I am a computer scientist that recently graduated from Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). As you will see shortly, I have vast experience in many fields and an unquenchable thirst for new knowledge.
- ✍️ Sometimes I write about my ideas and things I learned on Medium
- 📸 I love photography. I will release my personal website soon where I will display some of my best work.
- ♟️ I am an enthusiastic chess player with a FIDE Elo > 1800
- ⚽ Sportswise I like football and basketball and anything involving water
I always enjoy people stargazing, trying out or collaborating on my projects
What I do
- My bachelor thesis aims to be a contribution to automated transliteration from Arabic to German (aka romanization, conversion, transcription). Check out the result. It's also open source
- Privately, I am working on a German parser (I know it's ambitious) and on a detector for stylistic devices.
- I am looking forward to further advances of LLMs and the possibilities that await us.
I am mostly interested in following aspects of AI
- Anything natural language related
- Dynamic, structural and discrete machine learning systems
- Reinforcement learning, GOAP and other strategic decision making algorithms like chess engines or self-driving cars
- GenAI, especially in the context of Cooperative GenAI for Music which I deeply researched during a seminar on computational musicology at the University of Helsinki supervised by Kjell Lemström
I am currently working on a novel approach to OCR to make it more robust to linear transformations like translation, skews and rotation.
Robotics is actually how I first started "coding" at the age of nine. At that time, the tasks were simple: avoiding obstacles, following a line or navigating a maze. Nowadays, I am interested in working on the real stuff.
- At FaSTTUBe at TU Berlin I am working on building autonomous racing cars. I am mostly interested in the observation and merging of past and present data from various sources into a single, constantly updating but still stable, model of the surrounding world, the high-level long-term decision-making using this world model, and how to actuate these strategic plans in short-term actions.
- As an intern at Dronesperhour, I had the opportunity to develop new drones. There, I extensively programmed on a Raspberry Pi.
- I took "Introduction to IoT" at the University of Helsinki where I learned the most important concepts of the Internet of Things
- In the course "Operating Systems" I went through the painful joy of building my own operating system in Rust.
- Built a lambda expression parser and evaluator in Python and Haskell (try it here)
- Built a simple math evaluator in Python as well, wrote about it on Medium and published it on PyPi
- Built a CSS parser on top of cssutils for Positron
- Many other DSLs
I started learning game programming with the CS50 game development course on edx using Lua. Then, I quickly made my first own games with Löve2D (Lua) and pygame (Python). More recently, I have worked with engines like Unity, Unreal Engine and Godot.
- Mastermind
- Sudoku
- 2048
- ... more in the making (I enjoy strategy, card and tower defense games as well as platformers)
PyGameRecorder published on PyPi
StateManager also published on PyPi
I am very comfortable with Bootstrap + JS, which works well for relatively simply UIs.
However, one needs to be prepared to change the default styles, else the page will have this very recognizable, almost boring, Bootstrap look -
I want to try out HTMX soon
I have also developed using React, three.js/r3f/drei, Next.js, Astro and PHP/Wordpress
I took an amazing class on data visualization by Professor Claudia Müller-Birn
I developed a 3D React app to preview drone missions at Dronesperhour
Built a Sierpiński triangle animation
Built a beautiful front-end for my bachelor thesis
I have built many other UIs with Electron, Tauri and Flutter. Some of them
Tut tool, a tool for science TAs at FU Berlin
Arabic converter an app for simple arabic text input with diacritics using a "Latin" keyboard
Jarvis, a desktop AI assistant
Podcast, an app to automatically generate a YouTube video from a podcast audio track, a background image and a title
My most ambitious and also one of my favourite projects is Positron, an alternative to Electron. It replaces all JS with Python and is therefore equivalent to a browser in a trusted environment which should make a lot of things much easier. Also, Python is just much nicer than JS, as everyone knows.
- I completed "Quantum Mechanics Ia/b" and "Quantum Computing". The final highlight was running my own quantum algorithm live on IBM quantum computers.
- Currently, I am doing "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" and "Quantum Crypto Analysis" @ FUB
- See me soon at Leap in Berlin
In the future, I would like to see quantum computing becoming a real alternative to traditional digital computing in certain fields like hyperrealistic simulations and cryptography, similar to the advent of the GPU. (I am also interested in the rediscovery of analog computing for AI)
- Python (my absolute favourite language)
- Rust (my favourite when performance matters)
- Dart & Flutter
- Haskell
- Lua
- C
- Java
Excited for Go, Swift, Kotlin and Scala 3