A Plug that adds fprof tracing to a web app.
Add to your dependencies in mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:plug_fprof, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Then use
it from within your plug/pheonix router:
defmodule MyRouter do
use Plug.Router
use PlugFprof
FProf will write it's tracing data into fprof.trace
. You can profile &
analyze this from iex
iex(1)> :fprof.profile()
Reading trace data...
End of trace!
iex(2)> :fprof.analyse([dest: 'analysis.txt', cols: 120, callers: true, sort:
:own, totals: true, details: true])
Processing data...
Creating output...
See the fprof documentation for more details.