An Expansion board for the Jupiter-II computer
- Video color: 16 colors, RGB output
- Programmable Sound Generator
- 128K RAM: paged
- 16K ROM: FORTH vocabulary extension
- Serial Interface
CYAN BORDER ( Change screen border color )
WHITE PAPER ( Set char background color )
BLUE DARK INK ( Set char foreground color )
CLS 10 8 AT 16 0
COLORBAR ( Show a colorfull bar )
0 FONT ( select alternative character set )
1 FONT ( select original character set )
0 SCREEN ( select screen page 0 )
1 SCREEN ( select screen page 1 )
0 MPAGE ( select memory page 0 )
3 MPAGE ( select memory page 3 )
200 0 PSG!
254 7 PSG!
16 8 PSG!
20 12 PSG!
1 13 PSG!
8 6 PSG!
247 7 PSG!
16 8 PSG!
20 12 PSG!
1 13 PSG!
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
CREATE BUFFER 256 ALLOT ( Create and Allocate a memory space to work )
: CLRBUF BUFFER 256 32 FILL ; ( Clear Buffer )
: PRTBUF CR 256 0 DO BUFFER I + EMIT LOOP CR ; ( Print Buffer )
9600 BAUD ( set communication baud rate )
CLRBUF ( Clear Buffer )
BUFFER 256 RX ( Receive 256 bytes from serial line )
PRTBUF ( View received data )
BUFFER 256 TX ( Transmit 256 bytes over serial line )
Note: use Space key to abort communication if needed
The extended vocabulary is copied from XROM to a unused 1K RAM area at $3000-$33FF of Jupiter-II during initialization. That allows safe memory paging while keeping the extra Words accessible.
COUNT ( addr -- addr+1 c ) Extract String length
+! ( n addr -- ) Add 'n' to 'addr' variable
? ( addr -- ) Print variable value
CMOVE ( addr1 addr2 n -- ) Copy 'n' bytes from 'addr1' to 'addr2'
FILL ( addr n c -- ) Fill 'n' bytes with 'c' starting from 'addr'
DEPTH ( -- n ) Data Stack Depth
HEX ( -- ) Set numeric base to Hexadecimal
PSG! ( c reg -- ) Write 'c' to PSG register 'reg'
PSG@ ( reg -- c ) Read PSG register 'reg' contents
BORDER ( c -- ) Set screen BORDER to color 'c' , 0 to 15
INK ( c -- ) Set character INK to color 'c' , 0 to 15
PAPER ( c -- ) Set character PAPER to color 'c' , 0 to 15
BLACK ( -- c ) Stack color code for Black
GREY ( -- c ) Stack color code for Grey
BLUE ( -- c ) Stack color code for Blue
GREEN ( -- c ) Stack color code for Green
CYAN ( -- c ) Stack color code for Cyan
RED ( -- c ) Stack color code for Red
PURPLE ( -- c ) Stack color code for Purple
YELLOW ( -- c ) Stack color code for Yellow
WHITE ( -- c ) Stack color code for White
DARK ( c1 -- c2 ) Change color code on stack to a darker tone
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
BAUD ( n -- ) Set UART to Baud rate 'n'
TX ( addr n -- ) Transmit 'n' bytes starting from 'addr' to serial line
RX ( addr n -- ) Receive 'n' bytes from serial line to memory 'addr'
Avoid transfering to/from video RAM using video circuit priority addressing. That prevents transfer speeds above 1200 bauds.
- Video RAM from $2400 to $27FF. Use mirror addressing $2000 to $23FF instead (CPU priority).
- Character Genrator RAM from $2C00 to $2FFF. Use mirror addressing $2800 to $2BFF instead (CPU priority).
Note: Character Generator RAM is write only
MPAGE ( c -- ) Select memory page 'c' , 0 to 3
SCREEN ( c -- ) Select Screen page 'c' , 0 or 1
FONT ( c -- ) Select character set 'c' , 0 or 1
Note: System resets to page 3
bits: 76543210 76543210
R1 R0: ----tttt tttttttt : Tone generator A period (12-bits) 0-4095
R3 R2: ----tttt tttttttt : Tone generator B period (12-bits) 0-4095
R5 R4: ----tttt tttttttt : Tone generator C period (12-bits) 0-4095
R6: ---ttttt : Noise generator period (5-bits) 0-31
R7: ppcbaCBA : I/O port and sound channel enablers
R8: ---Mvvvv : Channel A Volume (v) and Envelope Mode (M)
R9: ---Mvvvv : Channel B Volume (v) and Envelope Mode (M)
R10: ---Mvvvv : Channel C Volume (v) and Envelope Mode (M)
R12 R11: tttttttt tttttttt : Envelope period (16-bits) 0-65535
R13: ----calh : Envelope Shape: Continue (c), Attack (a), Alternate(l), Hold (h)
R14: dddddddd : I/O Port-A data
R15: dddddddd : I/O Port-B data
R0..R6: Tone and Noise Period (Frequency) settings
t = 203125 / f , where f is the desirable frequency in Hz
Tone Range: 49.6 Hz to 203.1 kHz (0..4095)
Noise Range: 6.55 kHz to 293.1 kHz (0..31)
R7: Tone and Noise Mixer and I/O Ports direction
- bit0: when 0 enables tone A on channel A, 1 disables it
- bit1: when 0 enables tone B on channel B, 1 disables it
- bit2: when 0 enables tone C on channel C, 1 disables it
- bit3: when 0 enables Noise on channel A, 1 disables it
- bit4: when 0 enables Noise on channel B, 1 disables it
- bit5: when 0 enables Noise on channel C, 1 disables it
- bit6: when 0 set digital Port-A as input, 1 set it as output
- bit7: when 0 set digital Port-B as input, 1 set it as output
R8..R10: Channel volume
- bit4 : when 0 volume is fixed, when 1 volume is Envelope controlled
- bit3-0: Fixed volume value (0-31)
R11, R12: Envelope period
t = s / 78.769e-6 , where s is the desirable period in seconds
Period range: 78.8 us to 5.16 seconds
R13: Envelope Shape combination
- bit3: Continue: when 1 follows Hold setting, when 0 resets down after one cycle
- bit2: Attack: when 1 attack ramps up, when 0 ramps down
- bit1: Alternate: when 1 envelope shape reverses on each cycle (up/down)
- bit0: Hold: when 1 limits to one cycle and sustain final value
R14, R15: Digital I/O Port data
- Port A (register 14) controls PAPER and INK colors
- Port B (register 15) controls BORDER color and paging