Web UI Template is a modern, responsive, and customizable web UI template for your business. It contains reusable components, theme color, and design support along with dark theme support.
Deploy this template to Heroku
Create your UI with UI Generator Package
Use this repository as a Template
Install nodejs and npm via nodejs.org.
Check installed versions of nodejs and npm via running following commands:
node -v
npm -v
If you imported project into WebStorm you will see following run configurations:
In order to deploy and debug locally, run following configurations in order:
- install.run.xml
- buildLocal.run.xml
- startLocal
- startLocal.run.xml (uses local api)
- startLocalFromIPhone.run.xml (uses local api - accessible from iphone)
- startLocalToStagingApi.run.xml (uses staging api)
- startLocalFromIPhoneToStagingApi.run.xml (uses staging api - accessible from iphone)
- debug.run.xml
If you run WebStorm's env.run.xml configuration you will see following variables generated in .env file. Set them appropriately.
Check project's current nodejs and npm version from package.json.
To be able to generate brand color scales, we are using Colllor.
To be able to generate favicon, refer to FAVICON_GENERATION.md file.
To be able to generate cookie policy, use cookiepolicygenerator site.
To be able to generate or update localization, use updateMessages.run.xml.
Refer to OUTDATED.md to see outdated npm packages and update them with your own risk.
Furkan Yavuz π¬ π π |
Fatih Turker π¬ π π |
Mert Sarac π¬ π π |
Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md to see how to contribute to Open Template Hub.
Refer to CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md to see contributor covenant code of conduct.
The source code for this project is released under the MIT License.
Open Template Hub Β© 2023 |