- 这个主题的初衷是打造一个好用的、面向程序员的
- 轻松构建一个
的知识库,让你的知识海洋像一本本书一样清晰易读。 - 博客功能提供一种知识的
形态,并支持个性化博客配置。 简洁高效
,以 Markdown 为中心的项目结构。内置自动化工具,以更少的配置完成更多的事。配合多维索引快速定位每个知识点。
# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/oopanda-sun/vuepress-theme-vdoing.git
# enter the project directory
cd vuepress-theme-vdoing
# install dependency
npm install # or yarn install
# develop
npm run dev # or yarn dev
VuePress-next with the power of Vue 3.0 and TypeScript
- Uses Vue 3.
- Uses vite under the hood:
- Vue 3 tree-shaking + Rollup code splitting
VuePress' little brother, built on top of vite. It's currently under a different name so that we don't over commit to the compatibility with the current VuePress ecosystem (mostly themes and plugins). We'll see how close we can get without compromising the design goals listed above. But the overall idea is that VitePress will have a drastically more minimal theming API (preferring JavaScript APIs instead of file layout conventions) and likely no plugins (all customization is done in themes).
期待 VuePress v2.0 以及 VitePress 的正式发布...
届时,VuePress 1.x 编译慢的缺点将得到极大的改善。我将会视情况把主题升级至 VuePress v2.0 或 VitePress,也可能两个都升级。目前(2020.10.29)来看还需要一段时间才能让大家使用上基于它们的新版本,还希望大家多多 💖支持 哟,持续关注吧~
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