π Need to convert a JS config file to JSON or vice-versa? Are you also very lazy and want a tool to do this for you? Welcome to config-convert.
You can install this package from NPM
npm install -g config-convert
yarn global add config-convert
config-convert -f <input_file>
-f, --file Path to the file to convert. [string] [required]
-t, --to What format to convert to [choices: "js", "json"]
-o, --output The name of the output file. [string]
--es6 For converting to JS, whether to use es6 exports. [boolean]
-b, --baseDir Set the base dir of where to start the path. [string]
Say we have a directory that looks like this:
ββ .eslintrc.js
ββ src/
ββ package.json
You have your .eslintrc.js
file that you want to convert to .eslintrc.json
Simply run config-convert -f .eslintrc.js
and voila! Converted and written to a .eslintrc.json
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