A tab bar configuration for wezterm, this configuration is heavily inspired by rose-pine/tmux
This is a wezterm plugin. It can be installed by importing the repo and calling the apply_to_config-function. It is important that the apply_to_config
-function is called after color_scheme
has been set.
local bar = wezterm.plugin.require("https://github.com/adriankarlen/bar.wezterm")
NOTE: This assumes that you have imported the wezterm module and initialized the config-object.
The apply_to_config
-function takes a second param opts
. To override any options simply pass a table of the desired changes.
enabled_modules = {
username = false,
clock = false
NOTE: The default config requires that you are using a Nerd Font or has "Symbols Nerd Font" installed on your system so wezterm can default to it.
position = "bottom",
max_width = 32,
left_separator = " -> ",
right_separator = " <- ",
field_separator = " | ",
workspace_icon = "",
pane_icon = "",
user_icon = "",
hostname_icon = "",
clock_icon = "",
cwd_icon = "",
enabled_modules = {
username = true,
hostname = true,
clock = true,
cwd = true,
At the moment is not possible to pass in colors as option to the plugin. However since the plugin uses your themes colors you can configure the theme to get a different result. For instance, if I want to change the active tab background color I can do so like this:
return {
-- ... your existing config
colors = {
tab_bar = {
active_tab = {
bg_color = "#26233a"
Color option | Default |
tab_bar.background |
scheme.background |
tab_bar.active_tab .bg_color |
scheme.background |
tab_bar.active_tab .fg_color |
scheme.ansi [4] |
tab_bar.inactive_tab .bg_color |
scheme.background |
tab_bar.inactive_tab .fg_color |
scheme.ansi [6] |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file