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"Behind every great agent there's a great environment" -- DeepMind

Chris Ohk -- @utilForever

👋 Hello, I'm Chris Ohk. I'm currently working as an engine engineer at Momenti. I'm working on creating a Rust-based core engine and distributing / deploying it for use on cross-platforms such as iOS, Android and the web. I previously developed game contents and C++-based game physics engine for Mabinogi: Heroes at Nexon Korea.

I'm interested in various topics, so I'm developing various side projects in my spare time.

  • RosettaStone: Hearthstone simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning
  • CubbyFlow: Voxel-based fluid simulation engine for computer games
  • CubbyTower: Simple tower defense game using C++ with Entity Component System (ECS)

Also, I'm the representative of C++ Korea, a C++ user group for Korea and Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP.

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utilForever's github stats


🔭 I’m currently working on

  • Momenti Engine Engineer (Aug 2021 ~ Present)
  • Nexon Korea Game Client Programmer (Sep 2015 ~ Jul 2021)

🌱 I’m currently learning

  • Languages: Modern C++, C#, F#, Rust, Python, Typescript, Julia, Elixir, Nim, Zig
  • Topics #1: Computer Graphics / Vision, Game Physics, Game Simulation, Fluid Simulation
  • Topics #2: Compiler/Interpreter, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on

Pinned Loading

  1. game-developer-roadmap Public

    Roadmap to becoming a game developer in 2022

    Rust 5.6k 501

  2. CubbyFlow/CubbyFlow Public

    Voxel-based fluid simulation engine for computer games

    C++ 274 33

  3. RosettaStone Public

    Hearthstone simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning

    C++ 656 80

  4. Runeterra Public

    Legends of Runeterra simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning

    C++ 47 8

  5. baba-is-auto Public

    Baba Is You simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning

    Python 154 19

  6. PokeMaster Public

    Pokémon battle simulator using Rust with some reinforcement learning

    Rust 31 3

3,386 contributions in the last year

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Activity overview

Loading A graph representing utilForever's contributions from December 17, 2023 to December 18, 2024. The contributions are 96% commits, 2% code review, 1% issues, 1% pull requests.

Contribution activity

December 2024


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