Project: 1
Email Application
Scenario: You are an IT Support Administrator Specialist and are charged with the task of creating email accounts for new hires. Your application should do the following:
- Generate an email with the following syntax: [email protected].
- Determine the department (sales, development, accounting), if none leave blank.
- Generate a random String for a password.
- Have set methods to change the password, set the mailbox capacity, and define an alternate email address.
- Have get methods to display the name, email, and mailbox capacity.
Project: 2
Student Database Application
Scenario: You are a Database Administrator for a university and need to create an application to manage student enrollments and balance. Your application should do the following:
- Ask the user how many new students will be added to the database
- The user should be prompted to enter the name and year for each student
- The student should have a 5-digit unique ID, with the first number being their grade level
- A student can enroll in the following courses: History 101 Mathematics 101 English 101 Chemistry 101 Computer Science 101
- Each course costs $600 to enroll.
- The student should be able to view their balance and pay the tuition
- To see the status of the student, we should see their name, ID, courses enrolled, and balance
Project: 3
Bank Application ( NOTE--MAKE YOUR OWN CSV FILE AND GIVE THE LINK OF THE FILE IN "class BankAccountApp" )
Scenario: You are a back-end developer and need to create an application to handle new customer bank account requests. Your application should do the following:
- Read a .csv file of names, social security numbers, account type, and initial deposit.
- Use a proper data structure to hold all these accounts.
- Both savings and checking accounts share the following properties: deposit() withdraw() transfer() showInfo()
{11-Digit Account Number (generated with the following process: 1 or 2 depending on Savings or Checking, last two digits of SSN, unique 5-digit number, and random 3-digit number)}
- Savings Account holders are given a Safety Deposit Box, identified by a 3-digit number and accessed with a 4-digit code.
- Checking Account holders are assigned a Debit Card with a 12-digit number and 4-digit PIN.
- Both accounts will use an interface that determines the base interest rate. Savings accounts will use .25 points less than the base rate. Checking accounts will use 15% of the base rate.
- The Show-Info method should reveal relevant account information as well as information specific to the Checking account or Savings account