you learn your favorite ass-kicker's family story is "like King Arthur, but Lancelot is a butcher and Guinevere is knocked up," but you don't give a fish about it because...



[December 16, 2017]



Need I say more? Didn't think so.

P.S. Dead hands suck. So does Derek. Sometimes. When he interrupts, um, cleaning sessions and stuff.

[December 15, 2017]

Ah, the bloody shrimpin' Midnight Games. Ah, to have His bloody shrimpin' Fussiness manacled locked up in my basement a loup cage. Le bliss. Being the clairvoyant little shrimp that I am, I have asked Bea's little peacock to give me one of his handmade paper fans in the likeliness eventually of such an orgasmic a momentous event happening. Wouldn't want to faint at the, um, crucial moment and stuff.

P.S. No, my exoskeleton never feels tingly all over whenever His Furry Majesty mentions little human kittens. Absolutely not. Who do you take me for? A gushing, mushy, sentimental, emotional fangirl or something? Please don't be ridiculous, my Little Barnacles.

[November 30, 2017]

Soup Time! Ah, to be fed a hearty broth by a somewhat bossy, moderately irritating kitty who has no respect for your toothpick, revels in telling you you look like shit, calls you an idiot, and has a thing for panty parades (especially when they involve silky bows). Le Bliss.

[November 21, 2017]

Just reread His Aggravating Furriness' take on the now infamous events that took place in Unicorn Lane and at Fernando's. My conclusion is: Your Exasperating Fussiness, you are such an ass, someone should give you a medal or something. I mean, it's not that I don't like you and stuff, but you really were an arrogant bastard when we first met Kate first met you. Good thing I Kate happened and saved you from your stupidly foolish, pretentiously smug ways. I know, it's kind of hard to take. I mean, you're the Awe-Inspiring Lord of the Fluffies Furries (AILotFF™), and more accustomed to people kissing your ass than figuratively kicking it and stuff. But worry not, kitty kitty kitty! Your pride took a several hits, but I guarantee you'll get used to it pretty fast and will be begging for more in less time than it takes to say rawwwrrrr you'll survive. There there, pussy cat, it's going to be alright.

[Original review]

I don’t usually enjoy reading freebies offered by authors as complements to a series. They are usually cute but little else and seldom offer interesting insight on the series as a whole. This collection however is very different. I found out about it after reading the first six instalments in the series and thought this would be a great way to figure out what was really going on in Curran’s head. I sometimes have a hard time understanding his actions and have had doubts about his feelings towards Kate.

I love this collection because we finally get a chance to get into Curran’s head. Things are much clearer now thank you very much! I actually find myself liking him a lot more than I used to. Not that I disliked him before but I tended to find him really annoying and didn’t know what to make of him as a character. Now that I understand him better (mostly I am reassured about the way he feels about Kate) his furry Highness is slowly but surely growing on me.

Favourite scenes:
Hot tub
Kate’s origin
Naked dinner

This collection is definitely a must-read for Kate Daniels fans. It adds depth and substance to the series and gives it a whole new perspective.
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
472 reviews1,439 followers
July 31, 2023
Love hearing things from Curran's perspective. Seeing just Kate's POV sometimes makes Curran seem like an unreasonable dickhead. From Curran's POV he still seems that way, but at least it's sometimes justified.

My biggest takeaway from these vignettes is that the Pack does not deserve Curran. He gives them all of his time and energy. They take it all and give nothing back. The second he's out of commission, they do their best to kill the woman he loves and steal his power. And he barely even scolds them for doing so! Crazy. He should walk out and see how they do without him.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,287 reviews8,927 followers
November 24, 2021
FIRST, you should know that you can get this POV collection for FREE here:


SECOND, you should know that if you're reading this, I'm assuming that you've read the books, b/c this is an EXTRA. Normal rules of nothing after the first 10% of the book don't apply, so there may be spoilers. I'm not deliberately including them, but I am talking frankly about the situations, so be warned . . .

Unicorn Lane

Ever wonder what was going on in Curran's head when Kate crouched down and said, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty," when they first met? Here you go.


This one let's you inside Curran's head while Kate is on her date with Crest. Among the highlights is Curran referring to Crest as a, "fancy lad." There are others . . .


And who could forget the notorious feeding of soup? NOT ME. Not only is it fantastic to know what Curran is thinking when he tricks Kate into accepting his suit, but you get to see his distress over the state of her health that put her in a position to be fed soup in the first place. Maybe my favorite of the POVs.

Midnight Games

This one covers everything that happened from the time that Kate tricked Curran into the loup cage and Julie letting him out. Curran calls Julie something that is ridiculously cute, but I'm not going to ruin it for you by telling you what it is.


If you don't know what that means, go away until you do.

This is one of the most univesally loved scenes in the entire Kate Daniels universe. As hot as it is from Kate's POV in Magic Strikes, in my opinion, it's even hotter from Curran's.

Kate's Origin

This one is a little bit different, b/c it takes place in between books (Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds). Jim comes to Curran about a week before the naked dinner with some information he's gathered about Kate . . .


Again, if you don't know what that means, go away until you.

This is the most recent of the Curran POVs, and while it's not my favorite (which isn't really saying much, b/c I LOVE every, single one of them to varying degrees), we ALL want to know why he didn't show. What could have possibly happened to prevent him from getting to Kate's on that auspicious evening? Predictably, this is by far the longest POV. It's more of a real short story than a POV extra, but that is not a bad thing.<-----GOOD thing.


This is what went on in Curran's head when he showed up for the Pack/People/etc. meeting at Bernard's, and saw Kate there with Saiman. HIGHLY entertaining.


The best part about this one is that the book ends this scene after Curran demands that the other alphas explain themselves, but here it keeps going, and you get to hear the attempts at explanations. If you hate Jennifer as much as I do, you will glory in her set down by Curran. There may also be a SHOW DOWN between Curran and a certain resistant-to-change bear . . .

Prequel to Magic Shifts

Everyone knows about Curran’s tragic childhood. They know that his parents and his little sister were killed by loups. They know that he lived like a wild thing in the wood until Mahon found him.

What they don’t know is what his family was like.

In this POV, Curran tells Julie his story.

Jessica Signature

My other reviews for this series:

A Questionable Client (Kate Daniels, #0.5)
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)
Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels, #3.5)
Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4)
Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #4.5)
Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5)
Magic Tests (Kate Daniels, #5.3)
Magic Gifts (Kate Daniels, #5.4)
Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels, #5.5)
Retribution Clause (Kate Daniels, #5.6)
An Ill-Advised Rescue (Kate Daniels, #5.8)
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Magic Steals (Kate Daniels, #6.5)
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7)
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8)
Magic Stars (Kate Daniels, #8.5, Grey Wolf, #1)
Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, #9)
Iron and Magic (Kate Daniels, #9.5)
Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels, #10)
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,239 reviews3,684 followers
April 14, 2019
I just ADORE Curran!
These short stories from his point of view give a great insight in his complex character.

UNICORN LANE (Magic Bites)

Curran meets Kate for first time at Unicorn Lane and he is very pleased with what he sees and with what he smells.
Come to me, mouse, don't be scared.

FERNANDO'S (Magic Bites)

Curran and Kate go to the very posh restaurant Fernando's with different dates.
It is interesting to see how much Kate's presence affects Curran. He is taken with her from the beginning.

SOUP (Magic Burns)

I set the soup in front of her with a spoon.
She actually thanked me. This was going well. I had half expected her to throw the soup at me.
Kate grabbed the spoon and went at it. That's right, eat it.
"Did you get the surveys? They were..."
"On the dresser. Shut up and eat your soup."

Curran feeds Kate and as a shifter, his intentions towards Kate are clear.
Kate will need some time to catch up and realise what this soup meant LOL

MIDNIGHT GAMES (Magic Strikes)

Curran is trapped in a loup cage by Kate.
Kate is probably the only one who is not scared of him.

The only person who can free him is Julie and he needs to convice her.
"Julie, I give you my word, I will do everything in my power to help our friends and punish our enemies."

HOT TUB (Magic Strikes)

Five goddamn minutes. They wouldn't let me have five goddamn minutes to myself.
I wonder how Curran managed not to kill Derek after he interrupted him and Kate at the hot tub.

KATE'S ORIGIN (also referred to as Kate's Daddy) (Between Magic Strikes & Magic Bleeds)

Curran learns about Kate's daddy and about her terrible childhood. Kate was never allowed to be a child.

NAKED DINNER (Between Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds)

Kate was waiting Curran for dinner. She is so excited and overwhelmed.
What happened?
Curran never appeared.
Kate was heartbroken
She couldn't forgive Curran.
I couldn't forgive Curran.

So, let's rewind.
What happened to Curran? 
Why did he let Kate waiting although this was his big chance to show to her how much he cared?

This is a short story that provides an insight to the big bad Alpha's day. Life is not easy for Curran. He needed to attend meetings, reach decisions, investigate crimes, be the jury and the judge, punish and try not to drop unconscious before his important date with the woman of his life.

Well, he managed to do everything except not being unconscious...and going to his date.

CONCLAVE (Magic Bleeds)

Kate goes on a date with Saiman.
Curran almost kills Saiman.
Saiman will never know how lucky he was.

Very very short trip inside Curran's head.

AWAKE (Fathers and Sons) (End of Magic Bleeds)

Amazing fight between 
the bear and the lion, 
the father and the adoptive son, 
the Alpha of the bear clan and the ultimate Alpha who demands respect and acceptance for his mate.
Profile Image for Maria V. Snyder.
Author 70 books17.3k followers
June 5, 2018
I really enjoyed reading Curran's POV during certain scenes in the Kate Daniels series of urban fantasy. My only complaint is I'd like to see more! And now I know why my readers are always bugging for more Valek ;)
Profile Image for εllε.
764 reviews
May 8, 2016
3.5 stars

I'm having a hard time reviewing this book.

*please don't throw tomatoes at me for what you're about to read.*

1. The book is good. Was it needed?

When I first started to read KD series, this book wasn't released. I think I first read it after I had finished the first 7 books. So you can understand my hesitation in accepting Curran's thoughts as they are presented in this collection. Those who have read the 8 books can understand that there is a dissimilarity between Curran's behavior in Kate's POV and his own POV. I cannot really accept everything in this book as it appears. I think the book was written so that we could understand what was happening in Curran's head when he was being a jerk to Kate. I think the author(s) wrote it to "fix their mistake" in Curran's personality and behavior. Me? I think it was unnecessary. I would prefer to continue not liking him.

2. Hugh

I still think Hugh was the best choice for Kate. He was amazing. I hated Curran so much in book #6 (but I'll review that in its own time and space).

"Dear Hugh: If Kate doesn't want you, I'll take you anytime.
Love, J. :D"

3. Do I like Curran more after this book?

I don't know. Maybe a little. He knows that Kate is the best choice for him. She has power, I think she's more powerful than him. He says he loves her and he thinks that, too. So, who am I to question that? Kate loves him and that's enough. I'll never love him, but he's not mine to love :D. So the only thing I can do is shut my mouth.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
April 11, 2018
3.5 stars, rounding up because this collection of scenes from the first four KATE DANIELS books is a Kindle freebie, made available out of the goodness of the authors' hearts. Download it here at the author's website.

This collection of nine different retold and new scenes from Curran's point of view is a must for serious fans of the KATE DANIELS series. It includes Kate and Curran's first meeting ("Unicorn Lane"), Curran feeding Kate soup, knowing she isn't aware of the significance of feeding in shapeshifter culture ("Soup"), the famous hot tub scene from Magic Strikes ("Hot Tub") and more. My favorites were a couple of new scenes at the end of this collection, "Conclave" - where we get to see Curran chew out the alpha shapeshifters - and "Awake (Fathers and Sons)" - where Curran and his father figure, Mahon the bear shapeshifter, settle their differences in a rather alarming way.

Be warned that you should read the at least the first four books in this series first, because spoiler city here. Plus the scenes won't make much sense anyway if you're not familiar with the series.

It's great fun, even if they're not complete stories in and of themselves. And some of these outtakes (that fight with Mahon!!) will really stick with me.

Profile Image for Armina.
176 reviews95 followers
November 16, 2016
Buddy read with Eilonwy , Evgeny , Asya and Monty Cupcake


A good compilation of short stories narrated from Curran's POV, set in chronological order from Magic Bites(book #1) to Magic Bleeds(book #4) including. You can get this for free here:
It’s obligatory to say that if you haven’t read the first four books in the series it’s better to do it before reading this collection. Expect mild spoilers ahead.

The quality of the writing varies but I felt it a bit weaker compared to the main books. For a short story to get 5 stars from me, it has to be pretty much exceptional. So basically 4 stars for a short story is like 5 stars for a normal size book and so on. The first three scenes in this set present almost nothing new with the exception of being in Curran’s head instead of Kate’s:

‘In my head we always have these clear coherent exchanges, but once we meet, what comes out is "Kate, do what I say or I'll kill you." Her default reply is "Fuck you!" and we go downhill from there.’

This quote pretty much sums them up.
The rest of the stories, however, give us fresh, new perspective, scenes not witnessed by Kate and hence completely unknown to us so far. All in all it was interesting and entertaining to be in Curran’s head.

Magic Bites


It was nice to see Kate for the very first time through Curran’s eyes and feel her through his lion senses. No insta love, thank goodness! Nothing special, on the other hand. But it’s always worth it and very funny to read the famous "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty" line again!
3 stars


I loved the joke with the bowl of milk. Also, there are several good hints about how Curran would treat a woman and what he wants from a true relationship. I liked the dynamic between Kate and Curran but again – nothing special.
3 stars

Magic Burns


This is the moment when Curran begins to realize he cares for Kate like a lot. And the emblematic feeding of soup follows. Also, we see that panties with the silky bow for the first time! Precious! :)
3.5 stars

Magic Strikes


Curran is manipulated to jump right into a loup cage. How great! Before this we see his thoughts about some of his most trusted people and what could possibly cause them to do what they did. A negotiation with Julie follows. This girl is fabulous! I love her part in this. We get to see Curran roaring his “King Lion” ROAR but at the same time tempering his aggressive demeanor as per the situation demands.
3 stars


The title speaks for itself! My most favorite erotic scene in the series with the only difference it’s told from Curran’s POV. We do, however, get the depth of his passion which is good!
3.5 stars (half a star is added for the “smexy” taste and the determined decision at the end)

Between Magic Strikes & Magic Bleeds


’They called her ‘pequena assassina’(the little killer) and still remember her.’

This one is set after the events of Magic Strikes and one week before the events of Magic Bleeds. Jim comes to Curran with some information he's gathered about Kate’s origin. Information which is important for Curran’s decision to court Kate. Nevertheless, the decision is made already …. Feels a bit info-dumpish at times but has some interesting snippets about Roland and Voron and most importantly information which is totally new and refreshing.
3 stars


Why the hell Curran didn’t show? The 1 million dollar question!
This is the biggest short story in the collection and consists of two parts. The first part includes Pack politicking and we get to see Curran dealing with one of his alphas. Tricky!
In the second part we get murder and some great action sequences showing how the Pack works when it comes to handling murder and legal maters. Explanation received!
3.5 stars

Magic Bleeds


Saiman, Saiman, what were you thinking?!? Prepare to see the Lion King really ticked off. The alpha-maleness is a bit too much but HEY, he is the BEAST Lord. It’s in his characteristics. And being in his head in this particular scene is quite entertaining.
3 stars


Probably my favorite. Includes the last few paragraphs of Magic Bleeds and a very powerful(and completely new) scene which showcases why Curran is the Beast Lord and how powerful he truly is. A perfect ending to this collection as it completes the arc for Curran in terms of his love.
4 stars
3,202 reviews388 followers
June 29, 2016
June 2016 Re-read: So, there are some inconsistencies with the progression and continuity in the books (especially in regards to Kate and Curran's relationship/thoughts about each other) that plague some of the stories (especially up through Magic Strikes). I tend to ignore them because I know and remember that these POV scenes weren't written at the time the books were written. Most of them were written months or even years later. They were not written in order. They were fun little snippets meant to entertain. The inconsistencies only really stand out when reading them concurrent with the main books in the series.

And they do entertain. I enjoy the extra bits we get in these scenes. And "Awake" is a must read. If you ever were disappointed by how Magic Bleeds ended without knowing what happened at that Council meeting....then you've got to read this.

Really fun - Reading some of the favorite scenes from Curran's POV is awesome. Plus I really enjoy seeing the scenes that we never got to see before, like the couple of things that happen at the end of Magic Bleeds.

Now I just want to get some more scenes from his POV to read :)

Free on Ilona Andrews website!

Click the link: http://www.ilona-andrews.com/give-awa...
Profile Image for Renegade ♥.
1,339 reviews
April 9, 2019
4 1/2 to 5 stars

Definitely recommended to those of you who are currently enjoying the Kate Daniels series and/or those who have already read it, but haven't had a chance to read Curran's POV yet!

(Some of these stories/scenes/excerpts had their own GR listing available to post a review/comments whereas others didn't - so I compiled all of them here with excerpts, my ratings, and links where applicable.)

These are listed in reading order:

Excerpt from Unicorn Lane
(Scene from "Magic Bites", Book 1)

Excerpt from Fernando's
(Restaurant Scene from "Magic Bites", Book 1)

Excerpt from Soup - 4 1/2 stars
(Scene from "Magic Burns", Book #2)

Excerpt from Midnight Games - 5 stars
(Scene from "Magic Strikes", Book #3)

Excerpt from Hot Tub
(Scene from "Magic Strikes", Book #3)

Excerpt from Kate's Origin (Other Title: Kate's Daddy)
(Scene takes place between "Magic Strikes", Book #3 & "Magic Bleeds", Book #4)

Excerpt from Naked Dinner
(Scene takes between "Magic Strikes", Book #3 & "Magic Bleeds", Book #4)

Excerpt from Conclave - 4 1/2 stars
(Scene from "Magic Bleeds", Book #4)

Excerpt from Awake (Other Title: Fathers and Sons)
(Scene takes place at the end of "Magic Bleeds", Book #4)


For those of you who might be interested:

Curran POV Series Info on Goodreads

Curran POV Collection (Free download)
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,817 reviews1,614 followers
July 24, 2014
You can get this lovely collection for free from the Ilona Andrews site, get it now and read a few as you read through the series or wait until the end and then read them all at once either way is fun fun fun.


This is seven different scenes show through Currans PoV. I loved getting into the beast lords head. But I’ve decided that a picture is worth a thousand words for the review.

Unicorn Lane Book 1

 photo kittykitty_zpsc6e8a113.jpg

Fernando's Book 1

Kate on a date with Crest
 photo milkashx_zps988d8943.jpg

Soup Book 2

One of my favorite scenes on the re-read. What was Curran thinking when he decided to feed Kate the soup.
 photo chickensoupashx_zps22fab730.jpg

Midnight Games book 3

Curran makes a deal with Julie. I love that little girl!!!
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HOT TUB book 3

Nuff Said.

hot tub photo: Maryland Hot Tub alexhottub1_zpsedb70454.jpg

Kate's Origin between Book 3 and 4

Curran is leader of the Pack and Jim has some news about Kate that is important to his furriness’s decision to court her.
 photo daddyashx_zps2e0b5ef6.jpg

NAKED DINNER between book 3 and 4

Short story about Currans day one the big day. Nothing seems to go right when you have big plans.
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Conclave book 4

Saiman thinks he can take on the big dog or cat as the case may be in a controlled setting. Little does he know he might have bit off more than he can chew.
 photo staredownashx_zpsb15a6dd0.jpg

Awake book 4

This was one of my favorites as it really shows why Curran is still top Cat and how he feels about betrayal.
 photo explain2ashx_zpsb64e1c93.png
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews230 followers
September 19, 2016
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
Oh my God. She was an imbecile, and I was going to kill Jim.

I have always wondered what Curran’s thoughts were when he first met Kate and it was even better than I had hoped.

And then when they met again at Fernando’s, both of them on date’s with other people. I loved that he was attracted to Kate, and a little jealous that she was on a date with another guy. I’m also very happy that he knew things wouldn’t work between him and Myong, and that she wasn’t the right woman for him.

This was nice, we were together, and so far we hadn't tried to kill each other. If I could just keep her quiet... Maybe if I kept feeding her?

The soup episode was hilarious, and I loved it.

Whether or not she knew it, Kate was mine now and I would save her or die trying. That is what I do, I'm the Beast Lord.

It was so much fun seeing how crazy Kate made him, that the intense attraction wasn’t just one sided. And that hot tub scene was awesome!!! With every little scene you could see his attraction grow and grow until it was something so powerful, neither of them would ever be able to stop loving each other. I LOVE IT!!

Profile Image for Aoife - Bookish_Babbling.
375 reviews399 followers
June 19, 2022
Who doesn't love access to alternate PoV chapters when invested in a series? 😇

Massive thanks to the authors for making this available for FREE to download - LINK

9 short story options - some the other side of the coin from Kate's scenes in earlier books, others happening utterly without her knowledge which lend themselves to explanations for reactions and where book4 starts 🤐
I was especially glad for the final story as it gave me exactly what I hoped for after that book ends 🙃

I read the later stories alongside their alternate PoV in the main series which was a fun way to do it - but honestly as with any novella giving another perspective; I think so long as you read it after the initial scenes in the main series you get more from it and don't accidentally spoil things for yourself 🤗

I particularly enjoyed the recurring breadcrumbs popping back up in new context..."here kitty, kitty" never gets old 😈 (Midnight Games chapter)

Thanks as always to @Kim for indulging my desire to read all the things 🙈
Profile Image for Vippi.
578 reviews24 followers
November 2, 2015
I'm a newbie in KD's world, but I fear I'm already addicted to it.
So I couldn't help taking a peek inside the Beast Lord's head.

And after reading the first POV snippets, I think I love Curran even more.

#1 - Unicorn Lane/Book 1
The first snippet re-tells Kate and Curran's first meeting from his POV.
She crouched with her hand out. What the hell was she doing...?
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
Oh my God, She was an imbecile, and I was going to kill Jim.

#2 - Fernando's/Book 1
No words.

#3 - Soup/Book 2
I should have known she was too stubborn or too stupid to die.
The real question was why had I been so worried? Why did I care so much if this idiot girl lived or died?

Good question, Curran. I can't imagine why XD

#4 - Midnight Games/Book 3
What could possibly cause a cat, a wolf, a hyena, and a middle-aged medmage honey badger to risk my wrath? I couldn't figure out the what or the why, but I had a damn good idea of the who. Kate Daniels, professional fuckup. (...) I swear her mission in life was to make mine miserable. She defied me publicly, challanged me privately, and, God help me, she bounced around my head like a bull in a china shop.

So far this novel is my fav. It offers a glimpse of Curran behind his "Lion King mask". The negotiation with Julie is fabolous too.

#5 - Hot tub/Book 3
I tough this scene was spicy, but from Curran's perspective it's HOT as hell!
God, I wanted her, more maybe than I'd wanted anything. But I had to be sure. You just never know. I didn't want her to regret it. I wanted her to want me.

#9 - Awake/End of book 4
AKA what you get when you pissed off the cat in charge.
Oh yes, Daddy's home and he ain't happy. Playtime was over.

The best part is absolutely the fight with Mahon:
"Still think she's worth it?" Mahon asked quietly.
"Of course. She's my mate."
Mahon sighed. "So you decided then."
"Do you think we'd be laying here bleeding in the snow if I wasn't sure?"
"Good point. [...] She'll never understand us completely."
"It's not always about you. This time it's about me. She understands me and that's enough."
Profile Image for Haïfa.
198 reviews197 followers
November 4, 2019
Actual rating: 3.5 stars
3rd read. Curiously enjoyed it way more this time around.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
Oh my God. She was an imbecile, and I was going to kill Jim.

Curran POV is a light and fun read. HOWEVER, it doesn't measure up to the main KD series and to Kate's perspective.

While Kate's POV is multilayered, full of flashbacks, funny observations and even philosophical cogitation at times, Curran's POV was rather flat and Curran felt quite shallow and one-track minded, especially in the first couple stories. Yes, he's egocentric, arrogant and full of himself but he's a lot more than that and these novellas didn't do him justice in my opinion. However, I enjoyed reading most of the novellas, especially his first encounter with Kate, the Soup and the Hot Tub scene, which was really, really good! I wish we also had the continuation of "the Conclave" :D

Anyway, all in all I enjoyed this read even if it lacked in quality compared to the Kate Daniels books and other related novellas. I only wish it had more depth and explored more Curran's character and motives.
Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,060 reviews192 followers
January 15, 2023
Nothing makes a reader more happy than authors considering our wishes and giving us want we crave.

And craving Curran? We always will.

Loved all these moments that held such a big impact in the series. Seeing them from Curran’s POV, just made it even more special. 💙

Read: 05/07/2020
1st rating: 5 stars
Genre/tropes: Urban Fantasy/short story/shifters
Cover: 4 stars
POV’s: Multiple-1st person (mainly Curran)
Will I recommend: ALWAYS Always Always💙
Profile Image for nicklein.
473 reviews81 followers
October 27, 2016
Reading from Curran's perspective was DIVINE. Cue my incessant squeeing in the background.
Profile Image for Cathy .
1,828 reviews280 followers
February 9, 2017
Short companion pieces to Kate Daniels, books 1 to 4, from Curran's POV. You can find the collection for free on Ilona Andrews' website. Read in order, after the respective main book of the series. Don't jump ahead, you will spoil yourself!

Re-reading the series with the Ilona Andrews Addicts, before 'Magic Binds' comes out in September 2016. Hadn't planned to re-read all the shorts and novellas as well, but changed my mind. Will catch up and then read parallel to the main series...

A bit spoilerish...

UNICORN LANE (Magic Bites, Kate Daniels #1): The famous "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty...". He sure is full of himself, isn't he?

FERNANDO'S (Magic Bites, Kate Daniels #1): Curran observes Kate at a date with someone else.

SOUP (Magic Burns, Kate Daniels #2): "You'd pull on Death's whiskers if you could reach them."

MIDNIGHT GAMES (Magic Strikes, Kate Daniels #3): In my head we always have these clear coherent exchanges, but once we meet, what comes out is "Kate, do what I say or I'll kill you." Her default reply is "Fuck you!" and we go downhill from there.

HOT TUB (Magic Strikes, Kate Daniels #3): "What are you doing?" I growled, wondering if she was just teasing or if she wanted me too. "Pulling on Death's whiskers," she breathed out softly.

KATE'S ORIGIN (Between Magic Strikes & Magic Bleeds, Kate Daniels #4): "It's like King Arthur, but Lancelot is a butcher and Guinevere is knocked up."
Big spoiler. Do yourself a favour and don't read this before Magic Strikes.

NAKED DINNER (Between Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds, Kate Daniels #4): 
"You're not going to make this easy are you?" "No. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value."
"So, what do you think?" A familiar voice asked from over my shoulder. "He's dead, Jim." "You're not as funny as you think you are."

Great fight scene!

CONCLAVE (Magic Bleeds, Kate Daniels #4), Curran walks in on Kate and Saiman.

AWAKE (End of Magic Bleeds, Kate Daniels #4): 
"Authority must be exercised at all times or else it is lost. They didn't have to love or even like me, but by God, they would obey me. If they had forgotten why I was feared, I would remind them. If I had to kill a few as an example, then so be it."
"Which one of you idiots wants to explain to me what the hell is going on?" With great effort, I raised my arm and pointed in Mahon's general direction. "Him."


Gordon's writing is not as smooth and gripping as his wife's, but Naked Dinner and Awake both have good fight scenes and make this little collection worthwhile.

Read for the 1st time in August 2015.
Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews425 followers
March 15, 2016

I loved seeing things through Curran's eyes. It adds more flavor to Kate's universe.

My favorite scenes were:

*Unicorn Lane
She crouched with her hand out. What the hell was she doing...
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
Oh my God, she was retarded and I was going to kill Jim.

*Hot Tub
We were not finished yet, not even close. I could still smell her. I remembered what she felt like. What she tasted like. This wasn’t a casual sexual thing. This was a mating. I would have Kate as my mate. Whatever it took, no matter how long, she would be with me.

“Still think she is worth it?” Mahon asked quietly.
“Of course. She is my mate.”
Mahon sighed. “So you decided then.”
“Do you think we’d be laying here bleeding in the snow if I wasn’t sure?”
“Good point.”
Profile Image for Trish.
2,285 reviews3,708 followers
July 1, 2016
This was difficult to rate. My experience with additional stories to a series, just from another POV, aren't that great. This, however, was pretty good. Especially the fight between Curran and Mahon (I only wished he had hurt him more because Mahon is an even bigger asshole than Jim in his best moments). Nevertheless, there was of course a lot of repetition and the one story (in Kate's apartment after Curran almost lost his shit thanks to Saiman) was NOT in it so I was sorely disappointed.
Also, there were two inconsistencies that I noticed and that put me off, but as I said, not bad at all compared to what I'm used to.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,258 reviews840 followers
September 6, 2019
I’ve been reading these throughout the series and have absolutely loved getting Curran’s point of view on several of the key scenes. I love having the hero’s POV and have missed it so this helped to ease my craving somewhat. I’d still love more. But I’m greedy like that!

Hero POV – obviously
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,630 reviews2,253 followers
March 18, 2017
Want to live through some pretty pivotal moments in the Kate Daniels series via Curran's POV? Do you enjoy novellas? Do you also like free shit?


You're welcome.


The first meeting of Kate and Curran from the Beast Lord's perspective. When Kate utters the now-infamous line, "here, kitty, kitty, kitty," what was running through this head?

Oh my God. She was an imbecile, and I was going to kill Jim.


Curran and Kate both on a date.. with other people.

Best line :

Her gaze lingered over Myong and slid back to me. I grinned. Yeah, my date is almost as pretty as yours, baby.


When the sneaky Beast Lord uses Kate's ignorance to state his intentions by feeding her. My favourite bite of self-reflection is this :

She was arrogant, impulsive, and failed to recognize my authority or respect my position. She challenged me in front of my people. If anyone else ever... But she was funny, sometimes, and never boring. God, it would almost be worth it to see her face when she realized I had saved her ass again. Actually it was quite a nice ass, come to think of it. In fact, my memory of the ass and its owner seemed to be remarkably clear. I got up. That way lay dragons.


When Curran finds himself locked in a cage before the Games he has some pretty hilarious thoughts.

What could possibly cause a cat, a wolf, a hyena, and a middle-aged medmage honey badger to risk my wrath? I couldn't figure out the what or the why, but I had a damn good idea of the who. Kate Daniels, professional fuckup.

Kate short-circuits my brain. In my head we always have these clear coherent exchanges, but once we meet, what comes out is "Kate, do what I say or I'll kill you." Her default reply is "Fuck you!" and we go downhill from there.


Anyone who saw me post-MAGIC STRIKES knows the only thing I could talk about was the hot tub scene. Hot. tub. scene. Getting this from Curran's POV.. I heard angels singing. And I may have giggled. A lot.

I had to warn her out of courtesy before I slipped out of my towel and into the hot tub. I didn't want her to faint and drown. Of course, if she did go under, I would be honor bound to pull her out and revive her. That she appeared to not be wearing a top did enter my mind. I'donly peek a little. I was a gentleman, not a saint.


Love love loved this conversation between Jim and Curran where most (all?) of Kate's secrets are revealed. We sorta heard about it in the main story, but seeing it unfold was amazing.

"Does she trust you enough to tell you who she is? Because if there is no trust, you know this won't work."
"I guess we'll find out."


I had no idea anything but the actual naked and dinner portion of this short would excite me, but then this happened..

"It's unlikely, but just in case Bea's teeth and ambitions are bared, be prepared." He missed the reference and I sighed. Kids. "Derek, stick with me and you'll never go hungry again." He didn't get that one either.


This novella was not naked or dinnery at all (obviously, I had initially forgotten the timeline) but it definitely explained why that night didn't go according to plan. Also, this was a nice treat :

"I have to meet a girl."
"Is she special?"


Jim, seeing Curran's confusion and heartbreak at Kate being at Saiman's side, proves he's the best kind of bro.

"I can make him disappear," Jim said next to me. "No one will ever find him. I can bring him to you in chains, or in chunks. Just wait. Don't do it in front of her. We can do it anytime. We've got nothing but time."


We were all alone. Just us, the snow, and the stars.
"That was a nice move with the jump," she said.
"You saw?"
"I saw."
I smiled. "I kicked his ass."
"Yes, you did. You need help getting to your feet, ass-kicker?"
"That's my line."

These two. <3
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,351 reviews1,236 followers
June 23, 2015
For a start if you haven't already read it this is a free collection of short stories that can be downloaded from Ilona Andrew's website HERE. Some of these stories have been available separately but as far as I know this collection contains all of the Curran POV scenes that have been written so far.

I absolutely love getting the chance to see inside Curran's head at during some of the major events from the series. Ever wondered about his first impression of Kate? What he thought when she sent him a saucer of milk? Why he chose to feed her soup? How about that hot tub scene or what happened the night of the naked dinner? This collection contains all of those scenes and a couple more and is well worth picking up if you're a fan of the series.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews147 followers
August 5, 2022
Curran is a very intriguing character. From the get go I wanted to learn more about him and the way his mind works. This collection of stories gave me that opportunity as it shows some of the pivotal scenes in the series from the Beast Lord's POV. Let's just say that he does not disappoint! Minor spoilers ahead!

Unicorn Lane

Kate has a mouth on her and the things that come out of it usually make other people see red. So I always wondered what was Curran thinking when he first met her and she decided to mouth off before she's even seen him properly. And it was priceless. Poor Kitty Cat, he has no idea what he got himself in on that fateful day :D


This scene was a bit dull in Magic Bites until Curran showed up. Again I was curious as to what he thought when he saw Kate all dolled up (or as much as Kate is ever dolled up). And what he thought of her date. I actually enjoyed this a lot more than the scene in the book as Curran's thoughts add a whole new level to the later parts of both the book and the series.


Probably one of the funniest scenes in Magic Burns. IA write the best dialogues and the banter between Kate and Curran is the highlight of the series. And while in the first few books Curran seems more of an asshole, here the reader sees a side of him that emerges much latter in the main series. Combined with a note of mischief as he tricks Kate into the first steps of their courtship and you have a perfect treat for a those times when you feel down but don't have time to really treat yourself with a full reread.

Midnight Games

So this was how Curran got out of that loup cage! Good job, Beast Lord :)

Hot Tub

This was so f@#king hot! I needed another pair of panties after reading it ;)

Kate's Origin

So it seems that Curran or rather Jim figured out Kate's parentage long before she found the courage to confess it all. I can't say I'm surprised but I can't help but wonder if Curran knowing her deepest darkest secret beforehand will come to bite them on the asses at a future point.

Naked Diner

I eagerly awaited this event in the main series and was quite disappointed when it never happened. And just like Kate I blamed Curran. So learning why, precisely, he missed this event of epic proportions (after all it must have taken a lot for Kate to actually go for it, I know that I wouldn't have been able to swallow my pride and do it) was high on my priority list. It had it's moments but I'm still sorry that the naked diner didn't happen.


This was so much fun :D Just priceless!


Sweet is the best word for Curran's behavior in this story. And a prelude to what's to come later on. From the moment I read this I knew that some events are inevitable. The fight with Mahon was fun and delightfully bloody!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 485 reviews

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