I'm a passionate, 18 year-old developer who loves to explore new technologies and build cool projects.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning redisson, kotlin and python
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any java related projects
- 📫 How to reach me: On Instagram (DM)
- ⚡ Fun fact: i'm currently learning "care worker"
- RedisQ: A simple minecraft server queue system built with gradle and redisson. 1.19+
- password-strength-checker: The "password-strength-checker" is a Python tool that evaluates password strength based on multiple criteria to help users create more secure passwords.
- LibraryManagementSystem: Simple console interface for libraries built in Java. It's around two years old as I used it for learning purposes.
- mcrealms.gg: My own minehut oriented approach with own minigames. Users can create custom realms, install mods and or plugins, and more. This will be a private project for now, yet to decide if I want to make it public or not.