Pressing Matters

We currently have the following pressing tools in our 'catalog,' such as it is.  All pressing tools are made in Pennsylvania by JB from quality hardwoods.  They are covered with cotton quilt batting and unbleached muslin, where applicable.  They are currently being made to order.  To order any pressing tools, please send an email to [email protected] and let me know what you would like.  We look forward to helping make your pressing easier.

- updated October 2020

Pommel Horse Stand

Pommel Horse Stand - from end and slightly above.  This stand gets covered with 2 layers of cotton quilt batting which are stapled on.  The stand itself is made from hardwood that will help shape the sleeve head.  It is my understanding that this type of shoulder stand is especially helpful with tailoring.  This stand sells for $60 plus $20 shipping and handling in the US.

Shoulder Pressing Stand

These stands come with a removable muslin cover that has 2 layers of cotton quilt batting sewn into it.  This shoulder stand sells for $40 plus $20 shipping and handling in the US.

Wool covers, without batting are available for an additional $6

Multi-Point Pressing Tool

This is the mutlipoint pressing tool. It has many curves to get into small spaces and a very sharp point for getting into tight corners, such as collar points. The wood selection will vary.

We can ship to other countries.  Please let me know if you'd like a shipping estimate.  All payments must be received before shipping takes place.


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