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      EducationInstructional DesignTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
Background/Context The literature review (Phelps, this issue) outlines tensions that can come about in partnerships and collaborations between P–12 schools and teacher education. With these challenges as part of the context, the authors... more
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      Teacher EducationPedagogyQualitative Research
Background/Context School–university partnerships, research–practice partnerships, and professional development schools represent three separate framings for the type of work outlined in this case study. These types of partnerships face... more
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      Public RelationsAttendanceLegislature
High schools are under increasing demands to ensure that all students graduate ready for careers and college. This is a difficult task given the ever-changing characteristics of the students, the colleges/universities, and the labor... more
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      EducationPolitical ScienceSituated
This paper will present a brief history of the role of service in higher education, and demonstrate its ~ffectiveness as a full partner to teacher education. We then focus on service-learning in teacher education and how it has enjoyed a... more
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      SociologyEducationService Learning
This paper describes several innovations to an early field experience emerging from a community, school, and university partnership focused on a middle school serving diverse students from low-income neighborhoods. With the primary goal... more
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    • Psychology